
New page: North Idaho Teaching Mission Group Topics: Your Integrated Self, Community, Joy, Finding Your Role, How Would You Make The New Earth? Teachers: Machiventa, Unidentified, Monjoronson, Micha...
North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Your Integrated Self, Community, Joy, Finding Your Role, How Would You Make The
New Earth?
Teachers: Machiventa, Unidentified, Monjoronson, Michael

April 22, 2007

* Machiventa (John TR): .... This is Machiventa... conversation. This gathering of
love and aspiration is admirable and will be a way of life on this planet. As you make
your way toward completion, your grand dreams do not require boundaries or position or
obstacles, for, in the flow of things, in conjunction with Michael’s plan, with the
Father as the source and Mother as the action and you as a director, you, in conjunction
with the harmony of all, can create anything you desire; for as you lift your vibration,
as you lift your awareness, you become your integrated higher self. It is a matter of
timing; it is a matter of trust; it is a matter of faith, for the Father knows your
greatest desires; He knows your grandest dreams. He also knows your universal career.

In making these dreams, in making these grand creations of love and service, do not
forget the day to day service to your brothers and sisters, for it does not change
things; it is not an either or or; it is your gift to have multi-layered projects. As
you look at your lives, your day to day lives, you can see how busy you are; you can see
how many activities you are involved in. You can see how you multi-task and how you
contact people and talk to people, for you are Michael’s voice. You are the Father’s
love, and this is what you came to do. You are helping your brothers and sisters to come
alive, to realize their own greatness, to empower them and bring them out of the deep
sleep they have been in for such a long time. This is the new quiet, and it’s not a snap
of the finger; it is not a blink of time where somebody becomes aware. It is a step by
step process, and as you go through the step by step processes you are learning the idea
of community, the community of love that you are so successfully involved in within your
growth and your extended group.

Be vigilant as you create. Do not neglect the day to day connections, the day to
day contacts, with your brothers and sisters, for there are administrators, there are the
spiritual soldiers in the field, there are roles for everyone to play, and it will come
down where there will be no boundaries; there will only be a universe of love and
connection and universal brother- and sisterhood. This is the ideal to live for, this is
the sight, the beautiful universal plan to keep within view as you who have planned all
this yourselves, soldiers in the trenches of love for the Father and the universe.

I will step aside as I continue on with my relationship with you which I enjoy so

* unidentified (Mary): My dear friends, greetings. It is good to be within your
circle this morning.

I invite you to participate in a simple exercise with me, to simply indulge in the
joy of being in this moment at this time. With every intake of breath, with every beat
of your heart, experience the joy of being alive, the exhilaration of knowing that in
this moment you are conscious of your beingness and your partnership with divinity. Oh,
such ... and also the intended joy of the camaraderie of fellowship with fellow beings,
Earthly friendship spread far and wide yet still close to the heart, the heart’s beat.
Your soul does sing with the simple joy of being alive.

Let go at this moment of the need to establish control or participate in an agenda
or tackle a list or any of those other things that are useful tools, but in this moment I
do invite you to breathe the completeness of simply being.

I count you all as my friends, and I so much appreciate the partnership and the joy
of our fellowship.

* Monjoronson (Mark): I am Monjoronson once again I am here as the direct result of
your willingness to welcome me and accommodate me. I will proceed along similar lines of
inviting you to participate with me in something very simple as well.

Having heard your discussion I realize that you, each one, are desiring to find the
role that you should best play to fulfill the will of your divine parents. And your
ideas of what that might be may tend to run away with you at times when you are
attempting to project what your vision might be of how to be of greatest assistance. My
invitation to you in this hour is that you have only one true contribution to make, and
that is your sincere desire and subsequent commitment to do the will of Michael
throughout any process. That is the one factor that you have to contribute which is
entirely under your control and up to you to offer.

The material affairs of this universe may quite well be orchestrated from on high
but not without adequate ground support and commitment from those who are partners in
this process of what turns out to appear to you as a result of material manifestation. I
declare to you that your perception is rather backwards and that the material
manifestations you perceive in this life are rather the direct result of your spiritual
alignment to the will of the Father and not, as might be perceived, the other way around.
Your family of humans has long since said to the heavens, “Send me a sign so that I might
believe”. But you have all grown in your awareness beyond such a limited understanding
of spiritual connection, and you have grown aware in this process and altered your
position and your petition of spirit to now declare, “Let my faith be strong and let any
material manifestations arise as a result of my faith”.

