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Michael—October 2, 2006
Marin TM Group—Mill Valley, California—U.S.A.
===Topic: ''Big Picture, Mercy Lag of Justice''===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
      (A Big Picture)
===TR: [[JL]]===
      (Principles of Transparency and Democracy)
      (A Necessary Monumental Forgiveness)
      (Michael’s Life)
      (God’s Will, and His Creatures’ Free Will)
      (Good and Evil Are Not Abstract Dualities)
      (The Mercy-lag of Justice)
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, Thank You for visiting with us this way, and for your words of hope, and insight, and understanding. We thank You for the Teaching Mission You have inaugurated, and we wish to thank all Your Sons and Daughters for Their contributions to it. And finally, we wish to thank our initial teacher, our beloved elder brother, Welmek, for setting our feet on this path. Amen.
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, Thank You for visiting with us this way, and for your words of hope, and insight, and understanding. We thank You for the Teaching Mission You have inaugurated, and we wish to thank all Your Sons and Daughters for Their contributions to it. And finally, we wish to thank our initial teacher, our beloved elder brother, Welmek, for setting our feet on this path. Amen.
MICHAEL: Good evening, My worshipful sons, this is Michael, your father—your Dad, and your brother, and your close friend, your very informal buddy. If I were here in person, we could go fishing together. I did have a bit of experience with that once upon a time. This is always how I would like you to think of Me, because this is definitely how I think of us, Myself.
MICHAEL: Good evening, My worshipful sons, this is Michael, your father—your Dad, and your brother, and your close friend, your very informal buddy. If I were here in person, we could go fishing together. I did have a bit of experience with that once upon a time. This is always how I would like you to think of Me, because this is definitely how I think of us, Myself.
(A big picture)
Though Mother and I are parents to literally millions of worlds at all stages of development, some just now coming on line, so to speak, with their evolving, primitive type human beings, others on the other end of the spectrum having been settled in Light and Life for endless millennia; still to all My sons and daughters, both Mother and I feel very close. And We derive such pleasure, such enjoyment when each of you feels this same closeness.
Though Mother and I are parents to literally millions of worlds at all stages of development, some just now coming on line, so to speak, with their evolving, primitive type human beings, others on the other end of the spectrum having been settled in Light and Life for endless millennia; still to all My sons and daughters, both Mother and I feel very close. And We derive such pleasure, such enjoyment when each of you feels this same closeness.
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In a more ideal world each individual, though raised by authority, would be thoroughly prepared so that, at a certain stage of maturity, he or she would realize the necessity to make inner choices--for themselves--as to what is real--no less. Just think of the trust in your children that this would require. Think of the faith involved when each parent and teacher would welcome their children’s or their students’ surpassing them--voluntarily being guided in the wise use of power as it’s passed on from generation to generation--smoothly, lovingly, progressively.
In a more ideal world each individual, though raised by authority, would be thoroughly prepared so that, at a certain stage of maturity, he or she would realize the necessity to make inner choices--for themselves--as to what is real--no less. Just think of the trust in your children that this would require. Think of the faith involved when each parent and teacher would welcome their children’s or their students’ surpassing them--voluntarily being guided in the wise use of power as it’s passed on from generation to generation--smoothly, lovingly, progressively.
(Principles of transparency and democracy)
Make no mistake: the human races on Urantia are evolving. Civilization and culture are maturing, and the worldwide communications coming into play are fantastically accelerating the process. Great principles of transparency in all institutions of government, and religion, and learning, are transforming concepts of where responsibility ultimately rests, ever so surely transferring it on to its origin, the people themselves.
Make no mistake: the human races on Urantia are evolving. Civilization and culture are maturing, and the worldwide communications coming into play are fantastically accelerating the process. Great principles of transparency in all institutions of government, and religion, and learning, are transforming concepts of where responsibility ultimately rests, ever so surely transferring it on to its origin, the people themselves.
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Remember that all the individual freedoms with respect to government that you have, all have come about one small step at a time. Some, concerning the franchising of all races, both sexes, and all economic classes, have only come about very recently indeed, and are still not by a long shot universal. But this is the way to go. This is the orientation of true progress. You help bring about this ideal future by thoroughly exploring, and understanding, and respecting the process as it has developed over the past.
Remember that all the individual freedoms with respect to government that you have, all have come about one small step at a time. Some, concerning the franchising of all races, both sexes, and all economic classes, have only come about very recently indeed, and are still not by a long shot universal. But this is the way to go. This is the orientation of true progress. You help bring about this ideal future by thoroughly exploring, and understanding, and respecting the process as it has developed over the past.
