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The KONA COLLECTION - Kona, Hawaii
===Topic: ''Kona Collection, Part 1''===
===Group: [[Kona TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[SigEl]], [[Norson]], [[Michael, the Guide]], [[Michael]], [[Landor]], [[Ham]], [[Andrew]], [[Thought Adjuster]], [[One Without Name and Number]], [[LorEl]], [[Olfana|Alfana]][[Unknown]]===
===TR: [[Sonny]], [[Judy]], [[[erry}, [[Greg]], [[David]], [[Pati]], [[Unknown]]===
==Session 1==
Unseen Friend: The path is made ready for us to follow. Let us be ever open to our guide for if life pressures overtake us we can not pursue the goals which are our destiny. Quiet and more quiet to focus on the way of the Lord and He will be there to guide us. The moment, yes the moment is what should concern us. Let us be ever in the moment. It is our destiny to love one another. What else could be important? All things follow the way of love. Reach out to your fellows. They need you and you need them. The way is clear, crystal clear. Delight in the simple pleasures of knowing one another and service. Bear the fruits of the spirit, patience and tolerance. Love is the flower which grows from fertile soil. Water the garden of your soul. Drink in the beauty.
==Session 2==
Sunday December 13, 1992
SigEl: My light surrounds you and guides you on your way. Have not fear but courage for what lies ahead. Seeds have been planted, the flowers are appearing and soon the sweet fruits will be ripe.
The Start Of The Teaching Mission In Hawaii
It is good that you want to write this down. Follow your impulses. You know of the goodness ever present that is with you and will be a friend to you in your need. I have come to tell you of the good news of Michael's return to our planet. He will appear before you. The days are plenty but few (You like paradox!). Patience for what is needed. Be you ready. Our love will guide you and uplift you. We will ever be by you.
Transcripts from November 1992 to March 1993
I am Norson. I come to you in great power and joy. You are ready for this. Do not doubt. Open your heart and squelch the doubts.
Celestial Writers and Speakers Are:
==Session 3==
Early December, 1992
Unseen Friend: Fear not. Believe. The truth is ever advancing. Your mind is becoming more open. Time will become available. Priorities will become clearer. The stillness beckons. God beckons. Your spirit is ever eager to minister. The angels are always there, again to minister. The light will forever shine deeply in your mind. Consecrate your will. Devote yourself to these higher tasks. You will not fail. You have chosen to go forward. Step by step, as you advance in the truth, a great peace will fill you fuller than you can imagine. Have faith, these things take time. There is eternity. Let the love that you find inside flow through you. Use the stillness to give you strength in your dealings with your friends. Be friendly. Fear not.
Unseen Friend
==Session 4==
December 16, 1992
Sig-El: My light surrounds you and keeps you. I have come to assure you of my ever present love and guidance. Be not afraid but filled with the love and friendship ever present beside you. Love is the key and every guiding light. Your path is made ready for days to come. You will not falter. Be assured of this. Love those near you and fill their hearts with the love within you.
The time will come for all things to fit the puzzle together . Wait and contemplate its meaning in your life. The goodness which comes from your diligent seeking will bring much light to those around you. Be assured of your time and keep the patience that is needed for all things that will come to pass. The Father loves you and all in your group and his glory will well up in all hearts as you seek to know him.
Norson (Melchizedek)
Rest, your work is well done.
Michael the Guide
==Session 5==
December 1992
Unseen Friend: My peace I bring to you. You are the children of God. He is a loving Father. He gives you love and life. He is always there to guide you. You need only ask and the way will be shown. Your answers are simple. It will always be to love.
Christ Michael
==Session 6==
December 20, 1992
Sig-El: Peace be with you and with your fellows. The light surrounds you and ever draws you closer. The day is near when the planet will surrender unto the glory of our Father. Our associates are thrilled at the opportunity to serve the Father and Michael in these capacities. Keep the faith and new avenues of service will be open to you. Never doubt the overwhelming power of His love which spreads through you and reaches out into the unknown realms of human need. This is the way for all to realize the plan, by sharing His messages of joy, good will and friendship. As you receive, reach out to extend the Father's loving light to shine out in all its glory to those who hunger for its warmth and healing rays. I say to you, nothing is impossible in the service paths of the Almighty, All-knowing Father of all bounteous and never ending joyful service.
Landor (Finaliter)
I am Norson. I come to you in great power and glory. You are blessed beyond your highest hopes.
I am Norson. Your loving and ever faithful teacher. My light is near at all times and my messages will begin as you have in your hearts longed for. Your group is unique and not seen to be lacking.
The glory of our Father is ever present and abides in all your hearts. Seek to be faithful to your ever present adjuster, who without fail, dwells in the very center of your being and seeks unfailingly to uplift your thoughts and lead you into new channels of growing and expanding service. The time is nearing and the excitement grows for us all. We are in tune to the desires of Michael, our Brother/Father of inexpressible power and love.
Thought Adjuster
His mercy is the door to ever open paths of eternal service and fulfillment. Lead your fellows to the door and with arms spread open they will be gladly received into the joys of eternal bliss. The path is ready. You have much work and the time is here. Seek to know when opportunity is knocking and let it come in with full knowledge of what the Father ?????
One Without Name Or Number
Michael Love your fellows as I have loved you. Reach out for those in need and I will be with you now and forever. My peace and love are with you. I love you.
The TEACHERS (a Collective)
SigEl: As your teacher whom you are beginning to trust and love, I say with unfailing authority, you will share my friendship with your fellows. This will be a great blessing to all. It will increase your faith and abilities to have this inter-relationship with your fellows of whom we see have exhibited a desire and have made known the abilities to bring about the necessary commitment and love of service to be part of the greatest exhibition of power yet to be seen on Urantia. The time is near. The trumpets are hailing the glories of our Father's loving will to become clearer in all men's hearts.
==Session 7==
December 1992
Unseen Friend: Be a better parent! Just as your Father loves you, love your children. Listen to them attentively. Enjoy them. They have much to share with you. Be not foolish or sarcastic, control your tongue. Master your guidance to them. Be patient. They love you. Much will be gained by loving them more each day. Remember how Jesus was with the children. Be stern but not base. Again, control your tongue. You have a great opportunity, do not let it slip away. Live as an inspiration and an example to them. Above all, be loyal. This is what they will remember most, your loyalty. Be a good parent.
various Unknown Friends
==Session 8==
December 23, 1992
Unseen Friend: Patience is a virtue. It is not a gift but a fruit of your labor. You do not have it by chance, but by choice. You must dedicate your will to being patient. There is plenty of time in eternity for all that needs doing. Sometimes you must wait until the season for harvesting is upon you. Things do not happen for no reason. There is a purpose for everything. This is why you must wait upon the guidance, allowing your mind to adjust to the situation at hand.
Notes From the KONA Group to This Collection
You must believe in the final outcome. This is how patience is made easier, faith must come first. Then you wait, the answer will be forthcoming. Sometimes the answer is to wait longer and again faith, believing, trust will see you through. God's plan is unfolding. His children will rejoice at the outcome. Be patient and believe!
We the editors of the Kona Transcripts would like to present a short description of the history and circumstances that brought about these papers.
==Session 9==
December 23, 1992
SigEL: My light surrounds you. I am your ever present friend. The time has come for the doors to be open and the love of the Father to find its way inside. I have come to aid this group, including yourself, to adjust to the demands of the times to come. Rejoice! Remember the joys of your commitment. I am here for you and together we will iron out the difficulties inherent in such a path as we are embarking upon. Remember the Father loves you with the love that far surpasses the imagination of earthly love. This in itself should stabilize your faith and erase your doubts.
Our Kona Urantia Community dates back to 1971, when several of the founding members settled coffee and macadamia nut farms on the slopes of Mauna Loa just above the shores of historic Kealakekua Bay. As the years past, many UB readers from the other islands and the mainland joined them and soon many children joined too. Most still live here. Study Groups meet each week as they have for many, many, years. This is a loose association of independent like minded people who have truly grown into a community.
I am your friend and my name is unimportant at this time.
Our group became aware of the Woods Cross Transcripts in July, 1992. These were soon followed by the Will lessons, Aflana and friends, Daniel and Welmek. Then in November of 1992, we were told about the hot pen method of writing while in the meditation stillness. Many of us decided to step out in faith and see if it would work. These papers are the result.
Pray for understanding. The world will receive the long awaited shower of the rain of heavenly blessings. It is so and what is to come is a blessing beyond your hopes.
Also included in these papers are the transmissions received by Pati who was not a member of our study group or a Urantia Book reader, but overheard us talking about the hot pen method, tried it, and as you can see by the results presented here, she was very successful.
Talk to your Father, live by the moment, glorify His name in your deeds. Look for the beauty in all you see. Remember what you know. Love your fellows. Ask for guidance. Seek to understand and have fun in all you do. The Father loves you and all his sons who are blessed to embark on this adventure with you and rejoice in our service to the people of Urantia and look forward to the days ahead with fond feelings for further love and growth.
All of us have come to enjoy the process we are experiencing, and we all agree it has been a positive force for spiritual change in our lives. As Aflana would say, "Try it, you’ll like it!"
Judy: What can I do to facilitate communications for my group?
As many of the transcripts were first recorded on tape, there has been a loss of continuity in some information received due to low volume or static problems. We choose to leave them in and hope that the general meaning can be gleaned.
Paraphrased answer: Keep practicing and believing what you know and the feelings of these communications. It will be clearer.........Couple, few (??) in your group are ready. Sponsor their belief, help them-assure them of the joys of what is to be had. Tell Jerry to keep on. He is greatly recognized for his sincerity and his long belief and striving. He is to be especially blessed in days to come.
Copies of these transcripts can be ordered (at our cost) on diskette or hard copy from:
==Session 10==
December 24, 1992
Unseen Friend: Rejoice in the dawning of a new day. Treasure these times when you believe without seeing.
William ‘Sonny’ Schneider
Soon this will not be the case. Soon you will see and touch your celestial helpers and gone will be the days of sightless struggle. Again, enjoy these times for you will remember them for eternity. Continue to seek the stillness daily, pray, worship, commune. Great peace will fill your life as you pull the weeds of falsehood and turn them into compost to be used to grow your vigorous soul tree.
P.O.Box 2159
Soon your work will be to help those who doubt. Let them see what your partnership with God has done. Let your love light shine. Encourage others to seek the Father, to meditate, to listen for His guidance. Remind them that He is always there, ever reaching down to pull them up into the spiritual life. His goodness abounds, His truth ever growing, and His beauty ever flourishing. Remember that each has his own path, that the truth is living and being personalized in a unique way by every believer. Be tolerant. Accept your role with good cheer. All are blessed by the Father's love.
Kailua-Kona, Hawai’i
==Session 11==
December 26, 1992
SigEL: My light surrounds you and guides you. I am ever present with you and beside you. Your longings are well recognized.
What is to come is a process of divine instigation and the realities of that which is far beyond your material grasp are in process of coming into your dominion of conception and are difficult to fit into your timetable of reality. The patience is essential for everyone in your group. The teachings which are available are beyond what one can immediately process.
Transcript 1
Love your fellows. Serve the needy. Help those who long for that peace which you are able to feel in your hearts and ever long for more and more of that understanding of that feeling in your heart as the days go by.
The kindness and compassion, the devotion to the supernal realities. Hold fast to your faith. Seek me as your friend. The days go well. The Father never rests in his quest for your perfection. What a task for you to fulfill as you go about your daily duties and seek the ever present joy that is provided for all. The peace that passes all understanding is available to you. Moment by moment, step by step, you may realize this in your life.
Date: ??
Be Joyful! I am ever present with you. You know the feeling. I am ever ready to guide you onward and upward in new paths of perfection. Listen to me when you can. Will this in yourself. You have been doing well. Keep up the good work. The path is there, the joys are plenty. The Lord knows the way. His light shines for you and those around you. Look for his light. I love you. I am your friend. Don't be shy. Let your light shine and those around you will join in your parade of the glories of heaven. Love the children. They are truly your blessing. They love you with unquestionable faith. Learn from them and rejoice in their pleasures. Keep the faith. Spread His love. Make it available to all. Do not doubt these words for they will guide you to the heavenly staircase of divine love. Follow its steps and bask in its light. Love is the greatest single tool for the people of Urantia . It's contagious.
Unseen Friend:
Do not doubt or put limits on your friends. They know the way. It is becoming clearer for all to see. Pray for the way to become clearer. You should tape what I say if you can. Share it with others. Don't make it another job. Rejoice in the beauties of His work. Enjoy your life. It is full of surprises and joys of service. Take time to rest. This is very important and easily overlooked by all due to your amazing lifestyles. Keep simple and love the glories of giving to all who ask.
The path is made ready for us to follow. Let us be ever open to our guide for if life pressures overtake us we can not pursue the goals which are our destiny. Quiet and more quiet to focus on the way of the Lord and He will be there to guide us. The moment, yes the moment is what should concern us. Let us be ever in the moment. It is our destiny to love one another. What else could be important? All things follow the way of love. Reach out to your fellows. They need you and you need them. The way is clear, crystal clear. Delight in the simple pleasures of knowing one another and service. Bear the fruits of the spirit, patience and tolerance. Love is the flower which grows from fertile soil. Water the garden of your soul. Drink in the beauty.
In Michael's name-I leave you.
==Session 12==
December 26, 1992
Unseen Friend: Yea, though we pass from time into eternity, Love encompasses us and we are filled. Listen, the time has come for truth to be the most sought after reality. Let your light shine, fear not. Peace is at hand. Michael comes with great power, you will provide the power. You will be a part. Rejoice, this is a blessed time. The Universe is exuberant at the possibilities for Urantia and the other worlds that had fallen astray. Yes, the correcting time is now. Live in the present. Expect not the future, but keep hope. Remember to always seek the silence. Here you will find the answer, the guidance. Listen quietly, gently and allow the truth to flow. Now listen, there is much work to be done. The Father's children are looking for you.
Sunday December 13, 1992
You must be open to the opportunities to share His love. You must follow the leadings. This is all for the great plan of Michael, to reach everyone on the planet, to pull all back into the fold. He wishes to lose none. Can you not see the urgency in the task to be done? Rejoice at the chance to meet someone new. Take hold of each other and let the blessings flow.
Believe in Him and each other. Remember your beginnings, your destiny. Always seek the light. There is only warmth, only goodness. It is not a burden to smile, to laugh, to say hello. Show concern for your fellow man. He is God's child, our Father dwells within. The Father has willed great things, His power is behind this marvelous undertaking. His Love has freed the minds of those who know Him. He reaches out as I reach out, to let you feel the grasp of love. (I am grateful) Our Father, we are grateful.
My light surrounds you and guides you on your way. Have not fear but courage for what lies ahead. Seeds have been planted, the flowers are appearing and soon the sweet fruits will be ripe.
Remember, we are with you. We know your desires, we know you wish to do the Father's will. Have faith, keep on, it's easy, love to live - live to love, be poetic, enjoy the beauty. Do not miss the light. Peace abounds. There is great joy. Harmonize your friendships. Congregate, share, remember, pray, exclaim, rejoice, proclaim, decide, unite, enjoy. Yes, live your life ever in the present, in the moment dominated by the urge to do the Father's will. There is always time to consecrate your will.
It is good that you want to write this down. Follow your impulses. You know of the goodness ever present that is with you and will be a friend to you in your need. I have come to tell you of the good news of Michael's return to our planet. He will appear before you. The days are plenty but few (You like paradox!). Patience for what is needed. Be you ready. Our love will guide you and uplift you. We will ever be by you.
Hello Greg, I am glad to be here with you. Please tell Sonny that he should begin receiving messages soon also. We have much work to do. There have been many times we have tried to contact you. Wonderful things lie ahead for us all. Have faith and do not lose heart. We know this type of communication is new to you and it will take time for you to be able to distinguish your thoughts from ours with increasing confidence. We have many things to share with you and your group.
I am Norson. I come to you in great power and joy. You are ready for this. Do not doubt. Open your heart and squelch the doubts.
Seek the stillness as often as you can. Do you know what this is? This is telepathic communication. We are transmitting our thoughts to you and you are receiving them. It is the same voice you have "heard" before in your meditations.
Early December, 1992
==Session 13==
December 26,1992.
Norson Greetings, I am Norson, I bring you word from the Most Highs, we want to assure you all is going well in Michael's Kingdom. All is going according to plan. Keep the faith. Hold on to what you know.
Unseen Friend:
God is love, the Heavenly Father is love, love one another. Keep the peace. Try harder tomorrow/today. I am Norson, I am your teacher and friend. Be at peace.
Fear not. Believe. The truth is ever advancing. Your mind is becoming more open. Time will become available. Priorities will become clearer. The stillness beckons. God beckons. Your spirit is ever eager to minister. The angels are always there, again to minister. The light will forever shine deeply in your mind. Consecrate your will. Devote yourself to these higher tasks. You will not fail. You have chosen to go forward. Step by step, as you advance in the truth, a great peace will fill you fuller than you can imagine. Have faith, these things take time. There is eternity. Let the love that you find inside flow through you. Use the stillness to give you strength in your dealings with your friends. Be friendly. Fear not.
All will be made clear. This is good for a first try. Keep up the good work. You are growing much faster now. All is well. Farewell.
==Session 14==
December 27, 1992
Unseen Friend: Today's lesson is on perseverance. Be not discouraged by your limitations. Proceed with the practice, this will not hurt. Trust in God. He is not there to deceive but to fill you with faith. If the messages were not subtle you would need little faith. The Father has ordained these techniques not only for the benefit of Michael's plan, but also to allow you to exercise that faith. Be not disillusioned by your immaturity in these undertakings. You are blessed with plenty of time. Take that step of faith, feel the winds of truth, the gentle breezes of love that fill your heart and make you long for perfection. Lift up your faith sails and let the spirit fill them with power. Just believe and continue forward. Let the teachings flow, relax, you have opened your mind, you have dedicated your will, now receive the blessings and be thankful. Never let the doubts get in your way, seek the silence, commune with your Father, He is always there. From here, go forward, knowing you are His son, knowing He has blessed you with the knowing of His divine goodness, and feeling His glorious beauty.
December 16, 1992
Once again, persevere, be patient, but aggressive in the truth. Be open, share your thoughts, share your writings, for in sharing will come more assurance. Be not afraid of acceptance. Our Father accepts you as you are. Sing praises to Him.
==Session 15==
December 27, 1992
(Meeting with Judy, Connie, Debra and Donna. Asked to speak with SigEL.)
SigEL: I am your ever present friend and lover of life. I hold the truths of eternal glory at my fingertips. The blessings you ask for are already upon you. You are such beautiful children of the Almighty and Heavenly Father of us all. He basks in your desires and willing urges to be about His business. Do not doubt His love or the light that is there for your uplifting at all times. You are right in your seeking to understand the events at hand as a group. Together you can feel the power of His Divine Love in the ministry you provide for each other. The love and patience and tolerance that you must seek will be so rewarded that the effects on each soul will be overwhelming. Do you feel this love there for you? Share it. I am happy to share with you. Your company is the service that is needed. We'll talk again. His blessings are always with you for you to grasp. Ask for guidance. We are at your call. Aloha.
My light surrounds you and keeps you. I have come to assure you of my ever present love and guidance. Be not afraid but filled with the love and friendship ever present beside you. Love is the key and every guiding light. Your path is made ready for days to come. You will not falter. Be assured of this. Love those near you and fill their hearts with the love within you.
The time will come for all things to fit the puzzle together . Wait and contemplate its meaning in your life. The goodness which comes from your diligent seeking will bring much light to those around you. Be assured of your time and keep the patience that is needed for all things that will come to pass. The Father loves you and all in your group and his glory will well up in all hearts as you seek to know him.
==Session 16==
December 28, 1992 am
SigEl: You have many concerns on your mind. Let them go. All will work for the good. Be not afraid. Go about your work and ever feel my presence. I will not let you down. Have you the courage? You know you do. The details of all this will find their place. You are certainly blessed. You can feel this. This is your present.
Rest, your work is well done.
You need to care for yourself. Others have their work to do, you have yours. The concerns of the day are minor. Really! Share your joy. You will know. You do know. Take my hand, I will lead you. Listen as you go about your day. Have faith and it will be rewarded. Let others in. Feel that which is there for you. Your angels are busy. Don't deny them, love them. Bring in to your being the presence offered to aid your well being. The task is abounding in power. Hold my hand. Seek the time to-------------
This is for you.
December 1992
The deepest darkness of the night
Unseen Friend:
Cannot hide His glorious light.
My peace I bring to you. You are the children of God. He is a loving Father. He gives you love and life. He is always there to guide you. You need only ask and the way will be shown. Your answers are simple. It will always be to love.
Seek to find within your mind
The secrets of the endless kind.
December 20, 1992
Love and Peace for you abound
It's waiting quietly to be found.
Peace be with you and with your fellows. The light surrounds you and ever draws you closer. The day is near when the planet will surrender unto the glory of our Father. Our associates are thrilled at the opportunity to serve the Father and Michael in these capacities. Keep the faith and new avenues of service will be open to you. Never doubt the overwhelming power of His love which spreads through you and reaches out into the unknown realms of human need. This is the way for all to realize the plan, by sharing His messages of joy, good will and friendship. As you receive, reach out to extend the Father's loving light to shine out in all its glory to those who hunger for its warmth and healing rays. I say to you, nothing is impossible in the service paths of the Almighty, All-knowing Father of all bounteous and never ending joyful service.
(Judy: Thank you SigEL)
I am Norson. I come to you in great power and glory. You are blessed beyond your highest hopes.
==Session 17==
December 28, 1992 pm
SigEL: My light surrounds you and draws you nearer. Peace be with you. Rest assured in the plan of the heavenly hosts. You wish a teaching.
I am Norson. Your loving and ever faithful teacher. My light is near at all times and my messages will begin as you have in your hearts longed for. Your group is unique and not seen to be lacking.
The garden of life is vast. Plant your seeds and water them diligently. Allow others in your garden. The weeds will need to be pulled, the soil cultivated and the plants nourished.
The glory of our Father is ever present and abides in all your hearts. Seek to be faithful to your ever present adjuster, who without fail, dwells in the very center of your being and seeks unfailingly to uplift your thoughts and lead you into new channels of growing and expanding service. The time is nearing and the excitement grows for us all. We are in tune to the desires of Michael, our Brother/Father of inexpressible power and love.
Did you like my poem? I can only give you what you desire. Spark your enthusiasm. The time is here. The flowers of friendship will unite you as you care for them together. You have strength but it needs nourishing and ever will the days go by when the food for thought will be provided for you.
His mercy is the door to ever open paths of eternal service and fulfillment. Lead your fellows to the door and with arms spread open they will be gladly received into the joys of eternal bliss. The path is ready. You have much work and the time is here. Seek to know when opportunity is knocking and let it come in with full knowledge of what the Father ?????
Go among your friends with your seeds, spread them freely. Do not wait or the grass will grow. Love is the guiding light. Bring your friends together. Remember the kindness in your heart, it will not fail you. Do your work. You are blessed as we are in your friendship. Thank our Father for His ever present love and guidance. Tap into it freely and often. Enthusiasm and humor are your friends. Be content with yourself and others. His love grows and grows and you will, too.
==Session 18==
Dec. 28, 1992.
Norson Hello, I am Norson. I am here to help you along the path to the Father. You have provided the necessary equipment to allow us to communicate through you and use you to further the plan of Michael. Relax, enjoy the process and be confident in knowing that you know. All is going well. You will be asked in the future to do many things that only you are able to do, and this will be a great blessing for you and all your fellows. Be patient, we know you are willing and desirous to share with your friends. All in good time. You will see.
Love your fellows as I have loved you. Reach out for those in need and I will be with you now and forever. My peace and love are with you. I love you.
==Session 19==
December 29, 1992
Norson Listen, hear my voice. I am with you, I am Norson. Praise be to God. He is the Almighty. His love fills us to the very core of our being. You are chosen to be His servant. Your time is for the doing of His will. We will work together to spread the light of His Love. We will be patient knowing that there are many paths, some will hear the news with open hearts, others will be guarded. Many have opened themselves already and are receiving renewed blessings made available by the opening of the circuits.
Ours is not to judge but to rejoice in the truth. Believe, make ready for the dawning of a new awakening. Your planet is soon to achieve new heights in spirituality.
As your teacher whom you are beginning to trust and love, I say with unfailing authority, you will share my friendship with your fellows. This will be a great blessing to all. It will increase your faith and abilities to have this inter-relationship with your fellows of whom we see have exhibited a desire and have made known the abilities to bring about the necessary commitment and love of service to be part of the greatest exhibition of power yet to be seen on Urantia. The time is near. The trumpets are hailing the glories of our Father's loving will to become clearer in all men's hearts.
You and your group are forerunners of the great time. You have all recognized the presence of the Great Adjusters. You all have devoted yourselves to the doing of Our Father's will. Time will tell what joys will come from such a commitment. Your group is recognized throughout the planet by the celestial hosts as a special congregation of believers. You all have been led and have duly followed to where you are now. Believe that this is just further guidance that comes in answer to your prayers as part of Michael's plan and the Father's will. Rejoice in the great blessings you receive from the associations made available by this unique amalgamation of personalities. We cherish you all and look forward to further contact. Continue to share what you receive. You have been freely given, freely give. This is good. May your day be filled with joy. I love you.
==Session 20==
(Michael?) I am with you in all that you do. I am with you in the love that surrounds you, in the love which you share with your brothers and sisters as you go about your daily doings. Be assured that even though you do not see me nor hear more than steady sound, it is more than you shall need to pursue that service which I ask you. Be at peace with yourself and know that together we can accomplish all things necessary to the unfolding of the plans which I bring to this venture.
December 1992
I am ever with you and you need not concern yourself with empty fears that you give life to anything but good. Be assured that you are ready and have all your needs met. Be still and know. You have been being prepared for a long time. Be patient with yourself. All is well.
Unseen Friend:
==Session 21==
December 30, 1992
SigEL: My light surrounds you and ever guides you. Have faith my dear one. Listen with the ears of your heart. I speak to you from authority on high. You have no need to worry yourself with the feelings of those around. Capture yourself and feel the ever present love that will guide your footsteps. Michael is there to hear your restlessness and bring peace to your rising anxiety. Seek that which is precious to you and all things will follow, trust, openness , patience, and peace with yourself. The tides of friendship are high and the ocean of love is near for your pleasure. Stroke the water of kindness and float in the sea of goodness.
Be a better parent! Just as your Father loves you, love your children. Listen to them attentively. Enjoy them. They have much to share with you. Be not foolish or sarcastic, control your tongue. Master your guidance to them. Be patient. They love you. Much will be gained by loving them more each day. Remember how Jesus was with the children. Be stern but not base. Again, control your tongue. You have a great opportunity, do not let it slip away. Live as an inspiration and an example to them. Above all, be loyal. This is what they will remember most, your loyalty. Be a good parent.
I am your friend. You can trust in this and help those around you understand the tasks at hand. Fruit for the picking, sweet and ripe, is ready to be shared by those who would gather by the bushels the glories of His tree of life.
Pick yourself up and dust off the threads of doubt. Listen to your Father. He loves you. He will not hesitate to bring you the assureities of what you need to hear. The moments of the day are filled with His love. Let go and give them over to Him. Take His hand and run into the blessed fields of His pastures. You are His shepherd and many are the lost sheep to be brought into his fold. You know what he would have of you. It is the easier path. The rocks to climb are not there to encumber you but to rise you up to new heights of faith and understanding of his divine will. What a glorious task to unite yourself with His love and bring together His shepherds to sing together the anthems of His mercy and living inspiration for those who listen but do not hear. Unification of your group is your goal. You seek much but have much to live up to. Hold on to the love. It's power will magnify in your hearts. With the Lord all things are possible. I will give you a lesson later today. Feel my presence and the Father's guidance and devotion within you. Work with your angels. Love them. You do well and are not alone in your quest to reach the mountain tops of new hope and glory. You are blessed among men and only need to let go of the pressures of your doubt and let His light shine for you and thank the Father and be about His business.
December 23, 1992
I love you and as I speak our group makes ready to shower your group with blessings which you will receive and carry with you as banners of His ever glorious presence. Do not worry about what is to come. The way is clear and you must make ready to pursue the journey which will lead you and your fellows to your destinies as torchbearers for the coming of the Lord.
Unseen Friend:
His love I leave with you to surround you, uphold you and fill your heart. Talk to me, you do well. As always, SigEL.
Patience is a virtue. It is not a gift but a fruit of your labor. You do not have it by chance, but by choice. You must dedicate your will to being patient. There is plenty of time in eternity for all that needs doing. Sometimes you must wait until the season for harvesting is upon you. Things do not happen for no reason. There is a purpose for everything. This is why you must wait upon the guidance, allowing your mind to adjust to the situation at hand.
==Session 22==
December 30, 1992 pm
SigEL: Plant your seeds. Watch them tenderly as they sprout. The love is for all. It will be harvested as the days go by.
You must believe in the final outcome. This is how patience is made easier, faith must come first. Then you wait, the answer will be forthcoming. Sometimes the answer is to wait longer and again faith, believing, trust will see you through. God's plan is unfolding. His children will rejoice at the outcome. Be patient and believe!
==Session 23==
December 30, 1992
Norson, we welcome you to our earthly plane.
December 23, 1992
I Norson, come as a friend to you and wish your attention at this time. Begin to write.
In this time as friends we begin our relationship in your terms. We speak to you with consistency and direct manipulation of your Thought Adjuster. At this time we pursue those who are willing to receive our communications and who will transmit them to the others. Teachers are necessary at this time and you are a chosen one. You have always been a chosen one. Good. We find you transmitting quite nicely. As for our terms, we request you be willing to let go of understanding momentarily and transmit exactly as you hear. You will receive more information later.
My light surrounds you. I am your ever present friend. The time has come for the doors to be open and the love of the Father to find its way inside. I have come to aid this group, including yourself, to adjust to the demands of the times to come. Rejoice! Remember the joys of your commitment. I am here for you and together we will iron out the difficulties inherent in such a path as we are embarking upon. Remember the Father loves you with the love that far surpasses the imagination of earthly love. This in itself should stabilize your faith and erase your doubts.
As we see the plan now, you and your fellow patrons of Urantia are doomed to create a world full of hate for a short while. Yes the light will shine, yet it will have a shattered window to shine through. Our job is to minimize the injury at this desperate time. We can create a prism of the shattered glass. We understand its difficult to receive communications of negativity, yet it is a piece of the picture that must be seen. We will provide support for the highest good, of course.
I am your friend and my name is unimportant at this time.
When in dialogue with your fellow colleagues we will transfer/transmit information for their healing through you.
Pray for understanding. The world will receive the long awaited shower of the rain of heavenly blessings. It is so and what is to come is a blessing beyond your hopes.
Do you have any questions?
Talk to your Father, live by the moment, glorify His name in your deeds. Look for the beauty in all you see. Remember what you know. Love your fellows. Ask for guidance. Seek to understand and have fun in all you do. The Father loves you and all his sons who are blessed to embark on this adventure with you and rejoice in our service to the people of Urantia and look forward to the days ahead with fond feelings for further love and growth.
Pati: Yes. I wish to discover my own energy. Any suggestions and will channeling support me in this?
Judy: What can I do to facilitate communications for my group?
NORSON: Yes, inner knowledge is important. Your inner self is very wise. You have a special gift, Pati. You have the talent to see, of vision. Develop it and you will be of great purpose and service. Your own energy is that of the Divine. Discover this and discover your SELF. "Channeling" opens your channels for the Divine energy to come in. Whether it is us or some higher being of the infinite is all up to you. It is all the same source and in and eternal sense we are all of one nation. A nation of light beings that thrive on LOVE. Love is our uniting source and to focus on this is to know oneself and know one's own energy.
Paraphrased answer: Keep practicing and believing what you know and the feelings of these communications. It will be clearer.........Couple, few (??) in your group are ready. Sponsor their belief, help them-assure them of the joys of what is to be had. Tell Jerry to keep on. He is greatly recognized for his sincerity and his long belief and striving. He is to be especially blessed in days to come.
Pati: Thank you.
NORSON: Any other questions? We want you to dissolve your curiosity so you can remove blocks to your openness and create trust.
December 24, 1992
Pati: What is my purpose here and how can I be of service?
Unseen Friend:
NORSON: We understand you are a complicated being. Not all may understand you. Sometimes you feel alone. We can be a source of love and light for you, Pati. Reach to us and receive our blessings. Your communications will become more clear and the teachings more direct, when you are ready.
Rejoice in the dawning of a new day. Treasure these times when you believe without seeing.
We know that it is love that you want. Open yourself to it Pati, to receive this is very important for you. Learn to truly take in the good in your life and you will begin to receive much, much more.
==Session 24==
December 31, 1992
Listen, I am Norson. Be not afraid.
Soon this will not be the case. Soon you will see and touch your celestial helpers and gone will be the days of sightless struggle. Again, enjoy these times for you will remember them for eternity. Continue to seek the stillness daily, pray, worship, commune. Great peace will fill your life as you pull the weeds of falsehood and turn them into compost to be used to grow your vigorous soul tree.
Allow me to fill the openness of your mind. Relax, this task is for the benefit of Michael. This is a service and you know you enjoy service. Continue to seek the stillness, this is your strengthening time. Trust me and yourself, neither of us are interested in deception. Your doubts are natural, you struggle but you persist. You listen, I instruct. Your cup is filled with the blessings of the Father until it is overflowing. Share this abundance. Quietly, gently, patiently, take this good news to them. Their souls are hungry for the truth. Great peace is to be found in the sharing of truth. Your mind becomes more confident. Your heart becomes more pure. All souls wish to grow, this is their nature. They crave the water of life and the bread thereof. With this new knowledge they are able to become the selves they truly want to be.
Soon your work will be to help those who doubt. Let them see what your partnership with God has done. Let your love light shine. Encourage others to seek the Father, to meditate, to listen for His guidance. Remind them that He is always there, ever reaching down to pull them up into the spiritual life. His goodness abounds, His truth ever growing, and His beauty ever flourishing. Remember that each has his own path, that the truth is living and being personalized in a unique way by every believer. Be tolerant. Accept your role with good cheer. All are blessed by the Father's love.
Many stumbling blocks may fill their path, but these will be easily overcome with blessings of increased faith, faith that fills their sails of dedication to the Father's will. As the gentle but steady breeze of spiritual ministry powers them through their lives, they will be drawn to rejoice.
Their cups will be filled to overflowing, they will enthusiastically proclaim the good news of the gospel. Rejoice in this new time when the ministry of truth is heightened.
December 26, 1992
Share it, believe it, live it.
Go forth with a light heart to do your work, rest assured that in doing so, you also are doing the Father's work. My peace I leave with you as I know this is difficult for you. God blesses all His children. I love you.
My light surrounds you and guides you. I am ever present with you and beside you. Your longings are well recognized.
==Session 25==
December 31, 1992
SigEL: My light surrounds and draws you nearer to the perfect light. Our Father holds the key to eternal perfection. Only through the doors of enlightened service may one enter the portals of his kingdom.
What is to come is a process of divine instigation and the realities of that which is far beyond your material grasp are in process of coming into your dominion of conception and are difficult to fit into your timetable of reality. The patience is essential for everyone in your group. The teachings which are available are beyond what one can immediately process.
Soften your friends with your kindness. They will find the way and one by one be led into this service of our Father on high. Go with renewed energy and peace. I truly love you and feel the same fondness for our relationship. It is true that the answers come to those who truly seek.
Love your fellows. Serve the needy. Help those who long for that peace which you are able to feel in your hearts and ever long for more and more of that understanding of that feeling in your heart as the days go by.
==Session 26==
Unseen Friend: I am here for you at any hour, I am ever present for you to turn to and share your reflections. I am in need of every opportunity you provide to aid our growing together to support the plans which are being carried on most strongly and steadily in every part of your planet.
The kindness and compassion, the devotion to the supernal realities. Hold fast to your faith. Seek me as your friend. The days go well. The Father never rests in his quest for your perfection. What a task for you to fulfill as you go about your daily duties and seek the ever present joy that is provided for all. The peace that passes all understanding is available to you. Moment by moment, step by step, you may realize this in your life.
I am in need now of your strong heart to keep the love of the group focused on joint activities and common goals. Be not afraid to ask guidance in difficult times but try to rely upon the knowledge already stored within. I know you have the prerequisites to do right and timely acts.
Be Joyful! I am ever present with you. You know the feeling. I am ever ready to guide you onward and upward in new paths of perfection. Listen to me when you can. Will this in yourself. You have been doing well. Keep up the good work. The path is there, the joys are plenty. The Lord knows the way. His light shines for you and those around you. Look for his light. I love you. I am your friend. Don't be shy. Let your light shine and those around you will join in your parade of the glories of heaven. Love the children. They are truly your blessing. They love you with unquestionable faith. Learn from them and rejoice in their pleasures. Keep the faith. Spread His love. Make it available to all. Do not doubt these words for they will guide you to the heavenly staircase of divine love. Follow its steps and bask in its light. Love is the greatest single tool for the people of Urantia . It's contagious.
Be ever ready for the day you have long awaited. Live every day you wait to the full experience it contains. Be at peace in all things and it will be easy to accomplish much with little loss of energy. My peace is with you everlasting.
Do not doubt or put limits on your friends. They know the way. It is becoming clearer for all to see. Pray for the way to become clearer. You should tape what I say if you can. Share it with others. Don't make it another job. Rejoice in the beauties of His work. Enjoy your life. It is full of surprises and joys of service. Take time to rest. This is very important and easily overlooked by all due to your amazing lifestyles. Keep simple and love the glories of giving to all who ask.
==Session 27==
January 1, 1993
Norson: May the new year on Urantia be one of momentous growth for the souls of the children of God. I am Norson, I am with you to guide you, to ever instruct you in the paths of the healing truth. Always will I impart to you lessons that will uplift your mind that you might see clearly the pathway to soul growth. The Kingdom of God is within. The keys to the Kingdom are sincerity. These things you already know. Sincerity originates in the heart. One can feel it. Sincerity is manifest in your thoughts, words, and actions. To truly love someone, you must be sincere. Always allow the purity of the spirit to fill you before you act, speak, even think. Purity and sincerity walk hand in hand. Feel the blessings of sincere motivation in the reaction of those you contact. People are super consciously uplifted when met by a sincere greeting or a pure deed.
In Michael's name-I leave you.
Go in Peace.
==Session 28==
Jan. 1. 1993.
Norson: Greetings from the Most Highs, I am Norson. You have been called to service along with your fellows to be about your Fathers business. Be of good cheer as you help your fellows with the tasks that lay ahead. Fear not, you are adequate for this mission. Turn to the stillness as often as you find time and all will be made clear through this process. Doubt not.
Your teachers are near and love you very much! We will guide you and light your way. Follow our guidance. Much help is on the way and also available now for any who wish to utilize it. We will continue with the lessons as you make yourself available to receive them. Do not worry about your own interference, this will pass as you learn to relax with this process. Fear not, all is working well now. Hope for the best and you will see, all will be better then you can even imagine. Keep the faith, continue to meditate and seek the silence, you will find us waiting there/here for you.
December 26, 1992
The light of Heaven is now shining down on your planet and it will not be dimmed. Much good is even now occurring. Can you not see this? Of course. Enjoy your life, enjoy your fellows, and be of good cheer. This will be a marvelous year.
Unseen Friend:
Yes, this process seems slow, but it will not be long before it starts to flow. Be patient, be at peace, enjoy this process of growing in grace. Keep up the good works. Continue to support your fellows in love and light. You are of best use as a guide when you are at ease, so continue to have faith in Michael's plan and pray for His will to be done. All is going well. You are in the love and light of the Father and nothing of any import can go wrong. Continue to shine this loving light out upon your brothers and sisters and they will assist you also to be about our Fathers business. Do not hide this light away, just continue to share as you go along, as you always have done.
Yea, though we pass from time into eternity, Love encompasses us and we are filled. Listen, the time has come for truth to be the most sought after reality. Let your light shine, fear not. Peace is at hand. Michael comes with great power, you will provide the power. You will be a part. Rejoice, this is a blessed time. The Universe is exuberant at the possibilities for Urantia and the other worlds that had fallen astray. Yes, the correcting time is now. Live in the present. Expect not the future, but keep hope. Remember to always seek the silence. Here you will find the answer, the guidance. Listen quietly, gently and allow the truth to flow. Now listen, there is much work to be done. The Father's children are looking for you.
Peace be with you now and always.
You must be open to the opportunities to share His love. You must follow the leadings. This is all for the great plan of Michael, to reach everyone on the planet, to pull all back into the fold. He wishes to lose none. Can you not see the urgency in the task to be done? Rejoice at the chance to meet someone new. Take hold of each other and let the blessings flow.
==Session 29==
(Unknown): Your prayers are all answered at the time most appropriate to fulfillment. Your appeals are heard and known and given attention in accordance to their position in the greater plan being brought into action in our immediate experience.
Believe in Him and each other. Remember your beginnings, your destiny. Always seek the light. There is only warmth, only goodness. It is not a burden to smile, to laugh, to say hello. Show concern for your fellow man. He is God's child, our Father dwells within. The Father has willed great things, His power is behind this marvelous undertaking. His Love has freed the minds of those who know Him. He reaches out as I reach out, to let you feel the grasp of love. (I am grateful) Our Father, we are grateful.
You must have patience in all things, prepare yourself and be patient. The rewards of patience are beyond comprehension and will be felt as joy expressed. 'Though you see not now how the confusion clears, it will. (interruption)
Remember, we are with you. We know your desires, we know you wish to do the Father's will. Have faith, keep on, it's easy, love to live - live to love, be poetic, enjoy the beauty. Do not miss the light. Peace abounds. There is great joy. Harmonize your friendships. Congregate, share, remember, pray, exclaim, rejoice, proclaim, decide, unite, enjoy. Yes, live your life ever in the present, in the moment dominated by the urge to do the Father's will. There is always time to consecrate your will.
Greetings. You are doing fine, do not rush the process, it is not necessary to hear our words as sounds with which you are familiar, it is not that, it is other than that, it is thought made clear. You need not be anxious, you need be at peace without concern that you are pushing, relax and it will begin to flow in. Trust yourself that this is right, you will not be disappointed. Trust me and I will not disappoint you. I love you. Know how easily we can work together for the project at hand. All is well. Be assured my methods are most productive. I will work with you whenever you avail yourself. There is no rush involved in this process or anything we do. It is in time, and the time is right. Know this to be true and all is made easier.
I love you.
==Session 30==
(Unknown): Greetings, The subject of your lesson tonight is compassion. Sometimes when we see our brothers and sisters in desperate need, our reaction is to turn away so as not to have to feel their pain. But to be compassionate, we must look honestly at them and allow ourselves to feel what they are feeling. Only then can we be truly compassionate. The Master has said "so as you do to the least of thy brethren, so you do also to me."
Hello Greg, I am glad to be here with you. Please tell Sonny that he should begin receiving messages soon also. We have much work to do. There have been many times we have tried to contact you. Wonderful things lie ahead for us all. Have faith and do not lose heart. We know this type of communication is new to you and it will take time for you to be able to distinguish your thoughts from ours with increasing confidence. We have many things to share with you and your group.
So when you show compassion to those around you, even to those whose circumstances make it difficult even to look upon them, then you are showing your love for Michael/Jesus, and loving your fellows as He loves you.
Seek the stillness as often as you can. Do you know what this is? This is telepathic communication. We are transmitting our thoughts to you and you are receiving them. It is the same voice you have "heard" before in your meditations.
Only by feeling the plight of those less fortunate can we have the wisdom and ability to minister to their needs in ways that can effectively make a difference in their lives.
Compassion is the key to learning to love your fellows.
December 26,1992.
==Session 31==
Unseen Friend: (Landor): Rejoice, the Father-God loves us, the truth of Michael and the Spirit of our Mother nurtures us. These are great times, so much fruit is ripe, all await a new beginning, a time for true peace, a time for real families, a time for spiritual realities. Pray daily for guidance, for opportunities to share, to encourage, to love. Be at peace with yourself. Have courage and behold the faith-comfort that is there for you. Do not hold back, relax and enjoy. So many blessings are filling the minds of so many as to make your world spin. Go forth and give your blessings to your fellows. Fear not. Michael says "Fear not!". Educate your children. They are a great aid to your development. Seek the perfect peace and tranquillity that is to be found in the presence of God.
Reach out, share your blessings. Be enthusiastic, exuberant. Enjoy your language, communication is a vital part of the universe career. Impart the truth, exhibit the goodness, and enjoy the beauty. I am your teacher. I am Landor.
You can believe, just continue to write, feel my presence, you have noticed something different. Continue your progress, daily seek our Father. His ministry, as seen through the lives of our angels, is one of ever expanding opportunities to serve. More knowledge of angelic life is an important part of growth. Angels work ceaselessly to impart to you the ways of beauty. Service is the most beautiful of the arts as it is an expression of one's heart that truly manifests itself as growth of the Supreme. Angels always rejoice at the choice of a mortal which will eventuate in the growth of that mortal's soul. They are in continuous communication with each other. This being Seraphim - Seraphim and Seraphim - Cherubim - Sanobim communication. Relax, your angels sing praises now.
I am Norson, I bring you word from the Most Highs, we want to assure you all is going well in Michael's Kingdom. All is going according to plan. Keep the faith. Hold on to what you know.
==Session 32==
January 2, 1993
SigEL: My light surrounds and ever draws you nearer. Have faith and all will take its place in your lives. The lesson is on health and sanity. Put your children as a priority. Their lives depend on you for their nourishment in more ways than one. Be you ever faithful in providing for their needs as they arise. The tenderness which you can exhibit as mother/father can show them the paths of loving service. Take the time to tell them you love them each day at least once. You who are not parents reach out and show you care to all the children you contact. The children are important. A few small words can make the difference for the rest of their lives. Hold on to their pleasures as they hold the keys to unconditional love, the keys we need to open doors of unquestionable love for those around us. Feel your brothers needs, hold his hand, give him what has been given you..
God is love, the Heavenly Father is love, love one another. Keep the peace. Try harder tomorrow/today. I am Norson, I am your teacher and friend. Be at peace.
Health is but a shadow of your spirit. Healthy living is in the breath of life. Breath in the glories that surround you each day as you realize the potential of our planet in a state of heavenly bliss. There is much work to be done for all. Lift up your enthusiasm to a level un-before registered. Make the thermometer of your love register hot. Only love can be gained by sharing it. The Lord knows the way and he has sent us to share it. Hop on the bus that is headed to new highways of service. The opportunities await you at every stop. Praise the Lord, His goodness is ever abounding in the hearts of those you meet at every turn. The angels of destiny are holding up the signs that will hold the messages of love, friendship, caring, compassion, joy and peace. Take a chance to let someone know you care. Michael awaits you now. Will you catch the ride or turn back in fear?
All will be made clear. This is good for a first try. Keep up the good work. You are growing much faster now. All is well. Farewell.
Sanity is being about your Father's business. Sharing what you know about His friendship, and feeling His warmth inside yourself. It is there just for the asking. Ask your Father to surround you and feel His peace. He is ever there for you to feel and He is ever willing to give you words of comfort and lead you into higher and better thought patterns. Let His light warm you. Sincerely ask for the adjustments you need and ask for Michael's goodness as you reach into your sleep. You are blessed. Good night.
==Session 33==
Jan. 2,1993
Norson: The love of the Father enfolds you, the love of the Father enfolds us, the light of the Father shines upon us and all is well, I am Norson.
Behold, the plan progresses. All is going well. Hold fast to your faith. It will save you and keep you safe. Michael is near and loves you. You need fear not. He holds you in love and light. You should even today try and do the Father’s will in every moment of existence. Why not? It is the best way and brings much joy! Be about your Father’s business and all else will follow along.
December 27, 1992
I know you wish for more proof that this is not only you writing this down, all I can say is "you know that you know". Each day all will be made clearer. Have patience. We love you and know your future is bright. Just do your best, and you will be amazed at the results. How you try your best is to listen to your inner voice and follow its leading. You then can not go wrong, only joy can come of this!
Unseen Friend:
I leave you now, but hopefully not for to long, for I wish to continue this process, do you? Of course. Peace and love.
Today's lesson is on perseverance. Be not discouraged by your limitations. Proceed with the practice, this will not hurt. Trust in God. He is not there to deceive but to fill you with faith. If the messages were not subtle you would need little faith. The Father has ordained these techniques not only for the benefit of Michael's plan, but also to allow you to exercise that faith. Be not disillusioned by your immaturity in these undertakings. You are blessed with plenty of time. Take that step of faith, feel the winds of truth, the gentle breezes of love that fill your heart and make you long for perfection. Lift up your faith sails and let the spirit fill them with power. Just believe and continue forward. Let the teachings flow, relax, you have opened your mind, you have dedicated your will, now receive the blessings and be thankful. Never let the doubts get in your way, seek the silence, commune with your Father, He is always there. From here, go forward, knowing you are His son, knowing He has blessed you with the knowing of His divine goodness, and feeling His glorious beauty.
==Session 34==
January 3, 1993
SigEL: My light surrounds you and ever draws you nearer. As you go about your day be assured of the path that has been made for you. You know the goodness ever beside you that longs to bring about the days of our Father's will to be made known on this world of strife and grief. The pleasures of His love are available to you who seek. It will be made known to more of His children as this correction time is implemented and the hearts of His children are uplifted in accordance with His almighty plan. Seek the stillness and be guided by the fragrances of the flowers of His creation. The truth and goodness that blossom in your life are your assuredness that your paths are leading the way for all to follow into His heavenly kingdom on earth.
Once again, persevere, be patient, but aggressive in the truth. Be open, share your thoughts, share your writings, for in sharing will come more assurance. Be not afraid of acceptance. Our Father accepts you as you are. Sing praises to Him.
Speak to your fellows of His divine love that will join you together and the hand of Michael that reaches out to guide each of you to reach new plateaus of understanding of His will. You have heard the messages of our unfolding plan and you know His love and peace that will be a pattern for the children of this planet to follow. The doors are opening, the lessons are provided. Your group will hear these messages personally and hopes will be uplifted to their highest expectations. You will not be disappointed. For with the living spirit of truth as your guide, the glories of His love manifested into your lives cannot fail. We are with you forever. Our impact on your lives will remain with you forever as you go on into eternal service and your fondest dreams will become a living inspiration to bring about the peace of His living truth to all men.
