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New page: MEETING WITH MICHAEL AND ABRAHAM ISOLATION. MARCH 6, 1995 See? I am not far off. I am MICHAEL. This may be hard for some to grasp. Why wouldn’t you believe or think that you are impo...



MARCH 6, 1995

See? I am not far off. I am MICHAEL. This may be hard for some to grasp. Why wouldn’t you believe or think that you are important enough that I would not be close? You are not so small that I would forget about any of you. You know not of your value in the Kingdom. I am here to tell you that each and everyone is of utmost importance in Father’s family. Not one is forgotten.

How can some think I am so far away when I make every effort to reach each child? What the Son desires and the Father wills, IS. Father’s will is to be close to each child. My desire is to know and love each child also. So, believe that I am in your midst, that you dwell not in isolation. We are so near you, we are almost becoming you.

You and your open hearts and minds bring me and my Father to this world. Yes, a step of faith and open heart brings me more close. I ask you to feel free to seek me, my guidance, my help, my understanding. I delight in serving my children. Worry not on past mistakes or mistakes yet to be made.

I serve with legions of helpers and hosts to this world. It may seem hopeless at times. It may seem you are alone. I ask you at those times please knock and I will be waiting for you. Please take a small step of faith, and I will tell you, I am not far. Go from this day knowing your Friend, your Brother/Father is among you. I leave you to Abraham.

I am ABRAHAM. I am in awe of the love that Michael has for you and all of His creature personalities. During this last week did you find the Son’s presence? When did you knock, during times of conflict, during times of doubt? Maybe you thought of Him during times of joy. I say to you, you would do well to always feel free to communicate with Him. Your own Indwelling Adjuster may guide you in the divine ways, but also I say, our Creator Father/Brother may help guide you in your ways of the human path.

Tonight I will say a few words on isolation. You who were isolated for so long, it may have become a habit, a way of life, thinking you were alone. You may have grown accustomed to the idea that the Father or Michael were so far away, but I say that is all changed now. With the correcting time your world has almost fully been re-incircuited, almost fully restored.

Now comes the great awakening! This will be mentally and physically known. This world will reconnect back with the Father and His Son. This is a most exciting time to be here on this world. You who may drone through the everyday tasks really have no idea about the underlying excitement we, the unseen helpers, feel. It is a great time in your history.

Many in isolation forget that they are really cared for. Sometimes the isolation is self imposed and friends and family maybe severed from a persons life. I say, do not impose this isolation on yourself or your world anymore. Just as an elderly person may feel unwanted - useless, they isolate themselves to drown in their own sorrows, until maybe one day a visitor, a friend, a family member, may stop by. They may ask this elderly person for advise. They may just show the elderly person that a visitor enjoys their company and once again the elderly person feels a part of the world, reconnected.

That is what I say to you. Christ Michael is that visitor to your world. He enjoys your company. You may need to ask a favor perhaps. He wants you in your world to once again feel re-connected, a part. When times are hard try not to isolate yourselves, but think to invite Michael to talk.

Can you think of one who may be isolated? Can you reach out and bring your visitor and this isolated person to just talk or help someone to re-connect, to be a part? This week think on this subject on a wide scale, the world, universe, and think on a small scale, such as one person. Until next week, Shalom