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The sum total of [[personality]] [[realization]] on a [[material]] world is contained within the successive conquest of the [[seven psychic circles]] of [[mortal]] potentiality. Entrance upon the seventh circle marks the beginning of true human personality function. Completion of the first circle denotes the [[relative]] maturity of the mortal [[being]]. Though the traversal of the seven circles of [[cosmic]] growth does not equal [[fusion]] with [[the Adjuster]], the mastery of these circles marks the attainment of those steps which are preliminary to Adjuster fusion.

The Adjuster is your equal partner in the attainment of the seven circles--the achievement of comparative [[mortal]] maturity. The Adjuster ascends the circles with you from the seventh to the first but progresses to the [[status]] of supremacy and self-activity quite independent of the active co-operation of the mortal [[mind]].

The psychic circles are not exclusively [[intellectual]], neither are they wholly [[morontia]]l; they have to do with [[personality]] status, [[mind]] attainment, [[soul]] growth, and Adjuster [[attunement]]. The successful traversal of these levels demands the [[harmonious]] functioning of the entire [[personality]], not merely of some one [[phase]] thereof. The growth of the parts does not equal the true maturation of the whole; the parts really grow in [[proportion]] to the expansion of the entire self--the whole self--[[material]], [[intellectual]], and [[spiritual]].

When the development of the intellectual [[nature]] proceeds faster than that of the [[spiritual]], such a situation renders [[communication]] with the [[Thought Adjuster]] both difficult and dangerous. Likewise, overspiritual development tends to produce a [[fanatic]]al and perverted interpretation of the [[spirit]] leadings of the divine indweller. Lack of [[spiritual]] capacity makes it very difficult to transmit to such a material intellect the spiritual [[truths]] resident in the higher [[superconsciousness]]. It is to the mind of perfect [[poise]], housed in a [[body]] of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and [[balance]]d [[chemical]] function--when the physical, mental, and spiritual [[power]]s are in triune [[harmony]] of development--that a maximum of [[light]] and [[truth]] can be imparted with a minimum of [[temporal]] danger or risk to the real welfare of such a [[being]]. By such a balanced growth does man [[ascend]] the circles of [[planetary]] progression one by one, from the seventh to the first.

[[The Adjuster]]s are always near you and of you, but rarely can they speak directly, as another [[being]], to you. Circle by circle your [[intellectual]] [[decision]]s, moral choosings, and spiritual development add to the ability of the Adjuster to function in your [[mind]]; circle by circle you thereby ascend from the lower stages of Adjuster association and mind [[attunement]], so that the Adjuster is increasingly enabled to register his picturizations of [[destiny]] with augmenting vividness and conviction upon the evolving [[consciousness]] of this God-seeking mind-soul.

Every decision you make either impedes or facilitates the function of the Adjuster; likewise do these very decisions determine your advancement in the circles of human achievement. It is true that the supremacy of a decision, its [[crisis]] relationship, has a great deal to do with its circle-making influence; nevertheless, numbers of decisions, frequent repetitions, persistent repetitions, are also essential to the [[habit]]-forming certainty of such reactions.

It is difficult precisely to define the seven levels of human progression, for the reason that these levels are [[personal]]; they are variable for each [[individual]] and are apparently determined by the growth capacity of each human being. The conquest of these levels of [[cosmic]] [[evolution]] is reflected in three ways:

1. '''Adjuster attunement'''. The spiritizing mind nears the Adjuster [[presence]] proportional to circle attainment.

2. '''Soul evolution'''. The emergence of the [[morontia]] [[soul]] indicates the extent and depth of circle mastery.

3. '''Personality reality'''. The degree of selfhood [[reality]] is directly determined by circle conquest. Persons become more real as they ascend from the seventh to the first level of mortal existence.

As the circles are traversed, the child of [[material]] [[evolution]] is growing into the mature human of immortal potentiality. The [[shadow]]y reality of the [[embryo]]nic [[nature]] of a seventh circler is giving way to the clearer manifestation of the emerging morontia nature of a [[local universe]] [[citizen]].

While it is impossible precisely to define the seven levels, or psychic circles, of human growth, it is permissible to suggest the minimum and maximum limits of these stages of maturity [[realization]]:

'''The seventh circle'''. This level is entered when [[human being]]s develop the [[power]]s of personal [[choice]], individual decision, [[moral]] responsibility, and the capacity for the attainment of spiritual individuality. This signifies the united function of the [[seven adjutant mind-spirits]] under the direction of the spirit of [[wisdom]], the encircuitment of the mortal creature in the influence of the [[Holy Spirit]], and, on [[Urantia]], the first functioning of the [[Spirit of Truth]], together with the reception of a [[Thought Adjuster]] in the mortal mind. Entrance upon the seventh circle constitutes a mortal creature a truly potential citizen of the local universe.