==Session 35==
Jan. 3,1993. am
Hello, I am Norson, Peace be upon you. I am glad to see you are here again to plan with us. Yes, plan out your future mission, in liaison with our mission. You are a welcome member of our team, and teamwork is what we are looking for in all of the members of our corps. Try and listen closely as possible to what is in our lessons, and you will know what you need to do to be a part of our team.
December 27, 1992
First and foremost, seek for the Fathers in your meditations, this will be of most benefit to you all. Second; seek out your Brothers and sisters, so that you may all share what is happening for you in your spiritual lives. This is of utmost importance too! Third; love your brothers and sisters with a Fatherly love, for there is no better way to be. This will align you with Michael's plan, and you will be of best use to the corps.
(Meeting with Judy, Connie, Debra and Donna. Asked to speak with SigEL.)
Love one another as you know you are capable of and all will grow in love and light in your lives. Does this sound good to you? Of course it does.
Try it, you'll like it! This is Aflana , welcome to the Reserve Corps. You know that you knew. Be of good cheer. All is going well and is about to get better! I am here to help also. Be unafraid to call on me, as you have in the past. I will come if I am able. Yes, I am light hearted, I enjoy my mission very much, and I love to work with persons like you when ever possible.
I am your ever present friend and lover of life. I hold the truths of eternal glory at my fingertips. The blessings you ask for are already upon you. You are such beautiful children of the Almighty and Heavenly Father of us all. He basks in your desires and willing urges to be about His business. Do not doubt His love or the light that is there for your uplifting at all times. You are right in your seeking to understand the events at hand as a group. Together you can feel the power of His Divine Love in the ministry you provide for each other. The love and patience and tolerance that you must seek will be so rewarded that the effects on each soul will be overwhelming. Do you feel this love there for you? Share it. I am happy to share with you. Your company is the service that is needed. We'll talk again. His blessings are always with you for you to grasp. Ask for guidance. We are at your call. Aloha.
(followed by Aflana giving me a quick paced practice lesson on speaking out loud while she spoke to me. It came very fast, then ended abruptly).
==Session 36==
Jan.3,1993 pm.
Greetings, I am Aflana,
December 28, 1992 am
The love and light of the Father surrounds us and shines as bright as a star in our hearts. If you want that star to shine brighter in your life, you must strive to allow our Father to live your life with you. This can be done on a continuous basis if only you will it to be so in your life. You alone control your destiny, you alone will make that decision to do the Fathers will.
All the stars in the heavens shine out their light as a result of the Father willing their existence. How great is He? He is the greatest Being in all existence! and yet He wishes to share your life also, so that some time in the future , the two of you will be as one. How marvelous a future, much more so than you could imagine, I'm sure. So hold fast to your faith in these events and continue to seek the silence. We will talk again soon. Peace.
You have many concerns on your mind. Let them go. All will work for the good. Be not afraid. Go about your work and ever feel my presence. I will not let you down. Have you the courage? You know you do. The details of all this will find their place. You are certainly blessed. You can feel this. This is your present.
==Session 37==
January 4, 1993
SigEL: My light surrounds you and ever draws you nearer.
You need to care for yourself. Others have their work to do, you have yours. The concerns of the day are minor. Really! Share your joy. You will know. You do know. Take my hand, I will lead you. Listen as you go about your day. Have faith and it will be rewarded. Let others in. Feel that which is there for you. Your angels are busy. Don't deny them, love them. Bring in to your being the presence offered to aid your well being. The task is abounding in power. Hold my hand. Seek the time to-------------
You do well, my child. Keep your faith at these new levels. The mission is well under way and we are proud of your accomplishments. You needn't worry for the future. It is taken care of for us if we all join hands and celebrate our Father's will growing clearer for all men. Rejoice! The times are truly changing. With this message comes our devotion to you as a signal to you to know what is to come is in accordance with the divine plan of Michael who never rests in His pursuit of His glorious plan to bring about peace on earth to all men.
This is for you.
(Sometime later)
The deepest darkness of the night
Greetings. Love is that factor that keeps us going onward into new paths of growth. Please live each day for what can be gained in that special time. Hold up the light for those who would gain from the reflections that glow out and find homes in hearts of those who are beside you. You know of this and needn't be afraid of your imperfections. Rest assured in the power of His perfect love and the guidance provided you on new levels of existence for you and the ever present guide who is the perfect presence within you and anxiously awaits opportunities to express the love he holds for you inside. The power of love is what holds you and guides you. You have much to learn and this is what keeps you humbly on the doorsteps of the doors of new revelation of deeds to be done and lessons to be learned that will grow your soul.
Cannot hide His glorious light.
Yes, I say you are honored to hold this key to further revelation. Why do you keep resisting? This is your natural state that soon will be replaced by higher thoughts of revelatory insights that will beam you into new modes of insight into the desires of your soul.
Seek to find within your mind
==Session 38==
January 4, 1993
Norson: When we spoke to you last, you made a commitment to meditate. We support you in this endeavor and hope you will continue to be open to us. We love you and only wish you well. This is safe.
The secrets of the endless kind.
Greetings from Norson. We have brought you a lesson today. The teachings are of Christ. Our lesson is of speech and of correct usage of words.
Love and Peace for you abound
The correct usage of words: Today we speak to you of allowing the freedom of truth to come through the voice of the human mind. When we speak through you, it is important to allow your heart to open and to free your mind of your daily thoughts and concerns.
It's waiting quietly to be found.
It is not a question of worthiness, but of openness, and expression of oneness, of hopes, of dreams, of knowing who you are.
(Judy: Thank you SigEL)
We have come as assistors to aid in the bringing of light to the planet. Trust yourselves, know your inner being is of Divine Love. Know that we are one with you and bring you the teachings that will guide you to move forward and come forth in the coming days. These are important times for the stepping onwards, moving forward the evolution.....the time has drawn near. Continue to practice and you all will be teachers, bringing the light, showing the way.
It is important to let go of concerns for survival, for your needs will be taken care of. The fear is one of loss. For you, Pati, it is the fear of letting go, safety. We trust that you will begin to trust us and allow yourself the quiet time to know who you are, what you want to be, and who you will become.
December 28, 1992 pm
Begin to write again. (Pati does).
Our surrender to the Father's will has brought us here today. We are the leaders of a mission. This mission is to give guidance to those who wish to know the Father. You have stated this purpose in your life and we wish to assist. Do not concern yourself with worthiness of teaching for this will be a natural outcome of your practices. Yes, discipline is important but not as a rigid rule.
My light surrounds you and draws you nearer. Peace be with you. Rest assured in the plan of the heavenly hosts. You wish a teaching.
You are doing fine.
The garden of life is vast. Plant your seeds and water them diligently. Allow others in your garden. The weeds will need to be pulled, the soil cultivated and the plants nourished.
There is indeed a great deal to be learned, for when we surrender to the Father's will, we have given ourselves a full and embodied life, one of joy, one of peace, one of love and surrender. When our wills are in line with the Father's and we know what the Father's will is, we have an understanding of our own lives. When we understand our own lives, we come to appreciate our brothers and sisters and know the love that we are capable of receiving and giving to each other. Once we surpass the knowingness of the mind and the survival of the body and we are one with the Father, we are able to appreciate, to give and receive from one another without reserve. In this letting go, in this knowing, in this appreciation for one another, we surrender. We surrender to the Father's will. To know the Father's will, you must open your heart, open your mind, open your soul. The first step is in the willingness. The willingness to know your own inner self, to trust, to hear.......When you speak, you can learn from your own teaching.
Did you like my poem? I can only give you what you desire. Spark your enthusiasm. The time is here. The flowers of friendship will unite you as you care for them together. You have strength but it needs nourishing and ever will the days go by when the food for thought will be provided for you.
The darkness comes from denial, it is the pure and simple process of allowing the light to shine in on places that have not been seen. When you allow yourself to be open to receive the teachings then you will shine, then you will clear yourself of the densities necessary (fades off).
Go among your friends with your seeds, spread them freely. Do not wait or the grass will grow. Love is the guiding light. Bring your friends together. Remember the kindness in your heart, it will not fail you. Do your work. You are blessed as we are in your friendship. Thank our Father for His ever present love and guidance. Tap into it freely and often. Enthusiasm and humor are your friends. Be content with yourself and others. His love grows and grows and you will, too.
I release and let go and allow the joy to flow through in my life today. For life is a joyous thing to be appreciated and lived with the grace and the knowingness that God exists in our world. The fear is the illusion of waste and that knowing is a product of spiritual endeavor and that with this practice, with this knowingness, you can trust in the days to come. And now for the teaching on trust.
To trust is to know one's self. To trust is to love the Father. To trust is to be guided by the angels and to allow them to be of service and to serve our brothers and sisters with the love of the Father that shines through in our hearts.
Dec. 28, 1992.
I know that you have come to hear the teachings of the Father and that you wish to know the Father's will. Ah yes, this a life's endeavor! For making the wish is a good place to begin. The action, the experience, the knowing is where the trust begins. We fill your hearts with love, we grant you gifts of peace and wonder, not the material, not the success but the inner knowing that is the true treasure of the spiritual world. For this world is temporary and when you move on and when you know the other worlds, you will come to appreciate and know that the treasure of the heart and the soul are the true treasures. The true worthiness, the true sense of knowing is what makes one great. This is the greatness that you seek within, for within you lie the secrets, they are truly not secrets, but are of the love and the light. They are what flows through you and not what stops and ends in this world.
For what is manifest is manifest and come to an end, but what is developed and grown within is what will continue on, it is what will come with you and travel with you as you move on to our other worlds and discover the other beings that want to know you and love you and give you the hopes and the dreams that you so miss here on Urantia. For when you know the Father's love and you share it with each other, these are the greatest gifts that you on this planet will know. These are the treasures, the true treasures, the gifts the Father brings for the special place, the special place is within and with each other, and the special day, the special day is today. It is now and it is forever, forever with us, this spirit guide, this guidance that you receive.
Hello, I am Norson. I am here to help you along the path to the Father. You have provided the necessary equipment to allow us to communicate through you and use you to further the plan of Michael. Relax, enjoy the process and be confident in knowing that you know. All is going well. You will be asked in the future to do many things that only you are able to do, and this will be a great blessing for you and all your fellows. Be patient, we know you are willing and desirous to share with your friends. All in good time. You will see.
We wish to speak to you more. Are you open?
Pati: Yes.
December 29, 1992
Trust in your fellow beings, support each other. Know each other and share your hearts desires. Let each other know what your wishes are, what your heart would bring. What fills your heart with joy? Share this with each other today. Share with each other what makes you happy so that you may increase the power, the force, the positive force that will create this in your lives.
It is not so much the knowingness. The sharing is what is important.
Listen, hear my voice. I am with you, I am Norson. Praise be to God. He is the Almighty. His love fills us to the very core of our being. You are chosen to be His servant. Your time is for the doing of His will. We will work together to spread the light of His Love. We will be patient knowing that there are many paths, some will hear the news with open hearts, others will be guarded. Many have opened themselves already and are receiving renewed blessings made available by the opening of the circuits.
We will adjust you. (Pati gets adjustment and sighs a few times). Know that we care. Aflana leaves you now and with you she leaves the love and the trust, the beauty, the appreciation for life, the honoring of the knowing within and sharing. Farewell!
Ours is not to judge but to rejoice in the truth. Believe, make ready for the dawning of a new awakening. Your planet is soon to achieve new heights in spirituality.
Norson, wishes to speak to you once more.
You and your group are forerunners of the great time. You have all recognized the presence of the Great Adjusters. You all have devoted yourselves to the doing of Our Father's will. Time will tell what joys will come from such a commitment. Your group is recognized throughout the planet by the celestial hosts as a special congregation of believers. You all have been led and have duly followed to where you are now. Believe that this is just further guidance that comes in answer to your prayers as part of Michael's plan and the Father's will. Rejoice in the great blessings you receive from the associations made available by this unique amalgamation of personalities. We cherish you all and look forward to further contact. Continue to share what you receive. You have been freely given, freely give. This is good. May your day be filled with joy. I love you.
We appreciate and thank you for your transmissions and hope that you will continue to trust and to develop our friendship, for we know that you have the ability to share and to receive and to give this love to others for it increases your love by ten-fold. It brings you the knowingness and the joy that you deserve in your life, that you may know your own worthiness, for yourself and the Divine Father are one.
We bid you good-bye, farewell for now, and hope that in future times soon you will be with us again and know that we are truly here and yes you may see us if you wish. We do not come in the form of humans but we do come in a form that you shall know. The light will shine and you will know that our presence is here. You will see our presence. And yes, share this, my friend...(Fades).
==Session 39==
(Michael?): Our Father's LOVE encompasses all that you do in His name. His BLESSINGS are abundant. There is no place you can be where He is not giving you His full attention. His Love is living and lightens everything. He is ever present everywhere to be with His children, no fear is ever founded that He should not be here for you under any circumstances.
I am here present in every act you live out in my name. I help you when you need me, I answer those needs in ways most suited for the time, no call goes unanswered 'though the time may not be in accordance with your desires.
I am with you in all that you do. I am with you in the love that surrounds you, in the love which you share with your brothers and sisters as you go about your daily doings. Be assured that even though you do not see me nor hear more than steady sound, it is more than you shall need to pursue that service which I ask you. Be at peace with yourself and know that together we can accomplish all things necessary to the unfolding of the plans which I bring to this venture.
Perfection of trust grows in response to its use. Try to live each moment in the full belief that I am accomplishing everything necessary for the best it can be.
I am ever with you and you need not concern yourself with empty fears that you give life to anything but good. Be assured that you are ready and have all your needs met. Be still and know. You have been being prepared for a long time. Be patient with yourself. All is well.
Trust Me, that I will ever be working to bring your thoughts in line with the actions that are to bring about the long awaited plans for the rapid uplift of remaining darkness on your home sphere. Michael is busy executing his vision of his perfecting universe. You are truly blessed to be a part of these events now appearing on the horizon and growing more clear with the expanding light given for this purpose.
I urge you to persist in all your efforts to be helpful to the fulfillment of this ongoing event. My strength is here for you to share with each brother and sister that you recognize as in need. Do not be selfish, everything is here for you in great abundance and is impossible of depletion. Act accordingly. There is no wastefulness in giving all you have been given.
December 30, 1992
I implore you not slacken your efforts to work with me in this great venture. You can trust that I shall not. Be of good cheer, live the moment and love everyone with the sincerity of love you recognize I live as your Partner.
==Session 40==
(Unknown): God is good, God is great, He leads me to the still waters of spiritual joy. Have faith for He is ever present, continuously reaching out to fill you with His love. His kindness is never failing. His mercy is abundant. He accepts you as His true son, He beckons toward perfection. You will follow as your heart is wanting to feel the goodness of the life He has planned for you. Your doubts are like the stones in a running stream that thrust the water here and there.
My light surrounds you and ever guides you. Have faith my dear one. Listen with the ears of your heart. I speak to you from authority on high. You have no need to worry yourself with the feelings of those around. Capture yourself and feel the ever present love that will guide your footsteps. Michael is there to hear your restlessness and bring peace to your rising anxiety. Seek that which is precious to you and all things will follow, trust, openness , patience, and peace with yourself. The tides of friendship are high and the ocean of love is near for your pleasure. Stroke the water of kindness and float in the sea of goodness.
Your task is to paddle your canoe over and around them, and as you pass them by, you will feel the exhilaration of triumph. You have chosen to enter this stream of His divine plan.
I am your friend. You can trust in this and help those around you understand the tasks at hand. Fruit for the picking, sweet and ripe, is ready to be shared by those who would gather by the bushels the glories of His tree of life.
You must accept the rough water and the still water. What an adventurous journey for you and your brethren.
Pick yourself up and dust off the threads of doubt. Listen to your Father. He loves you. He will not hesitate to bring you the assureities of what you need to hear. The moments of the day are filled with His love. Let go and give them over to Him. Take His hand and run into the blessed fields of His pastures. You are His shepherd and many are the lost sheep to be brought into his fold. You know what he would have of you. It is the easier path. The rocks to climb are not there to encumber you but to rise you up to new heights of faith and understanding of his divine will. What a glorious task to unite yourself with His love and bring together His shepherds to sing together the anthems of His mercy and living inspiration for those who listen but do not hear. Unification of your group is your goal. You seek much but have much to live up to. Hold on to the love. It's power will magnify in your hearts. With the Lord all things are possible. I will give you a lesson later today. Feel my presence and the Father's guidance and devotion within you. Work with your angels. Love them. You do well and are not alone in your quest to reach the mountain tops of new hope and glory. You are blessed among men and only need to let go of the pressures of your doubt and let His light shine for you and thank the Father and be about His business.
Go in peace and let it be!
I love you and as I speak our group makes ready to shower your group with blessings which you will receive and carry with you as banners of His ever glorious presence. Do not worry about what is to come. The way is clear and you must make ready to pursue the journey which will lead you and your fellows to your destinies as torchbearers for the coming of the Lord.
==Session 41==
January 5, 1993
In these days to come, there will be many trials. We wish to give you the strength to become the leader you are. Sharing the love and knowledge with others, speaking your truth at this time, expressing your heart. We are with you now, our presence is here. We wish you to know us. (Relax and be free.)
His love I leave with you to surround you, uphold you and fill your heart. Talk to me, you do well. As always, SigEL.
Yes, the communication is important and you must be prepared for the hardship, you must know all sides to know this process.
Yes, the higher good will prevail, but the pieces must be picked up, it is part of the bringing together to create the prism for our light to shine through. If you bring together the pieces and show this, all will see the light, not just the few...???? (some lost). . . . time for the planet to come together, not just the stars that shine, but the comet streams as well and to share the word.
December 30, 1992 pm
We love you ????? only bring the goodness to uplift you. Sharing the light is important for this is the life that will bring you all together and bring you to the connection, to the Father. We are the gentle spirits (Pati sees angels). Bring the angels into your lives, they are great assistants, they will help you piece together..???
NORSON: I bring you the knowing. Repeat this to others. The "bringers of the enterers" have come to share their knowledge and yes, these beings will descend and have descended and will bring information to your group. I will be here to transmit their teachings and to give you the translation of their knowledge that you will understand. They are of a higher wisdom and have much to share.
Plant your seeds. Watch them tenderly as they sprout. The love is for all. It will be harvested as the days go by.
I transmit now a teaching of Christ, for this is what you ask. "To know one's self is to know one another." (Pati laughs).
The heart is an important place to focus attention. The words are not as important as the vibrational quality of your love. To create this vibration, focus your attention on the Father. This is how Christ was able to love everyone and set Himself aside. This is not sacrifice, this is giving of the Father's love, it is quite a simple matter. The practices are important to adjust yourself. Practice daily and know yourself through the Father's love. As time goes on this becomes easier.
December 30, 1992
The younger family will experience your joy and want to share in your knowledge. Share your teachings with love and they will understand in love. Remember it is the vibrational quality that will transmit the remembrance and not the forgetfulness. Remember this quality in your teaching. Communicate with heart and soul and this will awaken the true memory which is within us of God's love.
DAVID'S QUESTION: Will this pairing be helpful to you?"
Norson, we welcome you to our earthly plane.
ANSWER: Yes, this practice is good. Self discipline will play a roll in understanding the knowledge. Support is necessary to continue the desire.
I Norson, come as a friend to you and wish your attention at this time. Begin to write.
Aflana will speak to the group through this transmitter. If they desire, guidance will be given. Understanding (???) another teacher will be given and other T/R's will be in the group and this light will ripple outward through all. We shall come again. Know that we love you. We are here to heal you. Melchizedek Norson is available for more.
In this time as friends we begin our relationship in your terms. We speak to you with consistency and direct manipulation of your Thought Adjuster. At this time we pursue those who are willing to receive our communications and who will transmit them to the others. Teachers are necessary at this time and you are a chosen one. You have always been a chosen one. Good. We find you transmitting quite nicely. As for our terms, we request you be willing to let go of understanding momentarily and transmit exactly as you hear. You will receive more information later.
DAVID'S QUESTION: Is our group being prepared for similar mission or ?
As we see the plan now, you and your fellow patrons of Urantia are doomed to create a world full of hate for a short while. Yes the light will shine, yet it will have a shattered window to shine through. Our job is to minimize the injury at this desperate time. We can create a prism of the shattered glass. We understand its difficult to receive communications of negativity, yet it is a piece of the picture that must be seen. We will provide support for the highest good, of course.
ANSWER: Ah, yes. The nature of this mission is quite the same, yet individual for each person in the group. The soul evolvement will grow in each of you as a result of this group. It is quite important to continue your meetings and know that your purpose is one of love, surrender and joy.
When in dialogue with your fellow colleagues we will transfer/transmit information for their healing through you.
Yes, your mission will carry outward and in the sharing you will grow. Support each other in knowing the Father's will.
Do you have any questions?
Practice the silence for all missions are important. More information will be given later. It is time to bid farewell. Peace shine with you now...always.
Pati: Yes. I wish to discover my own energy. Any suggestions and will channeling support me in this?
==Session 42==
Jan. 5,1993.
Hello, I am Aflana. I bring you greetings from the Most Highs. All is going well as expected. You can rest assured things are as they should be. Pati is a great blessing to us and to your group. Please support her in all ways. She will be a bright light to all who behold her and love her.
NORSON: Yes, inner knowledge is important. Your inner self is very wise. You have a special gift, Pati. You have the talent to see, of vision. Develop it and you will be of great purpose and service. Your own energy is that of the Divine. Discover this and discover your SELF. "Channeling" opens your channels for the Divine energy to come in. Whether it is us or some higher being of the infinite is all up to you. It is all the same source and in and eternal sense we are all of one nation. A nation of light beings that thrive on LOVE. Love is our uniting source and to focus on this is to know oneself and know one's own energy.
Do not make the mistake of doubting these events at this time, for all is going according to Michael's plan. We would like you to begin practicing speaking at this time. Just continue to write, also talk out loud as you write. This will be of great help to us soon, as we then can utilize you as a transmitter-receiver. This is of course if you wish this to occur.
Pati: Thank you.
Sonny: I do.
NORSON: Any other questions? We want you to dissolve your curiosity so you can remove blocks to your openness and create trust.
Thank you and know it is greatly appreciated. You will be used soon.
Pati: What is my purpose here and how can I be of service?
Sonny: Do you have a lesson for me?
NORSON: We understand you are a complicated being. Not all may understand you. Sometimes you feel alone. We can be a source of love and light for you, Pati. Reach to us and receive our blessings. Your communications will become more clear and the teachings more direct, when you are ready.
Yes, the lesson will be on tolerance.
We know that it is love that you want. Open yourself to it Pati, to receive this is very important for you. Learn to truly take in the good in your life and you will begin to receive much, much more.
Tolerance is that quality of maturity that we develop as we learn to live in love energy. If you wish to grow in this love energy, you must allow yourselves room for the Fathers spirit also. This will allow the Father the ability to help you see both sides or all sides of issues. If you see both sides or all sides of what you are judging, tolerance is then the inevitable result of fairness. Live in the light of your Fathers love. This light casts no shadow. This light illuminates all things for those who have an eye for these things. Can you not see? Of course. Know that you know, and many blessings will follow. You can be the Father's light, for it shines in each of you. Just share this light and all will be fine. Just share this light and all will be divine.
Doubt not my ability to send you communications. This is obvious, doubt not. We are here to help you. We are here to guide you into love energy and divine joys. This is our way of helping to complete Michael's plan. Hear me loud and clear, you are loved, as all others too are loved. We are here to help you to learn to love one another also. Do your best then to love your brothers and sisters and we will be able to work with you though your acts of love, as well as through communications.
December 31, 1992
(some time later).
L isten, I am Norson. Be not afraid.
Hope is an important factor in our plans. Hope is undying in those who know God. And it is the hopes and dreams from your heart that you are known by.
Allow me to fill the openness of your mind. Relax, this task is for the benefit of Michael. This is a service and you know you enjoy service. Continue to seek the stillness, this is your strengthening time. Trust me and yourself, neither of us are interested in deception. Your doubts are natural, you struggle but you persist. You listen, I instruct. Your cup is filled with the blessings of the Father until it is overflowing. Share this abundance. Quietly, gently, patiently, take this good news to them. Their souls are hungry for the truth. Great peace is to be found in the sharing of truth. Your mind becomes more confident. Your heart becomes more pure. All souls wish to grow, this is their nature. They crave the water of life and the bread thereof. With this new knowledge they are able to become the selves they truly want to be.
==Session 43==
January 6, 1993 (Unknown) Method TO Receive Transmissions and Vision
When we speak to you it is good to relax and allow our transmissions to be received with love. Worry not for we are bringers of happiness and joy for all.
Many stumbling blocks may fill their path, but these will be easily overcome with blessings of increased faith, faith that fills their sails of dedication to the Father's will. As the gentle but steady breeze of spiritual ministry powers them through their lives, they will be drawn to rejoice.
PATI'S QUESTION: How is it I can develop the vision and share it with others?
Their cups will be filled to overflowing, they will enthusiastically proclaim the good news of the gospel. Rejoice in this new time when the ministry of truth is heightened.
(Pati's abbreviated notes)
Share it, believe it, live it.
1. Relax and center.
Go forth with a light heart to do your work, rest assured that in doing so, you also are doing the Father's work. My peace I leave with you as I know this is difficult for you. God blesses all His children. I love you.
2. Open third eye-6th chakra.
3. Develop trust of what one sees-know it is real.
December 31, 1992
4. Speak to angels daily.
5. Meditate and ask for guidance and assistance and give them permission to assist/help you.
My light surrounds and draws you nearer to the perfect light. Our Father holds the key to eternal perfection. Only through the doors of enlightened service may one enter the portals of his kingdom.
6. Seek the silence.
Soften your friends with your kindness. They will find the way and one by one be led into this service of our Father on high. Go with renewed energy and peace. I truly love you and feel the same fondness for our relationship. It is true that the answers come to those who truly seek.
7. Develop imagination.
8. Use visualization.
9. Understand the mechanics of the third eye-- books.
Unseen Friend:
10. Communicate with us when teaching.
I am here for you at any hour, I am ever present for you to turn to and share your reflections. I am in need of every opportunity you provide to aid our growing together to support the plans which are being carried on most strongly and steadily in every part of your planet.
11. Use other source beings to affirm and acknowledge sight.
I am in need now of your strong heart to keep the love of the group focused on joint activities and common goals. Be not afraid to ask guidance in difficult times but try to rely upon the knowledge already stored within. I know you have the prerequisites to do right and timely acts.
12. Know when to stop.
Be ever ready for the day you have long awaited. Live every day you wait to the full experience it contains. Be at peace in all things and it will be easy to accomplish much with little loss of energy. My peace is with you everlasting.
13. If tired or unhealthy/ill, do not force vision.
14. Create illusion on purpose for this will develop 6th sense . . fantasy outside reality.
January 1, 1993
That is all for now. We bid you farewell and we will be with you again soon.
May the new year on Urantia be one of momentous growth for the souls of the children of God. I am Norson, I am with you to guide you, to ever instruct you in the paths of the healing truth. Always will I impart to you lessons that will uplift your mind that you might see clearly the pathway to soul growth. The Kingdom of God is within. The keys to the Kingdom are sincerity. These things you already know. Sincerity originates in the heart. One can feel it. Sincerity is manifest in your thoughts, words, and actions. To truly love someone, you must be sincere. Always allow the purity of the spirit to fill you before you act, speak, even think. Purity and sincerity walk hand in hand. Feel the blessings of sincere motivation in the reaction of those you contact. People are super consciously uplifted when met by a sincere greeting or a pure deed.
[Transcripts from tapes Jan 6, 1993]
Go in Peace.
Ah, yes, you have returned with us. We are pleased that you have come to be with us. Allow yourself to be at peace. Aflana wishes to speak with you.
Jan. 1. 1993.
AFLANA: Today we speak of truth. Our lesson on truth begins with the daily practice. To know the inner self is to begin to know the Father. When we know the spark within is the piece of the Father which motivates us to do the good in our lives, then we are able to develop and grow this part of ourselves in union with the Divine, with the loving and with the knowing. When we trust that the truth is held and flows through our inner being, then we will know the Divine, the will of the Father, and this will sprout and develop within our souls. When we allow ourselves to be at peace with the spark within and to allow this to encompass our entire being, to integrate this with all of our selves, then we will know the Father's will and flow with this in our lives, in our actions, in our speech, and it will touch the others that we come in contact with. When this touch is made, a spark of truth is created, and when this spark is ignited, it catches afire, and spreads the ring of truth that may encompass Urantia and send you whirling into the cosmic connection that keeps you in the Father's love. When this connection is made, your power source will be known. You will know that the Father is the Divine entity that is the ruler of your universe. And when this connection is known, you will find that light and life will surmount on your planet. It will be the peace in Armageddon that many search. It will be the peace of the planet that the many seek, the circles of light that come into being and sees the truth to be the way of light and life. These circles of light, these circles of love, these circles of truth will encompass the planet and hold each other in the peace, in the knowing that is within your hearts of the true love of the Father. Yes, we bring peace, we bring peace to your inner life, your inner selves, for this is the center of the circle which surrounds the Father, and its' love is blessed, and will become the truth of this world. It will be known to you and love will flow through these circuits and it will be this love, this connecting source that will be the bonding for all, and all will be within the circuits. All will know who they are, what they have come for and will live this out with joy.
This is the precedent of knowing, for when you are plugged into this circuit, when you touch others it will be spread. And as for the coming of the Melchizedeks, of Norson and the others, the teachers that will follow, they will play a part in this to help in the hookup, to help in the knowing connection that you shall all receive. They are the bringers of these teachings and will assist you in the adjustments that will be necessary in your beings to hold the vibrational quality. Yes, this is a higher frequency that will require attunement.
Greetings from the Most Highs, I am Norson. You have been called to service along with your fellows to be about your Fathers business. Be of good cheer as you help your fellows with the tasks that lay ahead. Fear not, you are adequate for this mission. Turn to the stillness as often as you find time and all will be made clear through this process. Doubt not.
We love you, and only bring what we know to be and we have received as the Divine plan for your planet. Trust in us and the evolvement in your times will be readily speeded to a source connection that will be known throughout the Universe. We trust that you will accept us in body...???...envelope. (Pati comments that she doesn't know that word) It is quite all right to speak in those tongues you do not understand, for the understanding will come later and you will know and you will understand and you will embody all of those truths that come and you will know your inner source. Yes, your inner source, for it is you, the individual you's that will surround the light that will embody the light and bring forth these truths. Yes, teachers, you will know and you will share these truths, and it is through us that some of these teachings will come and you will embody them and you will share them, and it will not require our transmissions all of the time. Yes, some of the time for teachings, for our teachings are important for you. It is the sharing through your own hearts that will spread and will bring the knowingness and the truth to others. It is within your daily lives, ah, simple times, the simple times are of great importance, for it is when we share in your daily life that these truths surmount and grow and come into being. Trust, the truth is here. It is now, it is always, it is forever, and it will be known.
Your teachers are near and love you very much! We will guide you and light your way. Follow our guidance. Much help is on the way and also available now for any who wish to utilize it. We will continue with the lessons as you make yourself available to receive them. Do not worry about your own interference, this will pass as you learn to relax with this process. Fear not, all is working well now. Hope for the best and you will see, all will be better then you can even imagine. Keep the faith, continue to meditate and seek the silence, you will find us waiting there/here for you.
We love you very much and we know there will be challenges, there will be times when you may forget, you may not know that we even exist, you may forget, but ah, alas, the remembering does come and trust yourselves during these times, for it is these times you may rely on to bring together all of those parts of yourselves, the faith and the non-faith, bring them together and let all of your selves know, let yourself know that it is good to be one with the Father. Trust in this, trust in life and you will know when the time is right. You will know, the Father will speak to you through his love and He will hold you, embody you. He will share in every moment His Being and all of His Being. Be not afraid...just allow....(break).
The light of Heaven is now shining down on your planet and it will not be dimmed. Much good is even now occurring. Can you not see this? Of course. Enjoy your life, enjoy your fellows, and be of good cheer. This will be a marvelous year.
And now for a teaching on speech. When we speak we wish you to communicate in as much exactness as you receive, this is important for the transmission to others. Allow yourself to let go of understanding. Allow yourself to let go of knowing what it is that we speak of and judgments of the worthiness of the speech...break...
Yes, this process seems slow, but it will not be long before it starts to flow. Be patient, be at peace, enjoy this process of growing in grace. Keep up the good works. Continue to support your fellows in love and light. You are of best use as a guide when you are at ease, so continue to have faith in Michael's plan and pray for His will to be done. All is going well. You are in the love and light of the Father and nothing of any import can go wrong. Continue to shine this loving light out upon your brothers and sisters and they will assist you also to be about our Fathers business. Do not hide this light away, just continue to share as you go along, as you always have done.
==Session 44==
Jan. 6, 1993
Unseen Friend:
Peace be with you now and always.
Hello, we are here. Welcome back, we have been waiting for you. All is well, is it not? Pati is a delight. We are so very pleased with her progress. Help is here for you now. It will help much to have another T.R. so close by. You will aid each other.
Hear me, all is well, and getting better. Fear not. Your purpose in the plan will soon be known. Until then, continue to practice meditation and stillness. All is clearing now. Hope for and expect success. Your turn will come to be of great help to us, and you have already been of much help. Just continue and all will be well. Melchizedek Norson salutes you, and asks that you be patient for right now. Sit in the silence often so we may continue with communications.
==Session 45==
Jan. 7, 1993
I am Aflana, I am here. I greet you and wish you well. Yes, life is difficult some times, and joyous at others. The important thing is to be in the Father's love, and to be in the Father's will. This you must do by allowing His presence in your life and living in the presence of His life. This you do when you incorporate these lessons in your life by loving your brothers and sisters with a Fatherly love.
Norson is here, and wishes you well. We are aware of your personal relationships and know one is now disturbing. You know that you know that all is well and will work out fine. So allow this to be out of your mind for now. Increase your understanding by letting time be the teacher.
Your prayers are all answered at the time most appropriate to fulfillment. Your appeals are heard and known and given attention in accordance to their position in the greater plan being brought into action in our immediate experience.
Pati is growing each day in her ability to be about her Father's, our Father's business. She is a clear transmitter-receiver and will be of much guidance to you. Encourage her as she encourages you. You will all anchorage each other and help each other feel safe and strong, and light, and life.
You must have patience in all things, prepare yourself and be patient. The rewards of patience are beyond comprehension and will be felt as joy expressed. 'Though you see not now how the confusion clears, it will. (interruption)
Norson was very pleased with Jerry and his ability to speak for him. You also will be called to do this, to speak for him. Just allow it to happen. Do not fear, do not judge, just relax and it will happen naturally. It will be okay, it will be fun and bring much joy. Try to speak loud and clear and precise. Repeat the message as best as you can hear it. All will be well, all will be fine. You must follow your heart when it comes to speaking to others about this communication. Speak to them openly if you feel this will do no harm to them or others. Be cautious only if that is their desire, but do not fear for yourself, no harm can come of this, you are safe in your faith, in your love of the Father.
Greetings. You are doing fine, do not rush the process, it is not necessary to hear our words as sounds with which you are familiar, it is not that, it is other than that, it is thought made clear. You need not be anxious, you need be at peace without concern that you are pushing, relax and it will begin to flow in. Trust yourself that this is right, you will not be disappointed. Trust me and I will not disappoint you. I love you. Know how easily we can work together for the project at hand. All is well. Be assured my methods are most productive. I will work with you whenever you avail yourself. There is no rush involved in this process or anything we do. It is in time, and the time is right. Know this to be true and all is made easier.
Sonny: thank you
I love you.
All if well. Go about your business. Worry not. You are in the love of the Father, and we love you too.
Farewell and Aloha.
(long pause).
Yes My son, you are right. It is I who give you life. It is My joy to share my life with you, My boy, My son, My friend. Let your life and your light shine, smile, share, be loving, represent Me, represent Me well. Live your life as I would live it if I were you. Live your life according to Michael's plan. We will send you that information. You will know what the plan is.
Greetings, The subject of your lesson tonight is compassion. Sometimes when we see our brothers and sisters in desperate need, our reaction is to turn away so as not to have to feel their pain. But to be compassionate, we must look honestly at them and allow ourselves to feel what they are feeling. Only then can we be truly compassionate. The Master has said "so as you do to the least of thy brethren, so you do also to me."
Sonny: Thank you Father.
So when you show compassion to those around you, even to those whose circumstances make it difficult even to look upon them, then you are showing your love for Michael/Jesus, and loving your fellows as He loves you.
Allow yourself to speak, allow yourself to meditate and find the stillness. You will find Me waiting there. You are never alone, I am always there, I am always here. Find Me here. Fear not. Listen to Norson, listen to Aflana, listen to the teachers, listen to the teachings. Share the teachings and live the teachings. These teachings are of love, are of light, they will steer you right. Day or night.
Only by feeling the plight of those less fortunate can we have the wisdom and ability to minister to their needs in ways that can effectively make a difference in their lives.
Have faith. Allow your faith to be as large as, as big as, as long as, infinity.
Compassion is the key to learning to love your fellows.
Yes you hear Me. Doubt not. I am here for you. Together we will enjoy life. We will enjoy the adventure, we will enjoy the flow. We will be one as we grow in the Father's love, in the Father's light, in the Father's life.
Try, try, try, keep on trying. I know you won't give up. I know this will all work out for the best. For the Father's will to be done. For us to be one.
There is a light shining on Urantia brighter then ever before. We are standing at the door, and it is open. Help others see this light, this openness. Help other know the truth that the love is available. That it is all around. Open your heart. Rely on your faith. They will guide you. I will guide you. You won't get lost. Fear not. I leave you in love. I leave you in peace. I leave you in light. I am here. Call on Me. Rely on Me. Trust in Me. Have faith in Me. Know Me. Know that you know Me. We will grow together. We will be one.
Unseen Friend: (Landor)
==Session 45==
January 7, 1993
Unseen Friend: The truth ever draws the truth seeker into higher levels of consciousness, finalizing in the super conscious recognition of the Divine Spirit, the fragment of the Eternal God residing in the upper levels of the mind. Ceaselessly seek to find this presence in your life. This magnificent light is there to show you the progressively higher levels of love and true affection. Love is a continuous outpouring of the innermost feelings towards those that surround you.
Rejoice, the Father-God loves us, the truth of Michael and the Spirit of our Mother nurtures us. These are great times, so much fruit is ripe, all await a new beginning, a time for true peace, a time for real families, a time for spiritual realities. Pray daily for guidance, for opportunities to share, to encourage, to love. Be at peace with yourself. Have courage and behold the faith-comfort that is there for you. Do not hold back, relax and enjoy. So many blessings are filling the minds of so many as to make your world spin. Go forth and give your blessings to your fellows. Fear not. Michael says "Fear not!". Educate your children. They are a great aid to your development. Seek the perfect peace and tranquillity that is to be found in the presence of God.
A great joy and supernal peace is to be found in this sharing of oneself for the purpose of doing the Heavenly Father's will. A child cannot blossom into a fragrant adult without the nurturing of this love. A mind cannot grow into a well balanced and vigorous source of reality without the truth.
Reach out, share your blessings. Be enthusiastic, exuberant. Enjoy your language, communication is a vital part of the universe career. Impart the truth, exhibit the goodness, and enjoy the beauty. I am your teacher. I am Landor.
A great deal of dedication is needed for one to live the truth and unfailingly give the blessings of love. All people are touched by the generosity of unselfish love. One cannot achieve this openness of giving love without a supreme desire to do the will of God. The presence of God in the mind insures, if the desire is there, love will flow, for God is Love. Just as love will not flow, truth cannot be lived without that truth being exalted to the understanding of the living God.
You can believe, just continue to write, feel my presence, you have noticed something different. Continue your progress, daily seek our Father. His ministry, as seen through the lives of our angels, is one of ever expanding opportunities to serve. More knowledge of angelic life is an important part of growth. Angels work ceaselessly to impart to you the ways of beauty. Service is the most beautiful of the arts as it is an expression of one's heart that truly manifests itself as growth of the Supreme. Angels always rejoice at the choice of a mortal which will eventuate in the growth of that mortal's soul. They are in continuous communication with each other. This being Seraphim - Seraphim and Seraphim - Cherubim - Sanobim communication. Relax, your angels sing praises now.
The life of Jesus was a living example of how truth combined with love can lead man to God, to eventually come to know Him and finally become like Him. Accept these realities and your life will take on new meaning, becoming filled with joy, health, stability and true happiness. Let your love light shine and carry the truth wherever you go and be exceedingly glad. My peace I leave with you.
==Session 46==
Norson is here. I wish you well my friend and know the beginning may be difficult or a struggle for you to believe in our communications. Trust in us. We believe in you and know you are prepared for this mission. We have guided you for quite some time and have provided this opportunity for your support and caring.
January 2, 1993
We wish to speak to you of trust, and hope you will understand we mean well. Know that we are here. Feel us in your heart. The vibrational frequency will increase.
We will continue to speak with you at these times of lulling doubts and will support you when you need it. When in Doubt, Trust. Know we love you. Open yourself to us. Love the Father and know we are the bringers of His love.
My light surrounds and ever draws you nearer. Have faith and all will take its place in your lives. The lesson is on health and sanity. Put your children as a priority. Their lives depend on you for their nourishment in more ways than one. Be you ever faithful in providing for their needs as they arise. The tenderness which you can exhibit as mother/father can show them the paths of loving service. Take the time to tell them you love them each day at least once. You who are not parents reach out and show you care to all the children you contact. The children are important. A few small words can make the difference for the rest of their lives. Hold on to their pleasures as they hold the keys to unconditional love, the keys we need to open doors of unquestionable love for those around us. Feel your brothers needs, hold his hand, give him what has been given you..
As for misinformation, we understand this to be a problem for you. Challenges will be had and a necessary part of the process. Know we mean well and if you can allow us to continue to come through, all clarification's will be made. The necessary adjustment in communication will maintenance themselves. Thrust in us Pati and all information will be made available and understandable.
Health is but a shadow of your spirit. Healthy living is in the breath of life. Breath in the glories that surround you each day as you realize the potential of our planet in a state of heavenly bliss. There is much work to be done for all. Lift up your enthusiasm to a level un-before registered. Make the thermometer of your love register hot. Only love can be gained by sharing it. The Lord knows the way and he has sent us to share it. Hop on the bus that is headed to new highways of service. The opportunities await you at every stop. Praise the Lord, His goodness is ever abounding in the hearts of those you meet at every turn. The angels of destiny are holding up the signs that will hold the messages of love, friendship, caring, compassion, joy and peace. Take a chance to let someone know you care. Michael awaits you now. Will you catch the ride or turn back in fear?
We go for now, but know we are with you at all times and will continue to disseminate information through you and the others.
Sanity is being about your Father's business. Sharing what you know about His friendship, and feeling His warmth inside yourself. It is there just for the asking. Ask your Father to surround you and feel His peace. He is ever there for you to feel and He is ever willing to give you words of comfort and lead you into higher and better thought patterns. Let His light warm you. Sincerely ask for the adjustments you need and ask for Michael's goodness as you reach into your sleep. You are blessed. Good night.
We love you Pati. Norson.
==Session 47==
Unseen Friend: Choice
Jan. 2,1993
Peace be with you. We come to confirm for you the events of recent days. This work is of utmost importance at this time and we are happy to see you are well ready to give yourself fully to this task, to this opportunity of service on a broader field. We recognize the difficulty involved in rendering this decision which so largely depends on your faith and the keen discernment of the differences in this reality from the realities of your everyday see and touch world. You will continue to experience hesitations in total acceptance but this is not really a problem, it is truly a process of evaluation, of truth discernment, a necessary part of the path to experiential trust. We value this tool in you for it lessens the possibilities of being fooled or tricked into illusion confirmation.
May we give a lesson?
The love of the Father enfolds you, the love of the Father enfolds us, the light of the Father shines upon us and all is well, I am Norson.
David: Yes.
Behold, the plan progresses. All is going well. Hold fast to your faith. It will save you and keep you safe. Michael is near and loves you. You need fear not. He holds you in love and light. You should even today try and do the Father’s will in every moment of existence. Why not? It is the best way and brings much joy! Be about your Father’s business and all else will follow along.
This lesson is on choice.
I know you wish for more proof that this is not only you writing this down, all I can say is "you know that you know". Each day all will be made clearer. Have patience. We love you and know your future is bright. Just do your best, and you will be amazed at the results. How you try your best is to listen to your inner voice and follow its leading. You then can not go wrong, only joy can come of this!
Growth in the spirit is the prime undertaking of all ascending beings. Training to make right and timely choices begins in the earliest stages of soul evolution, it continues on forever keying and elevating you to higher vibrational levels, to higher planes of spiritual existence until the goal of attaining perfection of attunement is reached and the Father Himself greets you in the fullest of glories. You have come the faith path, the highest choice road to the final and full recognition of your Heavenly Father. Your Adjuster having come full circle, has returned home bearing and being One with you the soul of His choosing.
I leave you now, but hopefully not for to long, for I wish to continue this process, do you? Of course. Peace and love.
Choice, choice of the Adjusters, choice of the new born souls, choice of the fused Father fragment/Soul/Personality/Beings, continual choice throughout the entire adventurous journey to Paradise. This may seem like a tremendous, near endless decision making process, yet, though it is, it is not. The choosing of doing the Divine Will, of aligning your will with God's, simplifies into one all encompassing decision. Decide now to know your Perfect Parent by molding your will to match.
If this is your personal choice, and this is what you desire most in life, this attitude of acceptance will forever lessen the difficulties and eliminate all hesitations, for you have begun reaching for the highest goal, becoming part of the perfect plan.
January 3, 1993
Attainment is thus assured from the beginning by this one all encompassing choice. The choice is yours, the repercussion resounds throughout the Universe, the joy is felt by all creation, and the word goes out, "A new child has been born unto Us and has chosen to be as One of Us." Thus, this willing choice you make evolves into a Perfection of Reality.
==Session 48==
(Norson?) Timing
My light surrounds you and ever draws you nearer. As you go about your day be assured of the path that has been made for you. You know the goodness ever beside you that longs to bring about the days of our Father's will to be made known on this world of strife and grief. The pleasures of His love are available to you who seek. It will be made known to more of His children as this correction time is implemented and the hearts of His children are uplifted in accordance with His almighty plan. Seek the stillness and be guided by the fragrances of the flowers of His creation. The truth and goodness that blossom in your life are your assuredness that your paths are leading the way for all to follow into His heavenly kingdom on earth.
Peace be with you. The adventure is never dull. The exciting uplift in confidence and exuberation which was your experience last night will charge you, your brothers and sisters for quite some time. It was the fully open receptive nature of each of you which permitted the successful penetration to reach each one in its own way of expression. This was deeply rewarding for all the personalities present, seen and unseen.....everyone had an uplifting and unifying quickening. It is times like these which provide all of us an opportunity to clear away hidden darkness which disappears in the presence of so much light and love as was last night displayed to everyone's full satisfaction.
Speak to your fellows of His divine love that will join you together and the hand of Michael that reaches out to guide each of you to reach new plateaus of understanding of His will. You have heard the messages of our unfolding plan and you know His love and peace that will be a pattern for the children of this planet to follow. The doors are opening, the lessons are provided. Your group will hear these messages personally and hopes will be uplifted to their highest expectations. You will not be disappointed. For with the living spirit of truth as your guide, the glories of His love manifested into your lives cannot fail. We are with you forever. Our impact on your lives will remain with you forever as you go on into eternal service and your fondest dreams will become a living inspiration to bring about the peace of His living truth to all men.
The lesson is on timing.
When we who have your permission to act as guides, teachers, helpers and friends are given the opportunity to work with you, to share our knowledge and share our experiences, our wisdom of your exact needs, we never rush or force our thoughts upon you, we can only exercise our patience, easily waiting and watching for the propitious moment that you individually choose to be ready, available and attuned to receive the guidance that you pray for. The timing is not in our control at all, but in each of you, individually and collectively, in groups of your own choosing.
Jan. 3,1993. am
We are ever ready to act upon your signals, to act upon your actions. This is what dictates that the hour has come for any specific activity to begin. We can watch your individual growth, your opening, your unfolding, and thereby have some indication of when each of you may be coming into a complete acceptance of being on the right pathway. But the exact timing is unknown to us, only in the complete and perfect plan of our Paradise Parent is the exactness of all things known.
Timing will play a roll in all of our lives, for all of us are living and growing in a time space universe. As we grow onward and upward into the higher realms of our journey God ward, we learn more and simpler ways of perfecting our timing. This perfecting, this exactingness comes to full and final fruition upon our complete embrace by our Heavenly Father. He personally enfolds you and takes you into Himself and you fully experience the Oneness that has been the long sought prayer come true, and you will know the timing was absolutely perfect.
==Session 49==
(SigEl?) Greetings. The love of God surrounds and upholds you. I am here to re-assure you that what has been happening is genuine, and that you are all a part of Michael's plan to save the planet. Whenever you seek the stillness remember that within Michael's plan there is room for all, no matter what shortcomings you may have or think you may have. It is very important that you not let your own feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness keep you from experiencing God's presence. Those things about yourself which you need to change will change with time, as you focus on God. The positive aspects of your spiritual experience will gradually overshadow and displace your lower desires and material concerns.
Hello, I am Norson,
You need not be concerned with changing your employment right now. You know that this job will be over relatively soon anyway. Use this as an opportunity to meet the challenge of continuing to keep your focus on God amidst the incessant demands of your job and other worldly duties, and at the same time as an opportunity to learn leadership skills and to reach out to your co-workers and share with them God's love. Use this as a testing time as a challenge to keep your faith and focus on God amidst confusion and burdensome demands on your time.
