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===Topic: ''Walking Together Through Change''===
===Group: [[Lightline TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Michael]], [[Monjoronson]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]]===
Prayer: Divine Parents, you know all things and therefore do you know
that we gather in this hour to come closer to you in this process that we
have created. Help us to join you in this hour, help us to receive that
which you would bring through your emissaries that we might receive your
grace from on high. We petition that we be used and activated as conduits,
individual light anchors that your grace may flow through us and into your
world, our world. We would do this with intention and purpose in this hour.
We have once again given expression to the thought that this is our desire
and we intend to follow through the word and into the deed in this very
hour. Please join us in this process or rather help us join you in this
process, thank you.

Michael: My dear ones, please come gather close to me, I am Michael and I
am your Father. I would stand and address you as your Father in this moment
and you may gather close to me with the very extension of your faith and
your will that this be so. And so, I feel you gather around me and I look
out upon you, bright shining souls each one, eager to approach me and come
forward and I would draw you all close by my side that I may speak words of
encouragement to you and express to you my love and bring to you my peace.
My dear ones, I cherish this relationship of parent and child as I see
you grow up right before my eyes; it brings me such pleasure I simply cannot
describe. To watch you grow is the satisfaction that every parent seeks in
this process and you all make me so very pleased and proud to see you
unfolding your potentials and becoming such splendid children. My dear ones,
I cherish this moment that we share together, these moments that we come
together as family and I would offer you my assurance that I will always be
watching over you as the parent who dotes over his children. There will
never be a time when I am distant from you-no rather I will be watching over
your shoulder and you as developing little ones may turn to me and say "look
what I can do" and I assure you that I will notice your actions.

I will witness your actions and they bring me such great pleasure. The
children desire to be assured by their parent that they are seen and noticed
and cherished and I assure you in this moment and always that you are seen
and noticed and cherished and every action is adored by your Mother and
Myself. And I am as well pleased that you desire to approach me, even to
follow me. As I go about doing my routine you would follow and you would
seek to imitate and this warms my heart as well. The relationship we have,
each one is unique and special, no two are the same and therefore your
individual relationships to me are sacred and adored. As your Father I will
make every effort to guide you and foster your development and I implore you
to seek my counsel when you are out and about engaged in your affairs and
you desire to be granted insight and direction. Simply turn to me, I am
right over your shoulder looking on and I will offer you the guidance you
seek. Likewise I will stand by you in your uncertainty and be there when you
glance in my direction. This is my solemn vow to you my children, I will
never forsake you.

And now as I savor this moment and this union between us and as I gaze
out upon you my good and faithful children I would desire to take my seat
among you and I would like to address you this hour as well as your brother
as it is my prerogative to do so.

As one who walked the very earth that you walk and had the very dust on my
feet that you have I share your awareness of what it is to be a mortal of
the realm, indeed a brother and I cherish this relationship with you as
well; the relationship of friend, comrade, associate, of brother of all who
are involved in the work of spirit and I would go out with you and walk with
you as you will allow.

I desire to work in the trenches with you to go out and labor in the
fields side by side with you and in this relationship that we have, again I
vow to be by your side. So whether you would seek my counsel as brother or
as Father, I assure you I will answer your call and I will volunteer my
services in the hour as they are requested. It is my greatest desire that
you seek me all along the path, all throughout the journey, not just on
special occasions or under special circumstances but in your everyday
comings and goings and in your everyday doing of The Father's will. It is my
desire to join you in this process and I perceive that it is your desire to
join me so let us join forces together.

Sometimes I will counsel you as parent who loves you beyond measure and
at other times it may be appropriate to address you as comrade, as fellow
servant of the light. Either way it is my joy and privilege to simply be
acknowledged in this process, to be welcomed into this arena that we create
side by side or from above and below. It is not my wish to create in your
absence, rather it is my desire to create through you. It is my desire that
you create and that I assist. Either way we are in partnership and as such
it matters not which direction the energy may flow at any moment in time.

I come to you tonight on the eve of what you all perceive. I would
address your question stated beforehand and confirm for you that which you
already know. We are engaged currently in a process of great change and flux
but I would bring you my assurance that all that would transpire is well
within my grasp and I am here to assure you, well within yours as well.
Change brings with it uncertainty and destabilization as you are confronted
with the unknown; but fear not my dear ones, I have just given you my solemn
commitment to be by your side throughout. When you experience the shifts in
energy you may be unsettled. This may occur in every dimension from your
physical vehicle, to your emotional stability, to your collective
consciousness, to your planetary vibration, to your universe and its very

But all of these changes are simply shifts in pattern. If you would keep
in mind that you are held in this divine pattern then it should matter
little to you when you observe these shifts before your eyes because you
are assured of your survival and your safety and I have told you that I will
be with you. There is nothing that will transpire that can shake these
truths. If you will hold firm to your conviction that this is so you will
certainly ride out the waves and endure the changes in pattern that will
transpire. Remember my dear ones, all that is of value is saved; that is,
all that is of spiritual significance is impenetrable and the only shifts
that will transpire are in the transformations of vibrations.

