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Larkspur, CA
Seek Us To Aid with Disruption and Lack of Equilibrium
September 13, 2003
===Topic: ''Seek Us When Disrupted''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
==Session 1==
[Appended Message from Donna D’Ingillo about previous transcripts and those that follow the first anniversary of the founding of the Center for Christ Consciousness.]
[Appended Message from Donna D’Ingillo about previous transcripts and those that follow the first anniversary of the founding of the Center for Christ Consciousness.]
SEPTEMBER 15, 2003
Good evening, my children. This is Nebadonia, your Spirit Mother who speaks now. Like the little chicks who run to the mother hen for safety and protection, so now come unto me and I will safeguard you from all of the troubles that you face.
Good evening, my children. This is Nebadonia, your Spirit Mother who speaks now. Like the little chicks who run to the mother hen for safety and protection, so now come unto me and I will safeguard you from all of the troubles that you face.
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Your stability is so vital to this, for you will find many interruptions that could easily detract you. But how much more enjoyable and effective your day would be should you grow your capacity to be stable, still, and peaceful. Would not your day seem to be more effortless and joyful? And so you only have to come to us and ask for our stabilization, and you will find these disruptions in your daily routine not so troubling or irksome, but a way for you to challenge yourself to grow more stable and peaceful in us. I will now address your questions on this topic of the evening, my children.
Your stability is so vital to this, for you will find many interruptions that could easily detract you. But how much more enjoyable and effective your day would be should you grow your capacity to be stable, still, and peaceful. Would not your day seem to be more effortless and joyful? And so you only have to come to us and ask for our stabilization, and you will find these disruptions in your daily routine not so troubling or irksome, but a way for you to challenge yourself to grow more stable and peaceful in us. I will now address your questions on this topic of the evening, my children.
Student: Mother Nebadonia, I would like to ask a question about the seven adjunctive mind spirits, and how they relate to this topic of peace and to embrace disruption in our lives. How can we use these spirits to bring this about more fully?
Student: Mother Nebadonia, I would like to ask a question about the seven adjunctive mind spirits, and how they relate to this topic of peace and to embrace disruption in our lives. How can we use these spirits to bring this about more fully?
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All of your life will be a challenge. It is part of your intrinsic nature; you cannot, will not ever be separated from this quality of overcoming challenges—facing them head on, asking for help, and being guided through them. Disruption is a necessary and vital component of life that will compel you to seek and to handle challenges with greater spiritual and divine aplomb. We can only encourage you; you must spend time within to find your own desires for this. And when you have come to a fuller appreciation of the nature of disruption and challenge, you may call your Father and me into your being to take you that next step. ! But you must first recognize within you that this is a vital component of your life.
All of your life will be a challenge. It is part of your intrinsic nature; you cannot, will not ever be separated from this quality of overcoming challenges—facing them head on, asking for help, and being guided through them. Disruption is a necessary and vital component of life that will compel you to seek and to handle challenges with greater spiritual and divine aplomb. We can only encourage you; you must spend time within to find your own desires for this. And when you have come to a fuller appreciation of the nature of disruption and challenge, you may call your Father and me into your being to take you that next step. ! But you must first recognize within you that this is a vital component of your life.
Will you do this for us, so that we may help you in turn? (Yes) We ask these things of you because we know what greatness lies deep within you. You must exercise that deep faith to stir the creative juices and potential within you for this to become manifest: all of the love, all of the peace, all of the patience and goodness that you desire will be achievable and is achievable bit by bit, faith step by faith step, holding our hands as we walk you through life—abundant life, full life, eternal life. Good evening, my beloved ones.
Will you do this for us, so that we may help you in turn? (Yes) We ask these things of you because we know what greatness lies deep within you. You must exercise that deep faith to stir the creative juices and potential within you for this to become manifest: all of the love, all of the peace, all of the patience and goodness that you desire will be achievable and is achievable bit by bit, faith step by faith step, holding our hands as we walk you through life—abundant life, full life, eternal life. Good evening, my beloved ones.
==Session 2==
September 13, 2003
September 13, 2003
[Message from Donna D’Ingillo about previous transcripts and those that follow the first anniversary of the founding of the Center for Christ Consciousness.]
[Message from Donna D’Ingillo about previous transcripts and those that follow the first anniversary of the founding of the Center for Christ Consciousness.]
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Over the last several months, the theme of their messages and experiences was to help us grow into more mature levels of faith--trusting that our Divine Parents watchcare and devotion to our lives is firmly in command. They have continued to assure us that we don't need to fear; they are taking care of us in numerous ways and we can rest easy in them. These unrecorded messages have followed that theme.
Over the last several months, the theme of their messages and experiences was to help us grow into more mature levels of faith--trusting that our Divine Parents watchcare and devotion to our lives is firmly in command. They have continued to assure us that we don't need to fear; they are taking care of us in numerous ways and we can rest easy in them. These unrecorded messages have followed that theme.
Message on HOPE (August 18th): The experience centered around feeling the quality of hope in our hearts and letting Michael and Mother expand that quality. They wanted us to feel deeper levels of hope within us and how hope actually has a buoyancy that keeps us afloat in difficult times. In creating this experience for yourselves, ask to feel a sense of hope, and when you sense it, ask Michael and Mother to expand that into your heart center. Relax into it as they grow HOPE in you.
Message on HOPE (August 18th): The experience centered around feeling the quality of hope in our hearts and letting Michael and Mother expand that quality. They wanted us to feel deeper levels of hope within us and how hope actually has a buoyancy that keeps us afloat in difficult times. In creating this experience for yourselves, ask to feel a sense of hope, and when you sense it, ask Michael and Mother to expand that into your heart center. Relax into it as they grow HOPE in you.
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It was an important message and one that I felt needed to be shared since it was not taped. The message on hope seemed to establish a foundation in us so that we can stay firmly rooted in them as disruptions occur. I certainly feel that more tests of our faith are on the way!
It was an important message and one that I felt needed to be shared since it was not taped. The message on hope seemed to establish a foundation in us so that we can stay firmly rooted in them as disruptions occur. I certainly feel that more tests of our faith are on the way!
If anyone is interested in having one or both sessions recreated for them via the phone, please feel free to call me at . . . . Hope to have the messages back on-line next week.
If anyone is interested in having one or both sessions recreated for them via the phone, please feel free to call me at . . . . Hope to have the messages back on-line next week.
Namaste, Donna D'Ingillo
Namaste, Donna D'Ingillo
Center for Christ Consciousness (
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: Stillness]]
[[Category: 2003]]