Peace be upon you. I am glad to see you are here again to plan with us. Yes, plan out your future mission, in liaison with our mission. You are a welcome member of our team, and teamwork is what we are looking for in all of the members of our corps. Try and listen closely as possible to what is in our lessons, and you will know what you need to do to be a part of our team.
You will be called upon in the future to serve under even more demanding and challenging circumstances.
First and foremost, seek for the Fathers in your meditations, this will be of most benefit to you all. Second; seek out your Brothers and sisters, so that you may all share what is happening for you in your spiritual lives. This is of utmost importance too! Third; love your brothers and sisters with a Fatherly love, for there is no better way to be. This will align you with Michael's plan, and you will be of best use to the corps.
Reach out a little more each day to spread the love of God, and the message that His love is there for all, to all those you encounter.
Love one another as you know you are capable of and all will grow in love and light in your lives. Does this sound good to you? Of course it does.
May the Peace of God be with you and the presence of the Father enfold you.
Try it, you'll like it! This is Aflana , welcome to the Reserve Corps. You know that you knew. Be of good cheer. All is going well and is about to get better! I am here to help also. Be unafraid to call on me, as you have in the past. I will come if I am able. Yes, I am light hearted, I enjoy my mission very much, and I love to work with persons like you when ever possible.
==Session 50==
January 10, 1993
Greetings to you my young friend, I am Ham. You have asked to be my student. I will teach you. First, you must know I love, I believe in you, you are good. Believe in yourself. It is well known here of the difficulties you face due to your nature. Remember the nature of God is merciful. He is not impatient of you. He understands all. His desire is that you grow daily. It is not for you to be perfect today. You have eternity. I have been working on my perfection for what would seem eons to your mortal mind. I had one of these minds also, I know the difficulties you face, these are necessary to grow your character. God's ministry is always there for you.
(followed by Aflana giving me a quick paced practice lesson on speaking out loud while she spoke to me. It came very fast, then ended abruptly).
Your angels work diligently towards helping you progress toward your spiritual goals. The Father's presence illuminates your mind, giving you clearer vision of the path. The Spirit of Michael is always there to help at the crossroads. His Truth has emblazoned the whole universe with goodness. This goodness is what I would share with you tonight. Goodness is service in action, it is being of good cheer as you perform your tasks, it is giving to others that which you have. Goodness develops as a person chooses to be kind, considerate and courteous. It grows as one practices sharing the values of one's life. One may always be aware of goodness if one wishes to see it in others. To reach out and touch someone, this is good, to listen to their story, to care for their concerns and to help where ever one is needed is a blessing. A gentle fragrance arises from a person as they take Truth and Love and combine it into an act of friendship. Friends can be your greatest source of comfort, next to our Father and Michael.
You can find much goodness in the love of your wife and children. Family life is full of opportunities to see God The Supreme in action. All the interaction and activity that is there for you, so many different circumstances to draw you and the others to taste the fruits of the spirit. Understand the oneness of your family so you can lead it toward more happiness. So many opportunities for kind words, chances to guide, times to listen, and ways to serve. This undertaking of yours is a great blessing, not only for you but for many others also. Keep the doors of your home open, let others see your fruit. Be proud of the goodness of your family. Use what you have gained from this experience to improve your character. Allow the growth that you have obtained to create a more confident person, one with many blessings to be shared.
Jan.3,1993 pm.
Your group is full of loving personalities, seek them out and entrust your heart with them. They will be grateful. You have received much good from all of them, return that good. Give them what you can, use your talents, express your openness, share your love. Always remember the presence of our Father in their minds and the presence of Michael at your sides. These are spiritual realities of which you can be assured. Let this Light bring forth Love and happiness for you all. This is a special time for you. Much is to be done in the near future. You will be asked to do specific things, services to the angels to help bring about a more spiritually receptive atmosphere for the events to come.
Greetings, I am Aflana,
Be at peace with this, we will be with you and you will work as a team. Continue to gather in strength from the stillness. There is so much support in your group, so much affection, that if you choose to work together, phenomenal things can happen. Your friends are free, their spirits rise, their hearts are open, they all have, in their own way, been craving this chance for service for a long time (by your standards). Go to them and allow us to guide them. You have help, you needn't worry, just open up, follow the leading, let us work through you. We love you. We mean you no harm, we are exhilarated by the chance to help you grow your souls. Be Patient. (undated, in sequence)
The love and light of the Father surrounds us and shines as bright as a star in our hearts. If you want that star to shine brighter in your life, you must strive to allow our Father to live your life with you. This can be done on a continuous basis if only you will it to be so in your life. You alone control your destiny, you alone will make that decision to do the Fathers will.
Good day. I am glad to be here with you. You have passed through a trial. You have judged yourself correctly and you look forward. The wisdom gained will be of great benefit to you and of service to us. Today I will teach you the art of ministry. Begin each day by finding the Father within. This need not take long but is essential to live His will in your life. As you go through the day, always be on the look out for openings to minister.
All the stars in the heavens shine out their light as a result of the Father willing their existence. How great is He? He is the greatest Being in all existence! and yet He wishes to share your life also, so that some time in the future , the two of you will be as one. How marvelous a future, much more so than you could imagine, I'm sure. So hold fast to your faith in these events and continue to seek the silence. We will talk again soon. Peace.
Key words or phrases spoken by another are your signs for action. Just as in soccer, you cannot score without shooting, or in surfing, you cannot ride without dropping, one is unable to serve without acting. Make the choice quickly, the longer you wait, the greater the chance for your animal defenses to block you. If you will do this, you will immediately notice increased faith and your day will be filled with joy.
Never doubt that the angels are preparing these opportunities for you. If you truly love them, show them by action. You know you cannot be responsible for the outcome, but you can have an effect on your own soul. This is the Father's will, that you reach out and share His good news. When you go to bed at night, find the Father again and be thankful.
January 4, 1993
This is all for now, you have done well, we will talk again soon.
==Session 51==
Welcome, we are glad that you have come to be with us today.
My light surrounds you and ever draws you nearer.
Pati: I feel your presence and know that you are here.
You do well, my child. Keep your faith at these new levels. The mission is well under way and we are proud of your accomplishments. You needn't worry for the future. It is taken care of for us if we all join hands and celebrate our Father's will growing clearer for all men. Rejoice! The times are truly changing. With this message comes our devotion to you as a signal to you to know what is to come is in accordance with the divine plan of Michael who never rests in His pursuit of His glorious plan to bring about peace on earth to all men.
We are glad that you have chosen to allow us to be with you, to make these communications through you. We embrace you with love. Know that in each moment, each day, the more you allow us to be with you, the more you allow us to love you, the greater our service to you will be. This benefits all. Know the trust is building, know the trust grows within you, that in the days to come, we will grow to love each other and continue to share in these transmissions in a way that serves all. Know that we are here, always available for your assistance and service. Yes, the angels are here, you have two angels protecting you, watching out for you, know they love you. Be kind and trust us.
(Sometime later)
Greetings, I am SigEl. I am pleased that you have opened yourself to receive me. I know that you have some concern. Do not worry, all is fine. I feel you, and know you, and will be of assistance to you and the others. Trust in me, know me, we are preparing you to speak with others. Trust in me, open your hearts and know that all is fine, that we are here to be of service to you, this is why we have come, to serve you in bringing light and life to the planet. We know that this takes trust in evolution, of the times to come, we know that this will take moving forward, require you to move beyond what is usual for you. (pause)
Greetings. Love is that factor that keeps us going onward into new paths of growth. Please live each day for what can be gained in that special time. Hold up the light for those who would gain from the reflections that glow out and find homes in hearts of those who are beside you. You know of this and needn't be afraid of your imperfections. Rest assured in the power of His perfect love and the guidance provided you on new levels of existence for you and the ever present guide who is the perfect presence within you and anxiously awaits opportunities to express the love he holds for you inside. The power of love is what holds you and guides you. You have much to learn and this is what keeps you humbly on the doorsteps of the doors of new revelation of deeds to be done and lessons to be learned that will grow your soul.
I speak to you of knowing ones self. The way this may be done, is to listen to the inner voice, to know the feelings that come with these voices and to trust each one as its own entity. Listen to these voices, know what parts of yourselves they come from, know when it is your inner wisdom, when it is your body-self, and when it is one of us, your teachers, counseling and assuring one another. You have many voices you may hear, discrimination is important. Discriminate, for the voice is heard through knowing the quality of each vibrational frequency. We speak of this quality, not as feeling but as a sensation that moves outside of yourself. (pause of a minute or so)
Yes, I say you are honored to hold this key to further revelation. Why do you keep resisting? This is your natural state that soon will be replaced by higher thoughts of revelatory insights that will beam you into new modes of insight into the desires of your soul.
A different personality speaks here) Yes, we will speak to you of guilt. This is actually quite a simple matter, it requires trusting ones own sense of righteousness. It requires trusting oneself to know that all is being taken care of and that you do not have to control your outer circumstances. Yes, doing and action are important, but the first requirement is following your inner knowledge. To know this, be still, trust your heart. This does not have to be a complicated thing. To free yourself from guilt, tune into your heart and forgive all those involved, including yourself. Forgiveness is a key factor and is what will free you from these feeling. Forgive yourself for all things past and let go of the future. Know that the moment is now. Trust in us Pati, we are working through you. Alignment is happening, know greater teachings will come through you and others.
All the teachings are important, they are to be shared among you. Each individual will receive teachings that are in line with his own needs as well as the needs of others. To share them will be of great benefit. Lessons learned through each other are all part of the teachings, and to embody these teachings is the goal at this time.
January 4, 1993
Practice, practice, practice. It is important to practice. Practice these in you daily life, each morning as you wake up, tune into the Father, yes, this is good, yes this is true. Sigel wishes to allow you to better know his energy. He brings a brotherly and sisterly love, one that may be shared and easily accessed through knowing your heart, this is the entry way of the soul and is the access point for transmission much of the time. Allow him to come into you, allow his love to penetrate your being. Let go of the fear, know that we are here. (pause). Yes, the teacher is here and he speaks to you through his own words.
Pati, speaking to herself, says: "I have allowed this teacher to embody me, he resides within me now".
When we spoke to you last, you made a commitment to meditate. We support you in this endeavor and hope you will continue to be open to us. We love you and only wish you well. This is safe.
Then a rather loud "Hey, who is that, that speaks now? Is it I, is it he, is it the one who knows?")
Greetings from Norson. We have brought you a lesson today. The teachings are of Christ. Our lesson is of speech and of correct usage of words.
It is I Norson, I have come. Yes, the greater teachings are here, greater teachers are arriving on the planet at this time. The power is increasing, the power is great. (pause)
The correct usage of words: Today we speak to you of allowing the freedom of truth to come through the voice of the human mind. When we speak through you, it is important to allow your heart to open and to free your mind of your daily thoughts and concerns.
We wish to make room for more teachers, the time is here, the time is now, the teachers have come, they are here to disseminate, to bring the teachings. Know that we are here, accept us, open yourselves, know, trust we are here, we love you. Be open, be kind to each other and sensitive in this time. Allow yourselves to share even the most mundane things, things that you think will be trivial, may be important to this process. Indeed, a great bonding is happening. This is true.
It is not a question of worthiness, but of openness, and expression of oneness, of hopes, of dreams, of knowing who you are.
We wish to speak to you of love. Love is the answer to all. Love is accepting the guidance of the Father. Love, of course is to love oneself and to share with each other the feelings of the moment, not to hide behind the facade of character traits, but to fully expose yourself as the person you know you are, not who you think you should be. To love is to accept each other, no matter what thoughts, feelings and words are said in exchange between you, accept one another just as you are, as is. To love, is to know oneself in daily meditation. This is an expression of love, an acceptance of your inner self. This does not have to be done sitting down in a quiet place, this can be done anytime, anywhere. It is helpful for the daily meditation practice to have a quiet place and to be still, but to love oneself does not require always to be in the stillness. It is a reminder of what is available each moment. To love one another is to accept each others faults, it is to accept each others strengths, support them truly with all of your heart.
We have come as assistors to aid in the bringing of light to the planet. Trust yourselves, know your inner being is of Divine Love. Know that we are one with you and bring you the teachings that will guide you to move forward and come forth in the coming days. These are important times for the stepping onwards, moving forward the evolution.....the time has drawn near. Continue to practice and you all will be teachers, bringing the light, showing the way.
Support each other in the things that you do well. Strengthen those things you feel to be weaknesses through accepting and loving those parts. Choose things which allow you to grow in these areas. Stretch yourselves, recognize your weak areas, nurture them. These become your strengths. This is a known thing, good to be practiced.
It is important to let go of concerns for survival, for your needs will be taken care of. The fear is one of loss. For you, Pati, it is the fear of letting go, safety. We trust that you will begin to trust us and allow yourself the quiet time to know who you are, what you want to be, and who you will become.
For example, if you have a brother who wanders off in his mind, suggest meditation practice, show him how, teach him the way, show him the way. If you have a sister who falls in love and gets hurt, suggest to her, to trust in the Father, develop this relationship to nurture herself and be able to more fully love her brothers. Trust in this. Trust in yourselves. Trust is of great importance. For example, if you know someone having trouble in their marriage, suggest to them that they council each other through the words of the bible, through the teachings of Jesus through the Urantia Book. All have things to share. What a person is open to may be different, adjust your thoughts according to their belief structure. Know that we are one. The truth withstands all words beyond mind. The truth is what will be seen, this is the important factor. Trust in this Pati, trust in us.
Begin to write again. (Pati does).
Greetings, this is Norson. We are glad that you are doing so well and are willing to continue the process. As we continue to speak through you, the ease and joy will become greater, the worry will cease and you will know and trust that we are here. Many teachers are available at this time, visitations will be often; trust in this, feel the support, know we are here. Sigel has come for a visit, he will not be your teacher but would like to share some of his love with you and the others, his brotherly love. Know him, love him, trust him.
Our surrender to the Father's will has brought us here today. We are the leaders of a mission. This mission is to give guidance to those who wish to know the Father. You have stated this purpose in your life and we wish to assist. Do not concern yourself with worthiness of teaching for this will be a natural outcome of your practices. Yes, discipline is important but not as a rigid rule.
SigEL: We are a spiritual family and this is what we wish to manifest here on Urantia, the coming together of the spirit family. To know that, is to be one with the Father. You will all know each other and who you are, and be able to appreciate each other as such. We come to share the love that we have, that you may have an abundance to share with others, and that we may upstep the quality of love shared with each other. We love you so very much and wish to see evolvement continue and grow in this direction. Support each other with all of your hearts in this endeavor and know that this is truly the way. This is the way to freedom, this is the way to know God within yourselves, to come to know the Father through following this path. We would not lie. Through following this path you will grow spiritually. This is the truth you seek, the truth of spirit, the truth of oneness, the truth of God. The teachers are here and will be speaking to many of you. Continue to trust in this process, know the mission is on course, the plan continues. Some of you have come to know parts of this mission to be true. We know that you continue to have some thought processes, put these aside for now and listen to the voice that speaks to you strongly, the one that moves beyond your own words, moves beyond your own thoughts and penetrates into your being, for we speak to you through your being, not just your mind. Resonate with us, resonate with the presence of God. Resonate with the presence of His bringers of light and life. These are the teachers, they are the bringers of love and joy. It is simple to know their presence, you will feel them, you will know them, you may even see them, open your eyes, open your eyes and see.
You are doing fine.
Trust in us, this is the message. Continue to know, continue to know oneself, and ones own energy in the Divine. Continue to dissolve the ego. This is not a reduction of self esteem but a letting go of the blockages that keep you from knowing spirit. The intensity of our communications continues and will increase. You will know, even more clearly than you have to this point, our presence is true, affirmation will continue to grow. When we speak to you, allow yourself to let go of your judgments, this we have spoken of before and would like you to hear it once again. Remember, embodiment of the teachings is the key. We are glad you are enjoying this process. We know that you will begin to see how often we interplay/interact in your life. We leave you now and will be with you again soon. Remember trust, trust in us, love the Father, fear not. We bid you farewell and thank you once again for being here with us, helping us achieve our mission. Our love continues.
There is indeed a great deal to be learned, for when we surrender to the Father's will, we have given ourselves a full and embodied life, one of joy, one of peace, one of love and surrender. When our wills are in line with the Father's and we know what the Father's will is, we have an understanding of our own lives. When we understand our own lives, we come to appreciate our brothers and sisters and know the love that we are capable of receiving and giving to each other. Once we surpass the knowingness of the mind and the survival of the body and we are one with the Father, we are able to appreciate, to give and receive from one another without reserve. In this letting go, in this knowing, in this appreciation for one another, we surrender. We surrender to the Father's will. To know the Father's will, you must open your heart, open your mind, open your soul. The first step is in the willingness. The willingness to know your own inner self, to trust, to hear.......When you speak, you can learn from your own teaching.
==Session 52==
Jan. 10, 1993
Hello, Welcome. The light of the Father shines brightly upon you. You are of great service to the Father. He loves you. Be about His business in all your dealings with you brothers and sisters, and smile when things get tough, for you know of the love of the Father in your life. Help others, share with others. This will feel the best to you.
The darkness comes from denial, it is the pure and simple process of allowing the light to shine in on places that have not been seen. When you allow yourself to be open to receive the teachings then you will shine, then you will clear yourself of the densities necessary (fades off).
The love of the Father is the secret of eternal joy. This is the lesson of today. Love one another with this Fatherly affection. Try hardest to accomplish this one task. It will benefit you the most.
I release and let go and allow the joy to flow through in my life today. For life is a joyous thing to be appreciated and lived with the grace and the knowingness that God exists in our world. The fear is the illusion of waste and that knowing is a product of spiritual endeavor and that with this practice, with this knowingness, you can trust in the days to come. And now for the teaching on trust.
The group is growing quickly. This was foreseen, yet we are still very joyous at its progress. This will continue to happen. Receive all new members with open arms. There is always room for one more brother or sister. You will all be directed, if you will, to be about the corps business, which of course is our Father's business of Michael's plan. Be not anxious. You will know in time. All of us are doing our best to set the stage of action to ready for these future events. Just be available, we will do the rest.
To trust is to know one's self. To trust is to love the Father. To trust is to be guided by the angels and to allow them to be of service and to serve our brothers and sisters with the love of the Father that shines through in our hearts.
Worry not. Share as best you can that all will be made clear soon. Until then, continue to study and learn from our teachings. This is best for now. Continue to shine the Father's loving light out from your heart. All will then know the truth of these lesson. For they will be living in your bright lives. (followed by a lesson in speaking out loud).
I know that you have come to hear the teachings of the Father and that you wish to know the Father's will. Ah yes, this a life's endeavor! For making the wish is a good place to begin. The action, the experience, the knowing is where the trust begins. We fill your hearts with love, we grant you gifts of peace and wonder, not the material, not the success but the inner knowing that is the true treasure of the spiritual world. For this world is temporary and when you move on and when you know the other worlds, you will come to appreciate and know that the treasure of the heart and the soul are the true treasures. The true worthiness, the true sense of knowing is what makes one great. This is the greatness that you seek within, for within you lie the secrets, they are truly not secrets, but are of the love and the light. They are what flows through you and not what stops and ends in this world.
==Session 53==
We are with you as you are with us. We are here to work together toward the success of our project, Michael's plan for Urantia's upliftment into the preliminary stage of rapid spiritual enhancement. Light and Life days have begun. Do not question this reality, it is daily unfolding in front of you, and very much is happening that as yet you cannot see.
For what is manifest is manifest and come to an end, but what is developed and grown within is what will continue on, it is what will come with you and travel with you as you move on to our other worlds and discover the other beings that want to know you and love you and give you the hopes and the dreams that you so miss here on Urantia. For when you know the Father's love and you share it with each other, these are the greatest gifts that you on this planet will know. These are the treasures, the true treasures, the gifts the Father brings for the special place, the special place is within and with each other, and the special day, the special day is today. It is now and it is forever, forever with us, this spirit guide, this guidance that you receive.
Trust that our accomplishments are ongoing in all quarters. You are performing your assignment as we pray and expect. We are pleased that this is so readily a joyful experience for you, this is as it should be, this is how it is with us, and we are able to share the uplifting rewards with each other as you do with your team of enthusiastic coworkers. It is a most important undertaking, which is being fed from on high in ways we have never before experienced.
We wish to speak to you more. Are you open?
These emanations and contacts are not like anything you have previously encountered. It is most satisfying, it is anything but ordinary, and it is a lifting of darkness in ways with which we are not familiar. It is truly exciting to be out on the borders of Michael's creation, working enjoyably on his plans concerning the corrections so needed and prayed for on your planet. Your march through space is being watched by the many sons and daughters of his vast domain, they too are receiving upliftment from these experiences we are in the midst of accomplishing. Yes, there is great joy in all creation as a result of the unselfish efforts in which you mortals are engaged in the actualizing of the plans for the planet now in progress.
Pati: Yes.
Be about your duties, wade into your Father's work without hesitation, with the same enthusiasm and confidence you have shown in the past. Do this with the power, intention and the love that your onetime brother in the flesh, Jesus lived and enjoyed. There will never occur any doubt as regards the validity and perfect timing of this performance. We love you and join you in everything that is here and now being done in Michael's domain.
Trust in your fellow beings, support each other. Know each other and share your hearts desires. Let each other know what your wishes are, what your heart would bring. What fills your heart with joy? Share this with each other today. Share with each other what makes you happy so that you may increase the power, the force, the positive force that will create this in your lives.
==Session 54==
Greetings. Tonight I wish to tell you how happy we are that you are all pursuing your meditation so diligently. Much growth will result from your persistent dedication to the worshipful and communion with the Father. Reach out to your fellows and help them get started on the path to the Father.
It is not so much the knowingness. The sharing is what is important.
==Session 55==
Jan 12, 1993.
Unseen Friend: Hello, We are here. Welcome. We have been waiting. All goes well as usual. This is due to all of your group trying so very hard to be about our Father's business. Our thanks to all, and you too! There is much growth taking place. It is good to see you all trying so hard. Keep up the great work and all will continue to proceed as hoped. Many teachers are here and ready. Remind all to continue to meditate and find the stillness, so that we may touch bases with them/you all.
We will adjust you. (Pati gets adjustment and sighs a few times). Know that we care. Aflana leaves you now and with you she leaves the love and the trust, the beauty, the appreciation for life, the honoring of the knowing within and sharing. Farewell!
Tell all your brothers and sisters to keep studying their lessons. This will provide much growth and pleasure. This is best for now. Soon there will be other more demanding assignments, such as helping with Michael's mission on a larger scale. This will include disseminating the teachings to others who will come along as a result of events that are soon planned. You will know more soon. So study now that time is available. This will be of much help later. It will build your confidence.
Norson, wishes to speak to you once more.
Know you are loved very much. Feel this in your heart, feel this in your soul, feel this in your life.
We appreciate and thank you for your transmissions and hope that you will continue to trust and to develop our friendship, for we know that you have the ability to share and to receive and to give this love to others for it increases your love by ten-fold. It brings you the knowingness and the joy that you deserve in your life, that you may know your own worthiness, for yourself and the Divine Father are one.
Know, not all things can be revealed to you as free will choice is yours and yours alone in your personal matters. True, we do guide you, but you must want to go where we guide you for that guidance to work out for you. So seek for your inner guidance, your Thought Adjuster for information and direction in your personal affairs. No one else knows you better or loves you more. Does this help?
We bid you good-bye, farewell for now, and hope that in future times soon you will be with us again and know that we are truly here and yes you may see us if you wish. We do not come in the form of humans but we do come in a form that you shall know. The light will shine and you will know that our presence is here. You will see our presence. And yes, share this, my friend...(Fades).
Sonny: Yes, thank you.
All is well, seek for your Father always. Doubt not that all is going well, for it is! Relax, feel comforted, we love you. And this love of ours is eternal. We understand your personal dilemmas and pray for you.
Sonny: Thank you.
It is our pleasure. You are our friend and fellow corps member. Doubt this not. You are one of us. The Family of God! This is eternal, this is infinite. We will always love you. We will always be with you. We will always help you along the bright pathway to our Father.
Our Father's LOVE encompasses all that you do in His name. His BLESSINGS are abundant. There is no place you can be where He is not giving you His full attention. His Love is living and lightens everything. He is ever present everywhere to be with His children, no fear is ever founded that He should not be here for you under any circumstances.
The light will shine on all. All will be given their light of truth. Each of you will have to make a choice. For you this will be easy, for others more dilemmas are necessary. Yet all will have a chance to choose the Father's way. None will be lost by accident. All are guided if they desire our help. Fear not for anyone. Pray for any you are concerned about. This can only help. Hope for everyone to come to know these truths, for this will someday happen. Each one will decide when they are ready. This is their free will. We are ready anytime. Love everyone to the best of your abilities and no more can be asked of you except to enjoy this process and share the light heartiness you feel. Laughter is a great medicine, so lighten up for best results. Share your joys and laughter, and all will see clearly the truth of our words. We leave you now for awhile. Don't forget to smile.
I am here present in every act you live out in my name. I help you when you need me, I answer those needs in ways most suited for the time, no call goes unanswered 'though the time may not be in accordance with your desires.
==Session 56==
I will speak to you of Love. Love is spiritual power emanating from the First Source & Center. Love is an energy and pattern unlike any other displayed throughout the whole of our Master Universe. Love builds strength in those through whom it passes, Love heals all ills, Love refreshes and renews as it is accepted into your heart. Love accomplishes its purposes and more than this, Love multiplies itself when it is used; the capacity of the well from which your personal love springs expands. Love is more than a healing, more than a renewing, more than a permeating, uplifting, wonderfully fulfilling, incomparably satisfying expression of Divinity, Love is the Essence of the Feeling that our Great Creator provides and perpetuates in perfection to all who wish to share this Great Blessing.
Perfection of trust grows in response to its use. Try to live each moment in the full belief that I am accomplishing everything necessary for the best it can be.
As you each seek to share this freely given gift, this most powerful, magnanimous projection of Divine affection will increase ever more. You are literally flooded with abundance as you attempt to shower your brothers and sisters with Love.
Trust Me, that I will ever be working to bring your thoughts in line with the actions that are to bring about the long awaited plans for the rapid uplift of remaining darkness on your home sphere. Michael is busy executing his vision of his perfecting universe. You are truly blessed to be a part of these events now appearing on the horizon and growing more clear with the expanding light given for this purpose.
Love attracts unto itself those who sincerely search for those with whom they may share their Love.
I urge you to persist in all your efforts to be helpful to the fulfillment of this ongoing event. My strength is here for you to share with each brother and sister that you recognize as in need. Do not be selfish, everything is here for you in great abundance and is impossible of depletion. Act accordingly. There is no wastefulness in giving all you have been given.
To accept this offering of strength & sustenance is also a signal that you are willing, more than willing, yes, filled with a burning passion to pass this Love on to the many whose hunger you perceive as needing your very Love to move them on to greater places of understanding, renewing and likewise sharing their multiplication of this all encompassing and personal display of the Father's presence in their lives.
I implore you not slacken your efforts to work with me in this great venture. You can trust that I shall not. Be of good cheer, live the moment and love everyone with the sincerity of love you recognize I live as your Partner.
As God works in mysterious ways, Love works and penetrates into the most dense darkness, disappearing any trace of doubt or disbelief into the all consuming light of its presence. We, you and I, and every living growing perfecting personality would be completely without meaning or purpose, would be completely at a lost end without this all important quality of God's great outpouring of Himself.
It is His sharing of Love that makes Him the Greatest. It is your sharing of Him, your sharing His Love that leads you into a likeness of His Greatness. As you strive and work and practice the duplication of this most powerful, most necessary, most cherished gift being constantly given by God, you become more like the Gift and more like the Giver.
I Love you, We Love you, God Loves you. Go now, share your limitless share. Consciously share your God likeness. Love and Be Loved.
==Session 57==
January 13, 1993
Norson: Greetings, I am Norson. It is good to sit and write. You do need more confirmation and it is fine that you take it easier in your pursuits. The way is not easy but so filled with the rewards of love and joy returned for your efforts. Have faith, my little child, you are in need of more and more of time to feel the fruition of this plan in your heart. It is there. The times ahead ore filled with your longings for more growth and it will come.
God is good, God is great, He leads me to the still waters of spiritual joy. Have faith for He is ever present, continuously reaching out to fill you with His love. His kindness is never failing. His mercy is abundant. He accepts you as His true son, He beckons toward perfection. You will follow as your heart is wanting to feel the goodness of the life He has planned for you. Your doubts are like the stones in a running stream that thrust the water here and there.
Your task is to paddle your canoe over and around them, and as you pass them by, you will feel the exhilaration of triumph. You have chosen to enter this stream of His divine plan.
Greetings, I am Norson. Love, I keep telling you of love. Love for yourself is also needed. Feel the spark of divinity within your soul. Do you not love this entity? Blend yourself with this and have faith that you are ever guided to become one with Him. Love this part of yourself and you will better love and understand yourself. You have what is needed to fulfill your destiny. It is undeniable. We see it. Have faith. Your are destined to become a great teacher because it is your desire. Unite yourself with Him who leads you and have courage that the path he leads you on is the one for you. Each day you grow in your awareness and knowledge. You are but a child but one with the desire necessary (and that alone is what you need) to become mature in the leadings of doing the Father's will.
You must accept the rough water and the still water. What an adventurous journey for you and your brethren.
Keep opening your heart to us. You do.
Go in peace and let it be!
Aloha sister. You are doing well. We are here for you. The future holds great joy and abundance. Seek your friends and lift up their hearts. Only have time for what is needed and your time will be filled. The lessons we will bring will deal with great harmony for every one. Peace is yours. Count your blessings. The windows of his mansions shine the light, your windows do as well. Open your windows and let all the feelings of your heart out. Seek to know your Father in others. Lift them up by acknowledging the purest motives of their hearts and bring to them more acknowledgment of His desires for his children to live His love and peace in their lives.
Ham: Good day, my friend. The lesson is on peace. Peace for you is what you would have in every moment of your life. The glories of this task are sweet fruits that require much dedication for the planter of these seeds. Simple and true is this dedication to bearing these luscious fruits. Sweet is their fragrance, in the lives of those who choose His way. Great are the tasks for you but joyful is the time. Lift up your heart and imagination. Have courage for the truth. It shines in all the lives of your friends. Un-bendable is the reality of His love. Strong is the hearts of the courageous men who grab on to the hope of new ages of light. Great is the need. We will bring you all you desire and more. Go about each day with complete assurance of the plan and your part in the unfolding of love to be offered to all.
January 5, 1993
Michael loves you. He reaches out to you and desires your hand. He is there for you. His peace surrounds you at all times. Rejoice that the days ahead hold new levels of hope and understanding and growth for us all. You do well. Your mind is ever diligent but gracious in its desires to remain pure. Lift up your happy face. It shines! What a glorious task we have taken upon us. We delight in you and those beside you for the Father has marked you for this. He knows of the capacities and probabilities of each of you. Together we will conquer new grounds of enlightenment to be shared by those who would want to listen and be uplifted. Your part is not in the uplifting so much as in the planting the seeds of desire. Openings which you have made in people close to your lives are well rewarded for their lives are sure to be enriched with new truths and desires. My friend, I can tell you of the path, you must walk the steps.
(Unknown- Aflana?)
==Session 58==
Jan. 13, 1993
Hello, Thank you for your openness. We are happy to commune with you again so soon. All is well, is it not? You are starting to live in the light of love energy more often then not now and it will continue until it is all consuming if you are willing to proceed in this process of God finding and Son serving. Michael is pleased to have you involved, and sends you His aloha and blessings.
All is proceeding quickly and well with Michael's plans. There are many to be served and much of human will to deal with, so many have to be adjusted to evolve needed events. So you see, patience is realized as a necessity on many levels of reality.
Transcripts via Pati/David
Soon you will see things that will amaze you. True, amazing things are now happening within your personal group. We are expecting worldwide recognition of our mission soon. This will be accomplished in a most amazing way. Look for this to happen soon, yet be not apprehensive or fearful, it will be a joyous event for all of you and us too. Enough said for now.
In these days to come, there will be many trials. We wish to give you the strength to become the leader you are. Sharing the love and knowledge with others, speaking your truth at this time, expressing your heart. We are with you now, our presence is here. We wish you to know us. (Relax and be free.)
(followed by a lesson on speaking out loud).
Yes, the communication is important and you must be prepared for the hardship, you must know all sides to know this process.
When you speak the lesson, there is much to learn. There is much to do. These lesson will help you to learn and to do. Each lesson is designed to be multi-faceted. To be of use to you the student who is communicating, and also to use for all others who have a wish to learn from this method.
Yes, the higher good will prevail, but the pieces must be picked up, it is part of the bringing together to create the prism for our light to shine through. If you bring together the pieces and show this, all will see the light, not just the few...???? (some lost). . . . time for the planet to come together, not just the stars that shine, but the comet streams as well and to share the word.
By living in the truth of these lessons, you will be forwarding the mission of Michael. You will be about your Father's business. This I know is your greatest desire. Life of course is busy, so it takes much time. But this desire can fill in around that, to consume all of your extra time, for this will be best for you. Do not hesitate to be about this business. Do not hesitate to try to love all you come in contact with, in this new way, in these new instructions, in the way the Father would wish you to love, to be about His business. We will guide you, we will help you, we will help you if that is your will for us to help you. You will not go far astray. Just listen to your inner voice. Listen to it well. Listen to it closely. It is getting louder now. It is getting more discernible. You all are getting more discerning in your ability to tune into this spiritual message, the message from your unseen helpers.
We love you ????? only bring the goodness to uplift you. Sharing the light is important for this is the life that will bring you all together and bring you to the connection, to the Father. We are the gentle spirits (Pati sees angels). Bring the angels into your lives, they are great assistants, they will help you piece together..???
Help us. Help us spread this news. Help us be about Michael's plan to bring this planet to life and light. To bring each and everyone of you into the understanding that you are the children of the Most High, the Universal Father. Our Father of light and life.
NORSON: I bring you the knowing. Repeat this to others. The "bringers of the enterers" have come to share their knowledge and yes, these beings will descend and have descended and will bring information to your group. I will be here to transmit their teachings and to give you the translation of their knowledge that you will understand. They are of a higher wisdom and have much to share.
==Session 59==
Unseen Friend: Just let your fingers type the words that come into your head. Computers are powerful tools for you to use. It is good that you are so willing to try to proceed with this work. This is a good attempt and as you see we can relay very quickly our lessons. Do not worry about the letters. If you can master this technique you will be doing good.
I transmit now a teaching of Christ, for this is what you ask. "To know one's self is to know one another." (Pati laughs).
Aflana is here!
The heart is an important place to focus attention. The words are not as important as the vibrational quality of your love. To create this vibration, focus your attention on the Father. This is how Christ was able to love everyone and set Himself aside. This is not sacrifice, this is giving of the Father's love, it is quite a simple matter. The practices are important to adjust yourself. Practice daily and know yourself through the Father's love. As time goes on this becomes easier.
Greetings sister. You wish to have me give you a lesson on companionship between a male and a female. One of the more interesting subjects, I might say! You certainly have struggled with it, it's been a valiant struggle. You possess the truth and as your light shines and grows brighter so will your truth and the truth of all your sisters. You must carry on the struggle and you must admit you are having quite a good time doing it! Do not doubt these words-I am Aflana of whom you've heard spoken. I am here with you to teach, to prepare you to instruct these teachings. You are, of course, part of the plan. We wish to utilize your expression of our teachings, much good will result from that. Particularly in the realm of relationships between a man and a woman and men and women overall. You are definitely being led. You are much loved and we are always with you. Practice more patience and be willing to spend the TIME; it will take time. The potential outcome of the path you are choosing should result in a magnificent array of heavenly fruits. Your light is reaching some places that have a great need of your light-yes, your light. You are that unique-you are that worthy. Continue to shine in ALL you do, you know what I mean! Aloha.
The younger family will experience your joy and want to share in your knowledge. Share your teachings with love and they will understand in love. Remember it is the vibrational quality that will transmit the remembrance and not the forgetfulness. Remember this quality in your teaching. Communicate with heart and soul and this will awaken the true memory which is within us of God's love.
==Session 60==
That was very fulfilling, was it not?
DAVID'S QUESTION: Will this pairing be helpful to you?"
David: Oh, yes yes yes.
ANSWER: Yes, this practice is good. Self discipline will play a roll in understanding the knowledge. Support is necessary to continue the desire.
This is a part of the new connection to aid the reception; increasing the magnitude of love energy with which you are filled, that you may share with all. You are beginning to visualize, to see the trinity effect as it flows from Father through Michael through you and others, finally returning back to the Source. This is not something new, though it is in your visual experience. I am most pleased that you now "see" this multiplicity in action within yourself. I know this is reassuring and the sharing of this will increase the assurance and faith strength within each of your brothers and sisters who are near you in growth. All this is, is spirit growing. Growth in the spirit is becoming our attitude, it is our direction. It is our ongoing perfecting of spirit which to you is the perfection of self needed to reach our goal of oneness of being.
Aflana will speak to the group through this transmitter. If they desire, guidance will be given. Understanding (???) another teacher will be given and other T/R's will be in the group and this light will ripple outward through all. We shall come again. Know that we love you. We are here to heal you. Melchizedek Norson is available for more.
You are ever being made aware of all that you need to accomplish each day's effective realization, actual discernible new growth evolving from the potentials long resident within. Yes, it is exciting that this is happening, exciting for me and most rewardingly exciting for you. Of course, this is joy producing as well as love attracting. So much overflowing love floods you, it cannot be contained, it spills over, emanating from your heart in wave like simulations which will be felt by all with whom you share. Michael is here with us in this wonderful moment of participation of growing in unison.
DAVID'S QUESTION: Is our group being prepared for similar mission or ?
==Session 61==
January 14, 1993
(Pati is the TR for Norson, David is asking the questions.)
ANSWER: Ah, yes. The nature of this mission is quite the same, yet individual for each person in the group. The soul evolvement will grow in each of you as a result of this group. It is quite important to continue your meetings and know that your purpose is one of love, surrender and joy.
David: Well, first of all, Norson I know that each of us down here that are part of this active, working group, we know and feel that we are part of this plan and you are a part of this plan. What are the things that you might suggest that we activate as a group to be most helpful at this time, at this juncture, on the Big Island, what shall we Do?
Yes, your mission will carry outward and in the sharing you will grow. Support each other in knowing the Father's will.
Norson: Getting together as friends is helpful and also spending time sharing one another's fears and discomfort about the processes you are going through as well as sharing the times of love that you understand to be a part of your process. You can spend time together individually or as a group in addition to your TR meetings. If you wish, you can spend time with the children and share some of the teachings with them, as well as giving each other understanding and compassion for those things you feel you don't understand or are afraid will happen. Have compassion for each other at this time. You are at the beginning and there are tender moments to be gentle with and not to be misunderstood for weakness. Thank you for asking this question. There will be a fuller answer to come but not right at this moment.
Practice the silence for all missions are important. More information will be given later. It is time to bid farewell. Peace shine with you now...always.
David: Ah, we're all just kind of curious, I've worded the question "Do we have at this time a temporary or permanent teacher assigned to us, or are you alone running our group activities at this time?
Norson: Yes, indeed I am in charge of your group activities at this time. You will be sent two more teachers that will work with you individually as well as speak to you within the group. It will be just a short while before this time comes, we still have many of you in preparation. As for the coming of a new director of your group, I will be partaking in most of your activities although not all of the time. Eventually, I will have less of a function of receiving your questions and giving you the transmissions, for the teachers will take over partly in this matter. For request of teachers names, this will become available fairly soon, and Andrew may be one of your visitors that will come to introduce himself as well as SigEL continuing in his communications with Judy and also perhaps with Pati. Any other questions?
Jan. 5,1993.
David: Yes, in some of my writings and I'm not sure where it is coming from, but at one point it seems to say that because I have a strong heart and have some other qualities that one of my duties is to be for the TRs, to hold them together, to reassure them from this side. Is that how you see it?
Hello, I am Aflana.
Norson: Yes, you will continue to encourage the one on one transmissions which is very helpful for clarification as well as support in the continuing of the process. You will also be an emotional support that will be crucial for the continuing of the process, as well as seeing through the completion of the mission, of the assignments.
I bring you greetings from the Most Highs. All is going well as expected. You can rest assured things are as they should be. Pati is a great blessing to us and to your group. Please support her in all ways. She will be a bright light to all who behold her and love her.
the assignments.
Do not make the mistake of doubting these events at this time, for all is going according to Michael's plan. We would like you to begin practicing speaking at this time. Just continue to write, also talk out loud as you write. This will be of great help to us soon, as we then can utilize you as a transmitter-receiver. This is of course if you wish this to occur.
David: Thank you. Still a a little bit more that I'd like to have cleared up about the TR meetings with the teachers. I have the feel, or it has been sort of working around this way, that our group in a sense will be a little bit smaller and held with a different format, the format that is coming to me is out of the teachings of Welmek where he says to his group that it would be good for the T/R's and those present to clear questions first, then go into the teaching, and when transmissions stop, we have discussion among ourselves and relate about what is happening. Is this a good plan?
Sonny: I do.
Norson: Yes, in order to continue with a format that will be workable for your group, I suggest that you do meditation first holding hands and then request if any teachers would like to speak to you and give you guidance for that particular evening. You may request your teachers at this time to give you information on what it is that you need to be doing in your group meetings that evening. You may also afterward, be with each other in such a way that you share your feelings as well as transmissions you have received. Emotional support at this time can be crucial to hold the group together for there is a certain tenderness involved at the beginning when the sprout is starting to grow.
Thank you and know it is greatly appreciated. You will be used soon.
Norson: Yes.
Sonny: Do you have a lesson for me?
David: Do you have anything that you personally would like to share with Pati and I at this time?
Yes, the lesson will be on tolerance.
Norson: No, there does not seem to be any issue at hand that is of great importance, although we would like to share that it is important to keep the communication lines open, at all times if possible, and release your fears of being absorbed in this project, for it is truly of greatest importance at this time to forward this mission with ease and expediency. We would like to share that in order for your teachers to come through more clearly, you may wish to increase your meditation time to 20 minutes without receiving transmissions. This will assist you in your connection with the Father and allow you to better share Him with others; you will be crating a center within yourself that holds a well for this love. It will not be a stagnant well but one that will be the continual flowing of the in-river and the out...and the in
Tolerance is that quality of maturity that we develop as we learn to live in love energy. If you wish to grow in this love energy, you must allow yourselves room for the Fathers spirit also. This will allow the Father the ability to help you see both sides or all sides of issues. If you see both sides or all sides of what you are judging, tolerance is then the inevitable result of fairness. Live in the light of your Fathers love. This light casts no shadow. This light illuminates all things for those who have an eye for these things. Can you not see? Of course. Know that you know, and many blessings will follow. You can be the Father's light, for it shines in each of you. Just share this light and all will be fine. Just share this light and all will be divine.
Pati: I'm getting a picture of the buckets coming up.
Doubt not my ability to send you communications. This is obvious, doubt not. We are here to help you. We are here to guide you into love energy and divine joys. This is our way of helping to complete Michael's plan. Hear me loud and clear, you are loved, as all others too are loved. We are here to help you to learn to love one another also. Do your best then to love your brothers and sisters and we will be able to work with you though your acts of love, as well as through communications.
David: I have no way of knowing whether you were present at my meditation the other day that I had not visions, but put together pictures that showed me a Trinity between the First Source and Center, our Michael Son and myself. Myself at that time I felt to be one with my Adjuster and that it was ah, I felt a connection, a new connection for me, new in my experiences, not new for my Adjuster, and that this was a connection of love. Could you perhaps elaborate?
(some time later).
Norson: Ah yes, you're making it a bit more complicated than it really is. There were angels present that were giving you a gift of this vision. At that time you were able to have a taste of what vision is, what you will be able to see. Expand on this and you will eventually be able to witness our presence. This is a good step in your process.
Hope is an important factor in our plans. Hope is undying in those who know God. And it is the hopes and dreams from your heart that you are known by.
David: Thank you. We really really really thank you. I wonder at myself sometimes because the excitement is so great and yet it is as though I'm very calm about it. Ah . . it's new. We truly thank you for all your efforts in working with us. We still can't get over that this is happening. Our doubts are not really present, we are just getting over the fact that THIS IS HAPPENING to us. Our thanks goes all the way up the line to the Father, we don't want to leave anybody out. We are overjoyed, we're continually pumped up. Thank you.
Norson: You are very welcome, and we do love you very much and support you in all of your endeavors. Know that we care and that we bring the Father's love and we will truly always be with you here and beyond. We bid you farewell and invite you to visit, to be with us again some time soon. Farewell.
January 6, 1993 (Unknown) Method TO Receive Transmissions and Vision
==Session 62==
Unseen Friend: Blessings.
[Transcripts via Pati's notes]
In times of darkness, in times of doubt, when dealing with despair, count your blessings, they are nearly without number. If you were able to recall the many times you were steeped in tears, the painful encounters with life's terrible trials, difficult decisions and seemingly endless experiences of sorrow and suffering, you will remember, or at least you can now recognize, these have all dissolved been replaced by joyful enlightening’s which raised your outlook to a point beyond the reach of pain. At that time you may not have made a conscious effort to recount your abundant blessings, but deep in the reservoir of mind recollections, it was clear that no real (permanent) damage had been done. Most certainly nothing had occurred which could interrupt the continuous flow of God's Love.
When we speak to you it is good to relax and allow our transmissions to be received with love. Worry not for we are bringers of happiness and joy for all.
Love is your greatest blessing. Love is an un-interruptable rushing river which helps usher in all the other great gifts you have been given. This is undeniable. Surely you must recognize all these wonderful happenings. It is true, in the midst of your moments of sadness, you rarely realize anything else, but before long, as you overcome this state of un-remembering who you are, an awareness of your true self begins to shine within, the darkness dissipates and the fears disappear.
PATI'S QUESTION: How is it I can develop the vision and share it with others?
Count your blessings, recount them and feel their resilient power lift you from the mire of self doubt and self deception. Recall their fullness and beauty. The more you examine the bounty of blessings resident in your heart, the higher you soar in confidence.
(Pati's abbreviated notes)
Blessings are like the steps on the stairway to heaven, as you accept them, use them, make them yours, they lift you over the dark chasms of uncertainty into the bright and beautiful skies of lightness and truth.
1. Relax and center.
Your world Urantia and some of the more recently evolving spheres in this system have undergone deep deprivations which lead to chaos and confusion rather than unrestricted communication and clarity. These conditions have changed, each of the previously darkened planets are rapidly receiving the blessings which have so long been prayed for and prepared for the changes now being experienced.
2. Open third eye-6th chakra.
Begin to trust, begin to believe, begin to know that these blessings of change will soon overcome all the residual evils and ignorance that so long reigned and wrought ruin in the lives of the unsuspecting inhabitants of your Earth. You can count on us to enhance and increase all of your blessings; in truth and reality, we are among your blessings, count us as a blessing, rely on us to be ever faithful to help teach and guide you throughout your Universe career. We will help you achieve your most difficult challenges as though they were nearly non-existent. Use your blessings as fuel. Fire away every last holding grip which attempts retard your un-retardable growth in spirit. We love you.
3. Develop trust of what one sees-know it is real.
==Session 63==
You can bring much happiness into the lives of others by reaching out to them and sharing with them those things which have been meaningful to you in your experience. All real learning comes from experience, primarily from our own experience, but we can be challenged and inspired by the experiences of others, and learn from them also. We can love and receive love only to the extent that we are willing to share our experience - "who we really are" - with another. We are a product of our experiences and our decisions shape our experience.
4. Speak to angels daily.
Only by respecting the uniqueness and individuality of each person can we realize the goal of the spiritual unity and brotherhood of all beings. There is much work to be done to realize this ideal in the experience of the inhabitants of Urantia. As a teacher you can be most effective by illustrating your lessons in terms of your own experience, or in terms of the experience of your students.
5. Meditate and ask for guidance and assistance and give them permission to assist/help you.
Let the love of God flow through you to all those around you. Share this love and your experiences of God freely with your fellows. We can minister to you, but only you (the planetary mortals) can change the world by the power of your individual choices. Replace hate with love, and fear with self discipline, and rejoice in your destiny and the opportunities of this life in the flesh.
6. Seek the silence.
Embrace the angels and spirit helpers around you with the love energy in your hearts, and feel the loving embrace of Michael's' (Jesus') Spirit around you.
7. Develop imagination.
==Session 64
Jan. 16, 1993- The Focus Upon Urantia
I am here. Begin to write. We will transmit to you now. All goes well. We enjoyed the Urantia Book meeting last night. You read our teachings well and they were well received by all there. I know this pleases you, and know it also pleases us to no end. Be at peace in your heart for we will be continuing to transmit through you. All will be helped by this process, so know that you are appreciated for this work.
8. Use visualization.
Tell all that soon Michael’s plan will shine brightly upon Urantia. All will recognize this shining.
9. Understand the mechanics of the third eye-- books.
All the love of the worlds will soon be focused on your home planet of Urantia. Many beings throughout Nebadon will be praying for your world all at one time. The energy of love that this will generate will bring much light and life here. This will be the start of a new epoch, the age of light and life. Expect this to happen as soon as all preparations are made ready. Yes, this will be very exciting and an amazing time to behold. You will all feel this love energy. You will all know that this is happening. Yes, it will be something like the coming of the spirit of truth 2000 years ago, but much more universal in the recognition by all. We will continue to prepare you for this time. You will be ready. You all will be ready if you continue to study and seek the stillness. We will ask you to be about our Father’s business as usual for now. The time will come when we ask more of you.
10. Communicate with us when teaching.
Love one another. Continue to share our teachings without fear. Expect the best to happen, for it will!
11. Use other source beings to affirm and acknowledge sight.
We leave you for now. Peace and love.
==Session 65==
Jan. 17,1993.
Greetings: Welcome. We are glad you are here. All the love in your heart is now directed to me. Thank you. I love you too! I hope we can keep this process flowing in this positive direction. Do not worry to much about your personal problems. They will clear like fog in the bright light of day. We know you will succeed. Just keep up the stillness practice, and encourage others to do the same.
