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Michael—October 3, 2005
Marin TM Group—Mill Valley, California
      (Spirit Is Ever-new)
      (Spiritual—religious Autonomy)
      (The Essence of Change)
      (How Do We Know this Is Michael/jesus)
      (Luck—and the Teaching Mission in an Individual’s Life)
      (Commitment—to What)
      (Mankind’s Great Bugaboo)
      (Appreciating Other People)
      (Self-forgetfulness from the Inside-out)
      (Confronting Immaturity)
===Topic: ''Spirit Is Ever New''===
===Group: [[Marin TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[JL]]===
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, We wish to thank You for this whole series of recent lessons, especially for Your introducing us to the kinds of beings that we are. You’ve been assuring us of this greatest gift we have--our own souls--the eternal possession of everything of value that we experience and do. Then beyond ourselves, we have You, our spiritual parents. We feel so blessed that we are able to talk with You this way. So thank You for these blessings, reminding us that our Universal Father, the Father of us all, is as near as our next thought. Amen.
Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, We wish to thank You for this whole series of recent lessons, especially for Your introducing us to the kinds of beings that we are. You’ve been assuring us of this greatest gift we have--our own souls--the eternal possession of everything of value that we experience and do. Then beyond ourselves, we have You, our spiritual parents. We feel so blessed that we are able to talk with You this way. So thank You for these blessings, reminding us that our Universal Father, the Father of us all, is as near as our next thought. Amen.
MICHAEL: Good evening, My children, this is Michael. It always gladdens My heart to hear your discussions, and how—essentially--you are beginning to feel the enormous stirrings on Urantia. This is in large part why We have had so many lessons on what it is to be open-minded; to have all the past, all history for a marvelous possession, an enormous realm that you can explore endlessly very profitably; but always keeping in mind the growing and expanding nature of reality.
MICHAEL: Good evening, My children, this is Michael. It always gladdens My heart to hear your discussions, and how—essentially--you are beginning to feel the enormous stirrings on Urantia. This is in large part why We have had so many lessons on what it is to be open-minded; to have all the past, all history for a marvelous possession, an enormous realm that you can explore endlessly very profitably; but always keeping in mind the growing and expanding nature of reality.
(Spirit is ever-new)
* '''''Creativity''''' (Spirit is ever-new)
God is not only the Father of creation in the sense of everything that has brought you right up to this present moment, but He is the source of creativity itself. He does not have to repeat Himself. There is something constantly occurring and appearing within the continuity of all that has gone before. This is such a great aspect of your wisdom to recognize this. You can enjoy the past and delight in history--the continuing discovery of the true story all that has happened with those who have gone before you; but in a very critical way, you do not depend on it.
God is not only the Father of creation in the sense of everything that has brought you right up to this present moment, but He is the source of creativity itself. He does not have to repeat Himself. There is something constantly occurring and appearing within the continuity of all that has gone before. This is such a great aspect of your wisdom to recognize this. You can enjoy the past and delight in history--the continuing discovery of the true story all that has happened with those who have gone before you; but in a very critical way, you do not depend on it.
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Beyond the large physical happenings based on the earth going around the sun, and rotating, alongside these gross impersonal happenings is a realm of Spirit that is ever new, ever progressive. As you were wondering in your discussion this evening, yes, Urantia is beginning to witness very large spiritual phenomena and contacts such as this world has never known before. There is no Planetary Prince in residence who might have been here for half a million years creating a continuously evolving culture. There are no Material Son and Daughter on Urantia, who might have been parents for forty thousand years to thousands and thousands of pure violet children amalgamating with the human races; and all along serving as your immediate Planetary Mother and Father.
Beyond the large physical happenings based on the earth going around the sun, and rotating, alongside these gross impersonal happenings is a realm of Spirit that is ever new, ever progressive. As you were wondering in your discussion this evening, yes, Urantia is beginning to witness very large spiritual phenomena and contacts such as this world has never known before. There is no Planetary Prince in residence who might have been here for half a million years creating a continuously evolving culture. There are no Material Son and Daughter on Urantia, who might have been parents for forty thousand years to thousands and thousands of pure violet children amalgamating with the human races; and all along serving as your immediate Planetary Mother and Father.
