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Nebadonia - Living In Two Worlds - Your Ultimate Freedom - Mar 12, 2007 - Marin TM
Nebadonia—March 12, 2007
Marin T/M Group—Mill Valley, California—U.S.A.
      (Potentially Autonomous and Free)
      (More on Effort)
      (Living in Two Worlds)
      (Your Ultimate Freedom)
      (Let Your Imagination Go)
===Topic: ''Living in Two Worlds, Your Ultimate Freedom''===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, Welcome. Come join us. We ask you to circuit our minds in yours, and help us open our hearts to feel your presence. We thank you for the ongoing gospel of the Teaching Mission—the good news of our intimate relationship with God, our Father, through a Fragment of his pure spirit, making us all brothers and sisters, and giving us the means whereby we can seek to know his will directly for ourselves. Amen.
Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, Welcome. Come join us. We ask you to circuit our minds in yours, and help us open our hearts to feel your presence. We thank you for the ongoing gospel of the Teaching Mission—the good news of our intimate relationship with God, our Father, through a Fragment of his pure spirit, making us all brothers and sisters, and giving us the means whereby we can seek to know his will directly for ourselves. Amen.
NEBADONIA: Good evening, my children, to those of you who are here, and all those who will come to read these words. Thank you for your warm welcome. It is indeed fun for Michael and I to keep spreading the good news. Just take a moment and see if you can feel my presence. As with your Father Fragment, the ironic difficulty of feeling me within you lies in the fact we have always been here. So once you are able to isolate or distinguish my presence distinctly in your mind, it may seem like an augmentation of a background that has always been there. While you are still in this first, human life of yours, your material minds—your thinking processes and perceptions created directly by your physical brains, are augmented by the vital pulsation’s of my Mind/Spirit Adjutants throughout our Local Universe. Once you are reconstituted on the Mansion Worlds you will move on to another kind of mind we call Morontia, a different blending with a more subtle substance so that from your standpoint now, your minds will be just that much less material and more spiritual. Your inner perceptions of your Father Fragment, and Michael’s and my presence’s, will be so much stronger, but, as of right now, never intrusive.
NEBADONIA: Good evening, my children, to those of you who are here, and all those who will come to read these words. Thank you for your warm welcome. It is indeed fun for Michael and I to keep spreading the good news. Just take a moment and see if you can feel my presence. As with your Father Fragment, the ironic difficulty of feeling me within you lies in the fact we have always been here. So once you are able to isolate or distinguish my presence distinctly in your mind, it may seem like an augmentation of a background that has always been there. While you are still in this first, human life of yours, your material minds—your thinking processes and perceptions created directly by your physical brains, are augmented by the vital pulsation’s of my Mind/Spirit Adjutants throughout our Local Universe. Once you are reconstituted on the Mansion Worlds you will move on to another kind of mind we call Morontia, a different blending with a more subtle substance so that from your standpoint now, your minds will be just that much less material and more spiritual. Your inner perceptions of your Father Fragment, and Michael’s and my presence’s, will be so much stronger, but, as of right now, never intrusive.
(Potentially autonomous and free)
You see, we want you to have your own lives. We deeply respect the way God made you, potentially autonomous and free-willed—even if this is still more in potential than what you’ve yet achieved. We do not go so far as to say your humanity depends upon your exercising your free-will, for your personality—created by God—is deserving of unlimited respect and acknowledgment. But for your inner life, my children, it is true that you reap the rewards of being a creature of will-dignity to the degree you have this kind of self-control coupled with a deep desire to know in fullness all that is spiritually implied in what you do. This fullness of realization is capable of nigh endless expansion, even while you are in this first phase of your eternal life.
You see, we want you to have your own lives. We deeply respect the way God made you, potentially autonomous and free-willed—even if this is still more in potential than what you’ve yet achieved. We do not go so far as to say your humanity depends upon your exercising your free-will, for your personality—created by God—is deserving of unlimited respect and acknowledgment. But for your inner life, my children, it is true that you reap the rewards of being a creature of will-dignity to the degree you have this kind of self-control coupled with a deep desire to know in fullness all that is spiritually implied in what you do. This fullness of realization is capable of nigh endless expansion, even while you are in this first phase of your eternal life.
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These are ways, my children, in which bringing your will into accord with the single, greatest will which created all that is--both directly and through all his many Creative Sons and Daughters, yet not being enslaved to ideas of predestination, opens you up to infinity, infinity beyond your wildest dreams, infinity of adventure you will never exhaust.