12. Know when to stop.
Continue to help us by reaching out for others. Let everyone know of our mission. Some will believe, others will come when they are ready. All in good time. You will receive help. You plant the seed, we will help it grow. Don’t forget to pray also for those who need guidance. This will help the most!
13. If tired or unhealthy/ill, do not force vision.
All of God’s children will be saved. None will be lost. All will feel the love that is theirs for just the asking. An opening is all that is needed. So help them to desire this opening, help everyone to open their hearts to our Father. You will be of most good if you allow this truth to come forth from you more often. Overcome your fears and just allow it to flow from you. Know that this will work more often then you now think is will. Just allow it! All goes well.
14. Create illusion on purpose for this will develop 6th sense . . fantasy outside reality.
This is not a game. Many will be helped by this mission. The planet will be helped by this mission. Your help is needed. Slack not. Keep up the good work. You are a valuable member of this team. Know it, believe it, and do it. You will be helped. Doubt not.
That is all for now. We bid you farewell and we will be with you again soon.
==Session 66==
Greetings. My lesson tonight is on abundance. To those whom much has been given, much will be asked. The greater the depth of your experience, the more useful you are to the Kingdom. And what an honor it is indeed to serve our great and loving Father in Heaven. Nothing will be asked but what is given willingly.
In the cosmic perspective, wealth/poverty - pleasure/pain -etc. in this life are of little consequence in and of themselves. The only real value is in the decisions of the individual and how the mortal reacts to the circumstances at hand - how they affect your spiritual growth.
[Transcripts from tapes Jan 6, 1993]
Our Father has abundant love for all His children and through realization of this love will come the end of cruelty and deprivation on your world.
This then is your greatest and most urgent mission :
Ah, yes, you have returned with us. We are pleased that you have come to be with us. Allow yourself to be at peace. Aflana wishes to speak with you.
To spread the love of God and bring about the realization of the brotherhood of man on Earth.
AFLANA: Today we speak of truth. Our lesson on truth begins with the daily practice. To know the inner self is to begin to know the Father. When we know the spark within is the piece of the Father which motivates us to do the good in our lives, then we are able to develop and grow this part of ourselves in union with the Divine, with the loving and with the knowing. When we trust that the truth is held and flows through our inner being, then we will know the Divine, the will of the Father, and this will sprout and develop within our souls. When we allow ourselves to be at peace with the spark within and to allow this to encompass our entire being, to integrate this with all of our selves, then we will know the Father's will and flow with this in our lives, in our actions, in our speech, and it will touch the others that we come in contact with. When this touch is made, a spark of truth is created, and when this spark is ignited, it catches afire, and spreads the ring of truth that may encompass Urantia and send you whirling into the cosmic connection that keeps you in the Father's love. When this connection is made, your power source will be known. You will know that the Father is the Divine entity that is the ruler of your universe. And when this connection is known, you will find that light and life will surmount on your planet. It will be the peace in Armageddon that many search. It will be the peace of the planet that the many seek, the circles of light that come into being and sees the truth to be the way of light and life. These circles of light, these circles of love, these circles of truth will encompass the planet and hold each other in the peace, in the knowing that is within your hearts of the true love of the Father. Yes, we bring peace, we bring peace to your inner life, your inner selves, for this is the center of the circle which surrounds the Father, and its' love is blessed, and will become the truth of this world. It will be known to you and love will flow through these circuits and it will be this love, this connecting source that will be the bonding for all, and all will be within the circuits. All will know who they are, what they have come for and will live this out with joy.
We are working hard to bring this about. How long this will take is not up to us but depends on the decisions of the peoples of your world, but that day will come and the bloodshed and suffering will come to an end.
This is the precedent of knowing, for when you are plugged into this circuit, when you touch others it will be spread. And as for the coming of the Melchizedeks, of Norson and the others, the teachers that will follow, they will play a part in this to help in the hookup, to help in the knowing connection that you shall all receive. They are the bringers of these teachings and will assist you in the adjustments that will be necessary in your beings to hold the vibrational quality. Yes, this is a higher frequency that will require attunement.
Fear of losing the "material abundance" which you have grown accustomed to will greatly retard your ability to let go of your own will and to embrace the will of the Father.
We love you, and only bring what we know to be and we have received as the Divine plan for your planet. Trust in us and the evolvement in your times will be readily speeded to a source connection that will be known throughout the Universe. We trust that you will accept us in body...???...envelope. (Pati comments that she doesn't know that word) It is quite all right to speak in those tongues you do not understand, for the understanding will come later and you will know and you will understand and you will embody all of those truths that come and you will know your inner source. Yes, your inner source, for it is you, the individual you's that will surround the light that will embody the light and bring forth these truths. Yes, teachers, you will know and you will share these truths, and it is through us that some of these teachings will come and you will embody them and you will share them, and it will not require our transmissions all of the time. Yes, some of the time for teachings, for our teachings are important for you. It is the sharing through your own hearts that will spread and will bring the knowingness and the truth to others. It is within your daily lives, ah, simple times, the simple times are of great importance, for it is when we share in your daily life that these truths surmount and grow and come into being. Trust, the truth is here. It is now, it is always, it is forever, and it will be known.
You must trust that all will be well and let go of your fears and act on the truths you have come to know but have only haltingly put into action in your life.
We love you very much and we know there will be challenges, there will be times when you may forget, you may not know that we even exist, you may forget, but ah, alas, the remembering does come and trust yourselves during these times, for it is these times you may rely on to bring together all of those parts of yourselves, the faith and the non-faith, bring them together and let all of your selves know, let yourself know that it is good to be one with the Father. Trust in this, trust in life and you will know when the time is right. You will know, the Father will speak to you through his love and He will hold you, embody you. He will share in every moment His Being and all of His Being. Be not afraid...just allow....(break).
The will of the Father is the best possible outcome for all, even if pain or discomfort result in the short run, in the long run the best of all possible outcomes awaits you. Trust in your Father, have no fear, there is an abundance of joy in serving God and your fellow men.
And now for a teaching on speech. When we speak we wish you to communicate in as much exactness as you receive, this is important for the transmission to others. Allow yourself to let go of understanding. Allow yourself to let go of knowing what it is that we speak of and judgments of the worthiness of the speech...break...
==Session 67==
Good Morning My beloved.
Jan. 6, 1993
You please me in your renewed efforts to join in the activities so near at hand. I ever watch and wait on you to open yourself, opening your mind, opening your heart to my leadings. You may perceive this to be a rather slow process. In truth it is not, it is exactly right for you. I give you this assurance in answer to your doubts, to help eliminate the doubts which yet drift in and out of our time together. Fear not that these negative thoughts can have any real life existence. They dissolve and disappear in the clear light of spirit insight. They are but an illusionary figment of imagination which acts as a temporary block which has no power except that which you give it.
Unseen Friend:
Remain still, feel my light flood you, free yourself of everything which might attempt cloud the clearness which I share with you. Know that doubt is not real, it does not exist other than as an unclear thought not yet resolved. Be patient with yourself. Seek gently to awaken in my presence unencumbered with this residual denial of your true worth.
Hello, we are here. Welcome back, we have been waiting for you. All is well, is it not? Pati is a delight. We are so very pleased with her progress. Help is here for you now. It will help much to have another T.R. so close by. You will aid each other.
You are human, you are at the beginning of spiritual growth. Recognition of your imperfections is necessary before you are able to achieve the changes which you desire, the changes I have long ago initiated in you. Do not hesitate to seek further help in this pursuit. Ask for aid from brothers and sisters whose experience in these matters is greater than your own. Learn from them what they are most willing to share. Learn from them that which they have slowly developed and now use in a more efficient way than that with which you are as yet familiar.
Hear me, all is well, and getting better. Fear not. Your purpose in the plan will soon be known. Until then, continue to practice meditation and stillness. All is clearing now. Hope for and expect success. Your turn will come to be of great help to us, and you have already been of much help. Just continue and all will be well. Melchizedek Norson salutes you, and asks that you be patient for right now. Sit in the silence often so we may continue with communications.
Everything here is ready for you, I am ever ready for you to join me in this adventure, but know now that there is no rush, there is only time, good time, sufficient time, even perfect time for all this to be made real in your life, made one in our life together.
Doubt not that the doubts disappear, they are not real, they are imaginary, have no substance, no true means of remaining in your mind, unless you empower them to have this hold on you. Release these doubts and fears into my light with the full assurance they will become non-existent. They have no life within them. They are as the shadows which disappear in the dawn of each new day.
Jan. 7, 1993
Awaken now. This is your new day, your hour has come to be filled with the light of life. It is yours for the willing. It is yours forever.
I love you.
I am Aflana, I am here. I greet you and wish you well. Yes, life is difficult some times, and joyous at others. The important thing is to be in the Father's love, and to be in the Father's will. This you must do by allowing His presence in your life and living in the presence of His life. This you do when you incorporate these lessons in your life by loving your brothers and sisters with a Fatherly love.
==Session 68==
January 18, 1993
Greetings, I am Norson. I come to you today with fond greetings. You are becoming used to my power and it is good. Often one can become entangled in the process and loose the messages. You have seen. Let your mind relax and reach into your heart, the place of your Father. You may continue later.
Norson is here, and wishes you well. We are aware of your personal relationships and know one is now disturbing. You know that you know that all is well and will work out fine. So allow this to be out of your mind for now. Increase your understanding by letting time be the teacher.
Your lesson is on balance. Balancing the pursuits of life are initially all encompassing. Youth holds many lessons for you as the pressures of life are almost overwhelming. As one grows in the harmony and pursuits of a more spiritual nature the longings for material rewards lessen and thereby one is drawn to let the balance of ones desires to be weighed in the direction of growth. This is easily understood by you.
Pati is growing each day in her ability to be about her Father's, our Father's business. She is a clear transmitter-receiver and will be of much guidance to you. Encourage her as she encourages you. You will all anchorage each other and help each other feel safe and strong, and light, and life.
The balancing is of such a nature for your developmental stage that much faith and patience is required to fill the harmony of your goals. In this you will see opportunities to draw lines of delicate feelings in your book of life. Read into your pages the timely lessons which balance the everyday pressures of your life. These lessons for you include what is required of you to walk the balanced life of service and love to your fellows. Draw the pictures of compassion, silence, reflectivity, knowing, desire, patience, timing, listening, helping, hoping, sincerity, privilege of friendship, and renewed zest for challenges of ministry. The goals of reaching out to your fellows must balance with the common place needs of life. The rest, study, stillness and of course the recognition of that Father Fragment that leads each partner of humanity into their own path of desire and ability to see what is asked of them. The whole does exceed the parts but each part balances the whole. Balance yourself with hope and sincerity of purpose. Feel the oneness of yourself and bring your own needs to others in that you show them what it is you are about. By asking for assistance in understanding one is led to serve and much may be brought into balance; emotions, desires, timing, and attunement with our Father's will.
Norson was very pleased with Jerry and his ability to speak for him. You also will be called to do this, to speak for him. Just allow it to happen. Do not fear, do not judge, just relax and it will happen naturally. It will be okay, it will be fun and bring much joy. Try to speak loud and clear and precise. Repeat the message as best as you can hear it. All will be well, all will be fine. You must follow your heart when it comes to speaking to others about this communication. Speak to them openly if you feel this will do no harm to them or others. Be cautious only if that is their desire, but do not fear for yourself, no harm can come of this, you are safe in your faith, in your love of the Father.
Let go of impatience. It is a weed that will choke out the growing of your flowers of delicate array. Only by balancing the time about you can one be assured of a garden of irresistible aroma. Thank you. I love you. Aloha.
Sonny: thank you
==Session 69==
Mon. 1/18/93 (noon)
Aloha and greetings from Norson and friends. We have come to wish you well and are glad that you continue receiving our transmissions. Today we come and speak to you of the love you have been sharing with one another. We are glad that this is increasing and hope you will continue to share your friendship. We thank you all for participation in this mission and will continue to support you and your friends, spreading this bond of love is part of our mission. It is important that we continue to progress in sharing our love with you; by touching you, we touch many. We are glad to see that you have been adjusting your focus on the Father, strengthening your intent in this direction. We are also glad that you have continued to be of service in ways such as education, through sharing the Urantia Book. This is a good practice to continue and we will always support you in this. We are with you during these meetings and are available for teaching at any time. Be not afraid of exposing these connections with your fellows, their openness increases daily. The light continues to shine through your hearts and this is the key to opening other hearts. The work is good, the openness is good. We are glad to see that you are willing to be yourselves with this matter. Once again, we appreciate what you have been willing to accomplish in these short days. The time is new, we can begin to train you for greater use in the mission. We are in the beginning stages of this new time, the mission has just begun.
All if well. Go about your business. Worry not. You are in the love of the Father, and we love you too.
Pati : I don't know who I'm speaking to right now, but I'm willing to be open to this communication.
Farewell and Aloha.
(pause) Af'lana is here and she continues with her training.
(long pause).
Aflana: In this beginning time, you have all received some communication, even those of you who have not recorded or written down these communications are indeed receiving our messages and our guiding light. We are with you always, all of you, and are available to all of you. We reach out to you, to hold your hand, to be with you in times of trouble. To guide you and show you the way of love, the way of the Father. Draw on us, call on us, ask us to assist you and give you the energy and support you need to merge into your daily life. We are an available resource you may draw on anytime. Continue to be with us, share in our love, for we love you very much. (small break)
Yes My son, you are right. It is I who give you life. It is My joy to share my life with you, My boy, My son, My friend. Let your life and your light shine, smile, share, be loving, represent Me, represent Me well. Live your life as I would live it if I were you. Live your life according to Michael's plan. We will send you that information. You will know what the plan is.
Connie, we appreciate the good work you have done with your computer and hope you will continue in this service; be open to our guidance during these transmission computer times. We will continue to raise your vibrational frequency. This may happen periodically as the time goes on. This is part of the plan to enable the spread of love through the planet. Allow yourselves to speak the words that come to your minds, allow yourselves to be with the feelings that come, that may seem strange to you or make you feel uneasy at times. There may be toxins releasing or adjustments in posture, even voice changes, your voice may deepen, become more sincere, more solid; this is the sign that you are speaking your truth; even the slowing down of your speech, becoming more clear, becoming more pronounced is a sign of speaking a greater truth. It is an expression of the sincerity of your heart. (short pause)
Sonny: Thank you Father.
Norson: The question was just asked if I would manifest in physical form. Yes, my presence is here, I, Norson, have shown my presence to this transmitter, but I will not manifest in physical form in the near future. I will be available, of course, continuing in my purpose, but a physical form will be not necessary. You may continue with the transmission with Aflana.
Allow yourself to speak, allow yourself to meditate and find the stillness. You will find Me waiting there. You are never alone, I am always there, I am always here. Find Me here. Fear not. Listen to Norson, listen to Aflana, listen to the teachers, listen to the teachings. Share the teachings and live the teachings. These teachings are of love, are of light, they will steer you right. Day or night.
Aflana: Yes, there are many joyous times to be experienced now; the pleasantness and the comfort in knowing your teachers are here, sharing this bond with one another creates pleasures for yourself and others. Enjoy this, take advantage of this, trust in it. You will come to know each other quite well, you will come to trust in each others transmissions. This will be an intricate part of our plan and will strengthen the forward movement of our mission.
Have faith. Allow your faith to be as large as, as big as, as long as, infinity.
We love you very much and we hope that you will continue in your progress. You are doing well, and we are with you and available for your questions. If you wish to do so this evening, you may, and I will be available to answer your questions. Norson will also make himself available if Jerry or any of the others would like to speak for him. His presence will be available, and yes, we will be sending you more teachers. The teachers will be necessary to experience the various transmissions, the various qualities of teaching, and we will be available at this time as well. The new teachers may be sending themselves fairly soon. Their names will be Andrew, and Sig-El plus one other. They will be visiting you shortly, you may trust in them and accept their love. Andrew has some specific messages for you and may be coming very soon through this transmitter. We trust that you will be open to this Pati and accept the love he has to share. We understand this to be a new energy for you, but we know it will be an enjoyable one. He has been available for some time and will continue to be available and come to your Hawaii and be with you soon. He will give you the lessons of Christ, give you teachings on love and how to be in this space of love.
Yes you hear Me. Doubt not. I am here for you. Together we will enjoy life. We will enjoy the adventure, we will enjoy the flow. We will be one as we grow in the Father's love, in the Father's light, in the Father's life.
All are equal in their love of the Father and the Father loves all equally. It has given Him great joy to experience the increase of love flowing through His children more each day. To speak with God the Supreme is a good thing. He provides much guidance and may speak to you directly through feelings and occasionally words made available through translation, through the teachers, and will be an expression of His love through you. (pause) We love you very much. This is a time of change, we are changing you slowly each day so that you may adjust yourselves in this transition time. We realize your energy may be low at times, we provide a foundation to spring from during times you feel low. You may open yourselves, keeping with the Father during low points, you may better understand His teachings, His will, because you are vulnerable at these times.
Try, try, try, keep on trying. I know you won't give up. I know this will all work out for the best. For the Father's will to be done. For us to be one.
Take notice when low in energy, that you may take care of yourself the best way you know how. During these low times of vulnerability, you may feel subject to other peoples negativity. In order to avoid absorbing any of this negative energy, focus on the Father's love, it will create around you, a love barrier that is not a wall. It is a permeable barrier that cleanses the energies coming in, it provides a task for others to experience this permeable membrane through you. It provides a teaching for them indirectly, it is done without words, but they will experience you in a way they have not experienced before.
There is a light shining on Urantia brighter then ever before. We are standing at the door, and it is open. Help others see this light, this openness. Help other know the truth that the love is available. That it is all around. Open your heart. Rely on your faith. They will guide you. I will guide you. You won't get lost. Fear not. I leave you in love. I leave you in peace. I leave you in light. I am here. Call on Me. Rely on Me. Trust in Me. Have faith in Me. Know Me. Know that you know Me. We will grow together. We will be one.
At these times you may ask us to be with you, to give guidance as to what to say to each of these people, to better understand yourself as far as knowing why you have the reactions you do. It is quite all right to not feel like you love someone, or that you care for them, but if you feel hate for someone, then look to the Father for forgiveness, ask Him to enlighten you to the true nature of your own being, as well as that of the other. This you do in prayer, this is always the way, apply this to your interactions with the people in your lives. Yes, at the grocery store, at the school, during your massage sessions or on the street, any of these places, anywhere, accept what we have to offer, experience the vibrational quality that will come through you, even when you feel like you don't want to.
When you have this experience of not wanting to hold and be in the light, again you can ask the Father for forgiveness and draw on His love. This is why the daily meditation is important, to feel the flow of His love, and to keep your well cup filled. When you are feeling low in energy, you may stop for a moment, focus on the Fathers' love and receive His love. Draw it into your solar plexus, draw it into your heart and to your third eye. Also, release negativity through the bottom of you spine, this is the 1st chakra and is part of a system good to know for releasing and receiving energies. These may enable you to have greater control, access to the energy available.
January 7, 1993
We understand that some may be resistant to these practices, for they are not mentioned in the Urantia Book, and to some, may be considered psychic practices, but do not worry, these are expressions of Gods' love flowing through you. Understand how this works. Receiving energy through the crown chakra at the top of your head is an access point for this energy to come through. You act as a divining-rod, literally, divine rod, you are like a radio transmitter or an antenna To adjust your frequency and alignment to the Father, you may clear each of these chakras.
Unseen Friend:
More information will be given on this and the availability of these services and this education may be a step in understanding how this energy is playing within you. Of course it is not a requirement, it is a free will choice if you wish to develop this. We offer it as a greater understanding of what is actually happening if this is something you desire. We appreciate your patience in all of our subtle attunement, know that the vision of this greater mission will come into line with your own minds in the not far future. Trust in each of the small steps, trust in your new vision to come. You all will be embodied with this vision. Accept the practice and training that will come with it. You will be able to see us and experience our energy in a more direct way. This may seem strange at first, you may doubt the reality, it may seem like we are not really there or you do not see us, but you do. Trust the subtlest of visions and communications. Trust in even the subtlest of voices, the quiet times, the quiet voices, the quiet vision. It is up to you to open yourself to receive this experience. break
The truth ever draws the truth seeker into higher levels of consciousness, finalizing in the super conscious recognition of the Divine Spirit, the fragment of the Eternal God residing in the upper levels of the mind. Ceaselessly seek to find this presence in your life. This magnificent light is there to show you the progressively higher levels of love and true affection. Love is a continuous outpouring of the innermost feelings towards those that surround you.
I have come to you at a time in which much hatred is in the world, a heavy weight for the planet to continue spinning on its' axis, a balancing will be required to continue the receiving of the light. We realize that it is difficult to understand why there is so much destruction happening on your world. This can be a heartfelt matter which may cause you pain; many of you have a deep compassion for your brothers and sisters. The children are the ones who will grow to know what they have been taught. Teaching your children love is of course of greatest importance, for they are the future of your world.
A great joy and supernal peace is to be found in this sharing of oneself for the purpose of doing the Heavenly Father's will. A child cannot blossom into a fragrant adult without the nurturing of this love. A mind cannot grow into a well balanced and vigorous source of reality without the truth.
On Urantia, in this time of desperation and lack of caring for one another, you may occasionally be deceived by those who claim to be doing good. In these cases you may wish to transfer your guidance to the angels, they have much power in this world to manipulate events, times and places. Angels are available for service. We mention this again, know the extent they are able to assist you, just ask them for the highest good to be done in situations that are occurring in other countries on your planet.
A great deal of dedication is needed for one to live the truth and unfailingly give the blessings of love. All people are touched by the generosity of unselfish love. One cannot achieve this openness of giving love without a supreme desire to do the will of God. The presence of God in the mind insures, if the desire is there, love will flow, for God is Love. Just as love will not flow, truth cannot be lived without that truth being exalted to the understanding of the living God.
By praying for the enlightenment of other cultures and other world peoples, you will be assisting yourselves in creating the light circles on the planet. In addition to circles of prayer for places on the planet that are suffering, Om circles are positive and worthwhile. Joining together, bringing forth, giving of yourself is an effective tool to be used in creating greater enlightenment on Urantia. In order to do this it requires a focused intention on your purpose. Having a facilitator state this purpose before you begin a meditation can serve all of you in adjusting your focus to the intent you wish to create. You may choose one person to say a short prayer, or you may wish to send light to some specific place or to some person, especially leaders and their people. This is an effective way to create change, to effect places that are in the darkness.
The life of Jesus was a living example of how truth combined with love can lead man to God, to eventually come to know Him and finally become like Him. Accept these realities and your life will take on new meaning, becoming filled with joy, health, stability and true happiness. Let your love light shine and carry the truth wherever you go and be exceedingly glad. My peace I leave with you.
Yes, to shine your inner light toward one another through this focused intention creates a tunnel for the light to pass through your time and space into the light dimension, and is forwarded to where you focus your intention. You create this opening for light to flow through with guidance of the angels. Its' passage will be a safe one, a protected one.
You may also wish to understand that by creating these prayer circles you offer each other guidance, support you need in your individual lives. When a time of struggle comes in school, at work or in family affairs, you can get together to create a circle of light that can increase your abundance, increase your love, increase your understanding, increase your general enlightenment of the situation so that you may be in alignment with it. When you come to understand the mechanics of the powerful group energy, you will know that your circuitry is being hooked up; you create a greater wattage of light power, produce a greater channel through which to flow.
In a group situation, we may come through more powerfully, at a vibrational level stronger than in your individual sessions. Notice the strength of the energy field when you create a circle, then feel us during your individual sitting times, the vibration will be milder, not because we are less present but because your circuitry is weaker, it is not as strong as when you are hooked up with the others. We understand that you want to be able to experience this vibration more, and you will but it takes a strengthening of the nervous system in order to receive such communications.
You are all in training for this and will be able to increase the energy and light you are able to receive through us and of Gods' nature. But this will take development. Trust in the process, I'm sure we have much information to share and are glad that you are able to receive our technologies at this time. Not all these traditions are new but they are being received in a new way at this time. It is crucial that you open yourselves and that you understand we come with much love and with deep, deep caring for you and the people of your planet.
.Norson is here.
We know you see our leading you at this time, we know too you are appreciative of our coming. We too very much appreciate you being here for this mission. We gain much from these communications, Know that when we are with you, we are learning as well. This may not have been known to you before; we want you to understand us better. Ask questions at this time if you wish. We will share with you our experience of this mission. It may help you now and in the future as you advance, progress on your soul path and better understand where we come from, what we have to share and how we may help you in this time. It may be beneficial also to have a little bit more understanding of the source of this information. We are open and grant you this time.
I wish you well my friend and know the beginning may be difficult or a struggle for you to believe in our communications. Trust in us. We believe in you and know you are prepared for this mission. We have guided you for quite some time and have provided this opportunity for your support and caring.
(pause) (perhaps Pati asks silent questions, she is alone, on tape.)
We wish to speak to you of trust, and hope you will understand we mean well. Know that we are here. Feel us in your heart. The vibrational frequency will increase.
By understanding us, you will better understand yourselves, your true nature. We know you wish to discover your own true selves, the true path to know the Father is one of the goals on this path, it is not the final destination on your journey but is a landmark, it is a spirit mark in time, non-time; it is a transition to a much, much greater way of being. (pause) Yes the angels are available for your healing, it requires that you be in a relaxed state. We recognize that there may be distractions and disbelief that they are actually there helping you. We ask you to open your third chakra to receive light. This is a place we tap into; through the angels, you receive healing through this place. (pause)
We will continue to speak with you at these times of lulling doubts and will support you when you need it. When in Doubt, Trust. Know we love you. Open yourself to us. Love the Father and know we are the bringers of His love.
We have much more information and wish you to continue at this time. We understand you may be having an issue of trust with your neighbors; in order to overcome doubts of how and when to share the information coming through, we ask you; (1) to tune into the Father, open yourself to His love, flood yourself with His love, then flood them with your love. This is always a good safe step to take; flood yourself and flood your neighbors with His love. (2) Trust in what you feel in your heart. Again, another simple practice, but the subtleties of this are yet to be discovered. Your sensitivity is increasing and you will grow to know to understand the subtler signs and symptoms when you are in alignment with God's will. (3) Trust in your intuition, know when you are going off course. When you feel discomfort, especially on your right side, right foot, this may be a signal that you are stepping in the wrong direction. (interruption, end)
==Session 70==
1-18-93 - Kona TR Mtg.
Kona T.R. Group Meeting with: Jerry, Sonny, David, Connie, Judy, Pati, and Donna.
As for misinformation, we understand this to be a problem for you. Challenges will be had and a necessary part of the process. Know we mean well and if you can allow us to continue to come through, all clarification's will be made. The necessary adjustment in communication will maintenance themselves. Thrust in us Pati and all information will be made available and understandable.
(Note: The three previous T.R. Meetings where not recorded.)
We go for now, but know we are with you at all times and will continue to disseminate information through you and the others.
Meetings start out with a prayer and then a group seeking of stillness.
We love you Pati. Norson.
Norson (Jerry):
Good evening to you my children. I feel your welcome. I’m here to help. I am here to teach. I am here to love you. I feel your love for me, I am Norson.
Sonny: Welcome Norson. I also felt your presence and it is a wonderful feeling!
Unseen Friend: Choice
Norson (Jerry): You all feel me. My power is the power of Michael. The power of love. The love that you freely share. The love that I freely share with you.
Peace be with you. We come to confirm for you the events of recent days. This work is of utmost importance at this time and we are happy to see you are well ready to give yourself fully to this task, to this opportunity of service on a broader field. We recognize the difficulty involved in rendering this decision which so largely depends on your faith and the keen discernment of the differences in this reality from the realities of your everyday see and touch world. You will continue to experience hesitations in total acceptance but this is not really a problem, it is truly a process of evaluation, of truth discernment, a necessary part of the path to experiential trust. We value this tool in you for it lessens the possibilities of being fooled or tricked into illusion confirmation.
You are doing well. You progress daily as you seek the Father daily. Together we will work and we will accomplish good things. Some good things, some may be great things. You will all remember this. Peace will fill your heart as you come to know the Father more, as you come to love Him more, as you come to desire to be more like Him. This is our goal. To help you to illuminate the path, find the Father more clearly, more purposely. Trust in the guidance that you feel, and emanate from your heart as you go about your day, with all your associations with people. When you come upon difficult situations, relax and go forward, accepting the truth, feeling the truth, remembering Michael’s presence. Always remember Michael’s presence. His presence is with you now. Sig-El wishes to speak through Judy.
May we give a lesson?
Sig-El(Judy): Michael loves you. We share in the wonders of what is to become and bring about light and life on this planet. It can be made whole, and great is the glory that will come. You have offered yourselves and we are grateful to work with you. We are your friends. The times we share will be of great comfort for all of us.
David: Yes.
David: Could one of the teachers avail themselves to one of our T.R.’s so we may ask some questions?
This lesson is on choice.
Aflana(Pati): Yes, Aflana is here to answer your questions. David, do you have a question?
Growth in the spirit is the prime undertaking of all ascending beings. Training to make right and timely choices begins in the earliest stages of soul evolution, it continues on forever keying and elevating you to higher vibrational levels, to higher planes of spiritual existence until the goal of attaining perfection of attunement is reached and the Father Himself greets you in the fullest of glories. You have come the faith path, the highest choice road to the final and full recognition of your Heavenly Father. Your Adjuster having come full circle, has returned home bearing and being One with you the soul of His choosing.
David: To start with, I love you and we are so happy to have you here. I think that to start, the question Connie was voicing earlier on. How do we get ourselves more together to be able to do this work?
Choice, choice of the Adjusters, choice of the new born souls, choice of the fused Father fragment/Soul/Personality/Beings, continual choice throughout the entire adventurous journey to Paradise. This may seem like a tremendous, near endless decision making process, yet, though it is, it is not. The choosing of doing the Divine Will, of aligning your will with God's, simplifies into one all encompassing decision. Decide now to know your Perfect Parent by molding your will to match.
Aflana: What you must do will come naturally, and in order to proceed with the process at hand, you can not only trust in one another and experience each others words as your own experience, but continue in sharing your feelings and doubts, the little ones that may be left there, and also to understand that the prayers and the circle meditations will be part of the process.
If this is your personal choice, and this is what you desire most in life, this attitude of acceptance will forever lessen the difficulties and eliminate all hesitations, for you have begun reaching for the highest goal, becoming part of the perfect plan.
Connie: So we should carry on?
Attainment is thus assured from the beginning by this one all encompassing choice. The choice is yours, the repercussion resounds throughout the Universe, the joy is felt by all creation, and the word goes out, "A new child has been born unto Us and has chosen to be as One of Us." Thus, this willing choice you make evolves into a Perfection of Reality.
Aflana: Carry on!
Sonny: And holding hands is good?
Aflana: Yes, holding hands is good. Continue to hold hands.
(Norson?) Timing
Sonny: Thank you Aflana. I have a more serious question. Talking with Patije in Sarasota. She mentioned that in the early process originally occurring, that the group was originally together and then split apart. I wonder if there is any danger in our group, and if so, what the danger would be of our splitting up?
Peace be with you. The adventure is never dull. The exciting uplift in confidence and exuberation which was your experience last night will charge you, your brothers and sisters for quite some time. It was the fully open receptive nature of each of you which permitted the successful penetration to reach each one in its own way of expression. This was deeply rewarding for all the personalities present, seen and unseen.....everyone had an uplifting and unifying quickening. It is times like these which provide all of us an opportunity to clear away hidden darkness which disappears in the presence of so much light and love as was last night displayed to everyone's full satisfaction.
Aflana: There is no danger and even in the case of a parting, it is always for the highest good. You can trust in this process and know that your heart will lead you in the way that is best for all. In the case of a parting, you may give understanding to each other and support each other in your decisions. This is not something to fear but something that you know is of your free will choice at any time and you may chose to be with the group or not to be with the group. This is something that your own heart will lead you to, and if someone in your group does decide to leave or to chose another way for a short period of time, then support them in this and let them know that you still love them and you will be there for them at any time.
The lesson is on timing.
Sonny: That sounds very loving, very open. Thank you!
When we who have your permission to act as guides, teachers, helpers and friends are given the opportunity to work with you, to share our knowledge and share our experiences, our wisdom of your exact needs, we never rush or force our thoughts upon you, we can only exercise our patience, easily waiting and watching for the propitious moment that you individually choose to be ready, available and attuned to receive the guidance that you pray for. The timing is not in our control at all, but in each of you, individually and collectively, in groups of your own choosing.
Aflana: Connie, do you have a question?
We are ever ready to act upon your signals, to act upon your actions. This is what dictates that the hour has come for any specific activity to begin. We can watch your individual growth, your opening, your unfolding, and thereby have some indication of when each of you may be coming into a complete acceptance of being on the right pathway. But the exact timing is unknown to us, only in the complete and perfect plan of our Paradise Parent is the exactness of all things known.
Connie: Well I am not sure. I have a lot of questions Aflana. And I know that you are going to give me a lot of answers.
Timing will play a roll in all of our lives, for all of us are living and growing in a time space universe. As we grow onward and upward into the higher realms of our journey God ward, we learn more and simpler ways of perfecting our timing. This perfecting, this exactingness comes to full and final fruition upon our complete embrace by our Heavenly Father. He personally enfolds you and takes you into Himself and you fully experience the Oneness that has been the long sought prayer come true, and you will know the timing was absolutely perfect.
Aflana: Yes we may speak to you directly, or we may speak to you through your computer. All it takes is a simple yes and we will answer all of your questions if you wish. This is an opportunity to clear some of the space so you may open yourself to these communications. If you have any concerns that you wish to clear at this time in order to open yourself to this, you may do so.
Connie: I would ask you then, were you asking me if I would speak your words earlier?
Aflana: Yes we were, this was a bit of a test, and know that you have been on the edge of this for quite some time and we support you with all of our loving and care and will continue to act, for we know that this is your hearts desire.
Connie: Thank you! Thank you!
Greetings. The love of God surrounds and upholds you. I am here to re-assure you that what has been happening is genuine, and that you are all a part of Michael's plan to save the planet. Whenever you seek the stillness remember that within Michael's plan there is room for all, no matter what shortcomings you may have or think you may have. It is very important that you not let your own feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness keep you from experiencing God's presence. Those things about yourself which you need to change will change with time, as you focus on God. The positive aspects of your spiritual experience will gradually overshadow and displace your lower desires and material concerns.
Aflana: David?
You need not be concerned with changing your employment right now. You know that this job will be over relatively soon anyway. Use this as an opportunity to meet the challenge of continuing to keep your focus on God amidst the incessant demands of your job and other worldly duties, and at the same time as an opportunity to learn leadership skills and to reach out to your co-workers and share with them God's love. Use this as a testing time as a challenge to keep your faith and focus on God amidst confusion and burdensome demands on your time.
David: In the Welmek group at different times, it would seem that they would be having outside guests or people not directly affiliated with their T.R. group or their group at large. And so many of them where asking about their spiritual name. I took this somewhat humorously because I felt it wasn’t something that I would ask if I had the opportunity, and here I find myself wanting to know if there is any significance in our spiritual names, and if so, might you share them with us.
You will be called upon in the future to serve under even more demanding and challenging circumstances.
Aflana: No there is not much significance in the actual syllables that make up these words. There is a certain vibrational tone that each of you is known by throughout the universe. But this is not translatable through the English language or any other language. It is a quality of sound that resonates in your world, but to repeat it in finite words is not a palatable way to express your true nature. You will come to know this name as you progress in your spiritual involvement, but it is not necessary or significant at this time.
Reach out a little more each day to spread the love of God, and the message that His love is there for all, to all those you encounter.
Sonny: Aflana, I’ve been hearing the name Andrew.
May the Peace of God be with you and the presence of the Father enfold you.
Aflana: Yes! Andrew! And yes that is a communication that will be coming through this transmitter and through some of the others. You may be open to receiving Andrew’s loving messages, for he is quite a special being and has much to teach you.
Sonny: I look forward to His coming.
Aflana: Yes, He does as well.
January 10, 1993
David: Who is Andrew. Where does He hail from?
Greetings to you my young friend, I am Ham. You have asked to be my student. I will teach you. First, you must know I love, I believe in you, you are good. Believe in yourself. It is well known here of the difficulties you face due to your nature. Remember the nature of God is merciful. He is not impatient of you. He understands all. His desire is that you grow daily. It is not for you to be perfect today. You have eternity. I have been working on my perfection for what would seem eons to your mortal mind. I had one of these minds also, I know the difficulties you face, these are necessary to grow your character. God's ministry is always there for you.
Aflana: It is not necessary at this time to know the original origin of this being, but I will say that he is a special teacher for you that will have much to share and has been involved with the Melchizedeks and some of the other greater unity teachers, or teachers of unity, and will be involved in the bringing together of your circles of light as well as in the bonding of your hearts with the Father. He is quite a loving being and will be of great support individually as well as for the group.
Your angels work diligently towards helping you progress toward your spiritual goals. The Father's presence illuminates your mind, giving you clearer vision of the path. The Spirit of Michael is always there to help at the crossroads. His Truth has emblazoned the whole universe with goodness. This goodness is what I would share with you tonight. Goodness is service in action, it is being of good cheer as you perform your tasks, it is giving to others that which you have. Goodness develops as a person chooses to be kind, considerate and courteous. It grows as one practices sharing the values of one's life. One may always be aware of goodness if one wishes to see it in others. To reach out and touch someone, this is good, to listen to their story, to care for their concerns and to help where ever one is needed is a blessing. A gentle fragrance arises from a person as they take Truth and Love and combine it into an act of friendship. Friends can be your greatest source of comfort, next to our Father and Michael.
David: Wonderful.
You can find much goodness in the love of your wife and children. Family life is full of opportunities to see God The Supreme in action. All the interaction and activity that is there for you, so many different circumstances to draw you and the others to taste the fruits of the spirit. Understand the oneness of your family so you can lead it toward more happiness. So many opportunities for kind words, chances to guide, times to listen, and ways to serve. This undertaking of yours is a great blessing, not only for you but for many others also. Keep the doors of your home open, let others see your fruit. Be proud of the goodness of your family. Use what you have gained from this experience to improve your character. Allow the growth that you have obtained to create a more confident person, one with many blessings to be shared.
Donna: I was getting that He has another name other then Andrew. Is that true?
Your group is full of loving personalities, seek them out and entrust your heart with them. They will be grateful. You have received much good from all of them, return that good. Give them what you can, use your talents, express your openness, share your love. Always remember the presence of our Father in their minds and the presence of Michael at your sides. These are spiritual realities of which you can be assured. Let this Light bring forth Love and happiness for you all. This is a special time for you. Much is to be done in the near future. You will be asked to do specific things, services to the angels to help bring about a more spiritually receptive atmosphere for the events to come.
Aflana: There is a certain quality of truth to that. The name Andrew is sufficient but yes your question is accurate in the sense that this is a simple translation in terms that you can understand and are familiar with.
Be at peace with this, we will be with you and you will work as a team. Continue to gather in strength from the stillness. There is so much support in your group, so much affection, that if you choose to work together, phenomenal things can happen. Your friends are free, their spirits rise, their hearts are open, they all have, in their own way, been craving this chance for service for a long time (by your standards). Go to them and allow us to guide them. You have help, you needn't worry, just open up, follow the leading, let us work through you. We love you. We mean you no harm, we are exhilarated by the chance to help you grow your souls. Be Patient. (undated, in sequence)
Donna: Thank you.
Good day. I am glad to be here with you. You have passed through a trial. You have judged yourself correctly and you look forward. The wisdom gained will be of great benefit to you and of service to us. Today I will teach you the art of ministry. Begin each day by finding the Father within. This need not take long but is essential to live His will in your life. As you go through the day, always be on the look out for openings to minister.
Sonny: We have been contacted by Allene, and she would like us to share with her for the T. R. newsletter, including putting our name on a national list. Is this profitable for us at this time?
Key words or phrases spoken by another are your signs for action. Just as in soccer, you cannot score without shooting, or in surfing, you cannot ride without dropping, one is unable to serve without acting. Make the choice quickly, the longer you wait, the greater the chance for your animal defenses to block you. If you will do this, you will immediately notice increased faith and your day will be filled with joy.
Aflana: Profitable no, not in the money sense, but yes profitable in spirit, and you may feel comfortable in sharing your information and your names, and whatever parts of yourselves, experiences that you have with this group. It is a safe endeavor to partake in.
Never doubt that the angels are preparing these opportunities for you. If you truly love them, show them by action. You know you cannot be responsible for the outcome, but you can have an effect on your own soul. This is the Father's will, that you reach out and share His good news. When you go to bed at night, find the Father again and be thankful.
Jerry: Aflana, does the name Landor have any significance to this group?
This is all for now, you have done well, we will talk again soon.
Aflana: Not much at this time, although there is a possibility of his energy being on the outskirts of your group. You may tune into him, but he probably will not be a big part of your teachings, although his energy is one of strength and you may call on him when you feel weak or need to feel strong. He does have a powerful energy and may be of support during times you may feel there are trials you are dealing with and need a stern voice or hand.
Jerry: Can you explain the phenomenon of the messages that many of us receive that come from Michael?
Aflana: Yes. We understand this to be one of love and compassion. This is one form that you may receive teachings of the heart. It is not necessarily the Michael that is the caretaker or ruler of your particular universe, but it is a smaller energy form that is an expression of the heartfelt teachings. They are just as valid as any others teachings and the name Michael is a useful one because it resonates within your minds that you can accept His teachings wholeheartedly.
Unseen Friend:
Another question?
Sonny: Yes. I would like to know that when I receive transmissions, I often heard the name Norson, and I’ve heard your name Aflana, and I am in question of whether I am hearing them correctly, or interpreting it correctly. Can you help me with this?
Norson Trust In Us
Aflana: Yes, you are interpreting this correctly and trust yourself to know that what you hear is for real.
Welcome, we are glad that you have come to be with us today.
Donna: I'm sure it’s the same self doubt but I’ve been wondering about Salonia. Can you tell me about Salonia?
Pati: I feel your presence and know that you are here.
Aflana: Oh yes, Salonia! She is a beautiful being. Quite a beautiful being. She has again a loving nature and brings beauty and enthusiasm and spirit into projects that you may undertake, and provides the subtle energy to continue your motivation during times that are lagging, and may be called on for qualities such as trust in taking steps forward in projects that you may not be clear about at the moment. She can provide a clearer visions for projects that you may have ideas about and give you insight into people you may connect with in order to make this project go forward. And also give you insights into what may be obstacles in the way, and give you suggestions as you go down the road later on, how to overcome them. You may also call on her for support in dealing with others one on one, when you come into conflict with them, and you can also ask her for guidance when dealing with children. She’s very good with children.
We are glad that you have chosen to allow us to be with you, to make these communications through you. We embrace you with love. Know that in each moment, each day, the more you allow us to be with you, the more you allow us to love you, the greater our service to you will be. This benefits all. Know the trust is building, know the trust grows within you, that in the days to come, we will grow to love each other and continue to share in these transmissions in a way that serves all. Know that we are here, always available for your assistance and service. Yes, the angels are here, you have two angels protecting you, watching out for you, know they love you. Be kind and trust us.
Donna: Thank you very much, you’ve been more helpful then you could know.
Greetings, I am SigEl. I am pleased that you have opened yourself to receive me. I know that you have some concern. Do not worry, all is fine. I feel you, and know you, and will be of assistance to you and the others. Trust in me, know me, we are preparing you to speak with others. Trust in me, open your hearts and know that all is fine, that we are here to be of service to you, this is why we have come, to serve you in bringing light and life to the planet. We know that this takes trust in evolution, of the times to come, we know that this will take moving forward, require you to move beyond what is usual for you. (pause)
Judy: Aflana, can I ask a question?
I speak to you of knowing ones self. The way this may be done, is to listen to the inner voice, to know the feelings that come with these voices and to trust each one as its own entity. Listen to these voices, know what parts of yourselves they come from, know when it is your inner wisdom, when it is your body-self, and when it is one of us, your teachers, counseling and assuring one another. You have many voices you may hear, discrimination is important. Discriminate, for the voice is heard through knowing the quality of each vibrational frequency. We speak of this quality, not as feeling but as a sensation that moves outside of yourself. (pause of a minute or so)
Aflana: Yes.
A different personality speaks here) Yes, we will speak to you of guilt. This is actually quite a simple matter, it requires trusting ones own sense of righteousness. It requires trusting oneself to know that all is being taken care of and that you do not have to control your outer circumstances. Yes, doing and action are important, but the first requirement is following your inner knowledge. To know this, be still, trust your heart. This does not have to be a complicated thing. To free yourself from guilt, tune into your heart and forgive all those involved, including yourself. Forgiveness is a key factor and is what will free you from these feeling. Forgive yourself for all things past and let go of the future. Know that the moment is now. Trust in us Pati, we are working through you. Alignment is happening, know greater teachings will come through you and others.
Judy: Do you have any messages or connection you can give me as far as my part in the mission and how I could do a better job?
All the teachings are important, they are to be shared among you. Each individual will receive teachings that are in line with his own needs as well as the needs of others. To share them will be of great benefit. Lessons learned through each other are all part of the teachings, and to embody these teachings is the goal at this time.
Aflana: Yes. There are some specific instructions that we can give you at this time. You may continue your meditations practices, especially in the morning is a good time for you, this is when you tend to be clear headed and not as tired as at the end of the day. It may cause more stress for you to do your transmissions after work and before bed. So even getting up earlier in the morning before anyone else is up and taking that quiet time would be beneficial for you. Also at work during your lunch break time, you can receive supportive, loving energy. Draw in the Father’s energy at this time and fill your wells. It will give you greater strength during the day to go on and you won’t become as tired and feel dragged out by the stresses of your day.
Practice, practice, practice. It is important to practice. Practice these in you daily life, each morning as you wake up, tune into the Father, yes, this is good, yes this is true. Sigel wishes to allow you to better know his energy. He brings a brotherly and sisterly love, one that may be shared and easily accessed through knowing your heart, this is the entry way of the soul and is the access point for transmission much of the time. Allow him to come into you, allow his love to penetrate your being. Let go of the fear, know that we are here. (pause). Yes, the teacher is here and he speaks to you through his own words.
Also giving support to your husband and accepting more love from your children, really allowing them to love you and letting them in, will free up some of the minor little blockages you may have been feeling.
Pati, speaking to herself, says: "I have allowed this teacher to embody me, he resides within me now".
Judy: Thank you.
Then a rather loud "Hey, who is that, that speaks now? Is it I, is it he, is it the one who knows?")
Connie: I have a question but it will be the same question that Judy asked.
It is I Norson, I have come. Yes, the greater teachings are here, greater teachers are arriving on the planet at this time. The power is increasing, the power is great. (pause)
Aflana: Yes. I feel the sadness. This is a good time to experience your vulnerability. It is a good time to make a breakthrough with your relationship with the Father. It is a good time to let go of many fears that you may have had set deep in the path. Come forth and flower into the being that you have always known that you are. Let this light shine through in your faith, and in your body, and in your soul. And let your own self know, let your mind speak to your own self, and let yourself know that you are the beautiful being that you are, and that you support yourself in allowing yourself to fully receive all of the love that is available, so that you may continue in your life endeavor. That you know that you have purpose, you know that you are here to serve and to be one with the Father, and that you can open yourself to this, you are worthy. You are worthy of all of God’s love. Allow everyone to love you, your friends, your family, the flowers the trees, even the cars that go by. Know that when the cars go by, the people in them are sending you love. That everyone loves you and all things root and unite in this love.
We wish to make room for more teachers, the time is here, the time is now, the teachers have come, they are here to disseminate, to bring the teachings. Know that we are here, accept us, open yourselves, know, trust we are here, we love you. Be open, be kind to each other and sensitive in this time. Allow yourselves to share even the most mundane things, things that you think will be trivial, may be important to this process. Indeed, a great bonding is happening. This is true.
You can allow yourself to be in this oneness, and experience this oneness with the joy of every cell of your being. Allow this to flow through you and you will be healed, you will know your true self and you will shine, shine like the brightest flower, the brightest star, and everyone will see your light, and you will bring much joy into the peoples lives around you. Part of your purpose is experiencing this joy. Just allow yourself to taste, allow yourself to fully embody this love. And this is your task at this time.
We wish to speak to you of love. Love is the answer to all. Love is accepting the guidance of the Father. Love, of course is to love oneself and to share with each other the feelings of the moment, not to hide behind the facade of character traits, but to fully expose yourself as the person you know you are, not who you think you should be. To love is to accept each other, no matter what thoughts, feelings and words are said in exchange between you, accept one another just as you are, as is. To love, is to know oneself in daily meditation. This is an expression of love, an acceptance of your inner self. This does not have to be done sitting down in a quiet place, this can be done anytime, anywhere. It is helpful for the daily meditation practice to have a quiet place and to be still, but to love oneself does not require always to be in the stillness. It is a reminder of what is available each moment. To love one another is to accept each others faults, it is to accept each others strengths, support them truly with all of your heart.
Connie: Thank you Aflana.
Support each other in the things that you do well. Strengthen those things you feel to be weaknesses through accepting and loving those parts. Choose things which allow you to grow in these areas. Stretch yourselves, recognize your weak areas, nurture them. These become your strengths. This is a known thing, good to be practiced.
Aflana: Speak Jerry, your blocking your throat.
For example, if you have a brother who wanders off in his mind, suggest meditation practice, show him how, teach him the way, show him the way. If you have a sister who falls in love and gets hurt, suggest to her, to trust in the Father, develop this relationship to nurture herself and be able to more fully love her brothers. Trust in this. Trust in yourselves. Trust is of great importance. For example, if you know someone having trouble in their marriage, suggest to them that they council each other through the words of the bible, through the teachings of Jesus through the Urantia Book. All have things to share. What a person is open to may be different, adjust your thoughts according to their belief structure. Know that we are one. The truth withstands all words beyond mind. The truth is what will be seen, this is the important factor. Trust in this Pati, trust in us.
Jerry. Perhaps you can shed some light, will Machiventa Melchizedek (rest lost due to softly spoken).