Everything that you perceive is in a state of vibration and these
vibrations are what are shifting and you are picking up on these shifts in
vibration and naturally they may bring you some doubts and uncertainty but
always come back to your center, to your impenetrable spiritual citadel of
the soul. There we meet, there you are safe, there all that is of value is
resident. It may be difficult for you to embrace that all the changes you
will witness are for the good as you witness apparent harshness as these
patterns shift and individuals attempts to cling to patterns which like the
shifting sands have changed, but I assure you that all that transpires is
part of my plan and my plan is part of the plan of the First Source and
Center; to bring you into higher vibrations, greater awareness, more
spiritual capacity and enhanced realization of your being.

But to do so there must be shifting and changing because as you recognize
we have some way to go in this process. There must be the shifting away of
the old and the repatterning of the new. But just as your seasons appear to
give way to change, so does your universe cycle, so does your individual
cycle, so does your collective cycle and while it may appear that the leaves
wither and die, there is rebirth already inherent in the pattern just
awaiting the signal of the season to bring forth new life. So it is with
this era of materialism. It is in its fall and the leaves have turned and
they are beginning to drop and we will see what appears to be a period of
great transformation as we prepare for our next signal to spring into new

I will remind you over and over again to fear not, only believe, only trust,
only have faith in that which you know within and when in doubt, seek my
counsel. I am with you always and will never fail to comfort you and remind
you that this is so.

I would address another question offered, and that being- is there some
collective good that can be accomplished with the meeting of great spiritual
light workers? To this I emphatically say yes, of course, by all means.
Every time there is intelligent application of your intention there are
results which far transcend your abilities to perceive; and so you are
correct in your observations that it will be greatly beneficial to pool
together as many light anchors, as many light workers, as many purveyors of
spirit as you can assemble anywhere, anytime. You need not wait for some far
off event. If you are inspired and urged then this is a calling you might
follow. Even a group such as this, apparently small, is great in the eyes of
those who can see the light for each one of you acts as this conduit that
you mentioned and when you are thus positioned we may then work through you,
with you.

When you act collectively such as in this moment there is an exponential
power, a gridwork that we can infuse with spirit and that can act as a web
to anchor this entire country in spirit. It is not how many and how great an
audience, it is how devoted the few who assemble are and your devotion
provides the necessary latitude for us to use your energy and direct and
focus, adding our energy to your circuitry and as you have been told when I
so desire and when you so desire as well then we so desire, then certainly
all things are possible. Mistake not the power that we have in simply
aligning ourselves in this way; both collectively here and now and
individually as you may find yourselves out in the real world and positioned
just appropriately to be used, then all things are possible.So form any and
every opportunity you can, individually and collectively, form yourselves to
be used in just such a way and you will be used in just such a way. Those
who rise and volunteer are those who are used as it is never our way to
commandeer the will of a single individual.

I invite you to flip your concept and as time proceeds and you feel these
changes in vibration, which you most certainly will, to see them as a gift.
They are a cosmic reminder to you that grace is flowing from on high. The
very changes that you perceive are as a result of this grace, are the very
manifestation in your world of divine pattern and repattern. So when you
perceive them, thank The Father above. Be in an attitude of gratitude for
that sense of discomfort, for that sense of unease because these are the
precursors to the real change that is at hand.

Rather than see them as uncertain and causing doubt and even fear, stop,
and flip your awareness and be thankful that you are in a position and at a
time to receive such confirmation of grace bestowed. Even, when you witness
what you would judge as ungodly changes, I assure you they are quite godly
and well within the scope of what is planned and what will be executed on
your behalf and on behalf of your species and your planet- your Mother. You
all are aware that in order to get to a state of healthfulness it is
sometimes necessary to endure a fever and I tell you it is the same
principle if when you got the fever, you were thankful that the process was
underway, it would go much smoother for you rather than being at odds with
the circumstances because they do not appear friendly or welcome.