'''The third circle'''. The Adjuster's work is much more effective after the human ascender attains the third circle and receives a personal [[seraphic guardian]] of [[destiny]]. While there is no apparent concert of effort between the Adjuster and the seraphic guardian, nonetheless there is to be observed an unmistakable improvement in all [[phase]]s of cosmic achievement and spiritual development subsequent to the assignment of the personal seraphic attendant. When the third circle is attained, the Adjuster endeavors to morontiaize the mind of man during the remainder of the mortal life span, to make the remaining circles, and achieve the final stage of the divine-human association before natural death dissolves the [[unique]] partnership.

'''The first circle'''. The Adjuster cannot, ordinarily, speak directly and immediately with you until you attain the first and final circle of progressive mortal achievement. This level represents the highest possible [[realization]] of mind-Adjuster relationship in the [[human]] [[experience]] prior to the liberation of the evolving [[morontia]] [[soul]] from the habiliments of the [[material]] [[body]]. Concerning [[mind]], [[emotion]]s, and cosmic [[insight]], this achievement of the first psychic circle is the nearest possible approach of material mind and spirit Adjuster in human experience.

Perhaps these psychic circles of mortal progression would be better denominated cosmic levels--actual [[meaning]] grasps and [[value]] realizations of progressive approach to the morontia [[Super-consciousness|consciousness]] of initial relationship of the evolutionary soul with the emerging [[Supreme Being]]. And it is this very relationship that makes it forever impossible fully to explain the significance of the cosmic circles to the material mind. These circle attainments are only relatively related to [[God-consciousness]]. A seventh or sixth circler can be almost as truly God-knowing--sonship conscious--as a second or first circler, but such lower circle beings are far less conscious of experiential relation to the Supreme Being, universe citizenship. The attainment of these cosmic circles will become a part of the ascenders' experience on the mansion worlds if they fail of such achievement before natural death.

The motivation of [[faith]] makes experiential the full realization of man's sonship with God, but [[action]], completion of [[decisions]], is essential to the evolutionary attainment of [[consciousness]] of progressive kinship with the cosmic actuality of [[the Supreme Being]]. Faith transmutes potentials to actuals in the [[spiritual]] world, but potentials become actuals in the finite realms of the Supreme only by and through the [[realization]] of [[choice]]-[[experience]]. But choosing to do the will of God joins spiritual faith to material decisions in [[personality]] [[action]] and thus supplies a [[divine]] and [[spiritual]] [[fulcrum]] for the more effective functioning of the human and [[material]] leverage of God-hunger. Such a wise co-ordination of material and spiritual [[force]]s greatly augments both cosmic realization of the Supreme and morontia comprehension of the [[Paradise]] [[Deities]].

The mastery of the cosmic circles is related to the [[quantitative]] growth of the morontia soul, the comprehension of supreme meanings. But the [[qualitative]] status of this immortal soul is wholly dependent on the grasp of living [[faith]] upon the Paradise-potential [[fact]]-[[value]] that mortal man is a son of the eternal God. Therefore does a seventh circler go on to the mansion worlds to attain further quantitative realization of cosmic growth just as does a second or even a first circler.

There is only an indirect relation between cosmic-circle attainment and actual spiritual religious experience; such attainments are reciprocal and therefore mutually beneficial. Purely spiritual development may have little to do with [[planetary]] material prosperity, but circle attainment always augments the potential of human success and mortal achievement.

From the seventh to the third circle there occurs increased and unified action of the [[seven adjutant mind-spirits]] in the task of weaning the mortal mind from its dependence on the realities of the material life [[mechanism]]s preparatory to increased introduction to morontia levels of experience. From the third circle onward the adjutant influence progressively diminishes.

The seven circles embrace mortal experience extending from the highest purely [[animal]] level to the lowest actual contactual morontia level of [[self-consciousness]] as a [[personality]] [[experience]]. The mastery of the first cosmic circle signalizes the attainment of premorontia mortal maturity and marks the termination of the conjoint ministry of the adjutant mind-spirits as an exclusive influence of mind action in the human personality. Beyond the first circle, mind becomes increasingly akin to the [[intelligence]] of the [[morontia]] stage of evolution, the conjoined ministry of the cosmic mind and the superadjutant endowment of the [[Creative Spirit]] of a [[local universe]].

The great days in the individual careers of Adjusters are: first, when the human subject breaks through into the third psychic circle, thus insuring the Monitor's self-activity and increased range of function (provided the indweller was not already self-acting); then, when the human partner attains the first psychic circle, and they are thereby enabled to intercommunicate, at least to some degree; and last, when they are finally and eternally fused.

[[Category: Religion]]
[[Category: Psychology]]