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===Topic: ''Questions on Energy''===
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Monjoronson]]===
===TR: [[Mark Rogers]], [[Henry Z.]]===
Prayer: Divine Parents and ministering spirits, thank you so much for your
presence in our lives. It's a transforming experience to make contact with
you and be with you. We treasure it in this life journey beyond words or
description. Thank you for being there for us, with us in these times. We
welcome you in all that we would do in ministry and service. It is our
desire to be pleasing in your sight in all that we do.
Question # 1: [Mary] This person is asking about energy and is asking you to
spend some time describing how we individually work as energy generators and
wonders if by changing the thoughts we think, can we refine the energy of
our consciousness to vibrate in the same way that the energy of your
consciousness vibrates and thereby establish a connection?

Answer # 1: [Mark] Monjoronson: Greetings my friend and thank you for your
thoughtful question. Your question touches on some of the most very basic
components to be recognized and appreciated in your entire existence. You
mention energy and its many forms and this is well embraced as a powerful
factor as all things are energy. You are a combination of different energy
circuits, all matter is energy slowed, all things are energy of one form or
another and this when embraced can illuminate for you the right perspective
on energy and its various forms, its manipulation and how to work with its
systems. This is done through the other component of your question, through
the aspect of thought and yes, it is with this aspect of thought that you
are able to bring these factors into perspective and eventually under your

Through the use of the tool of your mind, you can literally transform
energy. You do it all the time on a regular basis, energy come(s) to you and
you take it in, assimilate it, transform it, become part of it. Energy is
moving through you, you are a creator of energy as well, you are a First
Source and Center of your own energy field that you generate. This is done
with your endowment of life force from on high and simply as a result of
being you are as well a source of creation. When you begin to see yourself
as part of the great energy system you may access these many energy circuits
and utilize their characteristics to bend them with your will. It is of
great value for you to pursue greater perspective on energy and your
relationship to it, to become more associated with the many energies
involved brings you great latitude to condition your environment and to
have some control as a result of your use of your own will.

Question #2: [Mary] Here is another energy related question and it stems
from part of the Urantia Book. It is in the adjuster and the soul paper and
the section called the human paradox and the questioner quotes a short
paragraph from this section and asks if you could please explain this
paragraph. I will go ahead and read it: "When man wishes to modify physical
reality, be it himself or his environment he succeeds to the extent that he
has discovered the ways and means of controlling matter and directing
energy. Unaided mind in impotent to influence anything material save its own
physical mechanism with which it is inescapably linked but through the
intelligent use of the body mechanism, mind can create other mechanisms,
even energy relationships and living relationships by the utilization of
which this mind can increasingly control and even dominate its physical
level in the universe." The questioner would like you to please explain this
paragraph, thank you.

Monjoronson: [Henry Z.] Greetings, this is Monjoronson. Thank you very much
for your question. Part of the explanation of this paragraph is based on the
relationship of the human mind in full acknowledgement of the indwelling
thought adjuster. Mind itself, the creative aspect of mind, the part of the
mind that supplies idea, the part of the mind conscious on the planet is the
mind circuitry of the universe Mother Spirit. One of the conditions on this
paragraph contends with mans ability to perceive in thoughts, and eventually
in action to access higher thought patterns and thereby higher and much more
righteous outworking of the thought processes of ideas. Mankind has not
reached a full capacity to access all that mind has to offer. Man, for the most part
has not reached a level of awareness and communication with the indwelling
adjuster to further understand a higher consciousness.

It takes a tremendous amount of will and faith and trust to transform ones
present reality. There is no simple way in which to understand that mans
energy, mans thoughts and mans actions are in complete harmony and
synchronicity with the promptings of the indwelling adjuster. It is true in
an ideal sense, the type of mind mankind on Urantia is loaned. It is
designed to accommodate all that man is capable of perceiving, of creating
in consciousness in his mind. Therefore this paragraph refers to the ideal
in man, that man could master his own destiny, that man can master his own
self, that man can master his own relationships with other humans. In this ideal
it is possible for mankind as an individual as well to excel and to be able to bring a
greater sense of divine awareness into consciousness. For the most part this
is not tremendously practiced and sought after on your planet.

Question # 3: [Mary] Thank you for addressing that question Monjoronson.
There are a couple of questions here which I will try to synthesize a little
bit, take liberty to do that. People here have a lot of favorite books they
like to read for example the Urantia Book, perhaps other books but sometimes
we have a source of information that means a lot to us and that we respect
and in the course of life we come across other information that seems to
contradict yet still carry some truth somehow and I believe I could
synthesize a couple of questions by just asking you to address some of the
difficulties we humans have in exercising discernment with the information
that comes across our path. Thank you.

Monjoronson: [Henry Z.] Greetings again, this is Monjoronson, thank you for
this question. This is a very important question is it not, the question of
human discernment. It seems there are many source texts on your world which have
varying amounts of truth. One of the problems humans particularly face is
being of the mind that is highly conditioned by what your mind will accept
as truth or as information which needs further exercise....It is
tremendously difficult for the human mind, without strong faith in knowing
who you are and what parts make you up as concerns the thought adjuster and
other spiritual influences such as Michael's Spirit of Truth. Therefore in a
spiritual sense, discernment is an aspect of faith, in knowingness, in
having a sense of reality based consciousness.