Greetings, this is Norson. We are glad that you are doing so well and are willing to continue the process. As we continue to speak through you, the ease and joy will become greater, the worry will cease and you will know and trust that we are here. Many teachers are available at this time, visitations will be often; trust in this, feel the support, know we are here. Sigel has come for a visit, he will not be your teacher but would like to share some of his love with you and the others, his brotherly love. Know him, love him, trust him.
Aflana: No that is not the issue at hand right now. There is something within you that wishes to come forth. It may not be right at this time.
SigEL: We are a spiritual family and this is what we wish to manifest here on Urantia, the coming together of the spirit family. To know that, is to be one with the Father. You will all know each other and who you are, and be able to appreciate each other as such. We come to share the love that we have, that you may have an abundance to share with others, and that we may upstep the quality of love shared with each other. We love you so very much and wish to see evolvement continue and grow in this direction. Support each other with all of your hearts in this endeavor and know that this is truly the way. This is the way to freedom, this is the way to know God within yourselves, to come to know the Father through following this path. We would not lie. Through following this path you will grow spiritually. This is the truth you seek, the truth of spirit, the truth of oneness, the truth of God. The teachers are here and will be speaking to many of you. Continue to trust in this process, know the mission is on course, the plan continues. Some of you have come to know parts of this mission to be true. We know that you continue to have some thought processes, put these aside for now and listen to the voice that speaks to you strongly, the one that moves beyond your own words, moves beyond your own thoughts and penetrates into your being, for we speak to you through your being, not just your mind. Resonate with us, resonate with the presence of God. Resonate with the presence of His bringers of light and life. These are the teachers, they are the bringers of love and joy. It is simple to know their presence, you will feel them, you will know them, you may even see them, open your eyes, open your eyes and see.
Jerry: Well, its my feeling that I do not feel as though you are properly representing Michael right now. I did not hear the spirit of truth when I asked you about Michael and how He comes to us. Your answer was wrong. Your answer did not ring true because I know I’ve spoken with my Creator and He has come clear into my heart and filled my soul with this truth, and I needed to know whether it was His presence or whether it was coming through the Spirit, and such was not the case as what you had said, and I know that it had to be one of those two things, and so I am sitting here feeling ripped off. And if no one else feels that way, I will gladly get up and leave.
Trust in us, this is the message. Continue to know, continue to know oneself, and ones own energy in the Divine. Continue to dissolve the ego. This is not a reduction of self esteem but a letting go of the blockages that keep you from knowing spirit. The intensity of our communications continues and will increase. You will know, even more clearly than you have to this point, our presence is true, affirmation will continue to grow. When we speak to you, allow yourself to let go of your judgments, this we have spoken of before and would like you to hear it once again. Remember, embodiment of the teachings is the key. We are glad you are enjoying this process. We know that you will begin to see how often we interplay/interact in your life. We leave you now and will be with you again soon. Remember trust, trust in us, love the Father, fear not. We bid you farewell and thank you once again for being here with us, helping us achieve our mission. Our love continues.
David: It is not our wish that you leave, but I will share with you that that is not my feelings.
Aflana: This is quite all right Jerry, and we understand your concerns. Part of this is a misunderstanding when we were transmitting about Michael. What the explanation was, was that yes, this was Michael, but that the energy.....
Jan. 10, 1993
Jerry: I don’t want to be part of this right now. I feel as though I am not being led to God. I will go seek Him in my own mind. I love you all. I love you Pati. I pray for you strongly. (Jerry leaves room).
(Unknown - Sigel?)
David: This too is all right. As we know this is not a problem that could be solved by anything but the light of truth and we all have this. There is no real problem.
Hello, Welcome.
Aflana: Yes. These are the differences that we may speak of. With Father’s guidance, love will prevail, all will be in peace.
The light of the Father shines brightly upon you. You are of great service to the Father. He loves you. Be about His business in all your dealings with you brothers and sisters, and smile when things get tough, for you know of the love of the Father in your life. Help others, share with others. This will feel the best to you.
Donna: Can I ask you a question regarding this business of the individual transmission. Because with the experience that I have had, I have observed before, different people channeling the same energies and having slightly different mindal changes. Isn’t that the way that it is with individual transmitting and receiving?
The love of the Father is the secret of eternal joy. This is the lesson of today. Love one another with this Fatherly affection. Try hardest to accomplish this one task. It will benefit you the most.
Aflana: Yes this is true.
The group is growing quickly. This was foreseen, yet we are still very joyous at its progress. This will continue to happen. Receive all new members with open arms. There is always room for one more brother or sister. You will all be directed, if you will, to be about the corps business, which of course is our Father's business of Michael's plan. Be not anxious. You will know in time. All of us are doing our best to set the stage of action to ready for these future events. Just be available, we will do the rest.
Donna: And the business about Salonia was answering specific fears that I had regarding her being the bearer of bad news like you made a mistake or this isn’t the way to do it, and you’d better change what's happening here. It’s almost like a caution light from the universe. Does that make sense at all?
Worry not. Share as best you can that all will be made clear soon. Until then, continue to study and learn from our teachings. This is best for now. Continue to shine the Father's loving light out from your heart. All will then know the truth of these lesson. For they will be living in your bright lives. (followed by a lesson in speaking out loud).
Aflana: Yes, but there is an issue to resolve first before that question may be answered. And that has to do, for future reference, about the essence of Michael. That this essence of Michael is a very powerful essence and in order to receive transmissions, they come in a funneled down form so that you may receive them. This does not deny the pure essence and purity of Michael’s words. It has only come in a form which you may receive.
Now, in reference to your question. Yes, this is part of the process that we spoke of before. Shinning light, even a red light, or a warning light that you may not be going in the right direction is part of forwarding yourself in this process. It is okay to trust in even what may seem to be a negative transmission. Even this transmitter has received negative transmissions and it is okay to trust, but of course, use your discretion.
Notes From the KONA Group to This Collection
We the editors of the Kona Transcripts would like to present a short description of the history and circumstances that brought about these papers.
Our Kona Urantia Community dates back to 1971, when several of the founding members settled coffee and macadamia nut farms on the slopes of Mauna Loa just above the shores of historic Kealakekua Bay. As the years past, many UB readers from the other islands and the mainland joined them and soon many children joined too. Most still live here. Study Groups meet each week as they have for many, many, years. This is a loose association of independent like minded people who have truly grown into a community.
We are with you as you are with us. We are here to work together toward the success of our project, Michael's plan for Urantia's upliftment into the preliminary stage of rapid spiritual enhancement. Light and Life days have begun. Do not question this reality, it is daily unfolding in front of you, and very much is happening that as yet you cannot see.
Our group became aware of the Woods Cross Transcripts in July, 1992. These were soon followed by the Will lessons, Aflana and friends, Daniel and Welmek. Then in November of 1992, we were told about the hot pen method of writing while in the meditation stillness. Many of us decided to step out in faith and see if it would work. These papers are the result.
Trust that our accomplishments are ongoing in all quarters. You are performing your assignment as we pray and expect. We are pleased that this is so readily a joyful experience for you, this is as it should be, this is how it is with us, and we are able to share the uplifting rewards with each other as you do with your team of enthusiastic coworkers. It is a most important undertaking, which is being fed from on high in ways we have never before experienced.
Also included in these papers are the transmissions received by Pati who was not a member of our study group or a Urantia Book reader, but overheard us talking about the hot pen method, tried it, and as you can see by the results presented here, she was very successful.
These emanations and contacts are not like anything you have previously encountered. It is most satisfying, it is anything but ordinary, and it is a lifting of darkness in ways with which we are not familiar. It is truly exciting to be out on the borders of Michael's creation, working enjoyably on his plans concerning the corrections so needed and prayed for on your planet. Your march through space is being watched by the many sons and daughters of his vast domain, they too are receiving upliftment from these experiences we are in the midst of accomplishing. Yes, there is great joy in all creation as a result of the unselfish efforts in which you mortals are engaged in the actualizing of the plans for the planet now in progress.
All of us have come to enjoy the process we are experiencing, and we all agree it has been a positive force for spiritual change in our lives. As Aflana would say, "Try it, you’ll like it!"
Be about your duties, wade into your Father's work without hesitation, with the same enthusiasm and confidence you have shown in the past. Do this with the power, intention and the love that your onetime brother in the flesh, Jesus lived and enjoyed. There will never occur any doubt as regards the validity and perfect timing of this performance. We love you and join you in everything that is here and now being done in Michael's domain.
As many of the transcripts were first recorded on tape, there has been a loss of continuity in some information received due to low volume or static problems. We choose to leave them in and hope that the general meaning can be gleaned.
Copies of these transcripts can be ordered (at our cost) on diskette or hard copy from:
William ‘Sonny’ Schneider
Greetings. Tonight I wish to tell you how happy we are that you are all pursuing your meditation so diligently. Much growth will result from your persistent dedication to the worshipful and communion with the Father. Reach out to your fellows and help them get started on the path to the Father.
P.O.Box 2159
Kailua-Kona, Hawai’i, 96745
Jan 12, 1993.
We close for now. Go to your rest. You do your best. You are guided well. Good night.
Unseen Friend:
Hello, We are here. Welcome. We have been waiting. All goes well as usual. This is due to all of your group trying so very hard to be about our Father's business. Our thanks to all, and you too! There is much growth taking place. It is good to see you all trying so hard. Keep up the great work and all will continue to proceed as hoped. Many teachers are here and ready. Remind all to continue to meditate and find the stillness, so that we may touch bases with them/you all.
Tell all your brothers and sisters to keep studying their lessons. This will provide much growth and pleasure. This is best for now. Soon there will be other more demanding assignments, such as helping with Michael's mission on a larger scale. This will include disseminating the teachings to others who will come along as a result of events that are soon planned. You will know more soon. So study now that time is available. This will be of much help later. It will build your confidence.
Know you are loved very much. Feel this in your heart, feel this in your soul, feel this in your life.
Know, not all things can be revealed to you as free will choice is yours and yours alone in your personal matters. True, we do guide you, but you must want to go where we guide you for that guidance to work out for you. So seek for your inner guidance, your Thought Adjuster for information and direction in your personal affairs. No one else knows you better or loves you more. Does this help?
Sonny: Yes, thank you.
All is well, seek for your Father always. Doubt not that all is going well, for it is! Relax, feel comforted, we love you. And this love of ours is eternal. We understand your personal dilemmas and pray for you.
Sonny: Thank you.
It is our pleasure. You are our friend and fellow corps member. Doubt this not. You are one of us. The Family of God! This is eternal, this is infinite. We will always love you. We will always be with you. We will always help you along the bright pathway to our Father.
The light will shine on all. All will be given their light of truth. Each of you will have to make a choice. For you this will be easy, for others more dilemmas are necessary. Yet all will have a chance to choose the Father's way. None will be lost by accident. All are guided if they desire our help. Fear not for anyone. Pray for any you are concerned about. This can only help. Hope for everyone to come to know these truths, for this will someday happen. Each one will decide when they are ready. This is their free will. We are ready anytime. Love everyone to the best of your abilities and no more can be asked of you except to enjoy this process and share the light heartiness you feel. Laughter is a great medicine, so lighten up for best results. Share your joys and laughter, and all will see clearly the truth of our words. We leave you now for awhile. Don't forget to smile.
(Unknown) Love
I will speak to you of Love. Love is spiritual power emanating from the First Source & Center. Love is an energy and pattern unlike any other displayed throughout the whole of our Master Universe. Love builds strength in those through whom it passes, Love heals all ills, Love refreshes and renews as it is accepted into your heart. Love accomplishes its purposes and more than this, Love multiplies itself when it is used; the capacity of the well from which your personal love springs expands. Love is more than a healing, more than a renewing, more than a permeating, uplifting, wonderfully fulfilling, incomparably satisfying expression of Divinity, Love is the Essence of the Feeling that our Great Creator provides and perpetuates in perfection to all who wish to share this Great Blessing.
As you each seek to share this freely given gift, this most powerful, magnanimous projection of Divine affection will increase ever more. You are literally flooded with abundance as you attempt to shower your brothers and sisters with Love.
Love attracts unto itself those who sincerely search for those with whom they may share their Love.
To accept this offering of strength & sustenance is also a signal that you are willing, more than willing, yes, filled with a burning passion to pass this Love on to the many whose hunger you perceive as needing your very Love to move them on to greater places of understanding, renewing and likewise sharing their multiplication of this all encompassing and personal display of the Father's presence in their lives.
As God works in mysterious ways, Love works and penetrates into the most dense darkness, disappearing any trace of doubt or disbelief into the all consuming light of its presence. We, you and I, and every living growing perfecting personality would be completely without meaning or purpose, would be completely at a lost end without this all important quality of God's great outpouring of Himself.
It is His sharing of Love that makes Him the Greatest. It is your sharing of Him, your sharing His Love that leads you into a likeness of His Greatness. As you strive and work and practice the duplication of this most powerful, most necessary, most cherished gift being constantly given by God, you become more like the Gift and more like the Giver.
I Love you, We Love you, God Loves you. Go now, share your limitless share. Consciously share your God likeness. Love and Be Loved.
January 13, 1993
Greetings, I am Norson. It is good to sit and write. You do need more confirmation and it is fine that you take it easier in your pursuits. The way is not easy but so filled with the rewards of love and joy returned for your efforts. Have faith, my little child, you are in need of more and more of time to feel the fruition of this plan in your heart. It is there. The times ahead ore filled with your longings for more growth and it will come.
Greetings, I am Norson. Love, I keep telling you of love. Love for yourself is also needed. Feel the spark of divinity within your soul. Do you not love this entity? Blend yourself with this and have faith that you are ever guided to become one with Him. Love this part of yourself and you will better love and understand yourself. You have what is needed to fulfill your destiny. It is undeniable. We see it. Have faith. Your are destined to become a great teacher because it is your desire. Unite yourself with Him who leads you and have courage that the path he leads you on is the one for you. Each day you grow in your awareness and knowledge. You are but a child but one with the desire necessary (and that alone is what you need) to become mature in the leadings of doing the Father's will.
Keep opening your heart to us. You do.
Aloha sister. You are doing well. We are here for you. The future holds great joy and abundance. Seek your friends and lift up their hearts. Only have time for what is needed and your time will be filled. The lessons we will bring will deal with great harmony for every one. Peace is yours. Count your blessings. The windows of his mansions shine the light, your windows do as well. Open your windows and let all the feelings of your heart out. Seek to know your Father in others. Lift them up by acknowledging the purest motives of their hearts and bring to them more acknowledgment of His desires for his children to live His love and peace in their lives.
Good day, my friend. The lesson is on peace. Peace for you is what you would have in every moment of your life. The glories of this task are sweet fruits that require much dedication for the planter of these seeds. Simple and true is this dedication to bearing these luscious fruits. Sweet is their fragrance, in the lives of those who choose His way. Great are the tasks for you but joyful is the time. Lift up your heart and imagination. Have courage for the truth. It shines in all the lives of your friends. Un-bendable is the reality of His love. Strong is the hearts of the courageous men who grab on to the hope of new ages of light. Great is the need. We will bring you all you desire and more. Go about each day with complete assurance of the plan and your part in the unfolding of love to be offered to all.
Michael loves you. He reaches out to you and desires your hand. He is there for you. His peace surrounds you at all times. Rejoice that the days ahead hold new levels of hope and understanding and growth for us all. You do well. Your mind is ever diligent but gracious in its desires to remain pure. Lift up your happy face. It shines! What a glorious task we have taken upon us. We delight in you and those beside you for the Father has marked you for this. He knows of the capacities and probabilities of each of you. Together we will conquer new grounds of enlightenment to be shared by those who would want to listen and be uplifted. Your part is not in the uplifting so much as in the planting the seeds of desire. Openings which you have made in people close to your lives are well rewarded for their lives are sure to be enriched with new truths and desires. My friend, I can tell you of the path, you must walk the steps.
Jan. 13, 1993
(Unknown) Speaking Out Loud
Hello, Thank you for your openness. We are happy to commune with you again so soon. All is well, is it not? You are starting to live in the light of love energy more often then not now and it will continue until it is all consuming if you are willing to proceed in this process of God finding and Son serving. Michael is pleased to have you involved, and sends you His aloha and blessings.
All is proceeding quickly and well with Michael's plans. There are many to be served and much of human will to deal with, so many have to be adjusted to evolve needed events. So you see, patience is realized as a necessity on many levels of reality.
Soon you will see things that will amaze you. True, amazing things are now happening within your personal group. We are expecting worldwide recognition of our mission soon. This will be accomplished in a most amazing way. Look for this to happen soon, yet be not apprehensive or fearful, it will be a joyous event for all of you and us too. Enough said for now.
(followed by a lesson on speaking out loud).
When you speak the lesson, there is much to learn. There is much to do. These lesson will help you to learn and to do. Each lesson is designed to be multi-faceted. To be of use to you the student who is communicating, and also to use for all others who have a wish to learn from this method.
By living in the truth of these lessons, you will be forwarding the mission of Michael. You will be about your Father's business. This I know is your greatest desire. Life of course is busy, so it takes much time. But this desire can fill in around that, to consume all of your extra time, for this will be best for you. Do not hesitate to be about this business. Do not hesitate to try to love all you come in contact with, in this new way, in these new instructions, in the way the Father would wish you to love, to be about His business. We will guide you, we will help you, we will help you if that is your will for us to help you. You will not go far astray. Just listen to your inner voice. Listen to it well. Listen to it closely. It is getting louder now. It is getting more discernible. You all are getting more discerning in your ability to tune into this spiritual message, the message from your unseen helpers.
Help us. Help us spread this news. Help us be about Michael's plan to bring this planet to life and light. To bring each and everyone of you into the understanding that you are the children of the Most High, the Universal Father. Our Father of light and life.
Unseen Friend:
Just let your fingers type the words that come into your head. Computers are powerful tools for you to use. It is good that you are so willing to try to proceed with this work. This is a good attempt and as you see we can relay very quickly our lessons. Do not worry about the letters. If you can master this technique you will be doing good.
Aflana is here!
Greetings sister. You wish to have me give you a lesson on companionship between a male and a female. One of the more interesting subjects, I might say! You certainly have struggled with it, it's been a valiant struggle. You possess the truth and as your light shines and grows brighter so will your truth and the truth of all your sisters. You must carry on the struggle and you must admit you are having quite a good time doing it! Do not doubt these words-I am Aflana of whom you've heard spoken. I am here with you to teach, to prepare you to instruct these teachings. You are, of course, part of the plan. We wish to utilize your expression of our teachings, much good will result from that. Particularly in the realm of relationships between a man and a woman and men and women overall. You are definitely being led. You are much loved and we are always with you. Practice more patience and be willing to spend the TIME; it will take time. The potential outcome of the path you are choosing should result in a magnificent array of heavenly fruits. Your light is reaching some places that have a great need of your light-yes, your light. You are that unique-you are that worthy. Continue to shine in ALL you do, you know what I mean! Aloha.
That was very fulfilling, was it not?
David: Oh, yes yes yes.
This is a part of the new connection to aid the reception; increasing the magnitude of love energy with which you are filled, that you may share with all. You are beginning to visualize, to see the trinity effect as it flows from Father through Michael through you and others, finally returning back to the Source. This is not something new, though it is in your visual experience. I am most pleased that you now "see" this multiplicity in action within yourself. I know this is reassuring and the sharing of this will increase the assurance and faith strength within each of your brothers and sisters who are near you in growth. All this is, is spirit growing. Growth in the spirit is becoming our attitude, it is our direction. It is our ongoing perfecting of spirit which to you is the perfection of self needed to reach our goal of oneness of being.
You are ever being made aware of all that you need to accomplish each day's effective realization, actual discernible new growth evolving from the potentials long resident within. Yes, it is exciting that this is happening, exciting for me and most rewardingly exciting for you. Of course, this is joy producing as well as love attracting. So much overflowing love floods you, it cannot be contained, it spills over, emanating from your heart in wave like simulations which will be felt by all with whom you share. Michael is here with us in this wonderful moment of participation of growing in unison.
January 14, 1993
(Pati is the TR for Norson, David is asking the questions.)
David: Well, first of all, Norson I know that each of us down here that are part of this active, working group, we know and feel that we are part of this plan and you are a part of this plan. What are the things that you might suggest that we activate as a group to be most helpful at this time, at this juncture, on the Big Island, what shall we Do?
Getting together as friends is helpful and also spending time sharing one another's fears and discomfort about the processes you are going through as well as sharing the times of love that you understand to be a part of your process. You can spend time together individually or as a group in addition to your TR meetings. If you wish, you can spend time with the children and share some of the teachings with them, as well as giving each other understanding and compassion for those things you feel you don't understand or are afraid will happen. Have compassion for each other at this time. You are at the beginning and there are tender moments to be gentle with and not to be misunderstood for weakness. Thank you for asking this question. There will be a fuller answer to come but not right at this moment.
David: Ah, we're all just kind of curious, I've worded the question "Do we have at this time a temporary or permanent teacher assigned to us, or are you alone running our group activities at this time?
Norson: Yes, indeed I am in charge of your group activities at this time. You will be sent two more teachers that will work with you individually as well as speak to you within the group. It will be just a short while before this time comes, we still have many of you in preparation. As for the coming of a new director of your group, I will be partaking in most of your activities although not all of the time. Eventually, I will have less of a function of receiving your questions and giving you the transmissions, for the teachers will take over partly in this matter. For request of teachers names, this will become available fairly soon, and Andrew may be one of your visitors that will come to introduce himself as well as SigEL continuing in his communications with Judy and also perhaps with Pati. Any other questions?
David: Yes, in some of my writings and I'm not sure where it is coming from, but at one point it seems to say that because I have a strong heart and have some other qualities that one of my duties is to be for the TRs, to hold them together, to reassure them from this side. Is that how you see it?
Norson: Yes, you will continue to encourage the one on one transmissions which is very helpful for clarification as well as support in the continuing of the process. You will also be an emotional support that will be crucial for the continuing of the process, as well as seeing through the completion of the mission, of the assignments.
the assignments.
David: Thank you. Still a a little bit more that I'd like to have cleared up about the TR meetings with the teachers. I have the feel, or it has been sort of working around this way, that our group in a sense will be a little bit smaller and held with a different format, the format that is coming to me is out of the teachings of Welmek where he says to his group that it would be good for the T/R's and those present to clear questions first, then go into the teaching, and when transmissions stop, we have discussion among ourselves and relate about what is happening. Is this a good plan?
Norson: Yes, in order to continue with a format that will be workable for your group, I suggest that you do meditation first holding hands and then request if any teachers would like to speak to you and give you guidance for that particular evening. You may request your teachers at this time to give you information on what it is that you need to be doing in your group meetings that evening. You may also afterward, be with each other in such a way that you share your feelings as well as transmissions you have received. Emotional support at this time can be crucial to hold the group together for there is a certain tenderness involved at the beginning when the sprout is starting to grow.
Norson: Yes.
David: Do you have anything that you personally would like to share with Pati and I at this time?
Norson: No, there does not seem to be any issue at hand that is of great importance, although we would like to share that it is important to keep the communication lines open, at all times if possible, and release your fears of being absorbed in this project, for it is truly of greatest importance at this time to forward this mission with ease and expediency. We would like to share that in order for your teachers to come through more clearly, you may wish to increase your meditation time to 20 minutes without receiving transmissions. This will assist you in your connection with the Father and allow you to better share Him with others; you will be crating a center within yourself that holds a well for this love. It will not be a stagnant well but one that will be the continual flowing of the in-river and the out...and the in
Pati: I'm getting a picture of the buckets coming up.
David: I have no way of knowing whether you were present at my meditation the other day that I had not visions, but put together pictures that showed me a Trinity between the First Source and Center, our Michael Son and myself. Myself at that time I felt to be one with my Adjuster and that it was ah, I felt a connection, a new connection for me, new in my experiences, not new for my Adjuster, and that this was a connection of love. Could you perhaps elaborate?
Norson: Ah yes, you're making it a bit more complicated than it really is. There were angels present that were giving you a gift of this vision. At that time you were able to have a taste of what vision is, what you will be able to see. Expand on this and you will eventually be able to witness our presence. This is a good step in your process.
David: Thank you. We really really really thank you. I wonder at myself sometimes because the excitement is so great and yet it is as though I'm very calm about it. Ah . . it's new. We truly thank you for all your efforts in working with us. We still can't get over that this is happening. Our doubts are not really present, we are just getting over the fact that THIS IS HAPPENING to us. Our thanks goes all the way up the line to the Father, we don't want to leave anybody out. We are overjoyed, we're continually pumped up. Thank you.
Norson: You are very welcome, and we do love you very much and support you in all of your endeavors. Know that we care and that we bring the Father's love and we will truly always be with you here and beyond. We bid you farewell and invite you to visit, to be with us again some time soon. Farewell.
Unseen Friend: Blessings.
In times of darkness, in times of doubt, when dealing with despair, count your blessings, they are nearly without number. If you were able to recall the many times you were steeped in tears, the painful encounters with life's terrible trials, difficult decisions and seemingly endless experiences of sorrow and suffering, you will remember, or at least you can now recognize, these have all dissolved been replaced by joyful enlightening’s which raised your outlook to a point beyond the reach of pain. At that time you may not have made a conscious effort to recount your abundant blessings, but deep in the reservoir of mind recollections, it was clear that no real (permanent) damage had been done. Most certainly nothing had occurred which could interrupt the continuous flow of God's Love.
Love is your greatest blessing. Love is an un-interruptable rushing river which helps usher in all the other great gifts you have been given. This is undeniable. Surely you must recognize all these wonderful happenings. It is true, in the midst of your moments of sadness, you rarely realize anything else, but before long, as you overcome this state of un-remembering who you are, an awareness of your true self begins to shine within, the darkness dissipates and the fears disappear.
Count your blessings, recount them and feel their resilient power lift you from the mire of self doubt and self deception. Recall their fullness and beauty. The more you examine the bounty of blessings resident in your heart, the higher you soar in confidence.
Blessings are like the steps on the stairway to heaven, as you accept them, use them, make them yours, they lift you over the dark chasms of uncertainty into the bright and beautiful skies of lightness and truth.
Your world Urantia and some of the more recently evolving spheres in this system have undergone deep deprivations which lead to chaos and confusion rather than unrestricted communication and clarity. These conditions have changed, each of the previously darkened planets are rapidly receiving the blessings which have so long been prayed for and prepared for the changes now being experienced.
Begin to trust, begin to believe, begin to know that these blessings of change will soon overcome all the residual evils and ignorance that so long reigned and wrought ruin in the lives of the unsuspecting inhabitants of your Earth. You can count on us to enhance and increase all of your blessings; in truth and reality, we are among your blessings, count us as a blessing, rely on us to be ever faithful to help teach and guide you throughout your Universe career. We will help you achieve your most difficult challenges as though they were nearly non-existent. Use your blessings as fuel. Fire away every last holding grip which attempts retard your un-retardable growth in spirit. We love you.
You can bring much happiness into the lives of others by reaching out to them and sharing with them those things which have been meaningful to you in your experience. All real learning comes from experience, primarily from our own experience, but we can be challenged and inspired by the experiences of others, and learn from them also. We can love and receive love only to the extent that we are willing to share our experience - "who we really are" - with another. We are a product of our experiences and our decisions shape our experience.
Only by respecting the uniqueness and individuality of each person can we realize the goal of the spiritual unity and brotherhood of all beings. There is much work to be done to realize this ideal in the experience of the inhabitants of Urantia. As a teacher you can be most effective by illustrating your lessons in terms of your own experience, or in terms of the experience of your students.
Let the love of God flow through you to all those around you. Share this love and your experiences of God freely with your fellows. We can minister to you, but only you (the planetary mortals) can change the world by the power of your individual choices. Replace hate with love, and fear with self discipline, and rejoice in your destiny and the opportunities of this life in the flesh.
Embrace the angels and spirit helpers around you with the love energy in your hearts, and feel the loving embrace of Michael's' (Jesus') Spirit around you.
Norson The Focus Is On Urantia
Jan. 16, 1993.
I am here. Begin to write. We will transmit to you now. All goes well. We enjoyed the Urantia Book meeting last night. You read our teachings well and they were well received by all there. I know this pleases you, and know it also pleases us to no end. Be at peace in your heart for we will be continuing to transmit through you. All will be helped by this process, so know that you are appreciated for this work.
Tell all that soon Michael’s plan will shine brightly upon Urantia. All will recognize this shining.
All the love of the worlds will soon be focused on your home planet of Urantia. Many beings throughout Nebadon will be praying for your world all at one time. The energy of love that this will generate will bring much light and life here. This will be the start of a new epoch, the age of light and life. Expect this to happen as soon as all preparations are made ready. Yes, this will be very exciting and an amazing time to behold. You will all feel this love energy. You will all know that this is happening. Yes, it will be something like the coming of the spirit of truth 2000 years ago, but much more universal in the recognition by all. We will continue to prepare you for this time. You will be ready. You all will be ready if you continue to study and seek the stillness. We will ask you to be about our Father’s business as usual for now. The time will come when we ask more of you.
Love one another. Continue to share our teachings without fear. Expect the best to happen, for it will!
We leave you for now. Peace and love.
Jan. 17,1993.
Welcome. We are glad you are here. All the love in your heart is now directed to me. Thank you. I love you too! I hope we can keep this process flowing in this positive direction. Do not worry to much about your personal problems. They will clear like fog in the bright light of day. We know you will succeed. Just keep up the stillness practice, and encourage others to do the same.
Continue to help us by reaching out for others. Let everyone know of our mission. Some will believe, others will come when they are ready. All in good time. You will receive help. You plant the seed, we will help it grow. Don’t forget to pray also for those who need guidance. This will help the most!
All of God’s children will be saved. None will be lost. All will feel the love that is theirs for just the asking. An opening is all that is needed. So help them to desire this opening, help everyone to open their hearts to our Father. You will be of most good if you allow this truth to come forth from you more often. Overcome your fears and just allow it to flow from you. Know that this will work more often then you now think is will. Just allow it! All goes well.
This is not a game. Many will be helped by this mission. The planet will be helped by this mission. Your help is needed. Slack not. Keep up the good work. You are a valuable member of this team. Know it, believe it, and do it. You will be helped. Doubt not.
Norson? Abundance
Greetings. My lesson tonight is on abundance. To those whom much has been given, much will be asked. The greater the depth of your experience, the more useful you are to the Kingdom. And what an honor it is indeed to serve our great and loving Father in Heaven. Nothing will be asked but what is given willingly.
In the cosmic perspective, wealth/poverty - pleasure/pain -etc. in this life are of little consequence in and of themselves. The only real value is in the decisions of the individual and how the mortal reacts to the circumstances at hand - how they affect your spiritual growth.
Our Father has abundant love for all His children and through realization of this love will come the end of cruelty and deprivation on your world.
This then is your greatest and most urgent mission :
To spread the love of God and bring about the realization of the brotherhood of man on Earth.
We are working hard to bring this about. How long this will take is not up to us but depends on the decisions of the peoples of your world, but that day will come and the bloodshed and suffering will come to an end.
Fear of losing the "material abundance" which you have grown accustomed to will greatly retard your ability to let go of your own will and to embrace the will of the Father.
You must trust that all will be well and let go of your fears and act on the truths you have come to know but have only haltingly put into action in your life.
The will of the Father is the best possible outcome for all, even if pain or discomfort result in the short run, in the long run the best of all possible outcomes awaits you. Trust in your Father, have no fear, there is an abundance of joy in serving God and your fellow men.
Good Morning My beloved.
You please me in your renewed efforts to join in the activities so near at hand. I ever watch and wait on you to open yourself, opening your mind, opening your heart to my leadings. You may perceive this to be a rather slow process. In truth it is not, it is exactly right for you. I give you this assurance in answer to your doubts, to help eliminate the doubts which yet drift in and out of our time together. Fear not that these negative thoughts can have any real life existence. They dissolve and disappear in the clear light of spirit insight. They are but an illusionary figment of imagination which acts as a temporary block which has no power except that which you give it.
Remain still, feel my light flood you, free yourself of everything which might attempt cloud the clearness which I share with you. Know that doubt is not real, it does not exist other than as an unclear thought not yet resolved. Be patient with yourself. Seek gently to awaken in my presence unencumbered with this residual denial of your true worth.
You are human, you are at the beginning of spiritual growth. Recognition of your imperfections is necessary before you are able to achieve the changes which you desire, the changes I have long ago initiated in you. Do not hesitate to seek further help in this pursuit. Ask for aid from brothers and sisters whose experience in these matters is greater than your own. Learn from them what they are most willing to share. Learn from them that which they have slowly developed and now use in a more efficient way than that with which you are as yet familiar.
Everything here is ready for you, I am ever ready for you to join me in this adventure, but know now that there is no rush, there is only time, good time, sufficient time, even perfect time for all this to be made real in your life, made one in our life together.
Doubt not that the doubts disappear, they are not real, they are imaginary, have no substance, no true means of remaining in your mind, unless you empower them to have this hold on you. Release these doubts and fears into my light with the full assurance they will become non-existent. They have no life within them. They are as the shadows which disappear in the dawn of each new day.
Awaken now. This is your new day, your hour has come to be filled with the light of life. It is yours for the willing. It is yours forever.
I love you.
January 18, 1993
Norson Balance
Greetings, I am Norson. I come to you today with fond greetings. You are becoming used to my power and it is good. Often one can become entangled in the process and loose the messages. You have seen. Let your mind relax and reach into your heart, the place of your Father. You may continue later.
Your lesson is on balance. Balancing the pursuits of life are initially all encompassing. Youth holds many lessons for you as the pressures of life are almost overwhelming. As one grows in the harmony and pursuits of a more spiritual nature the longings for material rewards lessen and thereby one is drawn to let the balance of ones desires to be weighed in the direction of growth. This is easily understood by you.
The balancing is of such a nature for your developmental stage that much faith and patience is required to fill the harmony of your goals. In this you will see opportunities to draw lines of delicate feelings in your book of life. Read into your pages the timely lessons which balance the everyday pressures of your life. These lessons for you include what is required of you to walk the balanced life of service and love to your fellows. Draw the pictures of compassion, silence, reflectivity, knowing, desire, patience, timing, listening, helping, hoping, sincerity, privilege of friendship, and renewed zest for challenges of ministry. The goals of reaching out to your fellows must balance with the common place needs of life. The rest, study, stillness and of course the recognition of that Father Fragment that leads each partner of humanity into their own path of desire and ability to see what is asked of them. The whole does exceed the parts but each part balances the whole. Balance yourself with hope and sincerity of purpose. Feel the oneness of yourself and bring your own needs to others in that you show them what it is you are about. By asking for assistance in understanding one is led to serve and much may be brought into balance; emotions, desires, timing, and attunement with our Father's will.
Let go of impatience. It is a weed that will choke out the growing of your flowers of delicate array. Only by balancing the time about you can one be assured of a garden of irresistible aroma. Thank you. I love you. Aloha.
Mon. 1/18/93 (noon)
Aloha and greetings from Norson and friends. We have come to wish you well and are glad that you continue receiving our transmissions. Today we come and speak to you of the love you have been sharing with one another. We are glad that this is increasing and hope you will continue to share your friendship. We thank you all for participation in this mission and will continue to support you and your friends, spreading this bond of love is part of our mission. It is important that we continue to progress in sharing our love with you; by touching you, we touch many. We are glad to see that you have been adjusting your focus on the Father, strengthening your intent in this direction. We are also glad that you have continued to be of service in ways such as education, through sharing the Urantia Book. This is a good practice to continue and we will always support you in this. We are with you during these meetings and are available for teaching at any time. Be not afraid of exposing these connections with your fellows, their openness increases daily. The light continues to shine through your hearts and this is the key to opening other hearts. The work is good, the openness is good. We are glad to see that you are willing to be yourselves with this matter. Once again, we appreciate what you have been willing to accomplish in these short days. The time is new, we can begin to train you for greater use in the mission. We are in the beginning stages of this new time, the mission has just begun.
Pati : I don't know who I'm speaking to right now, but I'm willing to be open to this communication.
(pause) Af'lana is here and she continues with her training.
Aflana: In this beginning time, you have all received some communication, even those of you who have not recorded or written down these communications are indeed receiving our messages and our guiding light. We are with you always, all of you, and are available to all of you. We reach out to you, to hold your hand, to be with you in times of trouble. To guide you and show you the way of love, the way of the Father. Draw on us, call on us, ask us to assist you and give you the energy and support you need to merge into your daily life. We are an available resource you may draw on anytime. Continue to be with us, share in our love, for we love you very much. (small break)
Connie, we appreciate the good work you have done with your computer and hope you will continue in this service; be open to our guidance during these transmission computer times. We will continue to raise your vibrational frequency. This may happen periodically as the time goes on. This is part of the plan to enable the spread of love through the planet. Allow yourselves to speak the words that come to your minds, allow yourselves to be with the feelings that come, that may seem strange to you or make you feel uneasy at times. There may be toxins releasing or adjustments in posture, even voice changes, your voice may deepen, become more sincere, more solid; this is the sign that you are speaking your truth; even the slowing down of your speech, becoming more clear, becoming more pronounced is a sign of speaking a greater truth. It is an expression of the sincerity of your heart. (short pause)
Norson: The question was just asked if I would manifest in physical form. Yes, my presence is here, I, Norson, have shown my presence to this transmitter, but I will not manifest in physical form in the near future. I will be available, of course, continuing in my purpose, but a physical form will be not necessary. You may continue with the transmission with Aflana.
Aflana: Yes, there are many joyous times to be experienced now; the pleasantness and the comfort in knowing your teachers are here, sharing this bond with one another creates pleasures for yourself and others. Enjoy this, take advantage of this, trust in it. You will come to know each other quite well, you will come to trust in each others transmissions. This will be an intricate part of our plan and will strengthen the forward movement of our mission.
We love you very much and we hope that you will continue in your progress. You are doing well, and we are with you and available for your questions. If you wish to do so this evening, you may, and I will be available to answer your questions. Norson will also make himself available if Jerry or any of the others would like to speak for him. His presence will be available, and yes, we will be sending you more teachers. The teachers will be necessary to experience the various transmissions, the various qualities of teaching, and we will be available at this time as well. The new teachers may be sending themselves fairly soon. Their names will be Andrew, and Sig-El plus one other. They will be visiting you shortly, you may trust in them and accept their love. Andrew has some specific messages for you and may be coming very soon through this transmitter. We trust that you will be open to this Pati and accept the love he has to share. We understand this to be a new energy for you, but we know it will be an enjoyable one. He has been available for some time and will continue to be available and come to your Hawaii and be with you soon. He will give you the lessons of Christ, give you teachings on love and how to be in this space of love.
All are equal in their love of the Father and the Father loves all equally. It has given Him great joy to experience the increase of love flowing through His children more each day. To speak with God the Supreme is a good thing. He provides much guidance and may speak to you directly through feelings and occasionally words made available through translation, through the teachers, and will be an expression of His love through you. (pause) We love you very much. This is a time of change, we are changing you slowly each day so that you may adjust yourselves in this transition time. We realize your energy may be low at times, we provide a foundation to spring from during times you feel low. You may open yourselves, keeping with the Father during low points, you may better understand His teachings, His will, because you are vulnerable at these times.
Take notice when low in energy, that you may take care of yourself the best way you know how. During these low times of vulnerability, you may feel subject to other peoples negativity. In order to avoid absorbing any of this negative energy, focus on the Father's love, it will create around you, a love barrier that is not a wall. It is a permeable barrier that cleanses the energies coming in, it provides a task for others to experience this permeable membrane through you. It provides a teaching for them indirectly, it is done without words, but they will experience you in a way they have not experienced before.
At these times you may ask us to be with you, to give guidance as to what to say to each of these people, to better understand yourself as far as knowing why you have the reactions you do. It is quite all right to not feel like you love someone, or that you care for them, but if you feel hate for someone, then look to the Father for forgiveness, ask Him to enlighten you to the true nature of your own being, as well as that of the other. This you do in prayer, this is always the way, apply this to your interactions with the people in your lives. Yes, at the grocery store, at the school, during your massage sessions or on the street, any of these places, anywhere, accept what we have to offer, experience the vibrational quality that will come through you, even when you feel like you don't want to.
When you have this experience of not wanting to hold and be in the light, again you can ask the Father for forgiveness and draw on His love. This is why the daily meditation is important, to feel the flow of His love, and to keep your well cup filled. When you are feeling low in energy, you may stop for a moment, focus on the Fathers' love and receive His love. Draw it into your solar plexus, draw it into your heart and to your third eye. Also, release negativity through the bottom of you spine, this is the 1st chakra and is part of a system good to know for releasing and receiving energies. These may enable you to have greater control, access to the energy available.
We understand that some may be resistant to these practices, for they are not mentioned in the Urantia Book, and to some, may be considered psychic practices, but do not worry, these are expressions of Gods' love flowing through you. Understand how this works. Receiving energy through the crown chakra at the top of your head is an access point for this energy to come through. You act as a divining-rod, literally, divine rod, you are like a radio transmitter or an antenna To adjust your frequency and alignment to the Father, you may clear each of these chakras.
More information will be given on this and the availability of these services and this education may be a step in understanding how this energy is playing within you. Of course it is not a requirement, it is a free will choice if you wish to develop this. We offer it as a greater understanding of what is actually happening if this is something you desire. We appreciate your patience in all of our subtle attunement, know that the vision of this greater mission will come into line with your own minds in the not far future. Trust in each of the small steps, trust in your new vision to come. You all will be embodied with this vision. Accept the practice and training that will come with it. You will be able to see us and experience our energy in a more direct way. This may seem strange at first, you may doubt the reality, it may seem like we are not really there or you do not see us, but you do. Trust the subtlest of visions and communications. Trust in even the subtlest of voices, the quiet times, the quiet voices, the quiet vision. It is up to you to open yourself to receive this experience. break
I have come to you at a time in which much hatred is in the world, a heavy weight for the planet to continue spinning on its' axis, a balancing will be required to continue the receiving of the light. We realize that it is difficult to understand why there is so much destruction happening on your world. This can be a heartfelt matter which may cause you pain; many of you have a deep compassion for your brothers and sisters. The children are the ones who will grow to know what they have been taught. Teaching your children love is of course of greatest importance, for they are the future of your world.
On Urantia, in this time of desperation and lack of caring for one another, you may occasionally be deceived by those who claim to be doing good. In these cases you may wish to transfer your guidance to the angels, they have much power in this world to manipulate events, times and places. Angels are available for service. We mention this again, know the extent they are able to assist you, just ask them for the highest good to be done in situations that are occurring in other countries on your planet.
By praying for the enlightenment of other cultures and other world peoples, you will be assisting yourselves in creating the light circles on the planet. In addition to circles of prayer for places on the planet that are suffering, Om circles are positive and worthwhile. Joining together, bringing forth, giving of yourself is an effective tool to be used in creating greater enlightenment on Urantia. In order to do this it requires a focused intention on your purpose. Having a facilitator state this purpose before you begin a meditation can serve all of you in adjusting your focus to the intent you wish to create. You may choose one person to say a short prayer, or you may wish to send light to some specific place or to some person, especially leaders and their people. This is an effective way to create change, to effect places that are in the darkness.
Yes, to shine your inner light toward one another through this focused intention creates a tunnel for the light to pass through your time and space into the light dimension, and is forwarded to where you focus your intention. You create this opening for light to flow through with guidance of the angels. Its' passage will be a safe one, a protected one.
You may also wish to understand that by creating these prayer circles you offer each other guidance, support you need in your individual lives. When a time of struggle comes in school, at work or in family affairs, you can get together to create a circle of light that can increase your abundance, increase your love, increase your understanding, increase your general enlightenment of the situation so that you may be in alignment with it. When you come to understand the mechanics of the powerful group energy, you will know that your circuitry is being hooked up; you create a greater wattage of light power, produce a greater channel through which to flow.
In a group situation, we may come through more powerfully, at a vibrational level stronger than in your individual sessions. Notice the strength of the energy field when you create a circle, then feel us during your individual sitting times, the vibration will be milder, not because we are less present but because your circuitry is weaker, it is not as strong as when you are hooked up with the others. We understand that you want to be able to experience this vibration more, and you will but it takes a strengthening of the nervous system in order to receive such communications.
You are all in training for this and will be able to increase the energy and light you are able to receive through us and of Gods' nature. But this will take development. Trust in the process, I'm sure we have much information to share and are glad that you are able to receive our technologies at this time. Not all these traditions are new but they are being received in a new way at this time. It is crucial that you open yourselves and that you understand we come with much love and with deep, deep caring for you and the people of your planet.
We know you see our leading you at this time, we know too you are appreciative of our coming. We too very much appreciate you being here for this mission. We gain much from these communications, Know that when we are with you, we are learning as well. This may not have been known to you before; we want you to understand us better. Ask questions at this time if you wish. We will share with you our experience of this mission. It may help you now and in the future as you advance, progress on your soul path and better understand where we come from, what we have to share and how we may help you in this time. It may be beneficial also to have a little bit more understanding of the source of this information. We are open and grant you this time.
(pause) (perhaps Pati asks silent questions, she is alone, on tape.)
By understanding us, you will better understand yourselves, your true nature. We know you wish to discover your own true selves, the true path to know the Father is one of the goals on this path, it is not the final destination on your journey but is a landmark, it is a spirit mark in time, non-time; it is a transition to a much, much greater way of being. (pause) Yes the angels are available for your healing, it requires that you be in a relaxed state. We recognize that there may be distractions and disbelief that they are actually there helping you. We ask you to open your third chakra to receive light. This is a place we tap into; through the angels, you receive healing through this place. (pause)
We have much more information and wish you to continue at this time. We understand you may be having an issue of trust with your neighbors; in order to overcome doubts of how and when to share the information coming through, we ask you; (1) to tune into the Father, open yourself to His love, flood yourself with His love, then flood them with your love. This is always a good safe step to take; flood yourself and flood your neighbors with His love. (2) Trust in what you feel in your heart. Again, another simple practice, but the subtleties of this are yet to be discovered. Your sensitivity is increasing and you will grow to know to understand the subtler signs and symptoms when you are in alignment with God's will. (3) Trust in your intuition, know when you are going off course. When you feel discomfort, especially on your right side, right foot, this may be a signal that you are stepping in the wrong direction. (interruption, end)
Kona TR Meeting
Kona T.R. Group Meeting with: Jerry, Sonny, David, Connie, Judy, Pati, and Donna.
(Note: The three previous T.R. Meetings where not recorded.)
Meetings start out with a prayer and then a group seeking of stillness.
Norson (Jerry):
Good evening to you my children. I feel your welcome. I’m here to help. I am here to teach. I am here to love you. I feel your love for me, I am Norson.
Sonny: Welcome Norson. I also felt your presence and it is a wonderful feeling!
Norson (Jerry): You all feel me. My power is the power of Michael. The power of love. The love that you freely share. The love that I freely share with you.
You are doing well. You progress daily as you seek the Father daily. Together we will work and we will accomplish good things. Some good things, some may be great things. You will all remember this. Peace will fill your heart as you come to know the Father more, as you come to love Him more, as you come to desire to be more like Him. This is our goal. To help you to illuminate the path, find the Father more clearly, more purposely. Trust in the guidance that you feel, and emanate from your heart as you go about your day, with all your associations with people. When you come upon difficult situations, relax and go forward, accepting the truth, feeling the truth, remembering Michael’s presence. Always remember Michael’s presence. His presence is with you now. Sig-El wishes to speak through Judy.
Sig-El(Judy): Michael loves you. We share in the wonders of what is to become and bring about light and life on this planet. It can be made whole, and great is the glory that will come. You have offered yourselves and we are grateful to work with you. We are your friends. The times we share will be of great comfort for all of us.
David: Could one of the teachers avail themselves to one of our T.R.’s so we may ask some questions?
Aflana(Pati): Yes, Aflana is here to answer your questions. David, do you have a question?
David: To start with, I love you and we are so happy to have you here. I think that to start, the question Connie was voicing earlier on. How do we get ourselves more together to be able to do this work?
Aflana: What you must do will come naturally, and in order to proceed with the process at hand, you can not only trust in one another and experience each others words as your own experience, but continue in sharing your feelings and doubts, the little ones that may be left there, and also to understand that the prayers and the circle meditations will be part of the process.
Connie: So we should carry on?
Aflana: Carry on!
Sonny: And holding hands is good?
Aflana: Yes, holding hands is good. Continue to hold hands.
Sonny: Thank you Aflana. I have a more serious question. Talking with Patije in Sarasota. She mentioned that in the early process originally occurring, that the group was originally together and then split apart. I wonder if there is any danger in our group, and if so, what the danger would be of our splitting up?
Aflana: There is no danger and even in the case of a parting, it is always for the highest good. You can trust in this process and know that your heart will lead you in the way that is best for all. In the case of a parting, you may give understanding to each other and support each other in your decisions. This is not something to fear but something that you know is of your free will choice at any time and you may chose to be with the group or not to be with the group. This is something that your own heart will lead you to, and if someone in your group does decide to leave or to chose another way for a short period of time, then support them in this and let them know that you still love them and you will be there for them at any time.
Sonny: That sounds very loving, very open. Thank you!
Aflana: Connie, do you have a question?
Connie: Well I am not sure. I have a lot of questions Aflana. And I know that you are going to give me a lot of answers.
Aflana: Yes we may speak to you directly, or we may speak to you through your computer. All it takes is a simple yes and we will answer all of your questions if you wish. This is an opportunity to clear some of the space so you may open yourself to these communications. If you have any concerns that you wish to clear at this time in order to open yourself to this, you may do so.
Connie: I would ask you then, were you asking me if I would speak your words earlier?
Aflana: Yes we were, this was a bit of a test, and know that you have been on the edge of this for quite some time and we support you with all of our loving and care and will continue to act, for we know that this is your hearts desire.
Connie: Thank you! Thank you!
Aflana: David?
David: In the Welmek group at different times, it would seem that they would be having outside guests or people not directly affiliated with their T.R. group or their group at large. And so many of them where asking about their spiritual name. I took this somewhat humorously because I felt it wasn’t something that I would ask if I had the opportunity, and here I find myself wanting to know if there is any significance in our spiritual names, and if so, might you share them with us.
