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We will continue this training into the future.  It will be several weeks before we begin to ask you to demonstrate what you have heard.  We will do this aloud, with your eyes open and conscious of each other.  It will be a reporting of what you have heard.  As you are all beings of light, there is equality among all of you.  There is no chastisement, no guilt, and no condemnation in any of this activity, about any of your behaviors in the past, or your behaviors now.  This is all accepting, and you will find receptivity for your reporting in the days ahead.  Now I embrace you individually.  I am embracing you all.  You oftentimes come together in a group hug.  Know that I have my “wings” around all of you at this time.  I bless you; I have touched you; I have been with you deeply in your minds.  This is not an invasion, which you did not accept, but one that you invited.  I look forward to your return to my presence, next week.  Good night.
We will continue this training into the future.  It will be several weeks before we begin to ask you to demonstrate what you have heard.  We will do this aloud, with your eyes open and conscious of each other.  It will be a reporting of what you have heard.  As you are all beings of light, there is equality among all of you.  There is no chastisement, no guilt, and no condemnation in any of this activity, about any of your behaviors in the past, or your behaviors now.  This is all accepting, and you will find receptivity for your reporting in the days ahead.  Now I embrace you individually.  I am embracing you all.  You oftentimes come together in a group hug.  Know that I have my “wings” around all of you at this time.  I bless you; I have touched you; I have been with you deeply in your minds.  This is not an invasion, which you did not accept, but one that you invited.  I look forward to your return to my presence, next week.  Good night.
This is Issah. I am an Archangel and I work directly with Nebadonia, the Mother Spirit of this Local Universe.  Your group has specifically requested to begin your training, and this is in concert with your work in the Co-Creative Design Teams, to develop designs for sustaining your world. It is as important to assist the sustainability of the spiritual nature, or the spiritual development, and explore that in your world, during your lifetimes. You will find that the work of Sondjah and the Co-Creative Design Teams—although there is a compassionate, heart-centered orientation to that—it is still very intellectual. You have made it a cerebral enterprise, and whenever you drop into your heart energy, you will find that you will have answers, which your mind could not generate. Let me interject here first, that Sondjah appears to have closed the session for now, because it’s late and we will pick this up again next week. So rather than have a recap, as it looks like the groups are really doing well, so, when you go back to your teams next time Sondjah will massage that for us, okay? Certainly. We eventually will publish a workbook for everyone, and we will have these in hand. Would you read the 6 groups again?
This is Sondjah. It is very good to see you struggle with these issues, struggling with values, to find which are core and which are in orbit around those core values. You have done a good service for yourselves, to inquire, to wonder and to debate these issues, these values of a sustainable society, of a growing society, a progressive society. : This is Sondjah; let us continue. As we proceed farther and farther into the lessons, you will find that we are leaving a history, that there are issues which we have left behind, but once again in the future, we will resurrect the main succinct points and we will fulfill them. We will flesh them out and complete them, and these will be our findings—your findings and our findings—for this is a co-creative effort as you recall, and so these are "our" findings—you possess them, we possess them—they are "ours." Therefore, we have a mutual sharing of this activity and are the results of our combined efforts.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
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