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Prayer by Klarixiska (Bob S): Children of [[light]], here these words for your comfort. Let us pray. We seek, O Father, your way not our own, your will not ours, your truth not our [[truth]], your future not that of our own [[architecture]]. We seek only to be full sons and daughters worthy to be called your children. Amen.
Prayer by Klarixiska (Bob S): Children of [[light]], here these words for your comfort. Let us pray. We seek, O Father, your way not our own, your will not ours, your truth not our [[truth]], your future not that of our own [[architecture]]. We seek only to be full sons and daughters worthy to be called your children. Amen.
Daniel (Bob S): This is Daniel. I revel in knowing that I am your friend and teacher and guide. You make me proud. You are all seekers of the truth, and we, in our small way, take comfort and pride in being able to assist you in your search. I am not the major speaker tonight. We have made adjustments. [[[Laughter]].] Your earlier discussions have made us reassess our program for this evening and set it aside for a later date so that we can address what appear to us to be topics of higher interest and [[education]]al [[value]] for you at this time. I shall, therefor, following these words of greeting, step aside to allow our major presenter his time.
Daniel (Bob S): This is Daniel. I revel in knowing that I am your friend and teacher and guide. You make me proud. You are all seekers of the truth, and we, in our small way, take comfort and pride in being able to assist you in your search. I am not the major speaker tonight. We have made adjustments. [[Laughter]]. Your earlier discussions have made us reassess our program for this evening and set it aside for a later date so that we can address what appear to us to be topics of higher interest and [[education]]al [[value]] for you at this time. I shall, therefor, following these words of greeting, step aside to allow our major presenter his time.
Aaron (Bill): Hello, I am Aaron, your brother and a member of the staff of the Southeast Idaho Team. Relax, no exercises this evening. [Laughter and comments.] Yes, Ken, there will be other times, as we appraise the needs of this group, but this evening we have indeed shifted gears according to the unexpected circumstances which are a part of the pattern of life even for [[Morontia]] beings or spirit beings for all is not yet settled in perfectedness. We have listened carefully to your interactions this evening, and we congratulate you on your integration of [[truth]] as you are living it, reading about it, and studying it. You are wise always to use the [[Urantia Book]] for its intended use as a textbook of [[revelation]].
Aaron (Bill): Hello, I am Aaron, your brother and a member of the staff of the Southeast Idaho Team. Relax, no exercises this evening. [Laughter and comments.] Yes, Ken, there will be other times, as we appraise the needs of this group, but this evening we have indeed shifted gears according to the unexpected circumstances which are a part of the pattern of life even for [[Morontia]] beings or spirit beings for all is not yet settled in perfectedness. We have listened carefully to your interactions this evening, and we congratulate you on your integration of [[truth]] as you are living it, reading about it, and studying it. You are wise always to use the [[Urantia Book]] for its intended use as a textbook of [[revelation]].