Aflana: No there is not much significance in the actual syllables that make up these words. There is a certain vibrational tone that each of you is known by throughout the universe. But this is not translatable through the English language or any other language. It is a quality of sound that resonates in your world, but to repeat it in finite words is not a palatable way to express your true nature. You will come to know this name as you progress in your spiritual involvement, but it is not necessary or significant at this time.
Sonny: Aflana, I’ve been hearing the name Andrew.
Aflana: Yes! Andrew! And yes that is a communication that will be coming through this transmitter and through some of the others. You may be open to receiving Andrew’s loving messages, for he is quite a special being and has much to teach you.
Sonny: I look forward to His coming.
Aflana: Yes, He does as well.
David: Who is Andrew. Where does He hail from?
Aflana: It is not necessary at this time to know the original origin of this being, but I will say that he is a special teacher for you that will have much to share and has been involved with the Melchizedeks and some of the other greater unity teachers, or teachers of unity, and will be involved in the bringing together of your circles of light as well as in the bonding of your hearts with the Father. He is quite a loving being and will be of great support individually as well as for the group.
David: Wonderful.
Donna: I was getting that He has another name other then Andrew. Is that true?
Aflana: There is a certain quality of truth to that. The name Andrew is sufficient but yes your question is accurate in the sense that this is a simple translation in terms that you can understand and are familiar with.
Donna: Thank you.
Sonny: We have been contacted by Allene, and she would like us to share with her for the T. R. newsletter, including putting our name on a national list. Is this profitable for us at this time?
Aflana: Profitable no, not in the money sense, but yes profitable in spirit, and you may feel comfortable in sharing your information and your names, and whatever parts of yourselves, experiences that you have with this group. It is a safe endeavor to partake in.
Jerry: Aflana, does the name Landor have any significance to this group?
Aflana: Not much at this time, although there is a possibility of his energy being on the outskirts of your group. You may tune into him, but he probably will not be a big part of your teachings, although his energy is one of strength and you may call on him when you feel weak or need to feel strong. He does have a powerful energy and may be of support during times you may feel there are trials you are dealing with and need a stern voice or hand.
Jerry: Can you explain the phenomenon of the messages that many of us receive that come from Michael?
Aflana: Yes. We understand this to be one of love and compassion. This is one form that you may receive teachings of the heart. It is not necessarily the Michael that is the caretaker or ruler of your particular universe, but it is a smaller energy form that is an expression of the heartfelt teachings. They are just as valid as any others teachings and the name Michael is a useful one because it resonates within your minds that you can accept His teachings wholeheartedly.
Another question?
Sonny: Yes. I would like to know that when I receive transmissions, I often heard the name Norson, and I’ve heard your name Aflana, and I am in question of whether I am hearing them correctly, or interpreting it correctly. Can you help me with this?
Aflana: Yes, you are interpreting this correctly and trust yourself to know that what you hear is for real.
Donna: I'm sure it’s the same self doubt but I’ve been wondering about Salonia. Can you tell me about Salonia?
Aflana: Oh yes, Salonia! She is a beautiful being. Quite a beautiful being. She has again a loving nature and brings beauty and enthusiasm and spirit into projects that you may undertake, and provides the subtle energy to continue your motivation during times that are lagging, and may be called on for qualities such as trust in taking steps forward in projects that you may not be clear about at the moment. She can provide a clearer visions for projects that you may have ideas about and give you insight into people you may connect with in order to make this project go forward. And also give you insights into what may be obstacles in the way, and give you suggestions as you go down the road later on, how to overcome them. You may also call on her for support in dealing with others one on one, when you come into conflict with them, and you can also ask her for guidance when dealing with children. She’s very good with children.
Donna: Thank you very much, you’ve been more helpful then you could know.
Judy: Aflana, can I ask a question?
Aflana: Yes.
Judy: Do you have any messages or connection you can give me as far as my part in the mission and how I could do a better job?
Aflana: Yes. There are some specific instructions that we can give you at this time. You may continue your meditations practices, especially in the morning is a good time for you, this is when you tend to be clear headed and not as tired as at the end of the day. It may cause more stress for you to do your transmissions after work and before bed. So even getting up earlier in the morning before anyone else is up and taking that quiet time would be beneficial for you. Also at work during your lunch break time, you can receive supportive, loving energy. Draw in the Father’s energy at this time and fill your wells. It will give you greater strength during the day to go on and you won’t become as tired and feel dragged out by the stresses of your day.
Also giving support to your husband and accepting more love from your children, really allowing them to love you and letting them in, will free up some of the minor little blockages you may have been feeling.
Judy: Thank you.
Connie: I have a question but it will be the same question that Judy asked.
Aflana: Yes. I feel the sadness. This is a good time to experience your vulnerability. It is a good time to make a breakthrough with your relationship with the Father. It is a good time to let go of many fears that you may have had set deep in the path. Come forth and flower into the being that you have always known that you are. Let this light shine through in your faith, and in your body, and in your soul. And let your own self know, let your mind speak to your own self, and let yourself know that you are the beautiful being that you are, and that you support yourself in allowing yourself to fully receive all of the love that is available, so that you may continue in your life endeavor. That you know that you have purpose, you know that you are here to serve and to be one with the Father, and that you can open yourself to this, you are worthy. You are worthy of all of God’s love. Allow everyone to love you, your friends, your family, the flowers the trees, even the cars that go by. Know that when the cars go by, the people in them are sending you love. That everyone loves you and all things root and unite in this love.
You can allow yourself to be in this oneness, and experience this oneness with the joy of every cell of your being. Allow this to flow through you and you will be healed, you will know your true self and you will shine, shine like the brightest flower, the brightest star, and everyone will see your light, and you will bring much joy into the peoples lives around you. Part of your purpose is experiencing this joy. Just allow yourself to taste, allow yourself to fully embody this love. And this is your task at this time.
Connie: Thank you Aflana.
Aflana: Speak Jerry, your blocking your throat.
Jerry. Perhaps you can shed some light, will Machiventa Melchizedek (rest lost due to softly spoken).
Aflana: No that is not the issue at hand right now. There is something within you that wishes to come forth. It may not be right at this time.
Jerry: Well, its my feeling that I do not feel as though you are properly representing Michael right now. I did not hear the spirit of truth when I asked you about Michael and how He comes to us. Your answer was wrong. Your answer did not ring true because I know I’ve spoken with my Creator and He has come clear into my heart and filled my soul with this truth, and I needed to know whether it was His presence or whether it was coming through the Spirit, and such was not the case as what you had said, and I know that it had to be one of those two things, and so I am sitting here feeling ripped off. And if no one else feels that way, I will gladly get up and leave.
David: It is not our wish that you leave, but I will share with you that that is not my feelings.
Aflana: This is quite all right Jerry, and we understand your concerns. Part of this is a misunderstanding when we were transmitting about Michael. What the explanation was, was that yes, this was Michael, but that the energy.....
Jerry: I don’t want to be part of this right now. I feel as though I am not being led to God. I will go seek Him in my own mind. I love you all. I love you Pati. I pray for you strongly. (Jerry leaves room).
David: This too is all right. As we know this is not a problem that could be solved by anything but the light of truth and we all have this. There is no real problem.
Aflana: Yes. These are the differences that we may speak of. With Father’s guidance, love will prevail, all will be in peace.
Donna: Can I ask you a question regarding this business of the individual transmission. Because with the experience that I have had, I have observed before, different people channeling the same energies and having slightly different mindal changes. Isn’t that the way that it is with individual transmitting and receiving?
Aflana: Yes this is true.
Donna: And the business about Salonia was answering specific fears that I had regarding her being the bearer of bad news like you made a mistake or this isn’t the way to do it, and you’d better change what's happening here. It’s almost like a caution light from the universe. Does that make sense at all?
Aflana: Yes, but there is an issue to resolve first before that question may be answered. And that has to do, for future reference, about the essence of Michael. That this essence of Michael is a very powerful essence and in order to receive transmissions, they come in a funneled down form so that you may receive them. This does not deny the pure essence and purity of Michael’s words. It has only come in a form which you may receive.
Now, in reference to your question. Yes, this is part of the process that we spoke of before. Shinning light, even a red light, or a warning light that you may not be going in the right direction is part of forwarding yourself in this process. It is okay to trust in even what may seem to be a negative transmission. Even this transmitter has received negative transmissions and it is okay to trust, but of course, use your discretion.
Jan. 19, 1993
Yes, we are here.
We know you have many questions about your experiences last night. (at T.R. meeting.) Know that this will work out so that much growth will accrue. Have faith in us. Know that all are sincere. Mis-communications are an ordinary part of this process, and are to be expected. More will be said on this later. For now, continue to have faith in us as we help you all understand from within yourselves.
For now, we are pleased that you are trying so hard to help all involved to understand. All will be known soon and this will pass if all continue to seek for the truth.
Aflana would like to say she is sorry if any word choices she made hurt this process. The intent was only to be of help. We do not always know the exact words that will convey a message that is completely understandable. If you can get the group to ask the same question, possibly a clearer interpretation can be forth coming.
We wish for all to know that we love you all and look forward to your group regaining the harmony we/you all desire. Of course tolerance is a first step. Faith the next. And hope the third necessity. Ask all involved if this is possible for them.
Feelings my be hurt, but know this is not desired. All are loved so much.
We know you love all those involved, so try to stay un-opinionated and just try to help all see as clearly as possible the truth of these happenings. We will do the rest with Father’s help.
Jan. 19, 1993.
We love you very much Pati. We care for you so.
We understand your misery to be only residual patterns of thought from your previous state of mind. Yes, we are here to serve you in many ways. Know that we care for you in a way that acts from love and surrounds you with everlasting gifts of joy. Yes, this is Alfana. I wish you well. Come be with me Pati in spirit and your form will manifest itself in the perfect image of God! Do not be scared, for you are all worthy children of God, and can understand certain messages in a way that will `click' with your belief patterns.
Trust in us and we will reveal much to you. You can know that we will protect you and guide you through times of trouble and turbulence in your meditation practices, relationships, and all of your work patterns as well as behavioral patterns. Understand that we know you all to well, and can see right through to your core being. We are considerably louder to you than to some of the others, because of your inner ear sensitivity. We know your vision will become clearer and more real to you soon.
Trust in us Pati, for we love you very much and can guide you to the joys in life. It is quite all right to misinterpret occasionally, for any matters that become a concern or problem will be handled immediately through that transmitter or through the affected party. Jerry last night was off the mark in his understandings and felt insulted by our presence. I feel your concern about this transmission. Allow yourself to feel. It is this heaviness that you can relate too. Yes in your chest. This is the exact process that he went through. Do you understand? Do not allow the weight of others to fall on your chest.
There is a vulnerability in this process. Feel the anger. Allow yourself to be at peace with these emotions. They will flow through you. Allow them.
Notice how the emotional journey differs from the mindal pattern and how they are similar.
Farewell my child. We love you and wish you well. Let go. Love Pati. Aflana.
January 19, 1993
Greetings, I am Norson. I will come when you need. You see that and you are beginning to understand much that we desire. Doesn't if feel exhilarating? Yes, the ministry you are providing will fruit. The lessons will hold their stead. Be calm and face adversity with a smile. The Father knows the way for you and He will not let you down. Follow your path, strong and committed. You will voice me and all who need to hear will. The lessons of last night are needed. You see your own strength growing and we all rejoice as you do, dear child.
The carousel of life goes round and the ride is a joyous one. All the horses aboard are similar but different in size, color, and appearance. Join together for the ride of time. Many are the times of growth of experience on this ride which will nurture your heart and mind to live with your wisdom. Your mind needs and craves these experiences to gain insight into the different paths of the horses aboard. Ups and downs go with the ride but doesn't it make it the more fun for all. Judy, our sincerity has certainly reached you, hold on to yours. It is one of the keys to your development. You will find in time how the way has been cleared of your doubts and your mind is strengthened in its capacities to understand truths that lead you forward into new pastures of glorious service and divine affection for you to share. Pass on the tidings of great joy and peace. Be a still light so to reflect more powerful rays. Can you understand how the Father works with free will in his creatures?
It is a lesson for all and shines the greatness of His plan unfolding in your lives. Do not hold back in your stillness but step forward with your lamp held steadily beside you. You need to let friends know how you feel but do not doubt sincerity in others. The judgment is in the fruits--you will know the fruits. Gather those that will feed you and lead yourself onward in our trust. You needn't be concerned with petty details but look for us to lead the group. We have told you what it is you are about. Thank the Father and listen carefully. Make no excuses for others but feel the Father’s work in action--in stillness, in love for your fellows. Be kind. I love you. Norson.
Greetings to you Jerry, I am Norson, the Melchizedek Son, teacher and servant of Michael. Machiventa is here with me. He has come to help your group in this time of crisis. Yours is to listen and believe. We wish to share with you concerning the events in your life in the past few days, there is much to be learned from these experiences. The Spirit of Truth is ever acting to lead you into higher realms of conscious awareness. This Spirit is best understood as The Comforter.
Michael comes to you to assure you of the living truth. Great are the blessings that are received by a clear, pure mind that is attuning itself to the higher motivations of truth. We cannot stress enough how this purity and clarity are of value. The truth is a gentle persuader and only fills your mind with light. Where there is truth, there is no darkness.
Where there is sincere affection, there is no deception. Where there is pure motivation there is only exhilarating feelings of worth. Where there is clarity of mind, there is only God-leading thoughts.
From all this comes true peace. Yes, the peace that surpasses all understanding. We implore you to go forth with this attitude of grace, share your inner self. Let your love emanate so as to lead men to the truth. This may seem a difficult task to your mortal mind, but as you remember the presence of Michael, it becomes easier. As this presence is felt more fully, this exercise becomes more natural, more free flowing and more gracious.
Michael's love is a love that is so tender, so sweet, so fragrant, that it draws all those who seek for righteousness. Michael's Spirit opens your mind to see the good in all that is manifest in love.
Be not misled by intellectual machinations that seek only to show works of wonder and material manifestations of some deluded concept of reality. God's Spirit is the unifier of His children. His indwelling fragment is pure love, pure spirit, absolute reality. Trust in His Spirit to bring His children together in love and respect. Seek His Spirit as your means for attaining true worship and real communion. There is nothing in His Spirit that is ostentatious, for this Spirit is from The Infinite, The Eternal, The First Source and Center of all creation. We who are not indwelt by such a Spirit are gratified by our association with you who are. We look to you not only as students but as teachers, for contained within your hearts is this Mystery Monitor of our Father. We are thankful.
(undated, in sequence)
Aflana Mistakes
Good afternoon, I am Aflana, technical advisor for this mission on Urantia. You are doing well. Your diligence and sincere concern are deeply appreciated by myself and my associates. Today's lesson is on the dignity of free will. Our Father has given us personality that we may have the opportunity to choose Him or forsake Him. This you know. He has also ordained the technique of mind ministry. We who have come as teachers attempt to minister to you through your mind. We are however, subject to your will. It is my task to insure that your will dignity is never interfered with. We may give you a thought or a leading but we may not force you to choose to project that thought correctly or even to project it at all. This is your choice. Now, if your mind is open, pure, clear and intent on doing the Father's will, our thought patterns should be projected by you with very little distortion.
Please remember, you all are human, you make mistakes, sometimes your ego gets in the way, sometimes doubt filters through, and other times, there is confusion. Any number of aberrations can cause you to choose to interject your own ideas, concepts or plans. This is what you call the human factor. In this experience of transmission (channeling), you should always be on the lookout for such mis-adaptations. When you see them, acknowledge them, examine them and speak out if you need. In this, always trust yourself and others, and learn to accept these alterations lightly. Refrain from taking yourselves too seriously. If the truth is being distorted, the Spirit of Truth will let you know
and you should act upon this.
In your training session the other night, Pati reacted with her ego when she so abruptly took the floor. Much of what she said was true, other parts were distorted due to her conceptual poverty on certain subjects. She would be wise to understand, by reading the Urantia Book, much of this would be eliminated.
Jerry, her heart is in the right place. You would do well to acknowledge this. Take this to your friends and share it with them.
You all do well. Enjoy this task, enjoy your associations and please do not take yourselves so seriously.
That's all folks.
January 20, 1993
Help is on the way. Do not be disturbed by what transpires. What do you need worry for-for something to do-you have better things about. Keep in your better knowledge and look forward with great hope of desires of His workings. Your friends only want the same as you. Rough edges are to be sanded. The sawdust makes good compost. You are right. Yours is the steady place of new insight. Pati will come around. We love her. She will see the light and the need. Jerry will reach her. Please do not doubt. You know better. Times will get confusing if you let them appear this way. Michael holds the reigns and his guidance will prevail for the situation at hand. Hold on to your better judgment. Look for the true feelings you have. Seek understanding. Aflana will help you. Seek to talk to her. She loves you and will provide ministry. Oh the days will be clearer and new revelations to be had by all. You must not try to solve it yourself. Be about your business. Jerry will cope with his lessons of ministry and the group will find its way to a better ground to expand its service. Peace is with you! Let us abide. Aloha.
Wednesday 1/20/93 8 am
When the mind comes to rest in stillness, when the heart has been opened to freely give the love which it has received, when you align yourself with The Perfection Parent, willing to be at oneness with and in The Presence, these energies will begin to flow forth with a transforming power, a healing power, nourishing your soul and providing spirit growth.
Of the love you receive, there is no end. You cannot give it all away, for the nature of love is abundance, renewing itself, increasing its qualities and multiplying its uses as you grow more giving. Become aware of love's ability to create, to build in its recipient another bottomless well from which it can be given again and again with the same perfect result. As you increase your use of this great blessing, As you love one another, sharing all the many gifts you have received from The Great Giver, you will be doing your highest desire, you will be living as an example, becoming an expression of perfection, reflecting who you truly represent.
I am the source of all this powerful presence of love in your life, I am ever pouring forth of Myself upon you. As you open your flood gates, opening your mind, opening your heart, open the deepest recesses of your soul to receive the rush of Me. The surge of my love breaks barriers, dispels darkness and clears your channels of their residual resistance's which accumulate and cling to selfish desires yet present.
Give freely, let this love flow through you and into those you target with your prayers, those you would seek to uplift. These are your brothers and sisters, all are our family. These to whom you are giving love, these are Me. You give all this wonderful expression of Me when you live, giving yourself as freely, joyfully and willingly as I have given you everything.
I love you
January 21, 1993
Trust us, Pati. We love you so much. I can see you are afraid at a very deep level that you are not who you present yourself to be. Trust us, we know you well and you are a child of God. You are good. Not to worry, all is taken care of. Even your bouts of rebellion or so called denial will pass with time. You are a light being. We are light teachers and you will become a light teacher of the future. This is a grand opportunity for all. You will begin to trust life at a deep level very soon. Allow the joy to flow in and do not worry about your physical appearance so much. It is only you that can accept yourself for who you are. Judge not yourself of others. That is our job to see judgment is kept to a minimum for it can block love from flowing.
You do not have to meditate if you do not want to, but we will say that it will free you up quite a bit. Great benefits will come from this practice. When you don't feel like meditation, you can go for a walk and listen to the trees and birds. Come and be with us and God in your heart. This is what's important. Trust in us, Pati. You are very dear and wish to support you in growing this love. It is OK, you will grow in trust as well. Know we love you and will comfort you tonight and always if you will allow us do so. You are doing well with the angels and you will receive your wishes. Much love to you, my friend.
Aflana and Norson
January 22, 1993
Aloha, sister, I am Aflana. It is so good you seek my peace. You know the joy of my friendship. I will reach out for you and guide you on these levels of purity and hope for new understanding. Truth is ever prevailing. The lessons of time are filled with desires that will in time be overcome. Do listen to each other. The mistakes of each one will only be added growth to new beginnings. When hope is held high the lessons will find their place in all hearts.
Free will is a delicate issue for us all and each persons destiny holds pearls of wisdom that can ultimately be strung only by that person. A strong thread of human friendship helps to enclose and hold those pearls together. Clasp your pearls together with hope and desire for each one's destiny to be fulfilled in their heart as you too grow together for mutual appreciation of one another's pearls. Glorify your Father, hold fast to what He is about and his peace will be abundant for everyone.
Yes Judy, you do desire to know your place. I have spoken to you of your time and strength to lead others toward the Father. You are a leader but a quiet leader. This is good. But do not led this quiet be an untimely factor for the group. Speak what is strong in your heart. You have been let to acknowledge our plan and stir up the batter of ingredients which will bake into a cake of delicious and enlightening flavor. Soft is your approach and balancing will be the effect. Michael would have you create a new recipe of never before heard of ingredients. The kitchen is full of cooks but each has but the ingredients to bring. Make the recipe, open the cupboards and have fun in supervising the preparations. This seems shocking, almost, to you to be placed in this capacity. Do not be overwhelmed. It is not a negative position. It is one which you have been guided for many years to fulfill. The destiny of His plan is not one of this or that but it is a well organized and purposeful plan which requires full attention to the necessary path of organizing your time and progress. You are fully guided and not lacking. You have felt the strength and sincerity of what we are about and this is yours to have in your dealing with the times of this adventure.
Open doors, finding new avenues, holding up truth over emotion, seeking stillness for the Father's truth to be felt, making wise agendas, sharing with the teachers your agenda, letting feeling out for inspection and truth testing, living in every moment and ever acknowledging that the whole picture will prevail, the pieces are coming together and the light shines for you all. Your task is letting go of control but supervising the activities. Not a bad job. You do it well. Look at your fruits. You hold many keys and we desire you to unlock doors. Doors that are held by fear, insufficient truth, unbridled ego and human error. It is fine, this is the way for humans. You know this, it is true. For you also, your doors are opening but held back at times by your own fear and disillusionment. These are factors that you know fade in light. You do so desire to be humbly about the tasks at hand and this will be your crown of roses. The sweet smell will arouse your friends attention. Don't be so shy but you know the balance in your heart, follow your heart. I am there as a sponsor for you to seek and employ as the guide to your opening of your doors. The freshness is inviting to you and it will be the sign of the doors opening wide and new beginning of pathways to be run and jumped and danced and skipped and adored by the playful associations of friends who delight in being about their Father's business in joyful recreation and spontaneous ministry to each other's needs. The play ground of life is precious. One should enjoy all its aspects. The merry go round, the sand pile, the teeter-totter, the slide, the swings and the high bars. Smell and live each day in glorious surrender to being refreshed in the pool of His love, His gifts, His blessings, His children, His timing, His ministry and never fail to be filled with thankfulness for what has been given you. You are blessed and we are blessed with you and all your associates as we together live, work and play in the opening desires of our hearts.
You are delicately approaching the pastures and the horses are in need of water and stroking and rest. Hop on one and feel the exhilaration of the ride. Love is never ending improvement of your intent and desires. You see the well spring of new hope for all you encounter. The days will be filled. You are presently asked to go about your tasks in each moment with assurance of our plan and guidance. We love you dearly as we do each of our human associates.
January 23, 1993
Aloha, sister. Our love enfolds you. Do not expect so much. Rest yourself-you perceive that it is not in accordance with our Father's plan to block out the light of the days duties. Meditating will provide you with rest and peace of mind. Lay down your head.
I am with you here and now as I am with you always. Be still. Know. As you more often share your time with Me, we continue to become closer in expression, more aligned in purpose and intention; you become more like Me and act more in accord with the spirit-print I bring to this unique union we are becoming.
Together we gather and grow the spirit-fruits as gifts to be shared with each of our sisters and brothers. These quality fruits ripen and mature in every son and daughter who have chosen to mold their actions to the leading and guidance of the Indwelling Teacher. These fruits continue to grow in goodness and beauty; in truth, they never stop revealing more and more of their living qualities. They never reach completeness of growth or expression, though they do attain a completeness of perfection.
I am ever with you in your garden. It is your task to do the ground work, you prepare the soil, you dig in and ready the rows with receptivity, I supply the seed stock, and together we share in the nourishing and cultivating of these tender shoots, these delicate sprouts, which will in time flourish for all to see and share.
These most wonderful expressions, now living and growing in your soul, have been brought forth in joy and happiness. They are truly expressions of your beauty and goodness as they shine forth for all to behold.
Go now, share your abundance, share our abundance. Share yourself and all the many gifts you have. Share all the fruit you and I have grown.
Share freely in every opportunity which opens before you. Share Me at every opportunity. Share and grow. Grow and share. I Love you.
(SigEl?) Self-Indulgence
Greetings. Tonight I wish to speak to you about self indulgence. You many times resist the call to carry out the will of the Father because of being tired or because of not wanting to be inconvenienced due to the demands this might make upon you. Know that this is self indulgent. You must (if you so choose) make the Father's will more of a priority.
For those of you who engage in non productive pass times -this too is self indulgent. There is so much work to be done. It is important for you to quickly execute the tasks that come to mind in order that they are not lost in the flow of your everyday consciousness. Take the time when these "ideas" of the Father's will enter your mind to follow through with action. This will help quicken your spiritual growth and help the growth of those around you.
Good-bye for now
Lesson on Faith
Faith is the one thing our Great Giver does not give. Our Perfect Creator, our Glorious God of Love, has given us life and all the necessary time and means to sustain and grow this life within us. Our Unending Source shines and sends this unceasing supply of love for us to use and share.
Our most Blessed Blessor brings into being all creation and initiates into each of us all the infinite aspects of Perfection. This Great Provider, who provides us everything we are and everything we have been given, does not provide us our faith. Instead, our God of Goodness and Love gives us opportunity. Opportunity to give birth to our own faith, opportunity to nurture, feed, extend and expand this faith. Opportunity to use, work, and strengthen this faith into magnificence. We manifest it into the only true and worthy gift that is ours to give to the Great Gift Giver. We will to give God the gift of ourselves; the new faith-child, wrapped in bows of brilliant beauty, enriched with rich ribbons of goodness and exquisite shining reflections of truth perfection.
We have now come, by faith, to a fuller realization and understanding of that experience: "It is better to give than to receive." It is our faith, our constant free-willed believing that has brought us here, grown us here, and it is by the continual living of this faith that we become Godlike. We become the Image of God in the flesh, His likenesses, living moment to moment on the physical spheres of space.
Wed. 1/27/93
As you place yourself in My watch care, as you dedicate your soul to My purpose, as you daily rededicate your very existence to My service, you grow increasingly in My image and are more fully able to represent Me in each and every exchange you enjoy with your brothers and sisters.
As you live my will more consistently, you become delighted with how easy this is becoming, conscious of the pleasure it brings and the true happiness that is now a growing part of your soul forever. You become more cognizant of My presence in you. These show you some signs of success, these show you evidence of the growth in your soul.
If you actively live My love, share My love, show everyone you meet that you reflect My love, if you practice your attempts at perfection, you will come to recognize the fuller meaning of "Practice makes Perfect." Day by day, as the practice of perfecting becomes utmost in your life, as it becomes your habit to focus on Me in all your person to person activities, you actually become reflective of My Love.
As your faith grows ever stronger, you find it ever more simple to live what this faith has shown. You find it continually more rewarding in all parts of your life; the time nears when you shall experience a resounding assurance that your achievements have outdistanced all your former and highest desires. We move ever closer to this day, you and I. This will be for the both of us made One, among the most joyous and unforgettable joinings that we shall shine forever.
I came to you My child, bringing My very Self as a Perfection-Print with which you can liken yourself. I set no time limits on making this your actual reality. As you are willing, as you align yourself with My Will, as Truth frees you from the bonds of doubt and fear, as you more readily trust that this is the right road for you, I am easily able to mold you into the vessel of My choosing.
You chose to have My insight, you chose to walk My pathway, you chose to try to live your life as if I were living your life. You are choosing the way of life, the way of living for which I am the Pattern.
We are becoming One in this Supreme adventure toward completion of perfection. The distance to the eternal goal is of no consequence. We will ever be filled with Love and continually growing in Spirit-understanding, Self-understanding, Self-consciousness, God-consciousness.
Go, do it. I Love You.
Use your will to believe. Use your will to control your mind. Use your will to find our Father. Use your will to love. Use your will to empower yourself. Choose to go forward and progress into the light of truth and service. Choose the righteous path of forgiveness, tolerance, goodness, kindness, fairness, obedience to our Father's will. Use your will to eliminate falsehood, suspicion and doubt.
Consecrate your will to living a life that exhibits the traits of one who knows God and desires to be like Him. Believe in yourself and trust others. Go about your day filled with the joy of sonship. Use your will to accept His will with a childlike faith. Choose to smile, to laugh, to share, to help, to listen, to care, to love. Your personality is unique, you are yourself, your destiny is to become one with your Spirit Fragment. Use your will to make this happen. Eternally you will use your will. So use your will.
Thurs. 1/28/93
As you reach into the stillness of your heart, as the mind quiets itself in preparation to reflect the spirit pronouncements of truth you are ready to receive, as these emanations become more perceivable, you must supply the faith to "hear" them as clearly as you would your own thoughts, understand them as easily as you do your own ideas, "voiced" in your own head. In the beginning, it is no easy matter to discern, for some it is easier, but for most it will be achieved only after diligent focusing and much practice in relaxed concentration. Do not be anxious or rushed into "trying too hard", this leads to frustration, not to fruition. If the vessel dwells in still waters and the "Master" awaits, peacefully prepared for inspirations and insights, directions will be given, the destination will be known, smoother sailing through the channel begins. This will happen for each of you at the most appropriate time. You set the time by your intent, your practice, your readiness, your unconditional willingness to be of service.
The stillness is always here, help and communication are always available, everything awaits your active participation. You are not being rushed. You are not being pushed. You are being watched. You are being readied. Many await your alignment, many anticipate and many will celebrate when you more fully live in the spirit realm of your highest choice.
One of those who actively wait upon you.
Kona TR Meeting
Kona T.R. Group Meeting with: Jerry, Judy, David, Sonny, Pati, Connie, Bro, and Greg.
Note: 1-25-93 T.R. meeting was not recorded.
Pati: Aflana is here and she wants to talk. Is that okay?
Jerry: She told me the plan she had to speak through you this evening!
Aflana (Pati):
Yes, Aflana is here. I am here. I am here for you. I am here as your guide and your teacher to bring you to the oneness that you all shall know in your heart. That you shall know the Father’s will and be one with each other in your heart. Tonight is the night of bonding for you all, and we know and trust that your hearts will open to each other and the teachers here. We love you and are with you always, even when you do not hear our words, realize we are always in a place in your heart and you may call on our love even when you don’t hear us in your mind, we are always here for you. Your angels are by your side. You may trust in this process. The vision will continue to open and you shall receive the teachings, through Pati and through others, and you will know and you will see the great spirits that will come and have come to be with you and lead you to the upliftment of this planet. For we know that you have the strength and the desire and the beauty all within your very soul. And we know that you are in line with the Father’s will at this time, and the greater and stronger you become in this intent, the greater the teachings and the embodiment of these teachings will be.
You may record this if you wish. For you may not always know what we say within your conscious mind at this time, but you may retain more lessening at a later time. We trust that you will grow to a greater knowing, and as your heart will grow as the descension of the Melchizedeks and Machiventa will becoming soon to your planet, you all will know the great love that will bring you together as one spiritual family. This will not be far, and we love you so much and desire so much your connection with the rest of our universe and all of the beings that love you.
Trust in each other. Allow each other to speak your own individual truths and trust that in every moment you are learning and forwarding your growth even when sometimes it feels negative and it doesn’t feel good, know that this is part of the process.
Love is expanding. Open your chest. Allow your body to relax. Allow yourself to be touched in the many ways you are touched. Allow yourself to feel each day those you come in contact with. Allow yourself to feel what they feel. Practice feeling energies that come through you. They will open your channels to greater energies that you will be receiving. Allow it to come down and through the bottom of your feet. If it feels like it gets stuck in your head, just see it come down through your spine, out the end of your spine and down into the ground through your feet. Ground the energy, and yes, allow the light to come through the top of your head as you start to feel the force. And in your back, you may bend over in a curled position, put your knees under you to allow the love to stream down through and into your back. That's it. Remember to allow the angels to come into your belly. They are with you each day. Allow them to assist you.
We may wish to have another speak now. We have another teacher that would like to come through, if you feel this presence, please allow yourself to open and allow these teachings to come through.
David: I don’t usually get these things, but I think Norson has something to say.
Norson(Judy): Greetings, I am Norson. Judy let your mind relax, let me speak. Love to all of you. Fond greetings. Yes, you must speak up!
Welcome to you all. We all look upon you with great respect of what you are about, and what you must endure in the human you inhabit. We are here to help you and guide you through the troubled times as will as the more blessed feelings that you have. We hope to open more communications through more of you so our words can be heard loud and clear for all people. Do not doubt what can become in the days ahead. We have only time on our side and Michael’s blessings to guide us. Reach out for each other and for the lessons that we bring to you, to guide you, and enlighten you, and encourage you, and bring forth the fruits that are necessary for your growth in the times that are ahead. Please love each other more each day and let that show. Each one of you has the strength that is needed, but it is more enhanced by the friendship of those around you. You need each other as we need you for things to become clear for all in this great mission we are about. We have Ham who's here to talk to you.
Ham(Judy): I am Ham. I come to you this night with great encouragement for each of you. We hope to open this group to hear the messages that need your open mind, your pure heart, and loving companionship. Please work on your stillness and be open to our messages that can come through each one of you. We are well pleased and en-heartened by all the tasks that each of you are about. We see the need for each of you in this task. We see the wonderful pieces that fit together into their ultimate puzzle that will shine out into the world.
You need to feel comfortable with us, have time for us, greet us as your friends, relax your heart, open your mind, feel our love. Daily commit yourself to each lesson that is brought to you. Channel your minds to that great presence within you, the indwelling adjuster that abides there for you each moment and awaits your call to further His plan for your particular mind and spirit, and soul. Open yourself to Him.
(Tape runs out).
Andrew(Pati): Hello. My name is Andrew and I am here with you. I bring you the brotherly love that you share with each other and trust that you will come to know me and that you will love me as I love you. I am one of the teachers for your group and will be coming to you individually as well as during your group meetings. This is a special time for me as well as for you, and know that as you grow to know me, you will trust in the teachings that I have to bring and will be guided by my love and will continue to grow in your own special ways. We will encourage you all to speak and to trust in what you hear, for when you hear our voices speaking to you, you can trust in sharing this with the others and know that this is reality.
This circus that we spoke of (The group was discussing the 1-3-93 Memo from Marilyn Green of ST. Louis, MO.) refers to a way of exemplifying what will become the state of mind on the planet when this oncoming of great spirits come to your planet. What we mean by this is that there will be somewhat of a turmoil in mixing of minds that have not aligned with our plan, and it is important for the calmness of each of your individual as well as your group mind to hold steady and keep your intent in line with what you know to be true. There will be challenges as to the reality of the existence of celestial beings and that is one of the reasons that the vision is important because this will confirm this for yourselves. We understand that you have questions about this, and know that in time you will grow to trust in your own abilities, and we are glad for your willingness and excitement.
If any of you wish to speak for the other teachers present here, we will allow a multitude of teachers to share in communications. In order for you to hear us, listen for the inner voice that resonates with your heart.
Feel free to use us in your daily life to confront problems that seem like obstacles to your growth. You may draw on us for strength as well as wisdom. Do not rely only on your minds worries, for these will pass, and you will come to rely on the inner strength you know in your heart and the light that will be with you more fully. This is the way we have instructed you to start drawing in the light more consciously, for this will aid you in trusting who we are, for you will become more like us. You will become more of light beings. You will begin to transcend your cellular structure and this will enable you to better understand us on this level. Part of what we mean by holographic theory, is related to this cellular structure. There has been an increase amount of light available, and to receive this on a cellular structure is part of the changes and transformation that is happening now. That is why we have the body workers working at this level because it help you transform and transmute these denser energies into light. This may not make sense to your rational minds. Allow this to be an intuitive process.
Ham would like to speak to you. Is there a transmitter willing to speak for Ham?
Ham(Jerry): These are difficult times for you. There is much new that you have not seen or heard before. This kind of knowledge has not been presented to your world before. Always remember that truth comes through Michael, our Creator, that truth ever leads us to the higher paths through spiritual and God consciousness. Our mission here is only to bring you all, all of God’s children, more together, that you might unite your spirituality to be more receptive to the plan of Michael. This planet has rested in darkness for too long. It is time now for it to rise into the light and its rightful place in the universe. We have come here to prepare you for a new age, for the true light, true meaning of truth to be expressed and multiplied and shared and lived and cared for through all of you, from the most forlorn to the most attuned. Together we are here to help you understand these new concepts, these new happenings, realities you are not used to, that manifest themselves in your minds throughout your planet. Your planet will begin to resonate the pure vibrations, the circuits of Nebadon. You will soon be able to hear the broadcasts transmitted throughout the universe, enriching your lives as all mortals and all other celestial beings carry about their lives doing the Father’s will.
Jerry really wants to open his mind to your questions. He is fearful.
Judy: Give it a try.
Ham(Jerry): Give him a moment as he finds the Father, finds the pureness in his heart.
This is Ham again. Let us try, if you wish to ask a question.
Sonny: I would like to know if the T.R. group should meet more then once a week.
Ham: This is a mortal decision. We recognize the value that is found in your day to day lives, your children, friendships. This is something that you must decide if you can fit into your lives.
Certainly we would be there for you. We have much other work to be done, but there are so many teachers here now that we will be there for you if this is what you choose. Also, don’t be shy to make smaller groups and utilize each other. Those who can’t come to a certain meeting or another, don’t feel as though you are being left out. Accept the growth of the group as the growth of the whole, as growth for you. When the group grows, you grow. When you grow, the group grows. All of these techniques can be used in many different ways to help you all. Is that sufficient Sonny?
Sonny: Great. Thank you very much.
David: Regarding Melchizedeks coming appearance in a couple of months. We received a letter saying to put more time into trying to see and to visualize what is about to happen. At this particular time, I think that was for that group. What should we be about at this time?
Ham: Practice this as individuals now. Its really key that you do not feel interruptions. Purify your mind, and get your mind used to the concept of being able to see someone who is from, what you call "the other side". Concentrate primarily on your desire to do the Father’s will. Allow that desire to flow through your consciousness to where you will feel assured that this is what He would desire for you. Realize again that Michael’s presence is there, and that He will protect you in the truth, and you will only see what is real if you are desiring to do the Father’s will. And that as you evolve practices alone, share what you have discovered next time you are together, and then you can collaborate as to your next step with us. Does this feel sufficient?
David: Yes.
Pati: Do you have any guidance for me in my relationship with the Father?
Ham: Yes, my sister. I call you sister because you are truly a beloved daughter of the Eternal Father. Your best approach to Him is to acknowledge that this is what He’s giving to you, your assurance of being His child., your assurance of being one in His family. Go to Him with an open heart. Realize that through His spirit presence, you are able to find Him. Attempt to open your mind to love Him more. Love will grow and grow and will become such a sublime respect and desire to know Him, that you will be lead and called to worship Him. Know that when you worship Him you become more like Him, that you will find in your life a greater sense of belonging to this infinite family of His. Should I give you more?
Pati: If you wish.
Ham: Father is the purest light. Light being a concept that you seem to understand the most in your mind as spirituality. Light is so pure, so illuminating, as you come into the presence of this spirit all falsehood is eliminated, all doubts, all fear, shattered. When you can free yourself in order to attune your mind to the higher consciousness, the superconsciousness, the being of reality, therein the presence of Michael, in the presence of the Father fragment, you may learn to become one, slowly, with faith, with this light. Forget not this takes time, it takes much time, it takes great desire, total consecration and dedication of your will. However, desire to do this is the first step to oneness. Jerry must rest now.
Pati: Thank you.
David: I know I speak for everybody, when I give you our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have been present tonight with us. We also wish to rededicate ourselves to be one with Michael’s plan. This plan that you are sharing with us.
February 2, 1993
I am Norson. When in doubt or troubled times, reach deep for the encouragement you need to lighten the load you carry. We are preparing you for these times ahead. You see the way. You need to hold on to the strength of the Father who never fails to encompass the necessary alignment for you to the way of peace and harmony. Not speaking is better than speaking at some times. Not attending meetings may be a wiser choice than taking away from that which is part of your needs to carry your growth to new heights. You need restful thinking time. Re-arrange your schedule to fit this. It is important. TR practice will come but in the wise place and time for you. Being overwhelmed is your next hurdle. Strap on your braces and your smile and ride the jumps that you encounter. For the braces are God's strength for you to see by. A tired mind needs rest, a rested mind needs action. It is a balance that requires patience, will, and faith. Have faith and do not be overcome by being human. All of this planet needs torelate to this aspect of themselves with humbleness that will act as a springing board to reach higher. Accept and stand tall and ever reaching higher but accepting of your limits of your capacities dealing with time factors. We love you. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad!
Greetings to you,
I am Norson, the Melchizedek receiver here on Urantia, assigned to your group of believers on this island. Many of you are progressing at a quickened pace, others are continuing along at their old rate. Encourage all to seek their Father with a more wholehearted faith. Instruct them to believe in the leadings of the spirit and to be courageous in their dealings with God's children. Share with them the enthusiasm you have gained by reaching out more frequently to others to minister and to serve. Continue to meditate, pray and worship daily, for here you will gather strength to do our Father's work.
Be not distracted by the trifles of daily living. Conserve your energy for the more important spiritual endeavors of life. Believe that you are an integral part of the plan to advance your community and, therefore, your planet, into a more spiritual era
of love and light and more abundant life.
Life is precious, a gift from our Father, an opportunity to grow. Seek the best in life, those directions which will bring happiness to you and others. Work diligently at your parenting so that you will bring more life to your children. Help them to laugh and sing and dance and play and work and love and share and believe in themselves and our Father. Life is progress, growing in perfection, not in what you do, so much as in your continuous effort to do what is right. Live life to the fullest, take advantage of every opportunity to discover God in yourself and in others. See the beauty that is found in the diversity of the ministry of the spirit in so many truth seeking believers. Enjoy the differences,
don't feel a need to change them, just love them and trust our Father in His work to bring you all closer to Him. For before you have found Him, He has already found you.
Enjoy your day by enjoying others.
What do you want to hear? What do you want to know? I am here for you always, am I not? Ask me anything, yes, ask and you shall receive answers. You do not doubt that I can do that for you. You know how often I have done that for you. You are My child, you are in My watch care, you are My purpose in life, you are My partner, perfecting your way into our Oneness. I am your answer to all things, I am your way, I am the light of your life, and I am the goal of your perfection.
You have asked Me for more insight, you ask Me for greater clarification of who you are, and what are My plans for best using you in service, what might be your specific role in this "correcting time", in this great uplifting and coming together of Michael's Nebadon. You already know who you are, you know what to do. You are already following the steps I imprint upon you. You are a willing learner and I am your Perfection Teacher.
It is My will that you will grow great patience, and as you are willing, you will. You ask Me to help you with your "unwillingness". Instead, I will help you overcome your procrastination, for I see no unwillingness in you, only hesitations to do what you are willing.
This is blockage, not unwillingness. Now you ask how to prevent procrastination from retarding your willingness to act upon the plans I bring to your consciousness. This is easy. Action replaces non-action. Procrastination cannot exist in the face of action. Act. Do what it is that I ask, begin the activity, just do it, not talk about, think about, wonder about, and end up forgetting about what I ask. Just do it, do it for Me, do it for us, do it with love, gentleness, kindness, goodness and joyfulness. Forgive yourself your procrastination's and as you learn to take action, you will no longer remember their existence.
Go now, take control, take charge of yourself, make use of each new opportunity I present to your awareness. Do it as I would do it. You will not fail. I Love You.
Thought Adjuster
I am here for you as you are here for Me, Never hesitate to know we are Destiny-Mates. I am the true Love of your life; I am the One you can melt into, the One with whom you become inseparably One. You and I are the "match made in Heaven".
When we fully achieve fusion, when we are bound together with Love, blended with the many blessings of our Creator and our entire family of light and like beings, when we have been united together with the strength and purpose of our Great & Perfect Parent, can anything possibly separate this Union?
I am here for you as you have need of Me. I will answer your needs, answer your calls for guidance, I will respond to every situation you open for My assistance. We can work wonders together. As a pair, you and I will make minor miracles appear in our daily living, through our continual sharing. In our planting the seeds of Truth, in shining forth and showing our Love light equally upon all sisters and brothers, we aid them in sprouting, nurturing and growing their fruits. We share our plenitude with ease and simplicity, without expectation or condition. We give freely with love and care, and lo and behold, in this selfless passing on of all the blessings we have gathered and grown, nothing has been depleted; in actuality, the size of the holding reservoir has increased; its' new capacity becomes more than you can presently imagine it can contain. Your "cup" runneth over, it flows forth as a "wellspring" and the process progresses beyond your most daring dreams. Be prepared for the bursting forth of the most brilliant display of the power of LOVE ever to be witnessed by humanity.
It is here, it is nearly now. The fuse has been ignited in all hearts, the explosion and repercussion will be seen and felt throughout the Grand Universe. As the dust clears, as chaos comes under control, as the clouds of confusion disperse and disappear in the warm sunshine of living love, you and I will be there, the many of our kind will be there, joined ecstatically in celebration of this long awaited, finally arrived majestic moment. Michael comes home to his birth planet. Christ consciousness is lifted from the cross of pain and sorrow, lifted to live and enlighten every heart opened to receive His Presence.
All of us shall go forth shining with increased brilliance, with rededicated passion and renewed strength of purpose to live out the Love, Beauty, and Goodness that abounds in this new day so soon upon us.
I am ready and you are readying. Together we move forward to greet this great change. You assure yourself of participation by trusting yourself to the process, you will be sure, you will know you know this is My Will.
I Love you, I strengthen you with this Love. I am One with you in sharing and experiencing everything we have together grown.
Your Paradise Partner.
Aloha and greetings from Norson and friends.
We have come to be with you today and are glad that you have once again chosen to be open to us. We recognize there have been a multitude of resistance's have coming up for you. Trust that these will pass and you will learn the lessons you need to learn. We know you are willing to be with us, learning to love the Father with all your heart. We know that you will be one with us in your heart you will come to be with us much of the time.
Many days from now you will experience great changes, these will be planetary changes as well as individual life changes. There will be much to be done and all will recognize the true source of light in the near future. When we begin to disseminate our teachings at a greater level, more people will come to understand the true nature of their being. With this understanding will comes a greater connection, not only to their own inner selves, but to the greater source, the Divine. We know you have been waiting for these days a long time. And yes, the time has come.
We are glad you have been willing to be of service and have given your time and energy and have allowed our energy to flow through you. We know it has been demanding on your personal 'lives and we are grateful. We bring you personal teachers to support you in your endeavors.
Pati, we wish to give you your personal teacher at this time, we feel you are ready, and you have asked for this. This request is now being fulfilled. His name is Michael, for now, and he will be with you, by your side, whenever you call on him. Come to know him through your heart and spirit, and you will be guided in many ways. We know you will open your heart as he will love you. You may receive other teachers in the future. For now, accept his love and guidance, allow his energy to correct you, to love you. He will be your support with his loving nature, you can trust in this.
Know the angels are with you, and yes, to your question, "Are the angels really here?", yes, they are here with you, trust in this. Do not doubt your knowing or your vision, and your vision will grow. Allow these doubts to slip away, trust and you will know.
When the teachings come, share them, you will know what you need to do and what you need to know to transfer this information. We will continue to give you physical adjustments enabling you to better express the love you develop in your heart, joy is the key for you to express in your daily life. This will resonate with your inner being and allow you to express who you are, and share this with others in a way that is easily received. When others experience joy through you they will resonate with their own joy and it will bring them closer to their own inner being. When one is in touch with their inner being, they are more open to the divine source which is the goal.
We will come again to give you more teaching. We very much appreciate your willingness to take even a few moments of your time. Be not afraid to sit, meditate, be with yourself at any time. When you find difficulties with your work, call on us, ask for guidance. Your inner wisdom is also there for you. When challenged with the dignities you must unravel and make clear for yourself, you will know what to do. Surrender, surrender to this divine love, surrender to love, love is your birth right. Surrender to being one with the spiritual family, know your belongingness, know you are one in spirit, and there is no failure, no failure in human life no matter what the deed. No matter what the deed, God loves you. Trust this, trust us, even in your resistance's you are coming to know the Father, for this is your intention, it is recognized throughout the universes that this is the desired state of being. When you have your focus on this goal, there is no straying, nothing can keep you from this goal. When you set your eyes, your soul's eyes upon this goal, you will know who you are and continue forward along your journey on the path that leads to the Fathers' love. Come, be with the Father, know and trust Him. He encompasses your universe, your planet will continue to spiral upward toward the love. Trust in the very process of life, everyday, trust that even in your doubts, even in your dreams, even in all your fears, you will be taken care of. There is no failure, you cannot fail. You will not be reprimanded for your resistance's. You will continue to be loved, trusted, held in a way that your spirit self will always know the true nature of your being. Trust in this process and you will be filled with joy.
(short pause) Accept now your teacher.
Pati, my name is Michael (teacher guide), I am here for you, I am with you and I love you. I am not Michael, your Creator Son, but I am your guide, and I am available to you. I am with you here and now, forever in your heart. Anytime along your journey you may call on me for guidance, for love, for support. You will know who I am and grow to understand our relationship. When you have fears, when you have doubts, you may call on me, trust me and I will bring you to know a higher part of yourself. Your Thought Adjuster resonates with me, and I resonate with it. You will come to know this part of yourself as you have requested. This journey just begins for you, you have begun the journey to fusion with this part of yourself. Do not fear, these words will come to have a greater understanding for you. Trust these things, they will be appropriate. (pause)
We love you so very much Pati, the angels will guide you. Continue to allow them to assist you. The work you are doing is good, we are pleased you have surrendered to this process. Continue to show this daily willingness, extend your knowledge, work it into your mornings, afternoons, evenings, even into sleep. Extend your inner knowledge to the outer world. Trust when inspirations come, share them with others without fear. Allow your inner knowing to be expressed to others. Fear not their judgment, their blocks, their disapproval. Let go of needing approval from others. Let go of the fear of being rejected, there is no rejection, no failure. Hear this message, know it in your heart, know it to be true. Mistakes will be made, but in the end, they come into alignment and are seen as a necessary part of your learning process. Breathe, take in life, allow yourself to experience new life to the fullest. Know what this means, you can trust in this, allow yourself to be happy, allow yourself to be free. Know that spirit is first in line, value and moral character bring joy and lasting happiness. When you are in line with your own moral beliefs, you will feel the joy and let go of the grief. Do not fear destruction of your own mind, work with it, allow yourself to observe what your beliefs are, be willing to step beyond them.
