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Teacher: Machiventa
We Take You AS You Are
T/r: Mark Rogers
June 16, 2005
===Topic: ''We Take You As You Are''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Machiventa]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Prayer: Divine Parents, once again we approach you as the children of yours that we are. We know that you would reach for us and embrace us in whatever state we may find ourselves. We would ask you for your support in this process and at this time, but we are certain of your willingness to provide this for us and we are certain that you are willing to embrace us whenever we gesture to approach you. So thank you in advance for your embrace and help us to stay focused and centered and to glean as much as we can from this communion that we both seek together, thank you.
Prayer: Divine Parents, once again we approach you as the children of yours that we are. We know that you would reach for us and embrace us in whatever state we may find ourselves. We would ask you for your support in this process and at this time, but we are certain of your willingness to provide this for us and we are certain that you are willing to embrace us whenever we gesture to approach you. So thank you in advance for your embrace and help us to stay focused and centered and to glean as much as we can from this communion that we both seek together, thank you.
Machiventa: Well this is Machiventa, and I would extend myself to bring you the assurance that we will in fact take you as you are at any time that you seek to approach us. We are fully aware that you are animal beings as well as spiritual beings and that this state of your dual nature by its very definition implies that you will be navigating between your material needs and your spiritual desires. We will never cease to reach towards you in hopes of your recognition and expect that we will encounter varied degrees of success as the demands upon your physical vehicles are a part of the mix that we encounter.
Machiventa: Well this is Machiventa, and I would extend myself to bring you the assurance that we will in fact take you as you are at any time that you seek to approach us. We are fully aware that you are animal beings as well as spiritual beings and that this state of your dual nature by its very definition implies that you will be navigating between your material needs and your spiritual desires. We will never cease to reach towards you in hopes of your recognition and expect that we will encounter varied degrees of success as the demands upon your physical vehicles are a part of the mix that we encounter.
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I would conclude my statement there but as I have mentioned before I would willingly entertain questions or dialogue with any of you whom I consider my comrades in this journey as we desire a deeper communication, so I make the offer and myself available.
I would conclude my statement there but as I have mentioned before I would willingly entertain questions or dialogue with any of you whom I consider my comrades in this journey as we desire a deeper communication, so I make the offer and myself available.
Comment: I would like to express my appreciation on such clarity on making choices and prioritizing, it was very helpful.
Comment: I would like to express my appreciation on such clarity on making choices and prioritizing, it was very helpful.
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You who sense it, you who feel it, you who are aware of it in your lives. It is you who are responsible for ushering this new state of being into reality. Do not wait for another to step forward. Assume this as your role. Welcome this as your privilege. portray this as your honor. The desire that you feel in your heart to manifest such a reality is there for a purpose. Avail yourselves of the stirrings of your hearts, the desires of your soul. Therein you will find your strength, your comfort, your peace and therein this world will find a new reality, a greater destiny, an enlarged understanding of the characteristics and nature of your divine parents. What a joy to embrace such a role as is before you and I encourage you all to embrace this in your lives, to seek this in your stillness, to petition this of your parents and then to make it so in your lives. Do this for yourselves and do this for your parents whose desire it is.
You who sense it, you who feel it, you who are aware of it in your lives. It is you who are responsible for ushering this new state of being into reality. Do not wait for another to step forward. Assume this as your role. Welcome this as your privilege. portray this as your honor. The desire that you feel in your heart to manifest such a reality is there for a purpose. Avail yourselves of the stirrings of your hearts, the desires of your soul. Therein you will find your strength, your comfort, your peace and therein this world will find a new reality, a greater destiny, an enlarged understanding of the characteristics and nature of your divine parents. What a joy to embrace such a role as is before you and I encourage you all to embrace this in your lives, to seek this in your stillness, to petition this of your parents and then to make it so in your lives. Do this for yourselves and do this for your parents whose desire it is.
I would release you all from this classroom and bid you farewell and peace in your journey and support as you make this new reality, as you fashion this new ideal on your world. I pledge my support to you and I can tell you plainly as you know in your hearts, you have the support of your divine parents. They provide you with everything and they would see this manifestation be made real through you. I will take my leave. Thank you all.
I would release you all from this classroom and bid you farewell and peace in your journey and support as you make this new reality, as you fashion this new ideal on your world. I pledge my support to you and I can tell you plainly as you know in your hearts, you have the support of your divine parents. They provide you with everything and they would see this manifestation be made real through you. I will take my leave. Thank you all.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Machiventa]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Acceptance]]
[[Category: 2005]]