Likewise, when you see these changes before your eyes, no matter what, I
invite you to see them as the precursors to the health and welfare of all.
Hold fast my dear ones, to your inner certainty and security that you are
loved and cared for, that you will never be forsaken and that truly all is
well and getting better and better. If you maintain this attitude, your
journey through transition will be far smoother and easier than if you are
at odds with what transpires. Know that you are loved beyond measure. You
cannot conceive the degree to which you are loved and nurtured and
cherished, each one, but one day you will come close enough to US to feel
our embrace and know of a certainty that which you must now embrace in

These are my words and I would leave you with a profound sense of peace
in this moment that you may take with you as your possession, keep with you
at all times and reflect upon as you so desire. It is my gift to you my
dear ones and it is only the beginning of all that I desire that you have.
Please take this gift, even now. I would take my leave now, only in voice as
I have stated, I walk with you moment by moment and will rejoice every time
we are engaged in partnership, farewell.

Monjoronson: I would greet you as well, I am Monjoronson, inspired by
the embrace of your Father/brother. Truly there is no greater love than what
we have just witnessed in this hour and I have no words of any significance
that can rival the messages of love and peace that were offered. I merely
would add my commitment to the commitment you have already received that I
too am here to work with you. You are the avenues through which this work
will be done and I am honored to be in the capacity of one who has been
chosen to oversee such work. I will as well be steadfast in my commitment to
be there for you as we plow new ground together. There is much work to be
done and there are not as many workers as we might desire; therefore are you
all the more cherished in the roles that you play in partnership to be the
ones to channel the spiritual energy out and abroad.

Take to heart these words of comfort and assurance for they are your
stability and your peace throughout the process you find yourselves in and
know of a certainty of your connection to this process. We are indeed
coworkers and will grow to be familiar comrades in service together. I would
no longer interfere in your experience of relationship to your
Father/brother but simply bid you adieu and join with you in savoring this
experience and these moments, thank you, goodbye.
Mark: This is Mark and I have no more teachers lined up at this time to
speak, however they are all present and should any one of you have any
desire to interface with them then so be it.

Comment: Thank you brother Michael for your assurance that you are with
us during this repatterning time to partner with us as we appreciate the
experience as mortal beings of the...grace flowing so strongly and
apparently, so apparently as to catch our materialistic attention and I
thank you for the comfort of flipping my perspective, my position to
recognize these coming adjustments as being precursors to planetary
brotherhood of oneness and reaching up and outward into the universe as
members, as more conscious universe cosmic brothers and sisters and I feel
your hand on my shoulder as I walk through my day, thank you.

Michael: My dear one, statements such as that truly warm my heart. I am
pleased that you sense my hand on your shoulders that is my desire and if
you have sensed that then my desire has been realized in your life and it is
I who thank you. It is not necessary that we thank each other but I accept
your gesture and I offer mine but my dear one we are family and as such we
should be secure in the love for each other and I am touched that you are
touched and I join you in your attitude of gratitude, thank you.

Comment: Oh, then let get to work and stop fiddle fallying around. We can
link arms and yes, be quite brotherly and sisterly about arms around the
waist and faith to the work and that is wonderful and I don't think
irreverent attitude toward the immense amount of energy coming at us from on
high and the peace that you give us that welcomes this energy, this grace to
pass through us to the world as we walk around and not a feeling of awe or
humbleness or exhilaration. Yes, we're all linked in family, our arms are
linked around each others waist and arms are linked together, we are all
walking out into the world and I thank you for welling up that spirit
feeling in me. I'll pass my thanks to The Father because as you say, you're
part of The Father's plan. The next time we come to a nexus, an intersection
of this kind of godliness it might be many transition worlds away, mighty
messengers stuff away, but this is such a bonus to be able to be
experiencing this grace passing through us while we're still in a mortal
body. I'm so thankful for that.

Michael: Me too my dear one, you can't know how thankful I am and how
much joy it brings me to observe your statement. Yes, let us go about this
with joy, with exuberance and excitement. Nothing would please me more,
nothing. All the reverence and solemness in the world does not brighten the
day as joy and love and exuberance. Those are the qualities that truly lift
the spirit. So yes I will join you hand in hand, arm in arm. Let us be about
this in great joy, even showing our light and our love when others are not
joyful that they might see it and be raised.