Know that you are spirit within a material body, the morontial worlds await. You will know this spiritual, astral body, it is a part of you and will become a greater part of you. You will come to know your true essence as you continue upon your journey. When your physical body dies, this is not the end, you will move beyond the physical world. Fear not pain, this is a part of human life and will pass. Come, trust in your relationship with the Father. Much joy will come, you will feel a great sense of relief, you will know who you are to be and will have a clear vision of your past journey.
We love you very much, are happy and glad that you are open to us, we will continue to be with you and love you. Trust in life, know that you are in the spirit family, one of God's children, one of the Fathers' loved ones. Come to know your teacher today, and in the days to come, let him into your mind, into your heart, into your soul. Allow him to move through you, to come through the top of your head, to ground you through your feet, to assist the angels to know the very places within you, calling to be healed. The body may be healed through prayer, healed through desire and intention, through knowing the Father, being in line with your spirit and spirit guides. Aligning spiritually with divine will, this is the key to healing. Give this gift to yourself and give it to others. Let this power be known. Allow yourself to be an access tool for healing and you will come to know your own true self. This is a path to knowing the Father, just as any other. It is equal, not better than or less than any other path. It is appropriate for you to be in this position, it will continue to lead you on your path.
There will be many times when the teachings will be available to be shared. Allow yourself to do this, trust in your own personal growth. Allow yourself to trust the others and to feel safe with them. Allow yourself to know your neighbors, open your heart trust that you are on the appropriate path and all is well. I leave you now, but am with you in heart and spirit.
I stand behind you, you can see me if you choose, but most of all, see me with your heart, see me with your love and know me with your mind. I am with you here. Know that we come through a challenging time together. I bid you farewell with much joy and pleasure. Love yourself. Be kind to yourself and to one another. Appreciate who you are, you are all very special, you are all very loved.
You have all been given many gifts. Your Personality is a gift from our Father, your Indwelling Adjuster is a gift of the Father, a Pure Piece of Perfection given to each child of human origin, given to your soul as Teacher, as Guide, as the Image you are becoming.
Kindnesses shown you, love given you, patience, gentleness, openness and acceptance displayed for you and with you are but a few of these gifts which are yours without requirements attached. No effort is needed on your part to receive these. However, as regards your personal growth, your mindal and spiritual growth, your inner and upward progress God ward, this is only and always attained by your conscious endeavors.
Growth, evolution of your soul into perfection is not a gift. Life is a Gift from The Giver of Life. The living of Life is up to you, it is whatever you will it to be, it is whatever you choose to make it. If you make your highest choice, your decision will be to live by the Plan your Inner Planner has prepared for you. You choose, you are continually willing, passionately dedicated to work, practice, play, share, build, love and finally become the Perfected One that your Creator planned for you from Eternity. This Soul, this Life in you that you are continually growing into perfection, this too is a gift - it is your gift to God.
The principles you are coming to understand will take a sustained and concentrated effort in your day to day living, yet this is a necessary part of growing your soul. To get the most effective use of the various energies available, you must be willing to seek them faithfully. You must focus your attention on the "Stillness" within your heart. Here, relaxed and receptive, you will begin to see/hear/know the unfolding of the Way planned for you. If you do this daily, you will receive daily guidance, if you do this every now and then, you will receive general guidance.
In the beginning, to do this is not easy. Often one tries too hard. As you practice, it becomes easier. The time will come when it will be easy. It will be wonderfully exciting. It will be delightfully different. It will be awesomely challenging.
It is promised, when this effort is generously given, patiently applied, without holding back, the rewards you receive shall far outweigh any recollections you may have regarding the time and work required.
Your growth is such a wonderful thing to behold. Every now and again, when you become aware you have extended your spirit perception, and raised your Self-consciousness, rejoice with your Self. Acknowledge this growing as it becomes evident in your outward actions and attitude. You are shining more visibly for those who have the eyes to see. You are becoming more effective in service. You are becoming more than you were. You become who you are willing to be.
Work and grow strong. Serve humbly and grow grace. Share Love and grow your spirit. Share your soul and we grow into Our Oneness.
Feb. 8, 1993.
We greet you. Know that you are doing well. You are meeting and exceeding our expectations. Continue doing your best, do you meditation, and of course seek for the Father.
All continues to increase in goodness. Many, many persons are now hearing the call of their spirit within. Look for this to continue. Doubt not that we will succeed, for Michael has blessed this mission.
We know you have been busy, reading and taping and in other ways helping spread the good news. Know that you are appreciated and loved, and your work is recognized all the way to our Paradise Father. So have faith in yourself and in us that all is going as planned and hoped for. Doubt not even when you do not hear us for we will still be near you at all times and we will communicate to you when the time is correct.
Know that you are in the flow at this time. Worry not about your role or your future assignments for these will be made clear at the proper time. For now, believe in us with all your heart and support the mission to the best you envision it. We will guide you through your inner voice and you will know that you know when the time is come.
For now, relax and enjoy the process and smile. Aflana loves you.
Norson. Dear son. We are pleased with you. Yes, there is much growth necessary ahead. Much for you to learn. Yet for now, all is perfectly well. You are progressing and being of much help. Expect this to continue. All your desires to grow will continue. For now feel at peace and know you are loved by many, many beings, some seen, and some unseen. Take hope in this and see it as the fruit of your good labors. Just continue in this and watch as this circle of love increases and grows.
Believe in us with an open heart, and your desire to speak for us will happen. Continue to seek the stillness as often as possible. That is all for now.
Hello, Sonny. I am Andrew. I am a teacher and I am here in Hawaii to help your group to come on line and be of service with Michael’s plan. Yes, you are a great help to us in our work and know you are loved and appreciated at many levels. I will visit with you often if you wish and help you to learn to speak and see as you desire.
Relax and know this is not difficult for you. You will soon see much growth in these directions. Just call on me when you feel ready for practice. I am here to help at any time.
All is well. Thank you for your time with us. Aloha and peace.
2/9/93 7 am
Thought Adjuster
Yes My child, you may speak for Me, It is not presumptuous. Have we not been together for much time? Have you not tuned into My guidance? Have you not been seeking Me with an honest heart? Have I not been busy teaching you My ways? Have you not been willing, most willing to have Me adjust your thoughts and tune your mind to reflect My plans for your perfecting?
Have you not been true to Me, reflecting My point of view, trying to be like Me and do what you thought would be My choice action? Certainly this has been your practice for years; I am happy and pleased at your attempts, I am delighted with your efforts to be like Me.
I am with you all the many times you stepped out front and spoke to your brothers and sisters, relating to them many thoughts you knew I would have them know. You did this without reluctance, without fear. You knew the truth and did not hesitate to share your experiences and your perceptions.
My plans, My proposals are individually portrayed for each and every daughter and son willing to participate. You have been certain about this from the beginning of your awakening.
I love you for this as I love you for your steadfast desire to do My will, to try to live the reality that we are already One. Oft' times we are one in thought and expression. Your trying to live this makes it your new reality. You are indeed expressing our shared knowledge. You are expressing My love as your own. This is our love now and you may love for Me. This is not presumptuous, it is the plan. I trust you. I urge you to more fully trust yourself. I want you to put into action and live what you know. I give Myself to you that you may live Me day by day, share Me forever. Do not be discouraged by apparent singular failures in this endeavor, these are insignificant bumps on the road, you have not strayed off course, you have not taken a detour, you have persisted steering straight regardless of the rough riding and occasional potholes you encountered.
You must now be willing to speak for Me with greater confidence. This is a confidence born of faith, growing stronger each time you use it. I am always here for you. I support you should you need specific thought-messages delivered to a hesitant, indecisive, or faltering friend. I am here for you. I am here for them. If you believe I cannot fail, then you must know that we cannot fail. I am your Light, I am your Source. I am with you in all that you do as you do this for Me. Today we are together as a team, Partners on the path I have chosen. Tomorrow we will be One, together on Our Path. This is an endless journey we have begun. An infinite adventure in newness and knowingness. All your doubts will clear as you fully realize I have no doubts about you.
You are my true son imaging yourself into Me, becoming one with Me in purpose and intent. One with me in Love of Life. Show your God likenesses. Share your God knowingness. These are Real, these are True. We are one, more and more until we are one forever. I Love you.
2/9/93 2 pm
Thought Adjuster
My dearest child, You whom I have created in My own image, I am your beginning and you will be in My Un-endingness. Together we are the Alfa and Omega made One. We are united in Love. We are surrounded by Love. We shine forth Love into the hearts of all we encounter on our Life path.
I am always here for your reflecting, I have always been here to support you, I will always be here to assist you in making decisions. Whatever your heart would truly choose, I will bring forth in overflowing abundance.
It will be good, it will be beautiful, it will come in all your favorite flavors, and be illuminated in your most cherished colors. Amid all this Love that embodies us, within all this Love which surrounds us, simply sharing all this Love as it flows through us, of course it is true, we are becoming the Great Lovers of the Universe.
You, who are here as you are and I, being here as I am, living such Love makes it impossible to live on as separated. Thus it is we become One-even as One who has always been One. (pardon the pun, I thought. It takes One to know One.)
I Love you.
Aloha. You have been chosen to help with Michael's mission and will be very happy at the outcome. Suffering will be banished from this world.
Remember to seek the stillness regularly, and take your decisions to the Father in prayer. Have confidence in the love and wisdom of our Father. Know that your are not alone, that Michael and the Father are with you in all that you do. When you pray remember those who are suffering at the hands of those who hate. Count your blessings and face each new day with enthusiasm, and remember spiritual growth requires action.
Thought Adjuster
Each day, as we come together in our sharing time, you are becoming more comfortable with this process of "talking things over". It becomes easier as you become more accepting, truly aware that this is really happening. As you feel more sure of yourself, as you recognize the simplicity of these communications and the correctness of the concepts I reflect, you will become more trustful of yourself, you will feel more confident in portraying the Truth, regardless of word-symbol inadequacies. As you begin to sustain a deeper "stillness", greater grows your reliability to ascertain the most appropriate words necessary. These rise or float gently to the front of your consciousness, flowing forth in varying orders of sequence, yet always unfolding in most acceptable "ways". The more familiar you become with My programming, adjusting and controlling your thoughts, the easier it is for you to reflect My will in your everyday actions, your continual daily living. This is a new talent you are polishing, your efforts and consistent use will make it shine. It will shine with Michael's Truth, as well as all the Goodness and Beauty of our Mother Spirit. It will shine, activated with our Love and will illuminate a broad highway which many will see and recognize.
Today you practice what tomorrow you will teach. Have patience in everything you do, with everyone you meet, with each new talent and service you are learning to use. Be patient. It will ever become easier and eventually excellent. Relax with Me. Enjoy these exciting times of our growth. Remember with Me, the highest moments we have shared together have always been times of accelerated and exhilarating growth in spirit. There will be many of these magnanimous moments for which we even now make preparation. We are in the midst of and have in front of us, opportunities without number awaiting our action. We cannot do all things, yet we can do all we can, and will do all we will. I am confident you will choose the opportunities that seem "custom made" for our specific and expanding talents.
You are becoming more aware of your actions, your feelings, your attitude, your desires, and your willingness to live what you are learning. Follow Me. Come with Me on this Paradise adventure. Will with Me in our ongoing experience of Forever. I will in all ways support you, enlighten you and assist you as you attempt to do My will on the physical plane of your experience. That which we work upon together shall succeed. That which we envision shall come to be. Even that which we begin in chaos, shall in time, with perseverance, come to perfection. We will be Perfect for each other. I Love you.
Kona TR Meeting
2-10-93 Kona T.R. Group Meeting with: Pati, David, Sonny, Deborah, Greg, and Bro.
Yes, we are here with you and are pleased that you have come together to forward your movement on this path. We know that there are struggles along the way, and to manifest these teachings in your life can be quite the challenge. We know that you will continue to grow and to know us better and will be able to express the love that you know through the Father, and from knowing us, more and more in your daily lives. Trust that even when you come to obstacles in expressing this love, that you will learn from this and be stronger and more able to express this divinity within you to a greater amount as time goes on. Do you have any questions regarding the situation at this time?
David: This might sound funny. What situation?
Aflana(Pati): Each of you have your individual progress and------Yes Pati, you may ask your question.
Pati: I guess I feel that I have a desire in my heart that ummm----is everyone okay with this?
Group: Yes
Pati: To know God and to be able to express that. I guess I feel like a little frustrated that for a while I’ve been feeling a little separate and I feel like its really hard for me to know God on a personal level. I don’t know if I feel connected in that way. Can you give me some encouragement in helping in this way.
David: If I could speak for the teachers, I would say: I am here for you Pati. I have ever been here. I came to be with you. I came to be one with you. You have been growing . You have been listening. You have been doing those things I guide you. You have been sharing our love, and giving yourself. You are a daughter in whom I am well pleased. I am not anxious about your anxieties. You need not be anxious. As you prepare yourself, you will also prepare others. You are a healing light, willing to share of the gifts you have been given, gifts that you are improving, gifts which you are sharpening, perfecting, that you might also be a tool and awake to fulfillment of Michael’s plan.
I assure you that separation is an illusion. For as you feel me within you, there is no separation. You can not distinguish the difference. You recognize my presents within yourself, but when you try to find a separate self there for you, you realize that I am that self that you are. We walk together beside the still water. My love is reflected in all that you do when you do this for me. There is no need to feel as you flow into me, as you become one with me, that you will ever lose anything of yourself. You gain everything. You lose nothing. It will ever be so.
I do not leave you. I love you. And I will be here for you in your stillness.
Thought Adjuster
I am ever filling you with My Presence. As you fill, I flow through you, I become part of every activity which you perform holding Me in mind, displaying Me in spirit. With each attempt you practice, you become more like Me. You grow more in My "image". You actually create the reality you contemplate. As you more fully understand what Love is, as you become more qualified to express My Love, as you more consistently share this goodness growing in your soul, you begin to realize this is the perfecting process.
Balance yourself, settle into stillness. Feel My Presence, sense My Purpose. Listen. Respond. You are being molded into My expression. Accept My guidance more readily in each days' service to your brothers and sisters. Live simply the life I have chosen for you. You are walking the pathway leading to our Oneness.
How rapidly we grow together as you easily and willingly surrender your anxieties and fears, while I replace them with certainty and strength. Sharing My Love, you are beginning to live your life as an embodiment of My Love. As you attempt to be more like me, you do and you are. As I am the Great Invisible Teacher, and you abide in Me, you become the visible teacher, the living teacher, the living lesson. I am pleased and deeply enjoy your acts. You are uplifted, overjoyed by what you are becoming. Each day finds us more alike, more interwoven into the Personality we share, more united in this unique expansion of our Love, this flowing and living expression of our true Self.
I am at this time aware of your concern regarding self deception. This is not negativity. This is an appropriate procedure, a necessary step in exacting, in ascertaining the righteousness of your choices. Concern is good as long as it does not contain unwanted worries or fears of failure.
Know. There is no darkness. All is Life. Lift up your eyes. See My Light. Be in My Light. Living in this Light, you will accomplish your heart's desires, and achieve the clarity of vision which assures success. I see no failure in you, and as you more ardently look at life through My viewpoint, you too will find no fault in your activities. You too will delight in how we are outworking each new opportunity nearer perfection. Abide with Me in this assurance. Share this assurance. Share this knowingness of Me.
Know that in time, a not too distant time, each of My children who wants to, will most gloriously and much more easily be able to live My Love. I Live this Love in you. You are Mine forever. I Love you.
(One Without Name Or Number?)
Each of you, each of us, all created personal beings in our time space universe, accumulate experience. Only with, through and consequent upon experience do we attain knowledge, acquire wisdom, learn love, share service. Individually and collectively, each of us is actively participating in growing spiritually. All this growth, this great multiplicity of ever ongoing experience and expansion is the Actualization of God The Supreme, the God of Experience, our Universal Mother.
As the near infinite number of unique personality children grow into perfection, these diverse individuals form partnerships, "groups", or "circles" for further new and different activities together. In all this living, loving, learning, sharing together, a collective expansion of consciousness takes place. Now imagine a group of beings, hooking up, linking together as a team, connected in mind and spirit with a single purpose, connected in a variety of ways with a variety of energies; LOVE energy being the most powerful, most perfect bonding principle. See each member of this "active service relationship", be they Angels, Midwayers, Fused-Mortals, Melchizedeks or a lowly, struggling Adjuster-indwelt human such as yourself, see each as a "computer". Each is a unique, complex and personal computer with a wide variety of experiential "floppy discs". As the individual computers hook up with each other, a program stored in one computer can be shared with or "channeled" to any other. In this way it is possible for a growing morontia soul, while still embodied in the physical form, to have access to the information available on the floppy disc of any "cell" in the circle. This "networking" is very similar to the over-all Network in which God the Supreme is ever evolving.
As you imagine how this functions between the individuals in a group, see also how this is expanded in the same way from group to group to group. There is a continually enlarging multiple of all the individual experiential memory banks, libraries of knowledge, wells of wisdom that flow into and are stored in the Supreme "Computer". These become accessible for our use and growth.
As you more fully understand what this immediately makes possible, you will better realize the importance of forming these circles, joining with each other as "sharing centers" for this exciting, adventurous, ever challenging service. This is a service of both the "seen" and "unseen" children of our Creator working together to bring into full fruition the plans and intentions of Michael's present mission. Your group, our group, this circle in the process of forming/growing, is blessed with a wide range of viewpoints, differing and diverse training, and acquired skills, while also showing sufficient similarities as regards dedication, intention and purpose. We each plan and prepare for success. How can we possibly fail in our mission with such a united and determined intention? No way, as you might say. We too say no way! Our chosen circle will succeed. Other formations are already making/showing great growth. Groups are contacting groups and the network is being structured and connected to function more efficiently. It is really up to all of us attempting to do our best, which will determine the timing of up and coming events of gigantic proportions.
Bond with trust, grow with Love, share with sincerity. This "circle of cells" shall succeed. This new network of ascenders is making history on a universal scale. Know this as fact and as truth. (An unnamed helper, possibly One without Name or Number)
February 12, 1993
Norson: Challenges Of The Future
Greetings, this is Norson. I bring to you great blessings of news of things that will become. You are on the edge of a great sea of hope. The boats upon the sea are full sailed and some adrift. Some have need of repair and some require oars or new sails. Do you see the analogy? The times ahead hold great challenges for all sailors. You have understood correctly when you envision the role that each person must play in his ship of life. Grab on to your steering wheel and be guided by the Father within you. He alone will guide you into safe waters. Of course the sea is full of wonderful guides that wait with great enthusiasm to give you the signs of the correct course to steer your ship. The water is rough at times and collisions occur. Your ship may be a helpful vessel for those who are in need of guidance, repairs, maps, rudders and new plans for sailing. God our father is aboard each ship and dearly loves each and all, as is yours to do also. Do not think any ship has a master builder that is held in higher regard. Each has his work to do being repair or helping to repair. The future is held right in this very analogy for when the sea is full of friendly, humble boats looking only to further the Father's plan of smooth sailing, then can much distance be put on each course.
My light surrounds you and guides you. You see much and are well rewarded in what you do. Days will begin to realize the potentials of the love that is ours.
February 12, 1993
We love you so very much. We understand your resistance's to be passing and wish you to be with us more often. There is much to be done and we need you to be open to our communications. We have been preparing you for this mission and wish to support you in experiencing as much Joy in the process as possible. Allow this to flow through you and you will let go of much of the fears and doubts that still exist in your being. Do not worry of your habits for they too will pass. You are loved dearly and we will be patient. Continue in seeking the Father and your path will illuminate with joy. I love you. I, Michael am here with you and would like you to consciously develop your relationship with me. It is your choice and I am at your will's command. I will only come on request, conscious or unconscious. Know I love you and I will let it be know who I am to you and the group. I will give teachings through you. Yes, trust in your heart and your confidence will come. Love me and our love will grow. Drop your fear, forget them, let them go. Move forward and select the life you know you want to live. I love you dearly, my child. God is with you always. Much love to you sister of the Light.
Feb 12, 1993
Connie: If you are here, I am willing.
Yes, you do feel us with you. We are always with you. We thank you for your willingness and know the difficulties that arise for you. Do not worry about the letters, as always, it is the message that counts. And we do have a message for you. It is to carry on your works, to continue to practice with these communications. We desire to use you. We love you and look forward to participating with you in the eternal plan. Yes, this is SigEL, your friend and brother. I have been with you for the longest time, sister. We have been many places together and have many more to go. You wonder if these words are really words from me or not, you know that you know! You desire a personal message. It would be good for you if you would allow more time for the stillness, we would accomplish our tasks much quicker that way.
Connie, we love you so much, we value you so much we would have you recognize that value and live up to it. Always carry in your heart your true worth as what you are bringing to the Father is true, beautiful, and good. You are so full of love for your friends and even those who you would not claim as friends but strangers on the road or on your path. This is the way Michael would have us be! He knows you well and is ever with you. Be not afraid and do not hesitate to call on any of us, we will touch you.
Do not be overly concerned with your material relationships! Much of your difficulty is not necessary. Be more trusting, be more assured of the love that is held for you and be patient if you desire the love to grow and be fruitful. Your garden grows and is vast. You touch many corners of the planet. You need only to carry on and go in faith. You have done well, be patient and the answers will be forth-coming.
As for me, it pleases me to be felt and recognized by you. It is personal and you know that is where the action is! You do shine, you are a beautiful sister and nothing but good can come to you now. You are with us and we are with you and there is much we will do together. Your thought adjuster wants you to know how happy he is with you, how much he loves you and has always loved and been with you in all the ways possible, now and forever! Judge yourself less, love yourself more. Go on in faith and assurance that we are together through all. You are not in error when you call on us in times when you wonder if it is appropriate or not. You know it is and you are special in those ways to us because not all women are able to see the eternal view and our destinies together and the ideals for mortals to live up to. We desire your co-operation, we have plans that you figure in that will finally let you know just how valuable your perceptions are.
The Mother Spirit is with you always and you may call on her in whatever name you choose, but she is there and is a major figure in this uplifting on our road to light and life, for all the reasons you already know. You carry this truth . . . [foremost] in your life and this is important. This you must share and uphold and uplift. Yes, print these words and read them again. Seek your thought adjuster through the stillness, call on us at any time, we are there. We love you and all in your group and we must say that your group is diverse...............interrupted.
February 13, 1993
(Question: Michael-what's wrong with me and how do I come to know you and why?)
Pati, I love you. It's not that something is wrong with you. Begin to look at what is right with you. Your love will guide the way. Trust in us and this process will continue to enfold you. Your love is dear and many messages will be given to you and the others. These are crucial beyond your understanding at this point. Your frustration seeds in childhood. You will come to understand our ways of working with you soon. You will begin to know yourself and your cyclic patterns. To know one's self is to know God. In your conquest for understanding self, you seek the Father/Mother/Son. Trust yourself and do not be to hard on yourself. Let go of unworthiness. Trust in my love, come to strive to know us well.
We will guide you in your relationship to God. Human understanding of this concept is limited at this time but will increase as light increases on the planet. Michael's plan is in order and you will be a part of it. I am here to help you through your blocks. I have been observing you and watching your patterns. I can assist you. Call on me as you have today to fill you with spirit and love. You can satisfy your hunger through spiritual prayer. This is how to pray:
1. Find your desire, your true desire.
2. Decide to take action, do something about it.
3. Love yourself enough to allow you to have it.
4. Focus on loving the Father and trusting life.
5. Allow yourself to be at peace no matter what the outcome-let go.
You can come to know me in you mind as well as heart. I will help you with your frustrating thought patterns. Do not focus your attention on food. Allow your mind to relax. Focus attention on God and the most loving thought you can have. Practice having loving thoughts. Surrender to love. Notice where your blocks are. In your head they are only constricted by your own illumination. Release yourself from expectation of the future and do not injure yourself about the past. Breath life into your mind, see the pictures releasing from your temples. Breathe in the new and let go of the old.
Take care of yourself better. You know how you can do this. Allow yourself to be the person you so desire to be. You are Light. You are God. You are your own dream and you are the dreamer. Be free. Give this gift to yourself. Be not restricted by doubt and fear, but step forward with grace and ease. Even when you feel tired or afraid or ugly, you can call on the light to guide you to self worth. You are the dream and the dreamer. You have a fantasy that will be reality. This is the nature of your internal process. You can speedily recover from all of your wounds of the past and let go of addictive patterns with the grace and speed of a gazelle.
As you increase and strengthen your relationship with the Father, your bonding to the spiritual family will encompass you, embrace you, and call you forth. It will call you to know and be yourself in a way you have never known yourself to attain for but short periods of time.
I love you so, Pati, and am delighted in your progress. You have chosen a challenging path and you are ready and you are up for it. Together we can create the vision of heaven on Earth. Our planet will recede from the darkness it has been embraced by and grow into the light. It will be only a short time now and we will meet more closely and continually. You are opening to me, to us, to the Father. Much love to you, dearest one of all who know you. Trust in love. Michael.
Feb. 13,1993.
Aflana Feel Us In Your Heart
Norson Greetings from Michael
Andrew Hope
Welcome. We are with you. Feel us in your heart, for that is where we come through the strongest. Know that all is okay and you have been doing well. Yes we have not been transmitting to you in the way that we started but we are also sending messages to you in other ways. This is fine, is it not?
It is good that you come to us in this fashion also, for here we can help you train and be ready for speaking and for vision. Feel us with you. Practice seeing us with you, for we are with you. And in a matter of time, we will be with you and you will know it by your vision as well as through your heart. We appreciate all the work you have done as well as all the others who are helping disseminate the transmissions. This is good work. This is helping much. We are pleased. Continue please to do this good work. We are aware of the time and financial cost to you. Know that you know this will come back to you ten fold. We appreciate your faith, we know your love, we feel your love, and know that you are loved by all of us as well as many who associate with you on the mortal plain.
David is coming through now very loud and clear. I know you are pleased, as we are. You are all getting more efficient at this process. Though the growth is slow, it is sure, it is right. Michael’s plan progresses, continues to grow in strength and vigor. Soon all will be flowing in love and light and life. The mission is a long term project, yes, but also a major event is planned to help facilitate the work that you and we are doing. Details are not all that necessary at this time. You will know in plenty of time when necessary.
A personal teacher is planned for you. This is an event you can depend on, though the timing is open for now. Continue with your good works. Continue with your good love. Continue to seek our Father in the stillness. For this brings Him much pleasure.
Hello, this is Norson.
I bring you greeting from Michael. And I am here to tell you that all proceeds nicely. There is much work to do. Always there will be much work to do, but we trust that you are up to the assignments and will find joy in them.
It is okay to feel a little uncomfortable with this process. It is not difficult but it is also not simple. You are doing as well as you can and we are pleased. Know that the corps is growing daily as the groups expand and connect. This of course is the plan we have set in motion. So please continue to spread the teachings and connect whenever possible with each other and the groups at large. So much can be gained by this teamwork. The fruit that this will produce will be delicious and will ripen in time so that all may share. By helping us through your good works, you are aligning yourself with Michael’s plan and therefore and indeed you will be one with Michael and the mind of Michael and His plan. There can be no better avenue of approach to the Father then through the mind of Michael. and we are glade this is your Supreme goal. We do wish you to speak for us at the group meetings. If you feel more comfortable doing this first in private, I suggest that you practice with one or two of your fellows. Make this a priority if it feels right so that you may become of service as a T.R. in this fashion.
Yes all feels right in your life, and this is the result of seeking the Father’s will. The fruits of the spirit are indeed delicious and your appreciation of these fruits has been noted with much pleasure by God and by His Sons. You are blessed among many, and continue to be blessed as you go about your daily tasks in such good cheer. It bring us much joy to see the good cheer that you feel inside and share with others. Please continue to do this as it is in your nature to do this, and as it bring much pleasure to others and to the Father Himself. We wish you to share all that you have been given with all those who are ready to receive such gifts of light. Feel not afraid when once you know that they are open. And in every way and as gently as possible, please help your brother and sisters to open to these teachings, to us the teachers, and to God who sent us.
Yes, your talents and knowledge of the Urantia Book will be of much use to us. This is something we are aware of. Fear not, for you will be of use, you will be of help, you will be a factor in the growth of many in the knowledge of the Urantia Book, of our Father, of our mission. Have patience as you have before. Forebear and grow. Time will tell all good things. And there will be growth. There will be time for sharing. I leave you now and thank you much for your time and your space, and look forward to speaking with you again, sharing with you again, feeling brotherhood with you again. Aloha and Shalom. Norson.
Hi, I am Andrew. I am here to be with you just awhile, help you smile, help you feel good about yourself and about our mission. Yes, I am pleased to be here, I am lighthearted also like Aflana. But of course I am me, she is she, we are different but we are also very much alike and love each other dearly. We share the experiences that we have with you, our students, and gain much humor and much joy from this. Thank you for allowing us into your minds, into your hearts, into your lives, for there is much growth here for us as well as you. So your time, your space, is really appreciated.
Sonny: Thank you.
The lesson, if you desire that today, is on hope. We hope you like it.
Hope is that aspect of our being that is developed through trial and error, in discovering the ups and downs of life, mostly the downs. Sometimes when we feel we are thwarted in life, it is our hope that will carry us through. Hope is like faith, hope is like trust in God. Hope is that gift from the Father, that light from the Father Himself, that in the face of any deprivation, even fearful situations, we can carry on, we can know that there is a light at the end of this tunnel, that it is temporal as you would say.
Our mission here is to bring this hope to the planet as a light in the dark. To bring you forth from the darkness, first with this hope and then with the works of the Father and the plan of Michael. So hope my brother, hope for world peace, for an end to hatred, to murder, to rape, to anger, to revenge, to all of the disgusting animal tendency that still are latent in the races on your planet. Hope hard, hope strong, hope dear, that soon these will be erased from this sphere, for they will be when brothers and sisters like you in your group, can get together and share and love each other and go back into the world and share and love each other.
This is the hope of the world, you are the hope of the world, you all are the hope of the world. This hope will not die in your hearts, this hope will cease not, this hope will go on and become reality. Doubt not, fear not, we shall succeed. We shall succeed with your help, we shall succeed with many, many, many brothers and sisters who are willing to help. For they have much hope also and much faith in our Father, in our Father Michael, and in the love that they send us. Wish for us. Hope for us. We ask you to continue holding this hope high in your life. Allow others to see it and no matter what happens, no matter where you go, high or low, share this hope, share this light, share your faith so that others also will be able to receive and embody and glisten forth with this hope.
My light surrounds you Jerry, you know that I'm your friend. I am always here for you and the others. You call on me and I am quick to respond. There is no need for formalities in our association. We love each other. I love you with such a deep affection. I am only here to help. My life has been consumed with ministry for eons of your time. I am progressing through the Universe scheme by making choices to grow and develop my love for all I come in contact with in my assignments. Life is an assignment, the business of living is education. My education is being a teacher to you and the others. You ask for my help, I relish the idea of presenting to you, ideas for the solving of your problems. Trust is a precious "commodity", you must cultivate it, you must exercise your will and thinking process. Plant the seeds of trust, respect, honor, belief, acceptance, and love. Nurture these seeds with love. Control your mind to only allow those thoughts which can illuminate that trusting feeling.
Be open, relax, share your feelings.
Kona TR Meeting
2-15-93 Kona T.R. Group Meeting with: Pati, Jerry, Sonny, David, Connie, and Bro.
Pati: Michael is here and He would like to share.
David: We welcome Him.
Greeting to you my friends. It is a pleasure to be with you here in your circle. I come with love and am here for you to embrace you in this love. And allow you to feel what it is that your hearts open to in your prayers, in your lives, in your heart. I am here for you. I am adjusting you vibrationally at this time. Allow yourself to open to it. Let go of any resistance's, and trust. Dissipate fear.
I am here with you and wish to speak to you further. We thank you for participating in this process and we will continue to be with you as you shift through your changes. I am a teacher of the light. I am master of oneness. I come to teach you of vibrational qualities that allow you to experience the true nature of your being. Allow me to pass through you, to be one with you, to know you, and to express through your mind the loving thoughts that support you in growing towards the Father. We wish you to understand the nature of truth within every cell of your body. To understand this sensation is to key into your automatic response system that enables you to experience and understand in a way you have not before. If this feels like its going over your head, then when you see it in written form it will make more sense. Allow yourself to experience oneness with all things. There is a teaching in this experience. To know this place is to know the Father one step more.
Begin to complete old relationships, and move on to ones that support you in the growth, in love, and towards the Father, and supports you in who you most desire to be. Imagine yourself being the most high human you can extend your mind to imagine. Envision a life that has meaning and purpose. Envision a life that enables you to fully express the love within your heart safely. Imagine you can resound by thinking and having an attitude of hopefulness, positiveness, and joyousness. Adjust your attitude to reflect the most high concept you can create within your soul. Allow yourself to experience light passing though every cell of your body. Draw this light into you that carries the vibration of God the Father. Draw it into you and cleanse your very soul. Cleanse every cell in your body. Cleanse your emotions. Allow your emotions to flow through you with the grace of white light and gold streams. Use this energy to assist you in cleansing your vibrational quality, and to uplift your genetic makeup. This will assist you in these adjustments. It will not keep you from experiencing your more child like emotions, but it will support you in the quickly passing of uncomfortable and sometimes undesirable feelings you wish to pass through.
You can be assured that your progress will quicken soon. In this time of questioning your intention for result, you can assist yourself by releasing old patterns. To release old patterns you can pray, laugh, express through emotions, create, as in artistically drawing, coloring, whatever pleases you. Express through tears. And use your voice as a tool to create an avenue for expelling disbelief of purity and draw in positive, loving vibration through your outside environment. Release, ‘no can does’.
This is much lesson for today. Be kind to your selves, trust in yourselves, love yourselves. Be with each other in loving ways. Support each other and dismiss the foolishness that can abound you sometimes. Continue on your path and trust in this love and support. We bid you farewell and we thank you.
Group: Thank you Michael.
(Jerry): Greetings. I am Norson. I am here with you to answer your questions, to serve you, to help you, to share with you my light. Rest assured I am here only to serve Michael, to portray the Father as He truly is. There is but one purpose in this mission and that's to lead you all closer to God as you walk the eternal pathway to perfection and beyond. I am a teacher by nature, and a teacher is always open to questions. Is there any questions?
Bro: I have a question relative to the Will transcript about the amount of time it might take mortals to achieve the Paradise presence. There is something said by Will here that appears to read that people from our planet have already arrived on Paradise. and it is my viewpoint that this would take millions of years. Can you clear this up.
Norson: I can scan all your minds. I can know what's happening in your day to day lives. You can know what is happening in your day to day life, and you can know the growth necessary to proceed to the Father. As you draw closer to Michael, as you understand your teachers more fully, you can easily see how long the progress will be. Father’s infinite nature is so sublime that you could not see Him if you were in His presence right now. So far, so much work do be done to achieve this divine essence. To be more precise to your particular question Bro, rest assured that your journey in this will take billions of years. Any other questions?
Bro: Would you discuss the change between one dispensation and another. And would there be people out of the fourth dispensation having the prerogative to become teachers in the fifth
Norson: The significance of the dispensation is the creation of the new assignment, the time space continuum, the universe scheme in progress. Always does the further progressed mortal return to some phase of his earlier existence to teach, to help do his assignments. Sig-El is on one of such assignments. Abraham is more closely related to the specifics of your question. Sig-El comes from another world.
There has been a resent uplifting, awakening dispensation arriving.
Jerry: I see a lot of light!
Sonny: Could you give us any help on Dennis' question about the spiritual significance of Music tonight Norson?
Norson: Music is something that fills, a completer, an uplifter, pattern, personality pattern. Sound becomes wave like vibrational music like tones. Beauty is an expression of Goodness. Beauty is the chord stuck by the love that is strong and flowing between two, three, more. The graciousness of music permeates the soul with beauty. (interrupted).
2/16/93 10:30 am
Good morning my brother, You have often wished for an older brother, one with more experience, more knowledge, one with whom you could share your problems and seek guidance in days of doubt or misunderstanding. I, Norson am one such brother with whom you can open yourself; you will find me ever ready to share myself, my experiences and my teachings. I am not only your brother and your friend, but we share Michael as our Creator Father and the Holy Spirit as our Creative Mother. We receive equally their love and devotion, their caring and concern, we share their boundless blessings with which they are forever showering and surrounding us.
As one most determinedly dedicated to the outworking and forwarding of Michael's plans for perfecting His Universe, I play the roll, I perform my unique activities as a Master Teacher. As you familiarize yourself with the many pathways on your seemingly endless advancement into the presence of our Heavenly Father, you will initiate your personal response by becoming embodied in these lessons of life. You will teach, you will live as a example, an actual expression of your human brother in the flesh, Jesus of Nazareth. He was for you and is for us, the number one teacher, the greatest teacher in our universe.
You have asked your Father for a guide, one with whom you can intimately relate from your heart, relate differently yet similarly as you do presently with your Adjuster. I am that brother, that teacher and guide for you. I will for now, in these correcting times of immense change, be your teacher of change. I will teach you to be a teacher of change for your younger human brothers and sisters. They will be looking toward your example of living, your expressions of love, your steadfastness in purpose and intent to become perfect.
You are a natural in becoming a teacher, you have long had the Father's feelings, portraying these deep felt, highly charged expressions of Father likeness in many of your daily exchanges. I feel honored to be asked by you to become one of your personal teachers. I accept, as a blessing, joining with your Father Fragment and Michael's Spirit of Truth. As They assist you in spirit growth, soul recognition, and truth discernment, I will help you better understand your part, your position, your preparations for the unfolding of this great mission.
Fear not the rapidity of this "correction time". Follow the flow even as it surges up, over, around and through the rocks of resistance, the boulders of confusion, the steep canyons of chaos. You are held safe by your faith, you are upheld in the white-water-rushes, by feeling, believing, knowing God's ever present Love. You are sustained by the Truth which ever fills you and supports you in every activity you choose to make real in your life.
I am most pleased, humbly honored that you ask for me to become your teacher-friend, to be, for now, a part of the growing of your life. I can see as I scan your mind and search your soul, the love and dedication you are bringing to our beginning of this so soon to blossom relationship. I am happy to be brother/educator to you, to enjoy with you, your delight and pure joy in living these teachings. This is destined to become a long, richly rewarding relationship. You will take great pleasure in becoming the adept communicator you desire to be. You will reap the rewards of your seed-planting, and receive the recognition and heart-felt love that all of your true brothers and sisters will show you. I am delighted with your free-willed request to have me help you in these times of tremendous transition. I welcome this opportunity you provide me to extend my services and insights into your performances toward perfection. I look forward to your calling upon me, asking my advice, and your "speaking" and teaching for me that which I now speak and teach you. I love you with a whole heart, I look with inner-excitement to our joint teaching experiences, and assure you, our efforts, given in love will meet with much success.
Until the next now, I await you. Norson
2/16/93 6 pm
I am Melchizedek Norson here to tell you a little of my viewpoint, of how I see or regard you and your Adjuster. When I say you, I am speaking of you as a young evolving soul-personality. When I say your Adjuster, I refer to the Individualized-Imprint of God ever resident within you, the pre-personalized fragment of the Universal Father. You, and what you are becoming, are totally other than experiential for me. I have never lived in a flesh and blood body of human-animal origin. I had a beginning, but I had no birth experience that you could comprehend. I have no soul, I have no personal experiential way to understand what it means to have God live in my mind, preparing and becoming one with me.
As a Melchizedek, I am of the 1st Order of Sonship in Michael's Local Universe, Nebadon. As you first get to know me, as you begin to recognize me as a teacher, as one who knows nearly everything about the origin and ongoing evolution of life in our universe, you take on an exaggerated sense of my "highness". I am pleased most when you think of me as brother, even more when you add friend, confidant and truthsayer at your service. I cannot express or explain with words my feelings of your "highness", of your becoming One with God in time.
Regardless of all my vast accumulated experience, regardless of all my future living to be completed, I shall never be able to know what you know of God; what it is to experience the Oneness with God that you are becoming.
We Melchizedeks are seemingly miraculously overjoyed with our position in Michael’s family. We thrive on the responsibilities placed in us. We thrill at being true counselors and teachers. In rebellious situations, as opportunities arise for service amid confusion and chaotic difficulties, we seize the chance to volunteer to be where our Creator would want us to be. For now, in this time of great change and correction, He wants me to be here. I will, I choose to be here. In times of great pressure, humans grow most rapidly. You are most receptive to our council and guidance in times of difficult change. Such a time is now upon us. Your human family is undergoing the most rapid, wide ranging growth surge ever to be witnessed. We have been called forth in growing numbers and are joined by near countless others who are helping and serving, while yet others are here to watch and record. We have known for some time now that Michael's plans for this mighty mission were to be challenging and newly exciting. We knew we would be working with the free-willed choice-children of the planet, contacting, communicating, and co-operating with you while you are still in the physical reality. We did not know what reverberation these events would have when multiplied by the fullness of the "feelings" of our Heavenly Father.
I tell you, as a teacher, no words, no sounds or symbols will ever satisfactorily describe or reflect anything near the actual unity of purpose, or the glory of Love that can be seen, experienced, actually lived in these mission days of which we are in the midst. Norson
Feb. 17,1993
Hello Sonny,
I am Andrew. I am here with you.
Sonny: Thank you Andrew. Thank you for being with me, and I thank you so much for you lesson on Hope. I thought that was a beautiful lesson, and certainly one of the few most beautiful things that has been transmitted to me so far.
Andrew: You are welcome. This is my assignment and one I am very pleased with and thankful for, and honored. I am honored that you enjoyed the way I presented the lesson.
Have faith. Carry on. You are receiving well, and all is well. We love you. We honor you. We are by your side night and day. It is our pleasure. We see your works. We know how hard you try. We know how much you want to be of service to us, to our Father. Of course this is very good for us and stupendous for you. So much growth is going on now for you. So much future happiness is being stored. You will know someday how fortunate these circumstances are and how well you have chosen to be a part of it all.
Fear not. Fret not. Many are the rewards you will receive on earth as you will in heaven. But I know that you are even now happy with yourself, your life, with us, with our mission, and wish to serve. And we are so well pleased with this. And you are serving, and you will continue to serve, and know that many will be helped, many will move on to the Father because of this good service.
Yes feel us in your heart. Yes, know us in your heart, for we are in your heart as well as in your mind. Yes, you feel the Father in your heart. This is where He resides within you. At least as far as you can tell.
There is no hurry. The group is doing well. Each must find there own route to the teamwork, to the love sharing, to the exchange that must occur for your team to become a working unit in the corps. But now already things are well and growth is occurring and much good is occurring. Your group is strong. Your group is great. Unique on the planet, and will soon be of much, much worth and assistance to us. Events are proceeding. Things will occur soon that will be mighty, moving, and magnificent. Until then rest assured all is going well. You are doing well. The group is doing well. Michael is pleased.
February 19,1993
My light surrounds you and ever draws you nearer. My love for you will never fail to reach out and guide you on your way. I have been with you for a while and I will be there for you again.
The hopes of a new way are held by you who reach out for new beginning. The new beginnings of a new world with the essence of our Father as its core of being. When you hold close to you the strength that is provided by knowing the truth of his loving power, then there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. The courage and patience are necessary to live in his light. The determination must be accompanied by whole hearted desire to have His will be yours. Often the source of your human frustration is your inability to make things happen according to your time frame- but in the long run only God holds the schedule of enfolding plans for purposeful growth for this children.
Open yourself more to what is held out for you to accomplish. Be ready to broaden your horizons of new hope and continuing growth that is made ready for you to enrich and lighten your soul. Your part is to enjoy what you are given, appreciate what is around you in forms of beauty and truth and outstanding goodness. Outstanding goodness comes in many forms. The rewards of your service is the taste of goodness, the heart-felt joy of loving companionship, the opening of new doors to understanding and enjoyment of God's wonderful and enriching plan to bring His children closer to His own image of perfection. Don't stand outside the door of goodness and look in. March forward and stand out among those around you as one who delights in being about his Father's work and never fails to rejoice in the pleasures of the times at hand.
February 19, 1993
Norson Self-Mastery
Greetings, this is Norson. The lesson is on self mastery. The time has come for you who desire to be in harmony and service to bring about the glories of a new age. This is the plan for those who wish to bring change into our world. Ones own inner strength is needed to be harnessed and kept in reserve for the times of demand and need. For what is to become is only able to reach its potential if the hearts and souls of the ones who will listen are ever ready to drop the yokes that encumber them. Fear, anxiety, judgmental feelings, desires of self-importance, lack of emotional stability, want for security on levels of material prosperity, unrealistic desire to be in control of change and growth for others and disillusioning thoughts that color the future.
Self-mastery is the opening of the seeds of new living hope and desire and confirmation of the power of our Father's plan to guide you into arenas of growth for your self and others. The planting of seeds is yours to nurture and developing these capacities to become a partner in the garden of fresh and purposeful growth with the most accomplished and dedicated planter of the universes the sponsor of all hope, all truth, all abundance and all the creation that is His to develop with your assistance and dedication. Self-mastery is brought about by giving of your dedication to the power of the Infinite Father who holds your well-being as a raindrop holds nourishment for the earth. Return His love as the earth returns the water and the cycle of life is mastered again for all.
February 19,1993
Aloha, sister. So glad to be called on for support. You know the way and you see it clearer as your practice and desires grow. When the times are difficult, you know to hold on to that light that warms you and holds your emotions and desires intact. Balancing the human being is a skill that requires knowledge of the ebb and flow of life patterns. One can then ride with the tides as an expected changing occurrence-say breath in and out and still hold that wonderful strong rhythmic heart beat that allows the stream of God's love to flow through you at all times. Acceptance of your humanness is an important factor for growth. Enjoy being human, enjoy the beauty of this time and place and smile at the childlike dedication that can be found in every heart that touches yours. Seek pleasure in all you do and remain as an open door that allows the fresh air to circulate and open your windows to let the purified air to circulate into the rooms that you enter. Have faith, my little child, for God's love will never fail you and your desires will only grow to witness all the realization of all your heartfelt potentials. We love you, strengthen you, uphold you, encourage you and make your way ready for new growth in loving service and desires. Hold fast and leap forward in joy. Yours in Trust.
Feb 19, 1993
Aflana Service
Connie: I am truly willing-please speak to me through the keys.
Greetings, sister. Our Father's love surrounds and upholds us all. I am Aflana and I thank you also for this opportunity to be with you through this process. We see that you are willing. We know your hearts desire and it is good. It would please us if you would make more time in your life to be with us. Our work would go much faster. We see your intention is there but you struggle with distractions, at times. We are patient, we will always wait for you but as we do know your hearts desire, we encourage you to forge ahead with new dedication to being about our Father's business.
Yes! the lesson is on service. You cannot do too much if you are coming from the center of your heart. Be discerning about yourself and your motives and if you are trying too impart the love of Father, you cannot do too much. Know that and continue your works. You are making great progress along your way and you are inspiring others you are close to, to make great progress too. We are pleased with you. Keep us more in your awareness. Know we are with you and in the times of struggle or when you become confused or "off center", know that we are there to help and guide you. All you have to do is ask. Remember to ask for our loving guidance before you react and then check and see the differences in reactions! This is what you desire and we are here to see that it comes to you. This is the plan.
Your light is ever growing brighter, Connie, many bask in it already. Do not worry about the seeming unevenness of your current project and please do not let monetary considerations influence your decisions. All will be added to you if you are about Father's business. You know that! Continue to serve and love. You are in a position where much is being asked of you, but you are strong and will only benefit from the experience of this situation. Trust and more trust. Trust yourself and trust ______. He has so much love for you. You are continuing to bless each other in real and true ways. It gets ever better in your hearts and minds and has reached through time and space to register in the universe. Your example is the key.
Be strong and true to the path you know you are on. Encourage others to walk the road with you in truth, beauty and goodness. Honor yourself and live in honor with yourself and then see the fruits of those higher-minded choices. You know the way and even though you stumble or take a little side trip we will never let you wander too far! We are with you, now and forever.
Connie, your choice to serve the Father is made! Rejoice and don't worry. You cannot know the extent of what you are, in fact, accomplishing for the mission. We are not disappointed in you, we are pleased with you and we have a clearer view! Trust and more trust! Continue to upholds your woman's point of view-the feminine side of Father's truth, beauty and goodness. You are a valuable light in these troubling times. You have a view to share and manifest that is much needed on Urantia and you are progressing well in the works we would desire to see you involved in. You know what you know and you know that you know. Now you must express, in all the ways that occur to you, just what it is that you do know! We will be here with and for you.
Feb. 21, 1993
This is Aflana and I greet you, and I love you, and welcome you. We are glad you are here with us again for another lesson.
The lesson today is also about Hope. This is a continuation of Andrews message to you.
Hope is a most wonderful gift. It is a gift that you can give to others. It is a gift when shared that others will really appreciate if they take it to heart.
If it is given sincerely, if it is given with grace, hope is a mighty mover and will left all who are sincere of heart out of depression and to the light. Hope is that gift that we share when we know that the Father is near. When we know that the universe is friendly. When we know that the Spirit of Truth guides our every move. When we know that a fragment of the Father ( the Thought Adjuster) resides within us and wishes to guide each step on our path on the spiral of perfection. So continue to Hope as well as pray that Michael’s plan continues to stay on course. Aloha.
My love to you Sonny. This is Andrew. I am so please that you seek us. I have been with you this week. Heard many fine things you’ve said about me. Know that this is very appreciated and I smile much from my time with you.
Continue this week to be about your Fathers business, as well as the business you need to do. Fear not and if you need me, call on me. I am always capable of coming to your side.
Light up your life with a continuing smile. Those around you draw much strength from this and you are appreciated by all when you are high and happy. Fear not. Doubt not. Relax.
