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Group: Nashville, Tennessee
Teacher: HAM
Topic: Opening The Inner Self To God
September 28, 2003
===Topic: ''Opening Inner Self to God''===
===Group: [[Nashville TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Ham]]===
===TR: [[Rebecca]]===
Greetings, children, I am Ham and I am happy to be with you this evening. Often we have spoken concerning the life of the spirit, and again we wish to speak of this broad and profound topic.
Greetings, children, I am Ham and I am happy to be with you this evening. Often we have spoken concerning the life of the spirit, and again we wish to speak of this broad and profound topic.
Many people spend their lives within the realms of mind and matter without often venturing into the spiritual realm of life. The venturing forward sometimes can involve many steps forward and many steps back before you may be comfortable functioning in the spiritual dimension, in the realm where you and exposed completely to the benevolent scrutiny of higher mind and higher soul. This consciousness of exposure can be frightening and difficult to adjust to. Most human beings continue for long periods with a kind of secret compartment where things are not exposed or shared with God, but this state of affairs cannot continue indefinitely and one must make the decision to open everything, to share everything, to confide everything to God, that loving, understanding, friendly and respectful spirit who stands ever ready to share everything He has with you.
Many people spend their lives within the realms of mind and matter without often venturing into the spiritual realm of life. The venturing forward sometimes can involve many steps forward and many steps back before you may be comfortable functioning in the spiritual dimension, in the realm where you and exposed completely to the benevolent scrutiny of higher mind and higher soul. This consciousness of exposure can be frightening and difficult to adjust to. Most human beings continue for long periods with a kind of secret compartment where things are not exposed or shared with God, but this state of affairs cannot continue indefinitely and one must make the decision to open everything, to share everything, to confide everything to God, that loving, understanding, friendly and respectful spirit who stands ever ready to share everything He has with you.
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The Psalmist of long ago, asked God to come into his heart, to open up the hidden places and to purify and cleanse those things which are impure, those things which are like a secret sin that has been locked away from God. "Come into my heart, clean away all those things which require cleansing, change my feelings, my attitude, my ideas, my life. Create in me that which reflects Your spirit." This is truly the way of the spirit, these are truly the steps along the pathway. To truly enter the Kingdom of God as the Master put it, you must allow all cleansing, you must allow all that serves you not to be left outside, you must be willing to be born again, to see life with new eyes and to live life thereafter with a clean and pure heart. Now, this is not to say that the cleansing process itself is instant, or that you will not find need of periodic cleansing after your first experience, but you are willing to allow this, you are willing to stand naked before God with nothing hidden, nothing set aside that will be brought back. The delight in righteousness that we often speak of, comes with this process. Your moral sense will be deepened and broadened, your love for others will be limitless, you patience and understanding will expand and you will delight in finding yourself a human being on a small planet, on the outer edges of the universe, just beginning a great and eternal life. The spirit itself will instruct you. It is not enough to follow moral laws themselves, but rather to expand your own moral sense in ways that the Father will show you, in new ways, in exciting chapters of your life. Be willing my friends to open your hearts completely everyday and ask the Father to create a clean heart within you. Are there questions at this time?
The Psalmist of long ago, asked God to come into his heart, to open up the hidden places and to purify and cleanse those things which are impure, those things which are like a secret sin that has been locked away from God. "Come into my heart, clean away all those things which require cleansing, change my feelings, my attitude, my ideas, my life. Create in me that which reflects Your spirit." This is truly the way of the spirit, these are truly the steps along the pathway. To truly enter the Kingdom of God as the Master put it, you must allow all cleansing, you must allow all that serves you not to be left outside, you must be willing to be born again, to see life with new eyes and to live life thereafter with a clean and pure heart. Now, this is not to say that the cleansing process itself is instant, or that you will not find need of periodic cleansing after your first experience, but you are willing to allow this, you are willing to stand naked before God with nothing hidden, nothing set aside that will be brought back. The delight in righteousness that we often speak of, comes with this process. Your moral sense will be deepened and broadened, your love for others will be limitless, you patience and understanding will expand and you will delight in finding yourself a human being on a small planet, on the outer edges of the universe, just beginning a great and eternal life. The spirit itself will instruct you. It is not enough to follow moral laws themselves, but rather to expand your own moral sense in ways that the Father will show you, in new ways, in exciting chapters of your life. Be willing my friends to open your hearts completely everyday and ask the Father to create a clean heart within you. Are there questions at this time?
Q: Do you have any counsel for me tonight?
Q: Do you have any counsel for me tonight?
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A: My son, be at peace. Life is not as complicated as you sometimes tend to make it. Some things simply are, without too much complex origination. Learn to be accepting of that which is, without being resentful against that which was. The day is now. The time is yours to change what you can, to grow as best you can and to deepen your understanding as best you can each day. Rest in complete assurance that no man carries more than he is able. The Father gives you that which you can carry, not more and not less, so be grateful for what is, and be grateful for what you can learn.
A: My son, be at peace. Life is not as complicated as you sometimes tend to make it. Some things simply are, without too much complex origination. Learn to be accepting of that which is, without being resentful against that which was. The day is now. The time is yours to change what you can, to grow as best you can and to deepen your understanding as best you can each day. Rest in complete assurance that no man carries more than he is able. The Father gives you that which you can carry, not more and not less, so be grateful for what is, and be grateful for what you can learn.
Are there any further questions at this time? In that case, my children, go in peace. My love and prayers go with you each. Farewell.
Are there any further questions at this time? In that case, my children, go in peace. My love and prayers go with you each. Farewell.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Nashville TeaM]]
[[Category: Ham]]
[[Category: Rebecca]]
[[Category: 2003]]