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==Wikidelic Pedagogy==
==Wikidelic Pedagogy==
Because wiki "windows" "bear the mark of the infinite" (Govinda 24), learning to pay attention to how we wyrd in wiki cues wikidelic pedagogy. As teachers, we can begin with a performance. A how-to: how to become a search engine for  rhetorics. While Gaian syllabi abound, everywhere, rhythmic traditions of the sacred provide clues as to how we might entrain everyday rhythms. These rhythmic recipes, these sacred scripts, at once both specific and timeless, open us up to asignification, and enable the navigatation of many degrees of asignificatory dynamics. They start with zero and proceed to One, via repetition. Repeatedly transitioning, reduplicating, chorusing, accelerating; but also decelerating, juxtaposing, jump-cutting, splitting, and also, perhaps most importantly, stopping and abiding in the lacunae of timelessness that perferate the dynamic mesh that wyrds weave when we affirm their irrational penumbra. Mantras, for example, have for millenia been a means for cultivating this capacity for alternating currents: for opening up consciousness, and for precisely tuning and stabilizing attention, as well. Boethius, forever dancing discursive around the infinite, steering between Providence and Fate, renders his vertigo vertical, into orderly strata. "All that is under Fate is also subject to Providence. But some things which are under Providence are above the course of Fate. For they are those things which, being stably fixed in virtue of their nearness to the first divinity, exceed the order of Fate's mobility\" (cited in Huxley 186). In order to narrate these degrees of difference, Boethius opens a space for us to suggest that sacred technologies for attending to timelessness and infinity differ only by incremental degrees, not in kind, from the repetitious hacking and ordering we perform in the service of time. This principle of repetition does in fact occur throughout our history of rhythmizing and entraining different found orders of vibration which "exceed the order of Fate's mobility," and manifests across all technologies for "yoking" body, consciousness, and spirit: yoga. So, the world's sacred 'scripts, prescribed explicitly for stepping out of time, nevertheless crystalize of logic for transduction across different orders of vibration, different bodies, including the grosser skhanda, and all media (cue Aristoxenus' rhythmizomena, here).
Because wiki "windows" "bear the mark of the infinite" (Govinda 24), learning to pay attention to how we wyrd in wiki cues wikidelic pedagogy. As teachers, we can begin with a performance. A how-to: how to become a search engine for  rhetorics. While Gaian syllabi abound, everywhere, rhythmic traditions of the sacred provide clues as to how we might entrain everyday rhythms. These rhythmic recipes, these sacred scripts, at once both specific and timeless, open us up to asignification, and enable the navigatation of many degrees of asignificatory dynamics. They start with zero and proceed to One, via repetition. Repeatedly transitioning, reduplicating, chorusing, accelerating; but also decelerating, juxtaposing, jump-cutting, splitting, and also, perhaps most importantly, stopping and abiding in the lacunae of timelessness that perferate the dynamic mesh that wyrds weave when we affirm their irrational penumbra. Mantras, for example, have for millenia been a means for cultivating this capacity for alternating currents: for opening up consciousness, and for precisely tuning and stabilizing attention, as well. Boethius, forever dancing discursive around the infinite, steering between Providence and Fate, renders his vertigo vertical, into orderly strata. "All that is under Fate is also subject to Providence. But some things which are under Providence are above the course of Fate. For they are those things which, being stably fixed in virtue of their nearness to the first divinity, exceed the order of Fate's mobility\" (cited in Huxley 186). In order to narrate these degrees of difference, Boethius opens a space for us to suggest that sacred technologies for attending to timelessness and infinity differ only by incremental degrees, not in kind, from the repetitious hacking and ordering we perform in the service of time. This principle of repetition does in fact occur throughout our history of rhythmizing and entraining different found orders of vibration which "exceed the order of Fate's mobility," and manifests across all technologies for "yoking" body, consciousness, and spirit: yoga. So, the world's sacred 'scripts, prescribed explicitly for stepping out of time, nevertheless crystalize of logic for transduction across different orders of vibration, different bodies, including the grosser skhanda, and all media (cue Aristoxenus' rhythmizomena, here).