These are ways, my children, in which bringing your will into accord with the single, greatest will which created all that is--both directly and through all his many Creative Sons and Daughters, yet not being enslaved to ideas of predestination, opens you up to infinity, infinity beyond your wildest dreams, infinity of adventure you will never exhaust.
(More on effort)
Also tonight I’d like to comment on and extend what Michael taught last week, and consider once again the nature of effort. This is a bit tricky for it’s like the old puzzle: if a tree falls in the wilderness and no one hears it, does it make any sound? But that can be resolved easily simply by defining what you mean by "sound." Obviously there are measurable vibrations of different density going out through the air in ripples. It is somewhat similar with respect to the concept of effort. It can have a kind of empirical meaning as that measurable force which is applied to accomplish work, but it also has the connotation of what you feel, and this is usually what is meant. What is your inner experience with regards to that work, distinct from the work? This inner feeling can even mask or distort your direct experience of the work—considered abstractly: i.e. it can take more effort in getting started, than in the doing.
Also tonight I’d like to comment on and extend what Michael taught last week, and consider once again the nature of effort. This is a bit tricky for it’s like the old puzzle: if a tree falls in the wilderness and no one hears it, does it make any sound? But that can be resolved easily simply by defining what you mean by "sound." Obviously there are measurable vibrations of different density going out through the air in ripples. It is somewhat similar with respect to the concept of effort. It can have a kind of empirical meaning as that measurable force which is applied to accomplish work, but it also has the connotation of what you feel, and this is usually what is meant. What is your inner experience with regards to that work, distinct from the work? This inner feeling can even mask or distort your direct experience of the work—considered abstractly: i.e. it can take more effort in getting started, than in the doing.
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If you have any questions or comments this evening, feel free.
If you have any questions or comments this evening, feel free.
Student: Yes, Mother, I thank you for that last statement. I’m looking forward to experiencing in stillness the infinity of my being. I sometimes wonder through all the things I’ve come to read, and experience in all the meetings and gatherings, and healing sessions, and meditations, who am I—still? Have I progressed, enough, in a quantitative, or even qualitative way—as a human being? I know I’ve grown inwardly through effort, but I question my outward life. It seems to be the same, except for my granddaughter. I still lack—materially, and I still have no relationship with anyone. But I also feel…complete, at home base within myself.
Student: Yes, Mother, I thank you for that last statement. I’m looking forward to experiencing in stillness the infinity of my being. I sometimes wonder through all the things I’ve come to read, and experience in all the meetings and gatherings, and healing sessions, and meditations, who am I—still? Have I progressed, enough, in a quantitative, or even qualitative way—as a human being? I know I’ve grown inwardly through effort, but I question my outward life. It seems to be the same, except for my granddaughter. I still lack—materially, and I still have no relationship with anyone. But I also feel…complete, at home base within myself.
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Student (laughing): Yeah, I feel that way at times. It’s like, how am I to—and I’m sure Jesus experienced the same thing at times—maybe—of being in two worlds. There’s obviously one reality, but being in this…I feel different. I do.
Student (laughing): Yeah, I feel that way at times. It’s like, how am I to—and I’m sure Jesus experienced the same thing at times—maybe—of being in two worlds. There’s obviously one reality, but being in this…I feel different. I do.
(Living in two worlds)
NEBADONIA: Well, I was teasing, of course. Because this is something we have been encouraging all of you to get into for quite a while now. Michael touched on it last week as having the nerve to feel the disconnect, or stretch, between the real and the ideal. For it might be what you call a cop-out to opt for one at the expense of the other. Tonight I wished to express how your freedom is so dependant on your staying open to both where you are and your great distance from God’s will, and having the human quality of patience with yourself in holding onto ideals. Welcome the humility of knowing how enormous God’s will must be, and how it will take an eternity to even begin to approach it, it is so transcendent. Yet it is also so immediate, so immanent. You are not even keeping your own heart beating, as we love to say. You can feel your inner growth becoming more and more vibrant, and flexible, and fun, even while your outward appearance can seem to hardly change at all.
NEBADONIA: Well, I was teasing, of course. Because this is something we have been encouraging all of you to get into for quite a while now. Michael touched on it last week as having the nerve to feel the disconnect, or stretch, between the real and the ideal. For it might be what you call a cop-out to opt for one at the expense of the other. Tonight I wished to express how your freedom is so dependant on your staying open to both where you are and your great distance from God’s will, and having the human quality of patience with yourself in holding onto ideals. Welcome the humility of knowing how enormous God’s will must be, and how it will take an eternity to even begin to approach it, it is so transcendent. Yet it is also so immediate, so immanent. You are not even keeping your own heart beating, as we love to say. You can feel your inner growth becoming more and more vibrant, and flexible, and fun, even while your outward appearance can seem to hardly change at all.