Comment: Hello Michael, [hello], how are you? [Wonderful, how are you?]
Awesome, I'm so glad as human beings we can share at this juncture in time
and space on the verge of so many great things that are happening to our
planet. It is quite an experience to be able to anticipate this even before
it becomes a reality and to have the faith to believe in it and to witness
it afterwards will be a thrilling thing.....[the remainder was

Michael: I echo your sentiments of enthusiasm because at every episode of
flux and change there is present in that moment the chance to create, the
chance to bring divinity into the equation and you all, we all will be faced
with many shifts before us, each one an opportunity to create, an
opportunity to direct our intentions for the highest possible good and as
you have stated it is nigh impossible to express to others what these
potentials are all about. Rather we need to directly experience them and
wield our cocreative prerogatives and then we will know of a certainty these
will become our experiences, our treasures that we then may offer to the
First Source and Center and bring to Him and say look what we experienced,
look what we created. Just like the little child, daddy, daddy, look what we
can do. This is our moment in time to do and as the saying goes my friend,
you have seen nothing yet.

Comment: Well we're waiting with our eyes wide open.

Michael: And you my dear ones will not be caught off guard. You have been
told and informed of the very changes that have been affecting your
molecular structure and so it is that you know and so it is that you can
become comfortable with these changes. But there are many out there who you
will need to minister to who have no such awareness and have not benefited
from the contact that you enjoy. They will be disconcerted, their feathers
will be ruffled, the sands will shift under their feet and they will not
have the conviction that you possess and therein lies your opportunities for
ministry. I will go with you and we will bring words of peace and love and
encouragement to my other children who have not heard. I trust that you all
will help me with my other children.

I love them as well and I would speak to them as I speak to you now. I
will speak to them through you when you are in their presence if you will
partner with me and it will sound just like you, it will be your voice, it
will be your words of vocabulary, it will be your basic understandings of
principles but I will be there and I will inject spirit into your ministry
because it is my ministry, it is our ministry. This is my desire and I know
you each will help me as I desire to do this for all the others as well. And
to those as you know, who much has been given, much will be expected and
many will approach you because they see the peace that you possess and it
will then become your privilege and your honor to share your peace and your
love and my peace and my love through you as well.

We will do this not once, not twice, but perhaps for the rest of the days
that you walk on this earth. We will do this as often as you can remember
and as frequently as you find yourselves in position to do so. This is my
desire, this is how I am made manifest on your world- through you, as you.
It will be your face they see, it will be your life experience that you
share but I will add my tone to your voice, I will add my love to your
expression and they will sense that there is something deep and this you
will do for me as well as for them.

Comment: Well then brother, now in this circle of light workers tonight
on this telephone circuit, pour into us your power of grace and your power
of love and your assistance so that when our brothers and sisters turn to us
we can reach down and pick up an ordinary stone, an ordinary piece of gravel
and have it remind us at that time of this diamond of impenetrable peace
which we have experienced tonight in your words and keep in our hearts. Let
us remember to pause and reach down and pick up some common piece of the
earth when presented with the opportunity that you have prepared us for to
speak for You.

Michael: My sister, you know not the power of what you have just done.
You have once again created the avenue that you so desire. Your expression
and your willingness have completed the necessary circuitry of the thought,
the word and now the deed and so it is, I assure you even now. Take this
gift as I have stated, even now in this moment. It is my gift and it is my
charge as you so desire. You are now encircuited as my representatives in
the flesh. As you have made your desire known, so shall it be. It is
consistent with my desire and because it has issued forth from you then it
is aligned with the universal law of attraction and you have stated your
desire and now it may be so.

I commission you, those who would accept this charge, here and now in
this moment, to act for me, even to act as Me. This is not to burden you
with an obligation but rather to offer you an opportunity. And all that I
desire is that you be exactly who you are and do exactly what you do with
the addition that you allow Me to commingle energies with you, that you open
this door and that you come in with your intention, with your desire and
having done so I will assure you that I will come in and as a partner with
you, we then may minister. You all minister regularly as a part of your
everyday lives. All I am asking is to be invited in to your process that I
may add my tone and bring my peace and add it to what you already are
offering and are willing to give. That is all I desire, is to follow you in
this process and in that way, then you are following Me.

Let's make it so, day by day, hour by hour, every moment a new
opportunity, a new circumstance before us, let's make it so. It is not
enough that you have provided me latitude in this moment, I accept your
offer of this moment but as well you must provide me latitude in each moment
because every moment is new and different and you must declare your
intentions again and again. Do you still choose to let Me in? Is it still
your desire or have you forgotten our partnership in this moment. By
rechoosing in each moment you realign yourselves with Me and then we may
flow together but I will never assume day to day even hour to hour that I am
constantly welcomed into your arena. I will await your gestures and when I
see you give Me the nod I will be there sooner every time.
Thank you my dear ones for your dedication and devotion. I take my leave
now but as I have stated, I am with you always. I simply would release this
t/r and you as well from your patient application to my words. Thank you and

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Monjoronson]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Change]]
[[Category: 2007]]