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===Topic: ''Monjoronson Q & A Session 78''===
===Group: [[N. Idaho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Monjoronson]]===
===TR: [[Henry Z.]]===
Prayer: Father [[connect]] us in this [[love]], hold us in oneness as we attempt again to articulate the [[spiritual]] [[vibration]] such as a needle picks up musical vibrations off of a vinyl record, [as if] to [[touch]] [[spirit]] in this [[moment]]. Thank you [[Universal Father|Father]] for this.

Monjoronson: Greetings this evening, this is Monjoronson and back to the [[Dialogue|question and answer]] concerns for our electronic data base. Thank you for the effort that keeps me connected to this level of the [[population]], thank you.

Mary: Welcome Monjoronson, thank you for coming along.
===='''''[[Soul]]''''' '''''[[Groups|Families]]'''''====
Question #1: This questioner want to know if perhaps [[Thought Adjuster]]s proceed out from the [[First Source]] as groupings or identities. Might the Thought Adjusters and their associations with each other somehow come into play with determining who we find ourselves in [[relationship]] with and to during our [[physical]] life?

Monjoronson: Thank you for this question. To answer this question I will [[reference]] the [[Urantia papers]] [[text]] to the [[sphere]] of [[activity]] called [[Divinington]] which is a somewhat secretive and off base sphere. Yet what is known is that Thought Adjusters arrive on Divinington, are given assignments. After they have [[secured]] them they are tested. They are not sent out as [[groups]] and there are not many details as to how it is known or either what constitutes the [[decisions]] and choices made by these Thought Adjusters that go out and work within [[different]] [[types]] of [[human]] [[race|species]].

Since [[Thought Adjuster]]s can operate continuously from one [[individual]] on one sphere to another individual on another sphere at another time intermittently does not give any [[rational]] explanation to the inner workings of these [[infinite]] and [[creative]] aspects of the [[First Source and Center]]. What is certain is that there is an innate ability as drops of water have an innate ability to coagulate together into one large puddle, so do the Thought Adjusters have a propensity to engage in inter-[[communication]] and coordination of activities based on the [[responsibility]] of the indwelt subject.

There have been in recent times, more [[self-acting Adjusters]] sent to inhabit the [[children]] of [[Urantia]]. They exhibit a more [[aggressive]] [[nature]], a nature of [[light]] within the [[being]] which exerts itself directly within [[darkness]]. Thought Adjusters do not return to [[the Father]] on completion of [[service]]. They return to Divinington and are reassigned. One can only [[imagine]] the storehouse of intricate [[information]] which goes into coordinating these [[perfect]] aspects of the Father. Thank you for this question.

[Philip] Preamble: Monjoronson, It's always been my understanding that at some point my Adjuster would [[fuse]] with me and we would be around forever. Of late I've read and heard several inferences which was much like the one you've brought forward, that our Adjusters, when the mission was done, return to Divinington to be re-assigned which seems to implicate we are not always going to have our Adjuster with us. The reason I [[think]] it important is because I've always taken it for granted that my Adjuster would be with me and I could always ask Him [questions] when in a more conversant mode. It's important to me that if He perhaps isn't always going to be around, that maybe I'd pay a little more [[attention]] while He's with me even though if billions of years down the road, at some point it sounds like, He is taking His leave.

Question #2: It this where the gap between the 6th degree [[finaliter]] and the 7th degree is? Do we become perfected then and go back into [[service]] in this universe or maybe on to the [[Outer Space|outer universes]]? Could you speak to that please?

Monjoronson: Thank you very much for this concern and let me say that I should have clarified my statement about the Adjusters returning to [[Divinington]] after the job was done. After the job is done, refers to the when the human has rejected, finally rejected, consciously rejected the [[influence]] of the Adjuster within ones [[mind]] and that [[person]] has chosen, if that person is on the [[mansion worlds]], that person has chosen annihilation. Or if it happens on the world of [[nativity]], the Adjusters do not return and the persons are not re-personalized.

What is referred to as the Adjuster's terminating their jobs sometimes refers to Adjuster indwelt mortals who are not of the Adjuster [[fusion]] series yet they entertain the Adjusters for a lifetime to gather experiential [[experience]]s before they are [[embraced]] by either [[the Son]], [[the Spirit]] or [[the Father]]. There are many reasons why Adjusters indwell humans and do not fuse with them. Make no mistake as to your present situation and ordeal of living with your own Adjuster; the final agreement has not been negotiated in this life and it will continue through the [[portal]] as your are re-personalized with your Adjuster and yes, the intermediate [[space]], the interim space which exists between your [[death]] and your [[resurrection]], the Adjusters do sojourn at Divinington and refresh their next course of attainment with their human subjects on the mansion worlds.