(A necessary monumental forgiveness)
The monumental forgiveness that is necessary now is perfectly consistent with forgetting nothing, neither in your own individual past, nor as you look out on your society and world. As I have said before, everything that has ever happened is deserving of respect for its sheer actuality. Ask only: was it real, did it really happen? Only then, once you have accepted all the facts of any matter, can you turn to understanding why, based upon this acceptance.
The monumental forgiveness that is necessary now is perfectly consistent with forgetting nothing, neither in your own individual past, nor as you look out on your society and world. As I have said before, everything that has ever happened is deserving of respect for its sheer actuality. Ask only: was it real, did it really happen? Only then, once you have accepted all the facts of any matter, can you turn to understanding why, based upon this acceptance.
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If you have any questions or comments this evening, it is My great pleasure to do My best to meet your expectations.
If you have any questions or comments this evening, it is My great pleasure to do My best to meet your expectations.
Student: Thank You, Michael, for taking time out from Your life to be with us tonight. Thank You for putting a positive outlook on the way life evolves, and the events in this world. I don’t have any questions tonight, just those two comments.
Student: Thank You, Michael, for taking time out from Your life to be with us tonight. Thank You for putting a positive outlook on the way life evolves, and the events in this world. I don’t have any questions tonight, just those two comments.
(Michael’s life)
MICHAEL: Thank you, C, for your heartfelt appreciation. This is not really taking any kind of time out for, you see, this is what I do. This is My life. And I certainly don’t call it work. As Mother has so often told you, being a Creator Son is mostly being a father to Our creations. And as I mentioned this evening, it’s wonderful when the human races of an evolving planet reach the stage where they can consider Us and our Universal Father, not as some tyrannical, cranky rulers, but as the closest, wisest, and most loving of friends. So I am pleased to say, thank you for your appreciation. You are very welcome. Be in My peace.
MICHAEL: Thank you, C, for your heartfelt appreciation. This is not really taking any kind of time out for, you see, this is what I do. This is My life. And I certainly don’t call it work. As Mother has so often told you, being a Creator Son is mostly being a father to Our creations. And as I mentioned this evening, it’s wonderful when the human races of an evolving planet reach the stage where they can consider Us and our Universal Father, not as some tyrannical, cranky rulers, but as the closest, wisest, and most loving of friends. So I am pleased to say, thank you for your appreciation. You are very welcome. Be in My peace.
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Student: I think I was meaning, I didn’t deny the existence of evil, but that God created evil. He cannot even experience evil, or even know of evil—if He is absolute love, and absolute joy. Evil is only our sense of separation from this absolute love. But in reality there is no separation.
Student: I think I was meaning, I didn’t deny the existence of evil, but that God created evil. He cannot even experience evil, or even know of evil—if He is absolute love, and absolute joy. Evil is only our sense of separation from this absolute love. But in reality there is no separation.
(God’s will, and His creatures’ free will)
MICHAEL: The only way out of this circular reasoning is to more thoroughly understand these terms. This is why the Urantia book goes to some lengths, and needs to, in defining the meaning to be put on certain word symbols such as sin or evil. The creation of a finite universe full of, as I put it, immature and imperfect beings, allows for deviation from God’s will and ways—which you are correct in seeing are perfect, or absolute and infinite. But His creatures are not. They are immature and imperfect. They are given a free will to make it possible to deviate from His ways. That is the meaning of free will.
MICHAEL: The only way out of this circular reasoning is to more thoroughly understand these terms. This is why the Urantia book goes to some lengths, and needs to, in defining the meaning to be put on certain word symbols such as sin or evil. The creation of a finite universe full of, as I put it, immature and imperfect beings, allows for deviation from God’s will and ways—which you are correct in seeing are perfect, or absolute and infinite. But His creatures are not. They are immature and imperfect. They are given a free will to make it possible to deviate from His ways. That is the meaning of free will.
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Student: Two sides of the same coin.
Student: Two sides of the same coin.
