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Michael; Ripples In Spirit - Being Human - Nov 13 2006 - Marin TM
Michael--November 13, 2006
Marin TM Group—Mill Valley, California—U.S.A.
      (Ah!—being Human)
      (The Sequence of Discovery)
      (Being Eclectic)
      (Undoing Guilt)
      (Trauma and Conditioning)
      (Just Keep Bubbling Over)
      (Ripples in Spirit)
      (Earning Your Spiritual Triumphs)
===Topic: ''Ripples in Spirit, Being Human''===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, We welcome you to our gathering-in tonight to once again feel your presence and hear your words of good cheer and inspiration. I recently had a tenacious bout of the flu and, right in the middle of it, without any energy or gumption to do anything, I found great strength and comfort in rereading some of your previous lessons. So I thank you again for all you have given us of your viewpoints—the viewpoints of a Creator Son and Mother Spirit, reassuring us we are more than just this somewhat fragile, fleeting, changing awareness of ourselves. Amen.
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, We welcome you to our gathering-in tonight to once again feel your presence and hear your words of good cheer and inspiration. I recently had a tenacious bout of the flu and, right in the middle of it, without any energy or gumption to do anything, I found great strength and comfort in rereading some of your previous lessons. So I thank you again for all you have given us of your viewpoints—the viewpoints of a Creator Son and Mother Spirit, reassuring us we are more than just this somewhat fragile, fleeting, changing awareness of ourselves. Amen.
MICHAEL: Good evening, my children, this is Michael, your spiritual father. Mother Spirit and I thank you in return for using us, for as we have reassured you so many times before, your trust in us, your reaching to us for help, for strength, for reassurance of the wonderful and rather complex kind of beings you are; all this adds to our delight in being your dear and loving parents. So yes, please, by all means, use us. Come to us in your stillness. Just feel our presence in your mind, in your heart, in your super-consciousness, and right in your feelings. Please do reread our lessons. We hope they are not only singularly meaningful to you, but they are structured so as to support each other and lead you step by step into a fuller comprehension of God's ways and his will for all of us.
MICHAEL: Good evening, my children, this is Michael, your spiritual father. Mother Spirit and I thank you in return for using us, for as we have reassured you so many times before, your trust in us, your reaching to us for help, for strength, for reassurance of the wonderful and rather complex kind of beings you are; all this adds to our delight in being your dear and loving parents. So yes, please, by all means, use us. Come to us in your stillness. Just feel our presence in your mind, in your heart, in your super-consciousness, and right in your feelings. Please do reread our lessons. We hope they are not only singularly meaningful to you, but they are structured so as to support each other and lead you step by step into a fuller comprehension of God's ways and his will for all of us.
It is our main purpose, my children, to play the part of spirit, to be loyal children ourselves of our universal Father, and join in and augment his down-reach, just as we too down-reach to you, anticipating and encouraging your up-reach to us, so that you may have life, and have it more abundantly.
It is our main purpose, my children, to play the part of spirit, to be loyal children ourselves of our universal Father, and join in and augment his down-reach, just as we too down-reach to you, anticipating and encouraging your up-reach to us, so that you may have life, and have it more abundantly.
(Ah!—being human)
*(Ah!—being human)
You are really complex beings, and the sequence by which each of you becomes aware of what you are is not exactly preordained, but does follow a regular pattern. We mentioned in a recent lesson how you are accompanied and assisted by representatives of the Trinity—myself representing the Eternal Son, pouring out upon you my unique spirit, the Spirit of Truth, to become part of your mentality giving you a hunger and drive to discover ever larger realms of what is true. Mother Spirit represents the Third Person of the Trinity, the Infinite Spirit, her Mind Adjutants, distinct dimensions of her consciousness, directing the evolution of life on the planets--which you recapitulate in the womb; and then from the moment you are born, as you recapitulate the history of your race, her adjutants, one by one, help you think, and understand, give you a gregarious impulse with respect to each other, and the courage to seek out this new world surrounding you--until you grow into that moment when her adjutants of wisdom and worship can inaugurate you into your first moral decision, at which moment your receive a Thought Adjuster, the presence of God himself, and become even as a small child super-minded.
