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I am ABRAHAM. Thank you, our most thoughtful Brother\Father, for your personal touch. We will most certainly be aware of your personal touch every day. I am with grateful heart and overflowing with love and hope.
I am ABRAHAM. Thank you, our most thoughtful Brother\Father, for your personal touch. We will most certainly be aware of your personal touch every day. I am with grateful [[heart]] and overflowing with [[love]] and hope.
My friends, take not lightly the Master's [[words]], for we've tasks before us. Open yourselves to His nourishment, and ponder upon your courage to accept the Master's words. The kingdom is requiring tremendous spiritual effort. Self mastery is key. Look for the door, my [[friends]]. Call upon the Master. That is all. Until next week, shalom.
My friends, take not lightly the Master's [[words]], for we've tasks before us. Open yourselves to His nourishment, and ponder upon your courage to accept the Master's words. The kingdom is requiring tremendous spiritual effort. Self mastery is key. Look for the door, my [[friends]]. Call upon the Master. That is all. Until next week, [[shalom]].
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]