(Spiritual—religious autonomy)
*'''''Correcting Time''''' (Spiritual—religious autonomy)
But now the Correcting Time is getting into full swing. The teachers are coming in greater numbers and, as your dear friend Welmek has informed you, this is truly one of the next large steps that the human race will encounter and embrace. More and more people will have their own spiritual teachers whom they are able to access daily, as often as they wish, and contact the vast realm of spiritual unity. Just consider how much more spiritually united the peoples of the earth can become when thousands and then millions of individuals are tuning in to this universal and profoundly unified realm of Spirit.
But now the Correcting Time is getting into full swing. The teachers are coming in greater numbers and, as your dear friend Welmek has informed you, this is truly one of the next large steps that the human race will encounter and embrace. More and more people will have their own spiritual teachers whom they are able to access daily, as often as they wish, and contact the vast realm of spiritual unity. Just consider how much more spiritually united the peoples of the earth can become when thousands and then millions of individuals are tuning in to this universal and profoundly unified realm of Spirit.
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For here you are empowered from the Source. You are also filled with Mother Spirit’s Adjutant of Worship in being thankful for the simple, yet profound fact of the existence of God. Once you begin to feel our Fathers embrace as something invigorating within you, you can recognize the gift of this ongoing, stupendous creativity of His bringing you a new moment, every moment. You can further realize that He is helping you discern what you need most of all from time to time: a clear choice that enables you to exercise you freedom. Once you begin to experience Him so, within, He fills all the hollow spots of adolescence so you may step into your full stature.
For here you are empowered from the Source. You are also filled with Mother Spirit’s Adjutant of Worship in being thankful for the simple, yet profound fact of the existence of God. Once you begin to feel our Fathers embrace as something invigorating within you, you can recognize the gift of this ongoing, stupendous creativity of His bringing you a new moment, every moment. You can further realize that He is helping you discern what you need most of all from time to time: a clear choice that enables you to exercise you freedom. Once you begin to experience Him so, within, He fills all the hollow spots of adolescence so you may step into your full stature.
(The essence of change)
* '''''Change''''' (The essence of change)
This is the essence of change. This is what it means to be a changed person. This is what it means to walk along on the earth, yet surrounded by infinity, within and without, marveling at the very un-graspable-ness of the enormity of reality. Recognizing this unfathomable infinity all about you, in every person you meet, in every new day dawning, you simply come home. This is what you were made for, My children, for this is what God has made for you. This unbounded universe is yours for the exploring. All these brothers and sisters, then beyond them, so many celestial personalities exist right now for you to discover. So rejoice and be exceedingly glad. Be of great good cheer. These profound facts are finally being recognized.
This is the essence of change. This is what it means to be a changed person. This is what it means to walk along on the earth, yet surrounded by infinity, within and without, marveling at the very un-graspable-ness of the enormity of reality. Recognizing this unfathomable infinity all about you, in every person you meet, in every new day dawning, you simply come home. This is what you were made for, My children, for this is what God has made for you. This unbounded universe is yours for the exploring. All these brothers and sisters, then beyond them, so many celestial personalities exist right now for you to discover. So rejoice and be exceedingly glad. Be of great good cheer. These profound facts are finally being recognized.
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If you have any questions or comments, I’m always happy to hear them. It’s always a joy to converse with you this way.
If you have any questions or comments, I’m always happy to hear them. It’s always a joy to converse with you this way.
Student: Michael, can I ask You a question? How do I know You are who You’re purported to be--the Earth Christ?
Student: Michael, can I ask You a question? How do I know You are who You’re purported to be--the Earth Christ?
