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*I. Exercise, brisk or free movement or action.
*I. Exercise, brisk or free movement or action.
:1. a. Active bodily exercise or movement; brisk and vigorous action of the body or limbs, as in fighting, fencing, dancing, leaping, etc. Also fig. Now only in HAND-PLAY n. In Old English freq. as the second element in compounds.
:1. a. Active bodily exercise or movement; brisk and vigorous action of the body or limbs, as in fighting, fencing, dancing, leaping, etc. Also fig. Now only in HAND-PLAY n. In Old English freq. as the second element in compounds.
:b. The action of lightly and briskly wielding or plying a weapon in fencing or combat. Freq. as the second element in compounds, as lind-play, sabre-play, sword-play, etc.
::b. The action of lightly and briskly wielding or plying a weapon in fencing or combat. Freq. as the second element in compounds, as lind-play, sabre-play, sword-play, etc.
:c. Ornithol. The mating display of a male bird; (in quots.) the elaborate courtship display of the male capercaillie. Obs.
::c. Ornithol. The mating display of a male bird; (in quots.) the elaborate courtship display of the male capercaillie. Obs.
:2. In form plaw. An act or example of boiling; effervescence; ebullition. Obs. (Eng. regional (E. Anglian) in later use).
:2. In form plaw. An act or example of boiling; effervescence; ebullition. Obs. (Eng. regional (E. Anglian) in later use).
:3. a. Action, operation, activity, working (often implying rapid movement, rapid change, or variety). Freq. with of. Recorded earliest in to keep (a person) play at sense 3b. Usually of something abstract, but formerly also of a person or concrete thing.
:3. a. Action, operation, activity, working (often implying rapid movement, rapid change, or variety). Freq. with of. Recorded earliest in to keep (a person) play at sense 3b. Usually of something abstract, but formerly also of a person or concrete thing.
:b. to hold (also keep) in play: to keep (a person, military force, etc.) occupied or engaged; to distract, delay, or keep at bay (an enemy) by doing this. Also to keep (a person) play.
::b. to hold (also keep) in play: to keep (a person, military force, etc.) occupied or engaged; to distract, delay, or keep at bay (an enemy) by doing this. Also to keep (a person) play.
:c. to bring (also call, put) into (also in) play: to bring into operation, make active, begin to exercise. to come into (also in) play: (chiefly of a thing) to come into operation or effect, become active. The precise sense in quot. 1568 is unclear.
::c. to bring (also call, put) into (also in) play: to bring into operation, make active, begin to exercise. to come into (also in) play: (chiefly of a thing) to come into operation or effect, become active. The precise sense in quot. 1568 is unclear.
:d. (In later use perh. influenced by sense 9d.)
::d. (In later use perh. influenced by sense 9d.)
::(a) out of play: not in operation or effect, inactive; (formerly also) unoccupied, out of employment or office (obs.).
:::(a) out of play: not in operation or effect, inactive; (formerly also) unoccupied, out of employment or office (obs.).
::(b) in (full) play: in operation or effect, active; (formerly also) actively engaged or employed (obs.).
:::(b) in (full) play: in operation or effect, active; (formerly also) actively engaged or employed (obs.).
:e. to make play.
::e. to make play.
::(a) To act effectively, produce an effect; to hasten or hurry on, make good progress; spec. (Horse Racing and Hunting) to exercise pursuers or followers.
:::(a) To act effectively, produce an effect; to hasten or hurry on, make good progress; spec. (Horse Racing and Hunting) to exercise pursuers or followers.
::(b) To keep an adversary engaged. Cf. sense 3b. Obs.
;:::(b) To keep an adversary engaged. Cf. sense 3b. Obs.
::(c) to make (great) play with (also of): to use (an idea, circumstance, etc.) freely and with a view to advantage; to make much of, exploit.
:::(c) to make (great) play with (also of): to use (an idea, circumstance, etc.) freely and with a view to advantage; to make much of, exploit.
:f. at play: (of a process or factor) in effect, action, or operation; at work.
::f. at play: (of a process or factor) in effect, action, or operation; at work.
:4. a. Rapid, brisk, or light movement, usually quickly changing or intermittent; elusive change or transition of light or colour; light motion about or impact upon something.
:4. a. Rapid, brisk, or light movement, usually quickly changing or intermittent; elusive change or transition of light or colour; light motion about or impact upon something.
:b. Play of light or colour (see sense 4a). Obs.
::b. Play of light or colour (see sense 4a). Obs.