The key is your faith. The key is your awareness of your role to play in this
equation. You may leave the details and the material manifestation to other departments
of jurisdiction. Your commitment is simple and genuine and is quite personal. You
simply have offered your alignment with the will of the Father. Your willingness to be
led and your commitment to follow where you are led, those are the ingredients the
universe seeks of you; those are all that you have to give in this equation. What
transpires as a result of your offering is beyond your control, beyond your jurisdiction.
But your faith, your commitment, your sincerity, those are under your jurisdiction and
completely yours to offer.

These are the factors which are the final pieces that fall into place, the last
links in the chain between what the Father desires and what the mortals of the realm will
be. Leave all the grand manifestation to the powers that be. Never hesitate to make
your desires known, your wishes stated to the universe, but always allow that your
contributions that you make may be altered and redirected towards that which is most in
alignment with what you really need, what your interests really are, and what the desires
of your heart would bring you in the process. In this way your jobs are quite simple, to
keep offering your intention, your commitment, to be used by those who have superior
discernment over the best use of such creative potential.

Allow that, as the directors that you are, there may come changes to your scripts
and alterations to your plans as more and more a perfected pattern is presented to you.
Likewise will I support your notion that the effect of your pooling your resources is far
more similar to multiplication than to simple addition, for whenever you align yourselves
collectively you are actively engaged in a multiplication of intentions far beyond your
ability to perceive. That is what is so hoped when any large group of individuals pool
their collective energies together; they become a vast resource to be directed by those
on high. So it is with all of you coming together to multiply your intentions through
the use of your collective power.

Thank you for your diligent attendance once again as we continue our process of
deeper and greater illumination and subsequent awareness. I allow this podium now for
the use of others and leave you with my gratitude for hearing my words.

Jonathan: Shanti. Peace. Om shanti All inclusive, ever-present peace. Nirmal
shanti. Pure peace. Shanti, shanti, om.

* Michael (Sheila): I am your brother Michael. I’ve been in the circle ... you in
awe. I sit in the circle of co-creators, those who in miraculous faith ... again my name
with willingness and intention. Without knowing what you are doing I watched you create
a new being you called Light. And now you desire to give her a home because you believe
you are capable of providing her heaven on Earth. You believe you have what it takes to
make a home right there on your world to extend in love your highest and deepest desires
to enhance, enrich, develop your relationship with her and with Wave. As it is exactly
what we would expect from this powerfully intended group, after all, what parent does not
want to provide for their children? And even in knowing that she has the whole universe,
you attempt to reel her in and in your efforts to provide heaven on Earth here and now.
And again, this does not surprise us one bit.

You have been asked many times, how would you make the new Earth? How would it
feel? How would you act? What would you do? And as usual this group of most loving and
willing partners starts creating ideas. We absolutely are aware of your desires, of your
willingness, of your intentions. We are most perfectly aware of your caution to not go
outside of the big plan, to not interrupt or sway away from. Since throughout this life
we were always perfectly aware of your ability, of your grandness, of your possibility.
It is not us on this side who have to believe in you, because we already do. What we are
asking you is to believe in yourselves. And we make ourselves available in any and every
moment to nudge you forward, to help you remember, to share in the greatness of
yourselves with one another. Look at your growth just in your last several years. Look
at the relationships between all of you, the sharing, the intimacy. This group is not a
mere rosebud; this group is a flower in full bloom with all its essence. You are ready
to share with the world who you are, what you have done, what you desire. There is not a
moment within each and every one of you that you have not immediately called upon us or
included us. This team that you are is so much larger than you know, and when you call
upon a group intention it is not just by those you can see but also by those you cannot

I am your brother Michael, and I walk with you, and I desire with you, and I will
intend with you. Oh great ones, holders of your world, co-creators in this universe,
know who you are, know what you can achieve. Know yourselves as I do. Take possession.