You are really complex beings, and the sequence by which each of you becomes aware of what you are is not exactly preordained, but does follow a regular pattern. We mentioned in a recent lesson how you are accompanied and assisted by representatives of the Trinity—myself representing the Eternal Son, pouring out upon you my unique spirit, the Spirit of Truth, to become part of your mentality giving you a hunger and drive to discover ever larger realms of what is true. Mother Spirit represents the Third Person of the Trinity, the Infinite Spirit, her Mind Adjutants, distinct dimensions of her consciousness, directing the evolution of life on the planets--which you recapitulate in the womb; and then from the moment you are born, as you recapitulate the history of your race, her adjutants, one by one, help you think, and understand, give you a gregarious impulse with respect to each other, and the courage to seek out this new world surrounding you--until you grow into that moment when her adjutants of wisdom and worship can inaugurate you into your first moral decision, at which moment your receive a Thought Adjuster, the presence of God himself, and become even as a small child super-minded.
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So right in the kinds of beings that you are—in personality, and spirit, and mind, you portray the gifts of all three of the absolute, existential Beings. This is what every human being is, and on Urantia, ever since Pentecost when I released my Spirit of Truth to the whole planet, as distinct from before this time, now every normal-minded human being receives a Thought Adjuster. As of Pentecost, the planet Urantia took a giant step forward into its potential future.
So right in the kinds of beings that you are—in personality, and spirit, and mind, you portray the gifts of all three of the absolute, existential Beings. This is what every human being is, and on Urantia, ever since Pentecost when I released my Spirit of Truth to the whole planet, as distinct from before this time, now every normal-minded human being receives a Thought Adjuster. As of Pentecost, the planet Urantia took a giant step forward into its potential future.
(The sequence of discovery)
*(The sequence of discovery)
It is by thoroughly understanding and appreciating the sequence of events of how every newborn child acquires its mental and spiritual abilities, yet how these are so nearly-totally colored by the family and the larger culture into which he or she is born, can you understand how my Spirit of Truth, Mother Spirit’s Adjutants of Wisdom and Worship, and even God’s fragment of pure spirit within the human mind, can get quite buried by years and years of childhood habituation to that culture, to this particular time in the development of your planetary civilization. So much so that the Godly gift of free will arising from a true individualization, standing alone and essentially apart from all these years and years of conditioning; this hallmark of true maturity is not easily won. And this is especially true for so much of the world in which this goal of independent thinking, genuinely spontaneous spiritual creativity, is not even acknowledged to be possible to strive for. This becomes another great purpose of Mother Spirit and I--to introduce--along with all our other spiritual children whose messages you are receiving through these transmissions.
It is by thoroughly understanding and appreciating the sequence of events of how every newborn child acquires its mental and spiritual abilities, yet how these are so nearly-totally colored by the family and the larger culture into which he or she is born, can you understand how my Spirit of Truth, Mother Spirit’s Adjutants of Wisdom and Worship, and even God’s fragment of pure spirit within the human mind, can get quite buried by years and years of childhood habituation to that culture, to this particular time in the development of your planetary civilization. So much so that the Godly gift of free will arising from a true individualization, standing alone and essentially apart from all these years and years of conditioning; this hallmark of true maturity is not easily won. And this is especially true for so much of the world in which this goal of independent thinking, genuinely spontaneous spiritual creativity, is not even acknowledged to be possible to strive for. This becomes another great purpose of Mother Spirit and I--to introduce--along with all our other spiritual children whose messages you are receiving through these transmissions.