When you are searching for reality based consciousness in reading text,
there are indications within the mind, adjuster indications which prompt you
to pay attention to certain passages, certain thoughts. If the mind is
unaffected by its filtering mechanism of previous references and cherished
thought patterns, it may be very difficult for a human to correctly discern
what to pay attention to, what not to pay attention to. If the information
is important in a persons plan which The Father has for this persons life,
this person will particularly be prompted when accessing this information in
whatever text. This is why, even in the Urantia Book, it is important to pay
attention to what you are drawn to, what speaks to you the loudest.

These are usually the things that one has to pay particular attention to.
One has to come to understand and incorporate some of the concepts into a
human life, into human consciousness especially working with the thought
adjuster, the indwelling fragment from the First Source and Center. In all
efforts of discernment one must not be ruled by fear. By fear of certain
ideas, fear of confronting ones limitations, fear in realizing that one has
to become responsible for ones own life, for ones own actions, for ones own
thoughts; fear of the responsibility which comes from understanding greater
awareness. These fears block and alter discernment directly. Again an open
mind is necessary for true discernment. Strong faith, acknowledgment, trust,
spiritual presence, spiritual guidance, spiritual influence profoundly helps
the individual and if further clarification is needed one has only to ask
for guidance and help in understanding and discerning on any level as to how to
access particular information.

This is particularly important at this time when there is access to so much
information, so many seemingly contradicting opinions, ideas and directions; it
is helpful to have a larger picture of reality, one in which the framework
of the truth you want to discern can be placed ..... and referenced. Thank
you for your question.

Question # 4: [Mary] We thank you so much for taking your time to be with us
and listening to our questions. There is a question asked which stated that
the Lucifer rebellion was adjudicated in 1985 and that in the case of
Gabriel vrs. Lucifer that Lucifer was annihilated. The questioner would like
to know if other of the characters that we've come to know who were players
in the Lucifer Rebellion were also annihilated; Satan, Caligastia,
Daligastia, that's the question, thank you.

Monjoronson: [Henry Z.] Greetings again, this is Monjoronson. Thank you for
your question concerning the rebel administrators of the Lucifer Rebellion
in the system of Satania. Indeed the adjudication process.....the
annihilation that you speak of has not taken place. Lucifer and subordinate
associates have certainly been given ample time for consideration of their
next phase. What I am limited to share with you is the adjudication involves
areas of rehabilitation, areas of service......and in some cases new lives
as different beings have taken place for some of the adjudicated. While it
is not tremendously important, the destiny of the perpetrators of the
rebellion as concerns Urantia mortals, more importantly are the lingering
vibrations which having been set in motion have rendered your planet in the
condition which exists today.

Though the perpetrators have long since been removed from interfering in
human affairs, humans have been tremendously slow in responding to a greater
sense of priority such as the brotherhood and sisterhood of all mankind and
the Fatherhood of the First Source and Center. Do not be apprehensive or
shocked that the universe sovereign Michael has tremendous compassion, mercy
and love for all of His sons though it is a tremendous loss when beings of
light flicker and fall, it is also a tragedy when humans extinguish the only
light they have. Be aware that justice on a universe level may not hold the
same attitude as does justice on a mere mortal level as you experience on your
world; therefore again in using discernment, it is necessary to accept these
statements in faith, trust and understanding that the universe methods are
replete. Thank you for your question,

Question # 5; [Mary] Thank you again Monjoronson. I feel that time is
growing long here this evening and I will go ahead and pose one more
question. It's somewhat personal from a person on the website and I'm not
sure it's a question you would like to address but I'm going to ask it
because it was asked. This person wants to know what their eventual mission
for the correcting time is and they wonder if they co-operate with God's
will they will end up in Missouri and they also are wondering if they were
perhaps interviewed by a member of your staff Monjoronson. If you would like
to address this question as the final one this evening we would appreciate
it, we also understand if it's getting long.

Monjoronson: Greetings again, this is Monjoronson. As it grows late we will
answer this one more question, again I thank you for the question. In the
correcting time it is important to come to an understanding of ones choices
in the grand scheme of reality, those choices being to acknowledge and
co-ordinate consciousness with the indwelling adjuster. There are myriads of
celestial help available helping to teach people, students to access greater
purpose and sense of who they are and who they could be. To prepare oneself
to know who one is and where one stands, where ones allegiance [may] lie.
This is the correcting time and once individuals begin working with the
inner guidance, basic things as attitudes, behavior, habits start to shift
as the human mind is brought into a more alignment of divine consciousness
for that individual.

As concerns the part of the question as to where you will be led, trust that
all consideration are given to what you truly desire. To believe in what
you truly desire is in accordance with the divine mandatesbe ye perfect
as I AM perfect. God The Father desires all His children recognize and live
in accordance with their understanding of Him and as concerns the third
part of the question, yes many are being contacted as now I speak, still
everyone has a chance to be a part of this correcting time, this Magisterial
Mission. No efforts will go unnoticed and all who are willing will not be
turned away.
Thank you for your question and good evening.

Mark: Good evening to you Monjoronson and once again we very much appreciate
your coming and joining with us in this process together. We will gather
more questions and meet with you next week, thank you. [Thank you.]

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Lightline TeaM]]
[[Category: Thought Adjuster]]
[[Category: Monjoronson]]
[[Category: Mark Rogers]]
[[Category: Energy]]
[[Category: 2008]]