
New page: Monjoronson070806ProgressGroup_UrantiaAsASecondaryCenter Illawarra District, Australia, July 8, 2006. Monjoronson. Subject: "A Secondary Center." Received by George Barnard. Monjoron...

Illawarra District, Australia,

July 8, 2006.


Subject: "A Secondary Center."

Received by George Barnard.

Monjoronson: "I do have complete trust and faith in you, my dear friend, that you will manage to overcome the present organizational difficulties, and still your mind once again to clearly hear my words for us to more frequently converse. This is Monjoronson.

"There are a number of factors that are important in the assessment of what the next Magisterial Mission, presently at its commencement, will entail. I remind you that there are a number of factors that are of consequence in this particular mission.

"Firstly, you are a decimal world. Secondly, you are the bestowal world of a Creator Son, our beloved Michael; my Paradise Brother. As well, thirdly, this is now largely a secondary center to this local universe sector, and therefore, almost all the general rules about a Magisterial Mission can and will go by the board. You will see an incredible spiritual revival, a renaissance of minds and souls and spirits, which the Universe of Nebadon, indeed Orvonton, has not seen before.

"Of late, we have to a large degree relied on the assessments of the Melchizedeks to have a-sufficiently-up-to-date understanding of what the former rebellion worlds are now all about. The present state of your world, the conditions on the other rebel worlds, the fact that Michael now has full control of his Universe, and the Adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion, all have combined for a long-awaited major effort to begin to bring this sector in its entirety back in line with the remainder of ever-progressing Nebadon.

"You will see a great number of other Celestial and human organizations that will all take part in the correcting of these troubled times. Fear not my friend, for the day-to-day troubles of living on this world will slowly but surely change, and this, too, shall become a world of Light and Life.

"You and many others in your eternal careers will look back at the major positive impact that you will have had in these times. In those times to come you will be able to ever-so-humbly admit that much of your work and much of your daily living, much of your thoughts, and much of your actions, had a great and desired impact upon the positive outcome of this Magisterial Mission, shortly to begin and center on your world, but so much good, also, will come from it on the other worlds that are so greatly troubled together with yours.

"This is Monjoronson. I thank you for your attention and I thank you for your time. Indeed you have found us a most pleasant space in nature for this discussion. Always be certain that wherever it is you may wander, we will be able to contact you. We will be able to commune and renew our friendships, often. My love goes out to all."

© The 11:11 Progress Group.