(Good and evil are not abstract dualities)
MICHAEL: Two sides of the same coin. Good is definitely what affirms life, and is consistent with God’s will. Evil is a deviation from this that causes pain and suffering. A man who stoops to help a child with food and shelter, love and companionship, is in no way analogous to another who may obscenely harm a small child. They both exist on your world. These are not abstract dualities. They are specific acts that either nurture or harm. The consequences are real. Love and evil are not in any way related. Love is a connecting, bonding, empathizing kind of emotion. Evil is a destructive desire in its essence, fueled by the self indulgence of hatred. One connects; the other severs and harms. So keep your philosophy down to earth, My son. Look at the results of specific acts, for all your abstractions, your general terms "good" and "evil" do stem from these. (a very long pause, several minutes)
MICHAEL: Two sides of the same coin. Good is definitely what affirms life, and is consistent with God’s will. Evil is a deviation from this that causes pain and suffering. A man who stoops to help a child with food and shelter, love and companionship, is in no way analogous to another who may obscenely harm a small child. They both exist on your world. These are not abstract dualities. They are specific acts that either nurture or harm. The consequences are real. Love and evil are not in any way related. Love is a connecting, bonding, empathizing kind of emotion. Evil is a destructive desire in its essence, fueled by the self indulgence of hatred. One connects; the other severs and harms. So keep your philosophy down to earth, My son. Look at the results of specific acts, for all your abstractions, your general terms "good" and "evil" do stem from these. (a very long pause, several minutes)
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Student: I kind-of don’t feel anything. Because… Hmmm… It seems like my… I’m trying to take in what You’ve said. Because some of what You’ve said seems contrary to what I’ve come to understand, and what I’ve read in certain materials that have come my way. But I do feel I am grounded in living upon this earth, and seeing the God-potential within each human being—to the best of my abilities. Beneath the surface of good and evil, of duality, is God’s will, and it’s always there. You can never be separated from it. It’s what sustains us.
Student: I kind-of don’t feel anything. Because… Hmmm… It seems like my… I’m trying to take in what You’ve said. Because some of what You’ve said seems contrary to what I’ve come to understand, and what I’ve read in certain materials that have come my way. But I do feel I am grounded in living upon this earth, and seeing the God-potential within each human being—to the best of my abilities. Beneath the surface of good and evil, of duality, is God’s will, and it’s always there. You can never be separated from it. It’s what sustains us.
(The mercy-lag of justice)
MICHAEL: But you can be separated—for a while, due to what We call the mercy-lag of justice. There have been living beings of high estate and intelligence who went astray. Consider Lucifer, the one-time sovereign of your Local System of over six hundred inhabited worlds, a being who got His name for the brilliance of His intellect, a Primary Lanonandek Son given this position of extraordinary responsibility and authority. At some point, out of His own creative abilities, He began to conceive of a reality that ultimately denied even the existence of God the Father, and considered Myself and the other Creator Sons of the Local Universes as some kind of petty tyrants. He declared that all subordinate beings were free in a way of no responsibility whatsoever to God’s will. Often He cited as proof of God’s non-existence and We Creator Sons’ impotence, the fact He was not instantaneously annihilated. As your Urantia book informs you, several dozen planetary administrations, including that of Urantia, joined in His rebellion. This rebellion was allowed to go on for a number of years until every single being caught up in it had time to make their choice as to which side they were on. At the end of that time He was summarily shorn of all His powers and put away.
MICHAEL: But you can be separated—for a while, due to what We call the mercy-lag of justice. There have been living beings of high estate and intelligence who went astray. Consider Lucifer, the one-time sovereign of your Local System of over six hundred inhabited worlds, a being who got His name for the brilliance of His intellect, a Primary Lanonandek Son given this position of extraordinary responsibility and authority. At some point, out of His own creative abilities, He began to conceive of a reality that ultimately denied even the existence of God the Father, and considered Myself and the other Creator Sons of the Local Universes as some kind of petty tyrants. He declared that all subordinate beings were free in a way of no responsibility whatsoever to God’s will. Often He cited as proof of God’s non-existence and We Creator Sons’ impotence, the fact He was not instantaneously annihilated. As your Urantia book informs you, several dozen planetary administrations, including that of Urantia, joined in His rebellion. This rebellion was allowed to go on for a number of years until every single being caught up in it had time to make their choice as to which side they were on. At the end of that time He was summarily shorn of all His powers and put away.
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Student: Yes, I do understand that. Thank You.
Student: Yes, I do understand that. Thank You.
MICHAEL: You are welcome. You see how being open-minded can lead to real quandaries, (much laughter) but that only fuels your determination to stay with the game, and keep seeking Him. You can always find My peace deep within yourself.
MICHAEL: You are welcome. You see how being open-minded can lead to real quandaries, (much laughter) but that only fuels your determination to stay with the game, and keep seeking Him. You can always find My peace deep within yourself.
So good evening, My stalwart sons. I’ve enjoyed another evening visiting with you. I’ll definitely relay your affection to Welmek. Be in My peace.
So good evening, My stalwart sons. I’ve enjoyed another evening visiting with you. I’ll definitely relay your affection to Welmek. Be in My peace.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Marin TeaM]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: JL]]
[[Category: 2006]]