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===Topic: ''Resiliency During Change''===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Nebadonia]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
[Dear Folks, Here is another transmission from Mother Spirit given to the Marin TM Group. I hope Her love comes through into your hearts as if you were here to feel Her presence. Jerry]
[Dear Folks, Here is another transmission from Mother Spirit given to the Marin TM Group. I hope Her love comes through into your hearts as if you were here to feel Her presence. Jerry]
NEBADONIA September 30, 2004
Prayer: Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, we gather together again tonight to enjoy each others’ company and give each other spiritual support. We do so in joyful anticipation of once again welcoming You, inviting You to share our lives with us. Help us know, and then live Your truth. For this we are thankful and very happy.
Prayer: Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, we gather together again tonight to enjoy each others’ company and give each other spiritual support. We do so in joyful anticipation of once again welcoming You, inviting You to share our lives with us. Help us know, and then live Your truth. For this we are thankful and very happy.
Mother: Good evening, my children, this is Nebadonia who is with you tonight. Breathe deeply of my presence. Let it soak right into your bones. This is my love, and this is Michael’s peace. Feel its expansiveness. Just relax and expand. Open outward like a flower in the sun. Michael and I are all around you, always. You live in Us, and it is Our delight when you invite Us to live in you.
Mother: Good evening, my children, this is Nebadonia who is with you tonight. Breathe deeply of my presence. Let it soak right into your bones. This is my love, and this is Michael’s peace. Feel its expansiveness. Just relax and expand. Open outward like a flower in the sun. Michael and I are all around you, always. You live in Us, and it is Our delight when you invite Us to live in you.
Feel yourselves grow. Feel this intrinsic ability you have to encompass whatever you encounter. This is the strength of resiliency I spoke of last week - the deep inner wisdom to know that behind the stretch you feel at times, there’s love. It is in Our love to let you do those things that you do not yet know you are capable of. This is the nature of the adventure you find yourselves right in the middle of. This is the surprise your soul delights in. As Michael said, "This is the river of the Father’s will," and you are in this river. If you struggle against this river of the Father’s will, you can feel yourselves being swept away. But if you can make the Father’s will your will, if you can align yourself with this greater flow, it can seem at times to slow, to expand, and there is no limit to this expansion. There is no limit to your growth.
Feel yourselves grow. Feel this intrinsic ability you have to encompass whatever you encounter. This is the strength of resiliency I spoke of last week - the deep inner wisdom to know that behind the stretch you feel at times, there’s love. It is in Our love to let you do those things that you do not yet know you are capable of. This is the nature of the adventure you find yourselves right in the middle of. This is the surprise your soul delights in. As Michael said, "This is the river of the Father’s will," and you are in this river. If you struggle against this river of the Father’s will, you can feel yourselves being swept away. But if you can make the Father’s will your will, if you can align yourself with this greater flow, it can seem at times to slow, to expand, and there is no limit to this expansion. There is no limit to your growth.
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If you have any questions or comments, I would be happy to hear them.
If you have any questions or comments, I would be happy to hear them.
Student: Yes, Mother, thank You for tonight’s lesson, and last week’s lesson - the idea that, behind the need to stretch, is love. It’s really transforming in a way. So profound. It makes the need for stretching…more palpable? I was wondering why we as a race desire to suffer so much, when all we have to do is swim in this cosmic river? I was mentioning this to someone the other day, but like there’s this ideology that we need to suffer before we know God. It seems so incredulous because God himself knows nothing of suffering. And then I was also thinking that when Jesus was on this planet and He saw people suffer so unnecessarily, did He feel frustrated? Even though He knew the truth and saw the truth, and loved them, and loved the people who perpetuated the suffering, did He feel frustrated at times, and angry? – when He was stretching?
Student: Yes, Mother, thank You for tonight’s lesson, and last week’s lesson - the idea that, behind the need to stretch, is love. It’s really transforming in a way. So profound. It makes the need for stretching…more palpable? I was wondering why we as a race desire to suffer so much, when all we have to do is swim in this cosmic river? I was mentioning this to someone the other day, but like there’s this ideology that we need to suffer before we know God. It seems so incredulous because God himself knows nothing of suffering. And then I was also thinking that when Jesus was on this planet and He saw people suffer so unnecessarily, did He feel frustrated? Even though He knew the truth and saw the truth, and loved them, and loved the people who perpetuated the suffering, did He feel frustrated at times, and angry? – when He was stretching?
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Student: Yes, it does, Mother. Thank You, and a heartfelt thanks for all Your beautiful daughters.
Student: Yes, it does, Mother. Thank You, and a heartfelt thanks for all Your beautiful daughters.
Mother: Ah yes, my son, let us give thanks to their Source. Father, thank You for these, my sons. Arent they something? We all give thanks to You for this amazing life, this incomprehensible mystery, this glorious gift that You give us. Thank You all. Good evening.
Mother: Ah yes, my son, let us give thanks to their Source. Father, thank You for these, my sons. Arent they something? We all give thanks to You for this amazing life, this incomprehensible mystery, this glorious gift that You give us. Thank You all. Good evening.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Marin TeaM]]
[[Category: Nebadonia]]
[[Category: JL]]
[[Category: Resilience]]
[[Category: 2004]]