(Being eclectic)
*(Being eclectic)
You term this maturity as being eclectic, and we encourage you, my children, to reach for that supernal goal. By all means explore. Fill your minds with as many different versions of the truth as your hearts desire, your minds are willing to embrace, and your spirits thrill in the discovery. For every human being has a Thought Adjuster, a presence of God within them, doing his pure spiritual best to inform them, to guide them into ever greater spirit. Still, this has to find expression in each individual mind--individually. In this the story of the tower of Babel is merely symbolic of the reality that everybody, to some degree, speaks their own language, comprehends by way of their own concepts. Yet here is precisely where your own Thought Adjuster, and my Spirit of Truth, and Mother Spirit’s Adjutant of Wisdom can help you recognize--as it were behind the words—another person’s more fundamental meaning. This is the ability you are all slowly growing, an ability to apprehend and appreciate another person’s soul, what they mean by, as you say, where they are coming from; what is their own history of experiencing spiritual truths. And this is quite a challenge. Just think: how do you bring about a one world of peace and harmony while at the same time not loosing anything of everyone’s past? Otherwise you would end up with some kind of cartoon caricature missing all the detail of the true history of the planet. There is only one way out, for you as an individual, for you all as a world civilization. You have to keep growing. At one and the same time, as you take in more and more of each other’s cultures and past experiences, if you keep discovering those true spiritual values that unite humankind, and grow your ability to understand them, to comprehend them, to encompass it all in a meaningful way, you will discover ever more your own limitless personality, your own mental abilities, your own all-embracing spiritual nature.
You term this maturity as being eclectic, and we encourage you, my children, to reach for that supernal goal. By all means explore. Fill your minds with as many different versions of the truth as your hearts desire, your minds are willing to embrace, and your spirits thrill in the discovery. For every human being has a Thought Adjuster, a presence of God within them, doing his pure spiritual best to inform them, to guide them into ever greater spirit. Still, this has to find expression in each individual mind--individually. In this the story of the tower of Babel is merely symbolic of the reality that everybody, to some degree, speaks their own language, comprehends by way of their own concepts. Yet here is precisely where your own Thought Adjuster, and my Spirit of Truth, and Mother Spirit’s Adjutant of Wisdom can help you recognize--as it were behind the words—another person’s more fundamental meaning. This is the ability you are all slowly growing, an ability to apprehend and appreciate another person’s soul, what they mean by, as you say, where they are coming from; what is their own history of experiencing spiritual truths. And this is quite a challenge. Just think: how do you bring about a one world of peace and harmony while at the same time not loosing anything of everyone’s past? Otherwise you would end up with some kind of cartoon caricature missing all the detail of the true history of the planet. There is only one way out, for you as an individual, for you all as a world civilization. You have to keep growing. At one and the same time, as you take in more and more of each other’s cultures and past experiences, if you keep discovering those true spiritual values that unite humankind, and grow your ability to understand them, to comprehend them, to encompass it all in a meaningful way, you will discover ever more your own limitless personality, your own mental abilities, your own all-embracing spiritual nature.
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Now do you have any questions along these, or any other lines?
Now do you have any questions along these, or any other lines?
Student: I have a question about the process of learning how to undo guilt. Why are so many people buried in guilt? Is it truly the cause of most of our own suffering.
Student: I have a question about the process of learning how to undo guilt. Why are so many people buried in guilt? Is it truly the cause of most of our own suffering.
(Undoing guilt)
*(Undoing guilt)
MICHAEL: Yes, my daughter, guilt is both a naturally occurring phenomena, but even more, just one more thing you pick up with your cultural conditioning. We see the main function of guilt as a kind of self-motivating technique. It is a way of critiquing what you have done, coming to a conclusion this was not very well done at all, and then preventing yourself from doing it again. But insofar as it is introduced to you at a very early age, you more or less absorb it as a fall-back technique, something that, like so many other things you’ve learned, is best dealt with by replacing it with something better. Guilt is mostly another species of habituation, an only half-conscious way of feeling bad about something so you don’t do it again. As such it can even be an indulgence, a way of atoning, a price you pay rather than…what?
MICHAEL: Yes, my daughter, guilt is both a naturally occurring phenomena, but even more, just one more thing you pick up with your cultural conditioning. We see the main function of guilt as a kind of self-motivating technique. It is a way of critiquing what you have done, coming to a conclusion this was not very well done at all, and then preventing yourself from doing it again. But insofar as it is introduced to you at a very early age, you more or less absorb it as a fall-back technique, something that, like so many other things you’ve learned, is best dealt with by replacing it with something better. Guilt is mostly another species of habituation, an only half-conscious way of feeling bad about something so you don’t do it again. As such it can even be an indulgence, a way of atoning, a price you pay rather than…what?