:5. a. Free action; freedom, opportunity, or room for action; scope for activity.
:5. a. Free action; freedom, opportunity, or room for action; scope for activity.
:b. Free or unimpeded movement, esp. from or about a fixed point; the proper or possible movement of a mechanism or a part of a living body. Now chiefly used for the movement of muscles in the human body.
::b. Free or unimpeded movement, esp. from or about a fixed point; the proper or possible movement of a mechanism or a part of a living body. Now chiefly used for the movement of muscles in the human body.
:c. Esp. in a joint, mechanism, etc.: freedom or room for movement; the space in or through which a thing can or does move.
::c. Esp. in a joint, mechanism, etc.: freedom or room for movement; the space in or through which a thing can or does move.
:d. slang (orig. U.S.). Attention or patronage; a show of interest; publicity.
::d. slang (orig. U.S.). Attention or patronage; a show of interest; publicity.
*II. Exercise or action for enjoyment or recreation, and related senses.
*II. Exercise or action for enjoyment or recreation, and related senses.
:6. a. Exercise or activity engaged in for enjoyment or recreation rather than for a serious or practical purpose; amusement, entertainment, diversion; (in later use esp.) the spontaneous or organized recreational activity of children; (colloq.) an instance or period of such activity. at play: engaged in playing. In early use also occas.: profligate indulgence, revelling (obs.).
:6. a. Exercise or activity engaged in for enjoyment or recreation rather than for a serious or practical purpose; amusement, entertainment, diversion; (in later use esp.) the spontaneous or organized recreational activity of children; (colloq.) an instance or period of such activity. at play: engaged in playing. In early use also occas.: profligate indulgence, revelling (obs.).
:b. Enjoyment, pleasure, joy, delight; a source of delight. Obs. (Sc. in later use).
::b. Enjoyment, pleasure, joy, delight; a source of delight. Obs. (Sc. in later use).
:c. Sexual activity or dalliance; foreplay; amorous recreation. In Old English in hight-play (cf. HIGHT n.3).
::c. Sexual activity or dalliance; foreplay; amorous recreation. In Old English in hight-play (cf. HIGHT n.3).
:7. a. A particular sport, game, pastime, or recreational activity. Now chiefly Psychol.  In Old English also as the second element in compounds.
:7. a. A particular sport, game, pastime, or recreational activity. Now chiefly Psychol.  In Old English also as the second element in compounds.
:b. Chiefly Sc. A rural entertainment or festivity; a country fair, esp. one involving games, pageantry, drama, etc. Obs.
::b. Chiefly Sc. A rural entertainment or festivity; a country fair, esp. one involving games, pageantry, drama, etc. Obs.
:8. a. Jest, fun, sport; trifling. Freq. in in play: in jest, as a joke.
:8. a. Jest, fun, sport; trifling. Freq. in in play: in jest, as a joke.
:b. play of words n. an act of playing or trifling with words; the use of words merely or mainly for the purpose of producing a rhetorical effect. Now rare.
::b. play of words n. an act of playing or trifling with words; the use of words merely or mainly for the purpose of producing a rhetorical effect. Now rare.
:c. a play on (also upon) words n. a pun; a playful use of (esp. similar-sounding) words to convey a double meaning or produce a humorous effect. Cf. wordplay n. at WORD n. and int. Compounds 2.
::c. a play on (also upon) words n. a pun; a playful use of (esp. similar-sounding) words to convey a double meaning or produce a humorous effect. Cf. wordplay n. at WORD n. and int. Compounds 2.
:9. a. The activity of playing a sport or game; physical recreation, sport. ball play: see BALL n.1 Compounds 1; child's play: see CHILD n. 18; boys'-play: see BOYS' PLAY n.
:9. a. The activity of playing a sport or game; physical recreation, sport. ball play: see BALL n.1 Compounds 1; child's play: see CHILD n. 18; boys'-play: see BOYS' PLAY n.
:b. Manner or style of playing; skill in playing.
::b. Manner or style of playing; skill in playing.
:c. Cards. The laying of a card, esp. with a particular strategy in mind; an action or manoeuvre in a game.
:;c. Cards. The laying of a card, esp. with a particular strategy in mind; an action or manoeuvre in a game.
:d. Sport. in (also out of) play: (of a ball, etc.) available to be played (or not played) according to the rules of the game; being within (or outside) the boundaries of the playing area; (hence) the playing area, the pitch.
::d. Sport. in (also out of) play: (of a ball, etc.) available to be played (or not played) according to the rules of the game; being within (or outside) the boundaries of the playing area; (hence) the playing area, the pitch.
