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Alphonso:Good evening to each of you, and welcome to our newcomer. This is Alphonso and I want to speak to you tonight on the love of the Father.
Alphonso:Good evening to each of you, and welcome to our newcomer. This is Alphonso and I want to speak to you tonight on the love of the Father.
For many years people on this planet have been trained to fear God. They attempted to walk the Father’s path for fear of condemnation and damnation to hell. While it was at times, effective, it was a perversion of the character of God. Indeed, as God is the parent of each mortal on this planet, He has granted you each freewill and attempts to lead you toward loving service. As we have stated previously, the enlightened understand that love is the currency of the universe. It is not only the personality of the Father to be loving to all, but it is also in your best interests, as you will soon find that a loving attitude brings to you many opportunities for service. A selfless service, not one that is performed for the purpose of self aggrandizement, or to build up points in a celestial accounting. No. A loving attitude gives without concern for repayment. It transforms an otherwise obligatory performance into a joyful celebration of the brotherhood and sisterhood of all who are presently sojourning on this planet. What a blessing to be able to utilize your blessings, to pass the Father’s love, on, to those you encounter! When you approach your life with an attitude of love, as opposed to an attitude of duty, you will be transformed into the light being that you each are, if you would but open your hearts. And so this mission is in part, an attempt to shift an attitude, from one of obligation, motivated by fear and the avoidance of damnation, to one of love and joy in becoming a conduit for the Father’s love. This attitude shift is even now in progress, and from your discussions tonight, it is clear to us that you understand the benefits of a loving attitude and a life of selfless service to those less fortunate than yourselves. We commend you, and we encourage you. You’re the vanguard among many. The Father’s love rains down upon the saints and sinners of this planet, each having a fragment of the Father within them, each being led to a life of loving service. Be the catalyst, be the example, for each of you can create opportunities, can plant seeds for others who stand on the precipice of attitude change. Feel the love of the Father flowing across this land; unfurl your sails and be carried along with it. Light your lanterns so that the world will see. We are on momentous times, for love will soon replace fear as the motivating influence of the children of our loving Father. Amen, and goodnight.
For many years people on this planet have been trained to fear God. They attempted to walk the Father’s path for fear of condemnation and damnation to hell. While it was at times, effective, it was a perversion of the character of God. Indeed, as God is the parent of each mortal on this planet, He has granted you each freewill and attempts to lead you toward loving service. As we have stated previously, the enlightened understand that love is the currency of the universe. It is not only the personality of the Father to be loving to all, but it is also in your best interests, as you will soon find that a loving attitude brings to you many opportunities for service. A selfless service, not one that is performed for the purpose of self aggrandizement, or to build up points in a celestial accounting. No. A loving attitude gives without concern for repayment. It transforms an otherwise obligatory performance into a joyful celebration of the brotherhood and sisterhood of all who are presently sojourning on this planet. What a blessing to be able to utilize your blessings, to pass the Father’s love, on, to those you encounter! When you approach your life with an attitude of love, as opposed to an attitude of duty, you will be transformed into the light being that you each are, if you would but open your hearts. And so this mission is in part, an attempt to shift an attitude, from one of obligation, motivated by fear and the avoidance of damnation, to one of love and joy in becoming a conduit for the Father’s love. This attitude shift is even now in progress, and from your discussions tonight, it is clear to us that you understand the benefits of a loving attitude and a life of selfless service to those less fortunate than yourselves. We commend you, and we encourage you. You’re the vanguard among many. The Father’s love rains down upon the saints and sinners of this planet, each having a fragment of the Father within them, each being led to a life of loving service. Be the catalyst, be the example, for each of you can create opportunities, can plant seeds for others who stand on the precipice of attitude change. Feel the love of the Father flowing across this land; unfurl your sails and be carried along with it. Light your lanterns so that the world will see. We are on momentous times, for love will soon replace fear as the motivating influence of the children of our loving Father. Amen, and goodnight.
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Ambrose: Greetings, it is I Ambrose, he who loves you. I have no lesson to share with you this evening. I would instead like very much to participate (Ed: long pause) in your closing circle. My student was afraid I was going to suggest that she open her eyes, and in fact, that was exactly what I was going to suggest! This is not a difficult task, yet it is an uncomfortable one, I recognize that it takes a great deal of faith to let go, yet recognize, each of you, when you take that faith step whether small or great, you do stretch and build your faith muscles, and prepare yourselves for greater things in your future. My student is resisting, and that is alright, it is her right always, yet in my heart, I do know my little one and know she would........please bear with us, this is a lesson for this student and she wishes to pursue it......T/R opens eyes.....
Ambrose: Greetings, it is I Ambrose, he who loves you. I have no lesson to share with you this evening. I would instead like very much to participate (Ed: long pause) in your closing circle. My student was afraid I was going to suggest that she open her eyes, and in fact, that was exactly what I was going to suggest! This is not a difficult task, yet it is an uncomfortable one, I recognize that it takes a great deal of faith to let go, yet recognize, each of you, when you take that faith step whether small or great, you do stretch and build your faith muscles, and prepare yourselves for greater things in your future. My student is resisting, and that is alright, it is her right always, yet in my heart, I do know my little one and know she would........please bear with us, this is a lesson for this student and she wishes to pursue it......T/R opens eyes.....
Vincent: Y’all ready for a prayer circle?
Vincent: Y’all ready for a prayer circle?