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But if we feel we’ve done things to harm another, but it was just—as you’ve said—the sheer self-indulgence of anger and hatred we kind-of get used to—could some of that stem from, say, childhood things—even things you have no recall of? Perhaps that meanness of spirit that came out towards someone else was directly related to something that happened to us we can’t recall?
But if we feel we’ve done things to harm another, but it was just—as you’ve said—the sheer self-indulgence of anger and hatred we kind-of get used to—could some of that stem from, say, childhood things—even things you have no recall of? Perhaps that meanness of spirit that came out towards someone else was directly related to something that happened to us we can’t recall?
(Trauma and conditioning)
*(Trauma and conditioning)
MICHAEL: Very much so, my daughter. This is why Mother Spirit and I have asked you from time to time to consider the thousands and thousands of hours in which you just absorbed what was around you as a very small child, before you had more than a rudimentary self-consciousness. This is when you often learned, maybe not through some traumatic experience that happened to you directly, but where you picked up the habit of anger just as a way of life, guilt as a way of dealing with mistakes. To your young mind this was what a human being was, and did. This is why those in a more modern society with a larger group of playmates and different families to contact are somewhat blessed compared to very primitive societies where the whole tribe will be of a certain mentality of anger and revenge and retribution, where life was almost an incessant warfare with the surrounding tribes: and completely unquestioned. This was what life was.
MICHAEL: Very much so, my daughter. This is why Mother Spirit and I have asked you from time to time to consider the thousands and thousands of hours in which you just absorbed what was around you as a very small child, before you had more than a rudimentary self-consciousness. This is when you often learned, maybe not through some traumatic experience that happened to you directly, but where you picked up the habit of anger just as a way of life, guilt as a way of dealing with mistakes. To your young mind this was what a human being was, and did. This is why those in a more modern society with a larger group of playmates and different families to contact are somewhat blessed compared to very primitive societies where the whole tribe will be of a certain mentality of anger and revenge and retribution, where life was almost an incessant warfare with the surrounding tribes: and completely unquestioned. This was what life was.
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So it’s interesting how all that I have come to understand through my own introspection, and my connection with You and Mother and the Teaching Mission, how it seems to be taking hold. It’s not so abstract; it’s becoming more concrete, and real. I feel more real, more aware of awareness.
So it’s interesting how all that I have come to understand through my own introspection, and my connection with You and Mother and the Teaching Mission, how it seems to be taking hold. It’s not so abstract; it’s becoming more concrete, and real. I feel more real, more aware of awareness.
(Ripples in spirit)
*(Ripples in spirit)
MICHAEL: Well, my son, you gave me a wonderful picture in your analogy of a ripple effect. I envisioned a pond so absolutely still on a bright sunny day that you forget it is water. All you can see is the clouds overhead scurrying by on the surface. So it seems that you are looking through some kind of transparent dimension into the sky itself with its clouds flying by. Then you drop in a pebble and all of a sudden you become aware of water. It’s not the sky. These ripples are in something that only a moment before was transparent.
MICHAEL: Well, my son, you gave me a wonderful picture in your analogy of a ripple effect. I envisioned a pond so absolutely still on a bright sunny day that you forget it is water. All you can see is the clouds overhead scurrying by on the surface. So it seems that you are looking through some kind of transparent dimension into the sky itself with its clouds flying by. Then you drop in a pebble and all of a sudden you become aware of water. It’s not the sky. These ripples are in something that only a moment before was transparent.
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This is your true destiny. As I said earlier, this growing by experience is the one way out of any temporal dilemma. This is where the universe--God’s creation itself--points. This is the way it, and he are going. So we welcome you.
This is your true destiny. As I said earlier, this growing by experience is the one way out of any temporal dilemma. This is where the universe--God’s creation itself--points. This is the way it, and he are going. So we welcome you.
Mother sends her Love, and I bid you to find, and thoroughly enjoy my peace within you. Good evening.
Mother sends her Love, and I bid you to find, and thoroughly enjoy my peace within you. Good evening.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Marin TeaM]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: JL]]
[[Category: 2006]]