:e. Business. The state or position of a company open to a takeover bid. Usu. in in (also into, out of) play.
::e. Business. The state or position of a company open to a takeover bid. Usu. in in (also into, out of) play.
:10. a. An act or proceeding, esp. of a treacherous, crafty, or underhand kind; manner of action, method of proceeding; a trick, dodge, racket, scam. Now chiefly U.S. slang.
:10. a. An act or proceeding, esp. of a treacherous, crafty, or underhand kind; manner of action, method of proceeding; a trick, dodge, racket, scam. Now chiefly U.S. slang.
:b. A magic spell; a conjuring trick. Obs.
:;b. A magic spell; a conjuring trick. Obs.
:11. The playing of a game or games for money, a prize, etc.; gaming, gambling; betting. Obs.
:11. The playing of a game or games for money, a prize, etc.; gaming, gambling; betting. Obs.
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:13. a. Eng. regional in later use. The condition of being absent from work, esp. through unemployment, illness, or as the result of industrial action; a holiday. Obs.
:13. a. Eng. regional in later use. The condition of being absent from work, esp. through unemployment, illness, or as the result of industrial action; a holiday. Obs.
:b. the play n. Sc. holiday from school.
::b. the play n. Sc. holiday from school.
:14. Cards. In the game of beast: the pile of cards picked up by the player who has won the most tricks. Obs. rare.
:14. Cards. In the game of beast: the pile of cards picked up by the player who has won the most tricks. Obs. rare.
:15. a. slang (orig. U.S.). An attempt to achieve or gain something; a move, a manoeuvre, a venture; spec. (a) Baseball an action in which a player is put out; (b) N. Amer. Sport an attacking move in a team game; (c) an attempt to sexually attract another person. Freq. in to make a play (for).
:15. a. slang (orig. U.S.). An attempt to achieve or gain something; a move, a manoeuvre, a venture; spec. (a) Baseball an action in which a player is put out; (b) N. Amer. Sport an attacking move in a team game; (c) an attempt to sexually attract another person. Freq. in to make a play (for).
:b. Oil Industry (orig. U.S.). An investment or development opportunity; a commercial venture the success of which depends upon speculation.
::b. Oil Industry (orig. U.S.). An investment or development opportunity; a commercial venture the success of which depends upon speculation.
*III. A dramatic or theatrical performance, and related senses.
*III. A dramatic or theatrical performance, and related senses.
:16. a. A dramatic or theatrical performance staged before an audience; an acted representation of an action or story; (now also) a drama broadcast on television, radio, etc. In early use also: a display or spectacle; dramatic or theatrical performance; acting (obs.) In recent use sometimes contrasted with musical (MUSICAL n. 3b).
:16. a. A dramatic or theatrical performance staged before an audience; an acted representation of an action or story; (now also) a drama broadcast on television, radio, etc. In early use also: a display or spectacle; dramatic or theatrical performance; acting (obs.) In recent use sometimes contrasted with musical (MUSICAL n. 3b).
:b. In extended use: a performance, a proceeding; a piece of action in real life. Obs. rare.
::b. In extended use: a performance, a proceeding; a piece of action in real life. Obs. rare.
:c. a play within a (also the) play: a play acted as part of the action of another play. Also with the, usually with reference to Shakespeare's Hamlet.
::c. a play within a (also the) play: a play acted as part of the action of another play. Also with the, usually with reference to Shakespeare's Hamlet.
:d. as good as a play: very entertaining or amusing.
::d. as good as a play: very entertaining or amusing.
:17. A literary composition in the form of dialogue, intended for performance before an audience.
:17. A literary composition in the form of dialogue, intended for performance before an audience.
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*IV. The playing of music or a musical or other recording.
*IV. The playing of music or a musical or other recording.
:18. a. Performance on a musical instrument. Cf. PLAYING n. Obs.
:18. a. Performance on a musical instrument. Cf. PLAYING n. Obs.
:b. colloq. The act of playing a record, video cassette, compact disc, etc.
::b. colloq. The act of playing a record, video cassette, compact disc, etc.
:19. [Partly < PLAY v. (see sense 21c at that entry), and partly short for play button at PLAY v. Compounds 2.] The control on a tape player, video recorder, etc., used to initiate playing.
:19. [Partly < PLAY v. (see sense 21c at that entry), and partly short for play button at PLAY v. Compounds 2.] The control on a tape player, video recorder, etc., used to initiate playing.