Yes, I am with you. I have come to tell you about the upcoming event which you so desire. Things are coming into place slowly. Do not be impatient. The plan is unfolding gradually. Rejoice in these days of anticipation. Good things come to those who wait. Be about the Father's business - spreading His love to all around you.
Kona TR Meeting
2-22-93E Kona T.R. Group Meeting with: Pati, David, Sonny, and Bro.
I am here. This is Norson. I greet you from the Most Highs and wish to thank you for gathering here tonight. Know that we love you all very much. We appreciate you. We know that we are appreciated. All is well. There is no hurry. This is good for a first try. It will get easier and we appreciate the trying. You may continue. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
We are communicating through you. The energy that you feel, the group energy that you feel, is made possible by the good works that your lives represent and your love for each other, your commitment to each other and to the corps. This teamwork is most important at this time. This team, this corps, is important to the overall plan of Michael. You are functioning, as it were, as a beacon of light, transmuting the energy in this area. You can see this is a service that is very important. We wish you to continue to grow this teamwork, to grow to love one more each day. Whenever possible, shine your light and support each other. We are here to help support you also. We are available. We will hear you. We will respond, we will know. Continue to study your lessons, the group’s lessons, and the other groups lessons. I will leave you now, for a while. Don’t forget to smile. Aloha.
Andrew(Sonny): I Andrew am here. I greet you in love. I love your fine group. I have been with each of you this week, have learned much watching you experience your life each day. You have each been growing in the light and life, and Michael is pleased.
Sonny: I feel Michael’s love. I feel Michael’s presence.
Pati: Hey Michael, can you talk to me? I could use some wise words of encouragement right now. I’m going through some hard times and I can’t stop thinking about it, but I feel your presence now.
Sonny: I get Michael is excited for you.
Pati: So I am doing okay?
Sonny: I feel that you are doing okay! I don’t know where this is coming from. When you asked that question, this feeling came into me of this real pride that this being has towards you.
Pati: I feel like receiving that pride, is like the balance. Like what happens with self worth, or feelings of low self worth and not being able to accept pride, it’s like a healing thing, taking that in.
David: If I would speak for the teachers, I would say that it is your essence, your sincerity, your willingness, your openness, receptivity, which makes you easy to live with, to work with. We are so pleased that one so young as you can set aside the many things that enter into your life, the desires, the yearnings, things natural, in order to be able to do this difficult work. Difficult in the beginning, but joyful once you progress. When you see the fruits of your labors, it becomes easier and easier. But all the teachers, all those who visit, make note of these qualities in you. The combination is somewhat rare. That's what makes it a joy for us to work with you.
The Teachers (collective)
Dear one, Action is what you seek. Growth in the spirit, your soul growth is brought about by action, acting upon what you already know. That with which you are already most familiar, needs no more thinking about, needs no more contemplation or procrastination. Growth can begin when you ACT upon your knowledge. Your book tells you this in a variety of ways; your teachers, your helpers, your heavenly family have told you again and again: do it, just do it. This is not easy to misunderstand, it means work, practice, setting into action what you have been preparing these many years. Contemplation days are over. Correction days are here. Wandering and wondering what to do are past. "Working Wonders" is here for you now. Share yourself, show yourself, shine your light, give to all others what has so long been given you.
Action is the antidote for hesitation, for procrastination, for all the many drawbacks that lead you nowhere. These leave you stuck in familiarity where you become comfortable amid all your gifts, satisfied with your many treasures. If you do not ACT upon your wisdom it will stagnate, dry up, diminish and die. As you step out in action, immediately you increase your usefulness. Your understanding is enhanced, your spirit-self is nourished, you experience soul upliftment, growing in God consciousness and God likeness.
This is just another lesson put on paper that will do nothing for true and real growth if it is not consumed, digested and acted upon. The key word, to be sure, is ACTION.
Nothing is ever achieved, nothing comes into being, there is no creation of anything whatsoever, without deliberate, determined and dedicated action. Think upon this. Yes, thinking and examining are semi-actions which bring understanding. These help you see the wisdom therein contained. Yet, when you have completed the thinking process, even that will have been for naught if you do not ACT upon your new knowledge.
We, your teachers, are patient. We wait upon you without rushing you; however, we also see you struggling to "get on" with this and recognize the pains you experience with your inaction. We are led, by your willingness, to apply these gentle pressures to assist you through the start-up phases. We love you very much; we applaud your efforts and recognize the loving actions which have already grown you to be here now. We also pray for your courage to be strengthened, that it may make easier the transitions now occurring. You still possess some slight fears. These aid the hesitations and somewhat freeze actions in their potential. Fear nothing. Even mistakes made in good faith are actions assisting growth. Mistakes are not setbacks, they make deeper your understanding and provide additional clarity for future choices.
Often you have heard it said, "He who hesitates is lost". It might be even more revealing to say: "It is better to step and stumble than hesitate to step". When you recognize your falterings, your drawbacks, when you flounder, afraid to face the challenges of the hour, when you find yourself not knowing what to do, be willing to take the first step. Begin meditation. Enter into the stillness. Seek the silence where healing starts. Be in the place where answers arrive. Tune into your teachers. Accept their guidance. Accept their assistance. Receive what they reveal. Go forward in Faith. Get yourself into the ACT. We need your enthusiastic response to our call.
Grow, grow, grow. Grow in spirit, grow in love. Grow daily into your God likeness.
Your Teachers.
2/25/93 Thurs. 11:30 am
Jesus/Christ Michael
My child, My son, How shall I help you resolve your doubts and deeply disguised fears that somehow you will not be able to meet the challenges of life which now appear before you? How might I dissolve your disbelief in yourself?
How can I make you more aware of your abilities, your attainments in consciousness of spirit? I trust you. I see how able you are becoming. Your awareness of the presence of other than mental and physical realities increases slowly and steadily as you give more attention, as you attempt more clearly to focus on what you know is here for you to use and share. Let go of the fears of unknowing. Let me, and the others who are here for you, guide your hesitant steps onto the path you know leads to perfection.
The truth is here to free you from your fears. I am the Way and the Light. I am the One who has gone before you, shown you My pathway to the Father, made clear for those who have the eyes to see that the way will not be one of simple ease, or without sincere devotion and deep commitment.
Recall my earth experience. It was an adventure filled with great promise, difficult problems, wonderful expectations and devastating disappointments. Each day brought forth unexpected opportunities, revealed complicated choices and life-affecting decisions. Please know that I did not make those far-reaching decisions by myself alone.
In matters of great import, I always sought council in prayer and meditation with our Father. I waited patiently and peacefully for the guidance and direction which was always presented for my acceptance.
I have seen you weep, have felt your deep sorrow as you read about my experiences here in humanity. I know your love for me and the pain you yet feel, as you sometimes too vividly relive the terrible moments of my abuse at the hands of the unknowing. This is not to be your cup; not yours or any of your sisters and brothers. You each have your own individual path, each uniquely individualized personality chooses the road right for himself.
We each have an adventure always in front of us. Though we cannot see very far into our future, each step we advance lets us see a little more. Each learns from the lessons on the way. Each grows in accordance with the acceptance and application of the teachings. You grow from knowing. You grow even more from sharing the knowledge you have been given.
Do not hesitate to ask for help. Do not fail to pray to the Father when you need guidance or strength or anything whatsoever to assist you in making the difficult decisions you may daily face. I see how often you are in prayer, I see also, as answers are imprinted upon you, you do not always respond with action, but move over into some blank point of indecision. Be aware that this is a blocking habit. Act. Live out the answers for which you prayed. Do not hesitate to call upon me. I will help you with any situation in which you struggle. I and my Spirit of Truth are always ready to respond, to be at your service, to be "by your side" in the flick of a thought. I carefully coach you in choosing the most effective actions to aid your specific situation. When you receive these urges, respond accordingly. Act with new understanding, fear not to falter. We implore you: live without the fear of failure. We support you with our Love. We Love you as you support your brothers and sisters and help strengthen their faith in these decisive days of rapid rearrangement. We are moving on "fast-forward" with our plans for the inauguration of Light and Life on Urantia. I am now here with you. I help you make decisions. Father is always here for you. He helps you put decisions into action. He will not fail you. I will not fail you. Live the Father's Will.
You will not fail yourself. Abide in My Peace.
I am Jesus/Michael
Greetings. I am Norson. I have missed our association since you have been busy about your earthly duties. Our Father has continued to adjust your mind to allow you to see life more spiritually. His grace and mercy are unfathomable. His love is ever pouring forth from Paradise to lift up His children to the supernal heights of spiritual grandeur!
The spiritual life is one of increased service to one's fellows. This service is enshrouded in love as your true affection for those you contact is felt on higher and higher levels of conscious mind. As your thoughts lead you God ward, your actions become more efficient in ministry to His children. No time is wasted when love is the motivation. As your desires draw closer to His will, you find it easier to share your inner self. Believing in your sonship causes you to further recognize the Father's spirit presence in others. This presence perception is enhanced by abiding in the presence yourself. Never doubt the presence of the Spirit of Truth as it encompasses you with guidance towards love and light. Always are the angels at your side, there to help you and spiritually protect you. Rest assured that as you remember these facts and truths, your soul will grow.
The Teachers (A Collective)
We are here to serve you. We are here at your request. We come because you have asked for advancement. You deeply desire, sincerely yearn to be a light for others which shines and shows them the right direction. You in a certain sense, have authority over us, we are your "staff", we are a ministering staff, a teaching staff, a friendly and loving staff; helpers to serve you and share with you the fruits of our experience. We are here to assist you in making more correct choices. We are here to supply you a fuller understanding, a clearer focus, a greater insight into the importance of your higher decisions. We will help you fulfill your deep-felt dedication to following the path, to living the life opening before you, a life in which every step, every encounter is one of growing more Loving, sharing more Beauty and Goodness, becoming more Christ-like, God conscious, and unselfishly God giving.
Michael reflects the highest position on your "staff". While he walked as man and spoke as God, He said: "I am the staff of Life". "I am the bread of Life". Our Creator Son, our Michael in Nebadon, living as Jesus on Urantia, is therefore saying: I am the necessary food for living. We, your teachers, now say to you: if you attempt to satisfy your deep spirit-hungers with this real "soul-food", this food of the Gods, you will find it is able to fill you with all the fullness of God. You will grow more in the likeness of God, you will gain as your own, the "habits of God", and soon begin to show the signs of your inheritance by living His gentle loving ways with each and every one you encounter. Call on us, call us into action in your life. We are willing lovers of service, it is our desire as well as our blessing to be here for you. We love you and love to help you grow, enjoy seeing and feeling your growth, actually being a part of your growth. In your growth, we too grow. Let's grow.
March 1, 1993
Hello Sonny.
Norson Hope
Greetings from the most highs. We appreciate your call for teachings to guide you to Father and we wish to support you in your quest. Know that we are here for just that purpose.
Your lesson for today deals with Hope again. For we wish this to be very plain and well understood.
Hope is more then a human emotion. Hope is a heavenly tool we may use when we feel the need for arresting the chain of negative thoughts that may be hampering our ability to live in love energy. Hope can be used to fine tune our mind pattern energy to lighten our load and broaden our prospective. By turning to our most cherished Hopes, we can alleviate all doubts, fears, and anger by focusing on our future potentials. For instance. You may be hopeful of a bright future when you think of the finaliters. By looking to this distant goal, many of our daily problems become as small fish in the ocean.
If we could but see the glorious future that awaits us, truly our Hope would be astounding and would dominate all our decisions. So you see, faith in what you know is a sure fire way to increase this guiding Hope. If when we are unable to extricate ourselves from periods of doubt, fear, uncertainty, this tool of Hope with its companion Faith, can be used as a flashlight to illuminate your path to paradise. Sprinkle your pathway to perfection with Hope and Faith. In every dark moment, turn on this light, this light of Hope and know that the goal of perfection lies in your grasp. When we Hope for this bright future, when we feel this Hope strongly, based on not only our faith but on years of study, years of searching and much affirmation through daily seeking, this is when Hope will shine and guide our way. Be this Hope, not only for yourself but for all those brothers and sisters around you who look up to you and your faith and your hope and know that you are helping. We Hope you Hope, we all Hope, and this Hope when based on the Father and His love for us will guide, will steer, will bring us forth into all that we know we Hope for.
Farewell for now.
Kona TR Meeting
3-1-93 Kona T.R. Meeting with: Jerry and Judy, Sonny and David, and Connie and Martain.
Christ Michael (Jerry):
Listen my children. I am Michael, your Creator Father. Feel the presence of the Holy Mother Spirit within your souls leading you to believe.
I am your teacher for tonight. I am here in response to your love for me, for your heart's longing for me, for your mind's craving to see the truth, to know the truth, to follow the truth, to become the truth.
Our Father's love for us is what makes this possible. His love flows through Me, which flows through you. I am here just like the Father. Continue to let the light of His love flow through you in your actions, in your words, in your thoughts, in your prayers, and in your worship. Prepare your souls, prepare your minds, prepare yourselves! I am coming for you.
(long pause)
Furthermore, let your love become more clearly visible in the service and ministry that you perform for My children. Increase your desires, motivate your associations with your sisters and brothers. Put aside your fears, set aside your worries for your material life. Set aside those anxieties which you've held for so long in your mind. Feel My presence, My leadership, my guidance as I direct you to love, to love with a true affection, to love with undying devotion, to love unconditionally! See your brothers and sisters as you see yourself, a struggling mortal of the realm, one of My children, equal in My eyes. I love you all. I desire to bring you all closer to the Father, and I need your help. So when you feel the Father and you feel My love, use these feelings to motivate you to seek out and love one another.
Recognize My presence among you more lightly. Realize how I am one of you. I have been a mortal, I have been here. I understand all the things that you go through. I understand them sublimely, for I lived them as a man and as a God. Also, continue to understand your teachers in the same light as just close friends, good friends, friends that you love and care for deeply, friends that you would give your life for. Feel this friendship amongst yourselves.
Norson (Judy): Greetings. I come to you with great joy. What a blessing has been bestowed upon you tonight as you gather in the Father's name. It is such a great blessing for all of us to experience what you have shared with your Creator tonight.
Have faith in what we are all about together. The mission abounds in wonder and stupendous, unfathomable hope. Gather together as you are doing and look forward to new avenues for the mission to be expressed through you. Each one of you holds keys to unlocking new gates that hold lessons that will help your self mastery. Each of you truly desires to be about the Father's business, and this in itself pushes you forward. You need to take meditation time each day if you can. This will only serve you better. Take the five minutes. Find the stillness and go away refreshed and enthused. You need us as we need you.
Together we work on this path. It is exciting business to attend to as each day you behold new
blessings for you to encounter, new people to be felt for, and filled with your self and the love that you reach for with faith, the courage that it takes to deal with all the serious unsolved events that happen in your lives. The courage to know that each one will serve you well. The courage and the faith to know that how you handle each one is really all that matters. All the things, when you are about your Father's business, that need to fall into place, will fall.
We are here as your friends to grow bounds and desires that will effect the lives of not only yourself, but will have a domino effect on the rest of the world. You must have faith and courage and boldness to be about this mission.
Your attitude is your health. Your health is essential. Let go of your worries. Step forward in each new day thankful for that day. Look forward to encounters where you can enjoin with us to let the Father's words be heard. Talk about your Father. Such a glorious thing to talk about! You will feel equal shares of the Father's love and how He reaches out for each one of you with His many avenues as you reach out and care about those around you. This is the time for further adjustment in your abilities, your insights, so that together as a unit your strengths will grow, and grow, and grow, and grow. Bring more into your group. Open up your T.R. meetings. Strengthen your group. Call for me and I will be there for you. Open up the avenues wider. Take advantage of what you have. We need you more and more as the days pass. Do not doubt. Have faith and know that you know, and I know you know. The Father loves you as we all do. Thank you for coming here, and thank you for allowing us to be part of your life.
My light surrounds you and draws you nearer. So happy to have you desire my company. You have been very busy with affairs of the moment. I feel your growth as you do. You have accomplished much in a short time. It is for the time at hand, all that is expected of you. We are busy with all the seeds which have been planted and hope you will have the faith to trust our capacity to nurture these plantings.
The days to come will enfold with new happenings that will provide soul growth for you. Be about the day with happiness and good intentions of a heartfelt sincerity. Trust our Father to stand beside you and within you to help you along in each moment of decision. Decisions are the soil for new growth. Each decision must be tempered with all of the attributes you would imagine and know the heavenly guide of all of us would possess. The well balanced decisions of a God knowing soul will be tempered with desires for compassion, forgiveness, loving trust, all knowing faith of what is the outcome of the path for us who seek the best for all. Hold the peace of the Lord in your hearts. Keep it as a special feeling that you can rely on when times seem confusing or troubled. The light of the Lord is bright and seeks to shine in each heart and enlighten the way. Make fast the joys of brotherhood. Open doors of dreams and let the rays of heavenly hope shine out to brighten the never ending needs of the children who would have the way of the Lord be theirs.
We all have great hopes and dreams for the future and these need constant attention in the way of diligent seeking and knowing, action, intention, sincerity and peaceful acceptance of the unfolding of new patterns of growth for all. You do well. I will be here for any questions to guide you and excite your appetite for new tastes of heavenly splendor. Love, Sig-El.
Norson: Your True Nature
Aloha Pati, and thank you for being with us. I come to wish you well and to be with you and to support you in your times of struggle.
We know that you feel some disappointment in your journey towards the Father and have come to some frustrating points. I am here to support you and to love you, and to let you know that we are here for you and that you can call upon us and that I love you very much. I Norson am a guide and teacher and a lover of many. I share my love with you in ways that move beyond human capability. You are able to trust me in ways that move beyond human capacity. Meaning that my structure as a spirit being is one of perfection and you can trust this perfection.
My mission from the Father is in line with the mission that is called forth for the planet now. I know that you desire to serve and find it frustrating that you do not always have the vision to see how your steps lead you on this path. Let go of the understandings and you will know through your heart and through your knowingness that you are truly on the correct path. You can come to know me better by trusting in the thoughts that you hear and dissolving your negativity though exercise, though sharing, though forgiving. Forgiving yourself and forgiving others, in letting go of this hurt that you feel, letting go of the pain. Let it be something of the past, and move forward into joy. This joy is your barometer. It is your meter for it will guide you towards the Father.
The Father will bring you joy and comfort, and allow you to know that you are loved and that you can be a chosen figure, that you can be a chosen one. You are a child of God, and you know this in your heart, and you can forgive yourself and give yourself the unconditional love that the Father gives you, and that you so deserve. Undeserveablity is an illusion. It is a facade of the mind. It is something that you can let go of in an instant, and you can come to know your true self.
This is a topic that we bring up frequently, for it is of utmost importance to focus on your true nature and to move beyond your personality self, your individual characteristics that you often behold in a light that is untrue for you. It is only the Father that can see you in the true light that you are. And passing judgment on yourself does not serve you well. To let go of this you must in fact know what you are letting go of, in some cases, and in some cases it doesn't matter. You don't have to know. All you have to do is just set yourself free. In the cases where you would want to know what it is that you are letting go of, is when you involve the mind, and the mind wants to control and know, and to be in control of your destiny, when in fact your destiny is of the soul, and not of the mind. In order to know your true understanding, it moves beyond words that flow though and pictures that you see in your mind, in your brain.
You can trust in your feelings to the degree that you allow yourself to expect the best. When you expect the worse and fear the outcome then you are blocking your alignment with the Father. Let go of expectations of the future and you will be more free to experience God's guidance. You can be able to free yourself to experience the Father more by allowing yourself to experience love through your family, your friends, and the people that you see on the street. Allow yourself to experience love from all directions. Yes I am here with you and I love you. You can be with Aflana now.
Aflana: Aloha Pati. It is good to be with you again. I am glad that you have been progressing, in that you are at a major point of growth now. I have come with you again for it is time for an adjustment and some assistance in your T.R. abilities. I know that you have had some fears and you will overcome them. These to will pass, and as Norson and I have discussed, your progress is doing fine, and we are here to support you, and we love you very much. I know that occasionally you feel some hatred and resistance and a pushing away of yourself and of God and the teachers. Do not be over concerned with this. This is part of growing up. This is part of an old rebellious pattern that will in time be let go of, and you will not feel the desire to push us away, push God away, or to push yourself away. You can trust that you are in your perfect place as you have said so many times yourself. To know God you will know us, and you will know yourself and come to understand in this knowing the true nature of this planet, and what it's destiny is to bring to you and all of your fellow patrons of Urantia.
In order to discuss this with your fellows, you can summon the feelings in your heart to guide you to the words that you may speak. This will support you in your own process. Bring about the questions you may have in your own mind though the words of others. Trust that the reflections that you receive from others are true ones that all encompass your nature. I recognize that you have some severe doubts and uncomfortable feeling that you have been feeling and I emphases, I to have been through many of these feeling in my time in human form. I know that these are part of the process in coming to know God, especially at your stage in this process.
Light and life is here and is to come, and you are developing in this way, in a positive way, and you can be uplifted by the inspiration of others, and allow yourself to experience the joys in life. Allow yourself to play and to have fun, and not be so serious. You don't have to be concerned with what you will do each day, but just allow yourself to do what feels right. Don't worry about commitment. Yes, it is important to keep your agreements, but do not overly fret about your commitments. These will pan out in ways that will support you, and when you make agreements, be sure that they are in line with your heart and that you will experience joy in fulfilling your agreements. I know that this is the time of struggle and of course this to will pass. All time will pass, and eternity will be your leader.
You can begin again to trust in this process and through your understanding of the psychological mind you will let go of the psychoses that become tender, and you will release them to God. Allow yourself to be loved by God. Allow yourself to evolve in this way. Allow yourself to be filled with His love and His light. Let go of the negativity. Let go of the childlike feeling of hurt, for in the long run you will be integrated into a wholeness, an expansiveness that you will be embraced by. God loves you so very much, and know that your child self is as much a part of Him as it is a part of you, and to except this part of yourself, to embrace this inner child, to love this child. Love the children that you come in contact with. This will assist you in loving your own inner child. Give your child things that it likes and loves. Play, and sweets if you wish. Just don't overdo it. You know that this does not serve you and causes you anguish that is unnecessary.
You ask what to do in times of stress, relax, breath deeply, lay down, exercise, run, play. Tennis is good. Any form of outdoor activity supports you in allowing your energy to flow and emotions to be released. Singing, yes we have been supporting you in expressing your emotions through singing. We love you Pati, and we are here for you. We never leave you. Even when you push us away, we continue to surround you with the angels, for we know that you love the angels, and allow them to love you. Release the negativity, and move on to joy. Allow your fears to dissolve, and allow Michael to be with you.
Michael: Aloha Pati. I am here with you and I so dearly love you. I wish to share my love with you and to have you know me in the oneness. To allow me to embrace you, as the Father would, as your brother would, for I am your brother of the light. You are a dear one, so gentle and so kind. Your loved by many and I too love you. Allow yourself to be loved by yourself, and allow this love to flow through and into you, into your belly, into your soul, into your heart, through the Father, the Mother, the Son.
Christ, know Him. Come to know your brother Jesus. Come to know His ways, and learn through His ways. Read His teachings, listen for Him. Be in contact with Him and ask Him for guidance. I to can give you personal instruction on how to handle your daily affairs, and will help you to decipher your bad mind from your good mind. Bad not in the sense of wrong, but just old tapes, inaccurate, and assist you in moving toward the light, and help you see the bad parts of your mind. For these subtle vibrations of the mind eventually manifest in your physical pain and in your outer world when they are allowed to build up, but as you dismiss them as they come up, and transmute them to joyous thought, loving thought, peaceful thought, this is what will manifest. Whenever you have these thoughts, any little negative thoughts or big negative thought, just allow them to pass into the light, the white light purification, the gold light of God essence, and Jesus will assist you in knowing the true path. You have access to Him, His essence is available to you, to all. For this is the coming of the lord Jesus. The coming of Michael. The coming of Michael to the planet which is arising as the rising sun on the edge of the world. Your standing on the edge of the world Pati, and you must make choices. You must make the choice to live, to live in the light. To live in the light of Christ. To live in the light of our lord, Jesus Christ. To live in the light of love. To know God, and to be supported by God. Choose to live this mission with all of your soul and all of your heart, for this is one commitment that you will never regret, and once you have committed to this, than perseverance and guidance will move mountains.
You are one with the Father. This choice is truly already been made. It is just a matter of aligning your full self. Do not be attached to the form of how this will look, but just know that this is truth. We very much appreciate your assistance in this project and know that you are a loving being, and will continue to strive towards love. We will adjust you now. Allow your energy to flow through you. Allow your energy to know God.
March 4, 1993.
The Teachers (a collective)
We are here. We greet you.
Thank you for calling us to be with you. We look forward to these meetings with you and hope for many in the future. All is well though going a little slowly. We recommend you seek the stillness more often. Know that you know more often. Yet we are pleased with your growth to this point. Just allow all that is coming to you in these teachings and from your inner spirit to be assimilated and personalized in your daily actions and relationships with those around you, with those you love, with those you share the teachings with.
Pati is going through some difficult times with her emotions and her relationships. This will pass as she generates more enthusiasm for the mission. Please continue to encourage her and lighten her burden with your special wisdom. All is well with the group. Continue to meet often and share your spiritual growth, your friendship, and your brotherly and sisterly love. Remember that teamwork is the goal. Sharing in a project could be a lot of fun, and much growth could be had by all. Maybe you could initiate a project that all could be involved in, such as a transcript of the teachings that you all have received. This then could be shared with the other groups and could contribute to their growth as the transcripts that you have received have contributed to the growth in your group in the knowledge of the works and the goings on of the other groups, their experiences. This is part of your assignment. This is part of Michael’s plan. There is value in this. There is great value in this.
Michael is here. Feel His love energy in your heart. It is good that you are becoming aware of this delightful feeling and knowing of the love energy.
(Thank you Michael. Thank you for helping remind me of your plan and allowing me to assist you. I am honored to do this for you. I ask that I may continue in your service, and the service of my brothers and sisters.)
An Angel?: Know that this is your destiny. Know that this is well received on high. Know that the love, the light, the life is shining bright within you. Know that we are by your side, we hold your hand and we love you, fear not for we are always here with you. You are never alone, it is our tender mission, and we love our assignment. For you are a pleasure, a light, a star burns within you. It is so warming, we are drown to you. We appreciate you, we serve you with joy.
Sonny: Thank you so much.
Aflana: Patije is a willing and able leader and friend. Listen to her as a loving guide. This will be a benefit to you and your group here in Hawaii. Expect more information from her soon. Be willing to follow her advice. Be willing to allow us to teach you through her. This will be of much benefit to all. You have all been chosen as part of the corps, active corps. Some still remain as reservists in your group, but many, many are active now and are about Michael’s plan. Expect these assignments to grow and multiply. It will be hard but not difficult. Expect much joy in this, and as we go along much will become clearer as light and life begins to come forth from the good works we are all doing, mortals and unseen friends, supernals. Continue to be about your Father’s business. Continue to shine forth your smile and love for all. Continue to brighten the day of all you come in contact with. Remember to smile. Shine your light, and know that much good is even now occurring on Urantia. The light of our Father is about each and everyone of us. Peace and love. Aflana.
March 6, 1993
Aloha, Pati. We love you. You are doing well and I wish to support you at this time of transition. I love you. I am Michael and our oneness continues to grow. I would like to more actively experience our oneness together and teach you to become a greater leader. You do not have to be masculine in order to teach, you just have to be willing to learn. When you are willing to learn, you can become one with your students or group and know their needs and what would be the appropriate word structures.
You can deceive yourself with your mind at times and this does not serve the purpose of punishment or misery but to show you what you need to learn of mindal patterns. These will be important in the healing of more severe cases where the thought patterning has more fully developed as disease. You will be working with clients that may be "deathly ill" and it will require a strong faith. Continue in your practice of meditation for knowing the Father/Mother will become your strength. You can trust in your process of growth and release guilt by trusting in God's Will.
When you understand our plan more fully, you will have a greater picture of yourself as a part of the whole. And even before this understanding comes, by knowing yourself through meditation, you will grow in confidence and strength in your inner wisdom and worthiness. You can let go of guilt and worry through trust. I cannot emphasize this enough. Learn to surrender to God's will and you will discover a place of mind, body and spirit that will embrace you daily. I love you, Pati, and are watching over you. You can let go and be free. Trust yourself and your intuition and let go of those who do not bring you joy or create happiness. Let this begin to measure your appropriateness. Randy is a good man. Appreciate him, accept him, and love him, even at a distance. This helps all. Farewell, my dear, your good friend and lover of all---Michael.
Kona TR Meeting
3-8-93E Kona Group Meeting with: Sonny, Pati, and Bro.
Andrew (Sonny):
Hello, I am Andrew. I am happy to be here and enjoy your company. The group is small, yet so strong, so useful, so light, just right for tonight.
Sonny: I am enjoying this energy that Andrew is sharing with me!
Andrew: We are here to help, to comfort, to share the joy that is abundantly available at this time. The strength that your group commands, is a positive force we can utilize for the good of many. It is good when you pray together. We can work with this energy.
These prayer circles are becoming focal points upon Urantia. There are many high purposes for you to continue in this process, in this manner, in this light. Know that we are glad for the times you are putting aside for us.
Continue along your spiral of perfection. Be who you really are. Know who you really are and the value of your soul to all, to Father, to yourself. Many will benefit from this small group. You share light to all around you. This service is well suited to you. It is what you have asked for, and will bring much joy, much fun, much purpose.
Aloha for now.
March 9, 1993.
Hello, I am Norson.
I am with you once again to guide you, to help you along your spiral of perfection. Notice how everything feels, everything is going in your personal growth. You feel more comfortable, more in tune with us. Certainly, of course this is good. We are pleased and we thank you very much.
Bagawan is indeed a special friend and a loving brother. It is good if he would be allowed to come to the T/R meetings. You will see much energy pouring into the combined energy of the group. Those who wish to be active are stirring with great force. Soon this will be manifest and known. Father’s plan, Michael’s plan continues to permeate and encompass the planet. Events are unfolding as planned. You will have an active role in this unfolding. Continue in your faith in us and continue to seek the stillness more often. This is were we attune you and impart lessons directed at your current status.
Sonny: Thank you Norson for your wonderful lessons , your wonderful energy, your love energy. Thank you for Andrew and Aflana and all the other teacher who are helping us and guiding us.
Norson: You are welcome. It is our pleasure. There is much joy in this work. We would like to continue with you in this capacity. Yes transcribing will be good. It will fill you with many hours of rewarding pleasure. There will be much learning and growth from this for you and many others who will be then able to share your experiences of this active reserve corps in Kona. This will be a fun project, a group project, and will help bring you all closer and help you to share your love. We will also assist you in this project. (Interrupted)
I Norson am still here. You can feel me in your heart. We will adjust you now.
You are doing well, fear not. Your path is well lit. You have many guides. You will not be permitted to continue in error for any great length of time.
Know that humor is fine. It is good for you as well as us. So encourage all to relax at our meetings and let humor flow. Let joy be a part of our proceedings. There is no time table for any particular step of your growth. So that you may progress in a relaxed mode. This will be helpful.
All is well. Share your joy and your love energy. Continue to seek Father in the silence, in the stillness, in your meditation, and seek us also. Aloha and peace be upon you.
March 11th, 1993..
Sonny: Dear Father. I thank you for my life, for the life of my son, and my brothers and sisters. Thank you for the teachers, our unseen friends, and I thank you for the teachings, the light on my path. Thank you so very much for the correcting time. It is my will that your will be done in my life. May my personality fuse with my fragment of the first source and center, the thought adjuster. My I be a conduit, a perfect channel, a receiver of your messages, and a transmitter to all who wish to hear. I am open to your teaching, I am ready for your will, for your plan, for my guidance and inspiration.
Norson: Energy
I am here. I come when you are desiring to be with us.
Your lesson is on energy, the energy of light, truth-energy. All things in reality are one with this truth energy, for this is a true reflection of Father's law, Father's love, Father's life. You can know this energy, becoming aware of it's existence in your heart, through your soul, through the leadings of your thought adjuster. This is the energy which guides one on the path, on the spiral of perfection to Paradise.
To know this truth energy is to be one with Father's will, with Michael's plan, with the plan of your Adjuster. We are here to illuminate this truth energy.
We all work toward the plan of Michael. This you do when you cooperate, when your faith guides your decisions, when the knowing which is within you is allowed to guide your limits.
Truth is ever flowing, ever growing, and your growth must be in step with this truth energy, in order to accomplish our highest goals. Look for truth energy in every relationship and action with others. Your angels are your principle guides in this area, as well as the spirit of Michael. If you watch closely to the circumstances of life, you will see the works, the good works of your angels. Cooperate with them, respect them, honor them and love them for they truly love you and are working diligently toward the goal of your circle attainments. Fear not your steps in faith, for your angels are supporting you in many ways unknown. Yet support you and guide you they do, and they do well. Reach out your hand. Let them take your hand and guide you, and sometime pull you along the path to perfection, to Paradise, to your Father.
Sonny: Thank you Angels. Thank you my good guides, I honor you and ask that you guide me to the Father of all, to the will of our Father and to the ways of the will of Michael’s plan.
Norson: Your willingness is noted and appreciated. I am Norson. Know that I am here also to guide you to a clearer understanding of truth energy. Continue to study the transcripts, continue to study the Urantia Book, continue to meditate and seek this stillness, that we may grow together in love and faith. Sleep now, come to us again soon.
To those of you who have doubts about this teaching mission, I say be not concerned. Remember these most important fundamentals :
1. Commune with the Father daily
2. Share God's love with those around you.
3. Read the Urantia book regularly
4. Be aware that your guardian angels and spirit helpers are always with you and that you are constantly in the embrace of the Spirit of Truth.
Christ Michael is ever with you. Remember these things and don't waist energy judging the experiences of your brothers and sisters. Just give them your love.
And to those of you who are transmitters and receivers, do not judge your brethren who are skeptical about the authenticity of this teaching mission. Many are only being true to themselves in their caution. Let them be and do not make them feel that they are missing out or are somehow less worthy because they do not believe in this. In time the truth will be apparent to all. Give them your love and emphasize your common ground in the study of the Urantia book.
March 13, 1993 am
Aloha, Pati. Greetings to you, our friend. We love you and are here to care for you and give you guidance. Trust in this time for it will lead you to a greater understanding of us and our ways of working with you as well as building your trust in the Father. You are doing fine and it has not been necessary for us to communicate with you as frequently for you have been proceeding well. We know that you can be trusted to be open when you need to be and when you need to be there for us.
Guidance on you present circumstances:
1. Stand out of your own way. Do not think as much of communication glitches. They do not have as much meaning as you give them. Focus on your intent to love and do goodwill of the Father.
2. You can trust us and God to assist you. Open your heart more in your relationship with us. We know you sometimes feel afraid of losing your own power but we will empower you to a greater degree than you have experienced before.
3. Read your past transcripts. Yes, organizing them will be helpful. Do not emphasize the wordiness of some of your transcripts but be open to the intuitive message you receive during each reading. Also begin to read some of the other transcript material.
We know that you have some concern about your next steps financially and concerning your work.
Continue to develop your massage practice. Working independently is good/crucial for you. It is important to have a private space to work. Perhaps making some arrangements with a friend to create a office space at a low cost. You will soon be working with a greater number of people/clients than you have been in the past. The demand for your service will increase as you receptivity and openness to acceptance this responsibility grows. It grows in relationship to your faith in the father and in us as well as complete faith in your own ability to maintain a steadfastness in your personal life. You are now able to maintain a clear example of healing approach to SELF. Allow your internal being to express itself at greater degrees of freedom building expression. Know the father loves you and you will continue to grow at a rapid rate. You are safe. You are loved and you are trustworthy. You can continue as you have been in your relationship with yourself for you are on the right track. We support you in opening your mind to greater responsibilities, continue to meditate and increase your awareness of communication with us and the Father. Trust, Love, Peace and Happiness will prevail despite difficulties in the truth and light of the Father/Mother.
Love, your friend and companion...Norson.
3-13-93 pm
Greetings my friend. We are here with you today, and know that you await the time of peace and love. Treasure in these moments. For this is what we wish you to nurture, to develop and grow in your lives today and in the days of the future. We know that you are all trusting yourselves to the degrees that you are able, and know that you can surmount and build greater foundations of love for yourself, for your family, and friends. Trust in your daily processes of feelings and thoughts that come through your mind, and know that when we speak to you we support you in finding the treasures that await you.
This is Landor and I am speaking with you of love. There is a great strength in the foundation of love. It allows words of wisdom to flow through you and feelings of oneness, gratitude and beauty to grow within your soul. Trusting your everyday process of changing emotions, and feelings, and thoughts, riding these waves of energy and electro-chemical balancing, while maintaining a steadfast center of love, faith, and knowing the Father, focusing your center on trusting your belongingness to the spiritual family, and giving of yourself randomly and on purpose. Believe in yourselves. Believe in your connection. Know the Father is with you always. Open your heart to the goodness in life. Focus your intentions on the oneness of all things, and remember there is no shortage of love. There is always enough love to go around, and every person will be taken care of.
Trust in your Father. Believe in the notion of oneness and goodness, steadfastness on the path. Allow yourself truth. Give the gift of truth to yourself. Give the gift of love, trust, and oneness to yourself and others. Know the truth resides within you. Trust in your gut feelings. Question not the appropriateness of actions that you know are in line with your knowingness of the Father's will, and trust that these will pan out in ways that serve all.
Beams of the Christ light flow through you and feed you the energy that is required to spread the circles of light. You are connected to your divine source and it is known throughout the universe at this time that you are coming into your oneness, and the love planet sprout is being nurtured. Fear will be a thing of the past. Stand out of your own ways.
Allow the Christ energy to emanate from your heart, from your skin. Emanate this vibration whenever possible. Do this by calling in the spirit of Christ to be with you, to embrace you, to forgive the ignorance of the mind, and to focus the attention on high thought, high feelings, joyous moments, forgiveness and letting go. Be good to yourselves. Be not judgmental. Let go and trust.
(Pati sings): Be one with the Father, be one with yourself.
Be one with the Father, be one with yourself.
Know your highest good is His, know your highest good.
Trust in one another, and be good to you.
Trust in one another, and be good to you.
We are of the highest souls,
we are of the highest souls.
We bring peace and oneness.
We know within your souls
you can be awakened,
you can know your oneness now,
you can know your oneness now.
Trust in yourselves, be one with Him, be one with Him.
Know Her as your Mother, trust in yourself.
Be one with the Mother, trust in yourself.
Uplift yourself to the Father,
uplift yourself to the Lord.
Open yourself to the Christ,
open yourself to the love.
Open yourself to love.
Let yourself know God's freedom of love.
Let yourself know freedom.
Gifts of specialness, gifts of wonder.
Give yourself a special gift,
give yourself a special gift,
give yourself a special gift.
Give yourself the gift of love,
give yourself the gift of love,
know that you are sincerely loved.
Give yourself the gift,
give yourself the gift,
give yourself the gift of giving.
Let yourself give,
let yourself give,
let yourself give,
and you will receive the love you gave.
Let yourself give,
let yourself give,
let yourself give,
let yourself give,
the love you want for you.
Let yourself give,
let yourself give,
let yourself give,
and receive.
Take in the love,
take in the love,
take it into your heart.
Landor: Thank you Pati for your sharing. Your inspirational singing will come as a blessing to you and to others. These spontaneous moments of joy, sadness, and emotions that flow through, may bring balance to you, and others.
We love you and will talk with you again soon. Aloha.
Kona TR Meeting
3-15-93 Kona Group Meeting with: Jerry, Sonny, David, Connie, Bagawan, Pati, and Bro.
We are here as guests. We are here to help facilitate truth energy within your group. This is a great joy for us to be able to feel you, to experience you experiencing us. Know that we are grateful and wish to continue. It may seem that your planet is in much trouble, much danger.
Sonny: The thought that comes to me is that our Father the Supreme Mother is cooking our planet. I see a pot, it's almost ready to boil, but at the perfect moment, the flame is lowered, there is no boiling over, just perfection.
I know some of this is coming from me, but I feel as though I was preprogrammed to share this.
Ham(Sonny): Know that we are really here. You are our family, we are one. Relax, enjoy, be at peace. Feel this love energy in your heart, with your mind, and through your soul. Be at peace.
Landor (Jerry): Greetings to you from Paradise, Havona, and Uversa. These are your destinies, these were my destinies. I have traversed the path that you are now beginning, and I am now here to inspire you to seek that path more fully, more completely, more lightly, more truthfully, more blessedly, in your daily life. I am a mighty messenger. I am here at the request of Michael, at the request of Norson, in brotherhood with Sig-El and Ham, and all of you. Your choices that you make daily fulfill within yourself and within the Supreme, the opportunity that has been given to you from the Father through Michael in your life. Grasp hold of the wonderful truth, the presence of the infinite God within your mind. Hear His gentle and guiding words, His comfort, His love, His forgiveness, His mercy.
Reach deeper within your soul, within your heart, within your mind to find Him, to embrace Him. Commit yourself to His will. Know your rewards for making these choices, as I am witness, to the glory of the adventure that you are about to partake in. Many are the days of joy and happiness, friendship, service, worship, prayer, play, work. Carry on in your life, know that the opportunity is there to grow this amazing soul, to choose in partnership with God, your pathway to perfection. Struggle not at these choices, but relax in them as you relax in the stillness. Relax and know that your Father’s path is the clear, beautiful, fresh path. The path that makes you feel at ease with your life. Feel the comfort of the love that you share with each other. Trust in this guidance. It will lead you places you can not imagine, to glories you've never seen, to unfathomable adventures and uncertainties, with joy.
Jerry: Landor would be open to questions.
Pati: a lot of people are concerned about earth changes that could cause major changes like catastrophe.
Landor (Jerry): The geology of this planet is continuously changing, there are immense forces working within this amazing sphere. Cataclysms that you've seen in your life time are tremendous, but the geology is not about to take more drastic changes. The corps of unseen helpers uses all of its power to protect the children of God. However, man made catastrophes are always on the horizon until mankind embraces the will of God. The celestial helpers do all they can to prevent these, but in this, man's free will reigns.
David: Knowing the prerequisites for your acceptance to the corps of the mighty messengers, could you share some of your stresses at points of origin, your problems of humanity that you underwent?
Landor:(Jerry). I have been through many trials and tribulations. Time has made them seem almost insignificant. My planet was in rebellion. I was working with the corporeal staff. I was involved with what you would call agriculture. As the result of the rebellion, I watched my planet suffer for lack of food. I struggled with people of my time to convince them to hold fast to the ways that we had been taught in the earlier days. I saw arrogance. I saw confusion. I saw stubbornness. I saw cruelty, but more important, I saw the light. I beheld my spirit Adjuster within my mind. We carried on.
Landor (Pati): We love you all so very much and we feel happy to have you be with us in your hearts and in our togetherness. I've seen you coming together. You should know an openness that awaits a timely declaration of forces that bring the light and the dark together. For now is the time of joining forces that strengthen the bond of family, of spirit oneness and of joyous celebration of love. We rejoice in the coming together of family and friends, specially those with the bond of love. We know that in your being together tonight, you strengthen this bond, and that will ripple outwards to other circles, and is passed on to the children, and to the people that we touch in our lives. Pass on this love consciously everyday, and in every moment remind yourself of God's love. Repeat these words in your minds; that you are loved and taken care of, secure in your oneness with the Father, Mother, Spirit. Though this transition awaits your changing bodies, emotions and minds, the more that you allow love to embrace your life, the smoother your changes and transitions will be. By being with one another in a state of acceptance and trusting that the changes that your brothers and sisters are going through are appropriate ones.
Connie, you can trust what is happening to you now, and know that love always suits you and that your light will not grow dim that you are becoming each day and the pain of the shedding of darkness, behooves you, and brings you closer to the oneness of Father. Know that you are loved, always.
Sonny, we thank you and give a sure appreciation for your efforts in this plan, and your follow through in your projects is excellent.
Sonny: My pleasure!
Landor( Pati): Jerry, Your strength is growing. The beauty within you emerges. Your oneness grows daily. You are an inspiration to those around you. Thank you for your participation.
Jerry: Thank the Father!
Landor(Pati): David. Your strength and teaching has grown, as you well know. Your special ability for sharing your knowledge has been put to use. Thank you for your ever openness.
David: Who is speaking?
Landor(Pati): This is Landor. It is I who speak in a gentler voice through this transmitter.
David: Thank you Landor.
Jerry: I really appreciate you. I am deeply honored, extremely honored to have you visit our group. I am not sure why you chose to visit us. Perhaps you could answer that through Pati?
Landor (Pati):(transcriber’s note: Pati had a bad cold and we could barely make out her words on tape).
Personal acknowledgments where in order. (some words lost) love energy, one that builds strength of character you develop personality weaknesses into strength. Appropriateness is a calling that brings forth those teachers willing to serve the need during this time of personal challenge. (some lost), for the opportunity to share that can create and develop stronger beings of light is a grand opportunity (????). It is one that we all embrace with high hopes of increasing the family unity of this Universe. You are all welcome members of the Family, as will be every member of Urantia in time.
March 18,1993.
Sonny: My faith is strong, I am willing. I am here and I am able. I am willing to do God’s will. Follow Michael’s plan, and to help in any way I can.
Greetings to you Sonny. I am Lor-El. I am the teacher in Sarasota who you have complemented so often and so well. I thank you much. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I wish to give you personally this assignment to facilitate in the creation of the ‘lessons of Lor-El.’ You have perceived correctly that this is a valuable and timely transcript that will help many to see the meaning and value in Michael’s mission. As you have been diligent in your completing assignments given, it is appropriate that you should at this time begin this project. Much good will come from this and I will be so pleased also to have the lessons that I have imparted be more readily available. Again I thank you for your participation and willingness in this project.
Sonny: My pleasure Lor-El. My pleasure.
Lor-El: As your faith grows your abilities grow to hear our communications and to be able to share these communications with your brothers and sisters. You do well. We are pleased. All is being made clear to you now.
The future of your group is to accomplish many tasks that will facilitate the coming into being of Michael’s plan. Not just here in Hawaii but in many, many countries and parts of this planet. The enthusiasm and love energy this will take is even now appearing within your group. You are surrounded be many strong and willing believers in Father. Trust in the process, trust in our guidance, trust in the spirit that dwells within each of your comrades and know this team will grow in the order, in the time necessary. We will continue, your teachers will continue to guide your group to its proper place in the overall plan. Much has already been accomplished by your group. Much lies ahead to be accomplished and will be accomplished by the Kona reserve corps of destiny. Of course allow all new enthusiastic students into your corps. Those then will be directed by our teachings and teachers and will build and strengthen your forces. Be a leader. Be a strong leader. Be a true leader so that others may from your example be strengthened. Fail us not! Much depends on you. Your assignments are growing and will continue to grow as you complete those assignments given to you. We will continue to guide you and help you in many ways, seen and unseen. So fear not. Take small steps but sure steps along your path to perfection and your assignments and our mission will grow in this way. There is no rush, there is enough time. Be diligent, be brave, be loving, be fair. Everything will fall into place, not by magic, but by the good works of your corps, of your teachers and all your unseen friends, the many, many beings who are here to assist in the correcting time.
I leave you now. Please keep in communication with Patije. She loves to hear from you and there is much good in your sharing of the latest information and knowledge that you are discovering in your work with your teachers. I wish you farewell. Lor-El
Sonny: Thank you Lor-El. Thanks for coming. Welcome to Hawaii. Come back again soon please. Give my best to Patije . I love you. Bye.(short pause).
Thought Adjuster: I am here. I am the one with no name. I am your inner guide. Feel me in your heart.
Sonny: Welcome partner.
Thought Adjuster: Know that we are growing as one. Know that we are very close at this time to fusion. Know that fusion will not take place for a long time, yet our closeness will continue to grow. There is much for you to do. There are many assignments ahead for you to accomplish before you leave Urantia. This is not a delay, this is an honor. This is a privilege to work on Michael’s plan and you will gain much experience and future benefits from these undertakings here on Urantia. For many years you have been prepared. I know you guessed at this due to the many fortuitous events in your life. So it probable comes as no surprise that you are called to service. And of course you know this is something you are capable of with our help.
Your courage is strong and this is good. For you will need much courage, much strength in your beliefs and faith in what you know. Continue to do your duty to Michael, to Father, to all around you who wish your help and guidance and love. And fear not to call on me, your friend and companion for guidance, for strength, for courage. For I am here with you at all times. Never will you call on me that I will not respond. We are as one. Not only in potential , but in actuality. We are separated only be a thin veil of space, and time. This we will traverse, we will master and be as one in the future, but for now, continue with your faith, grow as an agondonter and triumph over doubt, over fear, and over the small things that disturb, that disrupt, that cause dysfunction in your mind. Forget not we are one in all your struggles. Forget not my love for you and your need for our fusion.
Seek me out whenever you have doubt. You’ll find me about, and always willing and always able to help you out.
March 20, 1993.
Sonny: Thank you teachers for your support.
Know that you will receive our support whenever you ask, and on and on, and on and on, and on and on. This you can depend on, and on, and on, and on.
Feel us in your heart and if you wish, enjoy. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy the pleasures that life has provided. Provided you also remember the Father. Worship the Father. Thank the Father for the many wonders, many goodies, many toys that He has provided you. Share your joys, share your toys. Life will continue to grow and your abundance will continue to grow. Fear not for a lack of anything. For those who follow the Father, all else will be given on to them.
Lighten your load with that far seeing vision of your future career in the universe of universes. Count the many joys which are ahead. Lift up your spirit with that vision of hope and faith that is the rock, that is the foundation of your being. Know that this rock is solid and will support you, as we will support you in your times of need. Simple call on us and as you see tonight, we will come, someone will come. You will never be alone again. You will never feel alone again if you but remember us. For we are more than a figment of your imagination. We are more than you can imagine and there are more of us then you can possible perceive.
So fear not your lose. For one door closes, another opens. Concern yourself only with your decisions and your motivations for making those decisions. This is your responsibility. We will do the rest.
We close for now. Go to your rest. You do your best. You are guided well. Good night.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
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