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(Mankind’s great bugaboo)
(Mankind’s great bugaboo)
>From Our perspective, this is still one of the greatest mental/spiritual bugaboos of the human race that is indulged in so profoundly and so unconsciously in every realm, be it love or politics, business or families. You’re constantly retroactively judging yourselves based on information that you acquired only by trying and experimenting. Somehow you loose the thread of what is positively acquired. You cannot always feel yourself growing by each experiment, each new day’s experience. You risk losing—consciously—what you’ve acquired in your soul by this insecure finding fault with yourselves. And so We can only assure you through your faith and trust in Us, that you do have a soul, and that nothing of value is lost. And the greatest commitment of all is simply to be true to yourself. So continue to stay open, My son. Continue to wonder, as you always have, and give proper thanks and respect to all those younger views you once had—however correct or incorrect they seemed to be later—for they were the steps which got you to here, still wondering, still curious, still open, and still profoundly thankful. Mother and I thank you for your worship, My son, and your love for Us. So let My peace soak deep into your heart, and be glad.
From Our perspective, this is still one of the greatest mental/spiritual bugaboos of the human race that is indulged in so profoundly and so unconsciously in every realm, be it love or politics, business or families. You’re constantly retroactively judging yourselves based on information that you acquired only by trying and experimenting. Somehow you loose the thread of what is positively acquired. You cannot always feel yourself growing by each experiment, each new day’s experience. You risk losing—consciously—what you’ve acquired in your soul by this insecure finding fault with yourselves. And so We can only assure you through your faith and trust in Us, that you do have a soul, and that nothing of value is lost. And the greatest commitment of all is simply to be true to yourself. So continue to stay open, My son. Continue to wonder, as you always have, and give proper thanks and respect to all those younger views you once had—however correct or incorrect they seemed to be later—for they were the steps which got you to here, still wondering, still curious, still open, and still profoundly thankful. Mother and I thank you for your worship, My son, and your love for Us. So let My peace soak deep into your heart, and be glad.
Student: I am glad, Father, and I am reassured, and I do entertain the possibility that my life is going as it should go. It just gets lost in the shuffle every once in awhile, but I have ultimate faith in the Father--that He knows what He’s doing, and You and Mother know what You’re doing. So thank You for the reassurance.
Student: I am glad, Father, and I am reassured, and I do entertain the possibility that my life is going as it should go. It just gets lost in the shuffle every once in awhile, but I have ultimate faith in the Father--that He knows what He’s doing, and You and Mother know what You’re doing. So thank You for the reassurance.
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So let it be theirs. This is your generosity. If you have a clear perception of what would genuinely help them, just kind-of lovingly point them right at it until they can’t miss it; and let it be theirs. Again, I congratulate you for your curiosity, in the sense of your understanding. This is what builds up within you as a kind of groundwork to accept the good technique when it comes along; to recognize it. In this case, whenever you are overly self-absorbed or -attentive, just let it fade away in the rebirth of this greater perception. And reap the reward! And be in My peace.
So let it be theirs. This is your generosity. If you have a clear perception of what would genuinely help them, just kind-of lovingly point them right at it until they can’t miss it; and let it be theirs. Again, I congratulate you for your curiosity, in the sense of your understanding. This is what builds up within you as a kind of groundwork to accept the good technique when it comes along; to recognize it. In this case, whenever you are overly self-absorbed or -attentive, just let it fade away in the rebirth of this greater perception. And reap the reward! And be in My peace.
(Confronting immaturity)
* '''''Maturity''''' (lack thereof)
And so My children, you see how the game goes on. So much of what you are going through, day by day--personally, and what you are surrounded with, with other folks, are just all the various facets of immaturity. You are not yet perfect, but you weren’t created that way!
And so My children, you see how the game goes on. So much of what you are going through, day by day--personally, and what you are surrounded with, with other folks, are just all the various facets of immaturity. You are not yet perfect, but you weren’t created that way!
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Students: Good evening, Michael.
Students: Good evening, Michael.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Marin TeaM]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: JL]]
[[Category: Creativity]]
[[Category: Correcting Time]]
[[Category: Change]]
[[Category: 2005]]