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Student: When you say I’m this infinite potential, and I guess it will always be infinite, then I feel like, at some level, it can’t be prevented. It has to be.
Student: When you say I’m this infinite potential, and I guess it will always be infinite, then I feel like, at some level, it can’t be prevented. It has to be.
(Your ultimate freedom)
NEBADONIA: No… We say it is very much something you can refuse. This is your ultimate freedom: you can choose to cease to exist. You can refuse this growth, this potential--which is a good definition of dying, of ceasing to exist. Because everything else is expanding, is growing. In a way you cannot yet comprehend in space-and-time terms, total reality is like a balloon which is constantly expanding, and you can only hold this dynamic concept for a few moments, and it seems something has to give. How can all of reality keep expanding? Yet it is: without end. As this is God’s will, it has to become yours too. But it is a choice.
NEBADONIA: No… We say it is very much something you can refuse. This is your ultimate freedom: you can choose to cease to exist. You can refuse this growth, this potential--which is a good definition of dying, of ceasing to exist. Because everything else is expanding, is growing. In a way you cannot yet comprehend in space-and-time terms, total reality is like a balloon which is constantly expanding, and you can only hold this dynamic concept for a few moments, and it seems something has to give. How can all of reality keep expanding? Yet it is: without end. As this is God’s will, it has to become yours too. But it is a choice.
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Student: You and Michael have been encouraging us to use our imaginations, and stepping off. I’m not sure I know where to begin—with imagination. So… Any ideas… (laughs) I see Jesus as having had a great imagination as to what he wanted to bring forth.
Student: You and Michael have been encouraging us to use our imaginations, and stepping off. I’m not sure I know where to begin—with imagination. So… Any ideas… (laughs) I see Jesus as having had a great imagination as to what he wanted to bring forth.
(Let your imagination go)
NEBADONIA: We call this the self-power of your own spirit. You have my Mind/Spirit Adjutants, you have Michael’s Spirit of Truth, you have the Father’s pure spiritual presence within you; but you also have your own personality’s spirit, co-creating your reality—realizing you and your world for yourself. To the degree this is as yet unconscious and untried, you can only experiment by letting your imagination go. Don’t keep it on too tight a rein at first. Make notes about what you want to see happen. Wonder who you might want to grow to be. What other powers, what other abilities, what other kind of freedom might be in line with God’s will for you? This is the inner work that originates a greater sense of freedom because now you have choices to make.
NEBADONIA: We call this the self-power of your own spirit. You have my Mind/Spirit Adjutants, you have Michael’s Spirit of Truth, you have the Father’s pure spiritual presence within you; but you also have your own personality’s spirit, co-creating your reality—realizing you and your world for yourself. To the degree this is as yet unconscious and untried, you can only experiment by letting your imagination go. Don’t keep it on too tight a rein at first. Make notes about what you want to see happen. Wonder who you might want to grow to be. What other powers, what other abilities, what other kind of freedom might be in line with God’s will for you? This is the inner work that originates a greater sense of freedom because now you have choices to make.
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As I said at the beginning, these are some strange and wonderful notions of freedom and effort. What is my will? What is God’s will? Or, as you like to put it: what is his original intention for me? How can I find out?
As I said at the beginning, these are some strange and wonderful notions of freedom and effort. What is my will? What is God’s will? Or, as you like to put it: what is his original intention for me? How can I find out?
We call your attention to the principle of feedback because you can imagine something, you can have your own ideas right from your own personality; and then you can hang yourself out there and step off in faith because you don’t know yet what the result will be: and reality—including yourself and all those you know, and then all that impersonal universe out there, all that stuff—does answer. You do get a result from your reality-experiment. You soul is growing. You are earning this realm of flesh-and-blood, and it will be yours to perceive forever, even when you become pure spirit. In this time of being human you can feel my love, and know Michael’s peace, and share your life with God. Good evening.
We call your attention to the principle of feedback because you can imagine something, you can have your own ideas right from your own personality; and then you can hang yourself out there and step off in faith because you don’t know yet what the result will be: and reality—including yourself and all those you know, and then all that impersonal universe out there, all that stuff—does answer. You do get a result from your reality-experiment. You soul is growing. You are earning this realm of flesh-and-blood, and it will be yours to perceive forever, even when you become pure spirit. In this time of being human you can feel my love, and know Michael’s peace, and share your life with God. Good evening.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Marin TeaM]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: JL]]
[[Category: 2007]]