So be not concerned that you will not have adequate time made available for use to gain the [[wisdom]] of the [ages] and [[fuse]] with your Adjuster. Obviously there are still some lessons to learn. The [[mansion worlds]] provide adequate resources to accommodate the various levels of Adjuster activity that humans entertain with their Adjuster. The spiritualization of a human is usually a group effort from the spiritual standpoint. Does this answer your question?

Philip: Yes, it sure does, you scared me a little bit. I just got a little pang of loneliness all of a sudden and I'm encouraged by that answer, thank you.

Monjoronson: Well thank you for this concern and the occasion to respond greater as to what is meant by when the Adjuster's job is done.

(Multiple Uses & [[Meanings]] of the [[Word]] Race:

Preamble: This next question has to do with the use of the word race in some [[references]] within the [[Urantia Book]], in particular this questioner recalls that the Urantia Book mentions that at the [[resurrection]] halls we will be segregated by race and then they are speculating that perhaps 'by race' they don't mean the colored races like on a planet but that perhaps the race of mortal beings from a particular planet like the human race from Urantia as opposed to a mortal race from another planet.

Question #3: Are we correct to call all [[species]] variations on one planet its human race?

Monjoronson: Thank you for this question. This question and the [[material]] from which it references in the [[Urantia Book]] is based on the [[fact]] that within [[Grand Universe|the universes]], the Universe of [[Nebadon]] in particular and within the [[system]] of Nebadon, the initial [[morontia]] [[experience]]s are set up to provide [[security]], familiarity and an [[environment]] in which the individuals [[grow]] to finish the [[training]] to become one with the [[Thought Adjuster|Indwelt Spirit]]. On most [[normal]] worlds, most of the races have already been amalgamated, they have been brought into a blending of one race. In those instances, in the initial mansion world experiences this is usually what is meant, segregating into races, planets or beings who translate that have not been amalgamated and in particular, worlds such as Urantia which have not very much blending in terms of all of the [[genetics]].

It therefore becomes necessary on the mansion worlds to [[segregate]] in terms of families, social [[Groups|groupings]], groupings which become familiar when one crosses over. It is true all of the different genetic makeups within the family of man or a race of humans, this is certainly true. There is an outworking which amalgamated and blended races don't have to go through which people which exhibit other racial tendencies [that] have to make adjustments and again, these generalizations have nothing to do with the specific nature of [[Urantia]] [[mortals]] who make it to the [[mansion worlds]] or make it to the [[probation]] areas of the mansion worlds.

Most of the segregation is done by man himself. Considerations are taken into account as to the [[nature]] and [[sensitivity]] of the [[individual]]. There are many aspects of the mansion worlds which humans will find peculiar yet there are [[functional]] factors which go into deciding how the mansion worlds conduct their [[business]]. Again there are large groupings of families into [[communities]] in the initial mansion world [[state]]s. At this [[time]] I cannot say much more about this, thank you.

===='''''[[Cosmology/TeaM|The Age of the Universe]]'''''====

Preamble: There seems to be a [[difference]] between the age that [[scientists]] think the [[universe]] is and the age which the universe is according to the [[Urantia Book]].

Question #4: Are we correct to infer from the Urantia Book that the age of the universe is far older than what our modern science is saying?

Monjoronson: Thank you for this question. Urantia scientists have not completely understood all aspects of [[cosmological]] [[relationships]]. What Urantia scientists call the ages are references to conditions and reactions which took place at the actual formation of the Universe of [[Nebadon]] which took a tremendous [[time]] to establish an order and maintain order within all of these suns. The scientists on Urantia see from a [[linear]] time relationship which is not the same time relationship which exists on the universe level of Nebadon. The [[references]] in the Urantia Book are based on [[universe]] [[time]] relationships. References within your [[Satania|local system]] and within your own planetary systems are referenced to those time levels, the system level and the planetary level. Urantia scientists cannot be expected to reference things in universe time relationships. Thank you for this question.

Preamble: The questioner says that there must be, apparently from [[science]], that we know there are four fundamental [[forces]] from [[nature]] that have to be in an exact [[ratio]] for life to [[exist]]. [[gravity]], [[electromagnetism]], [[nuclear strong force]], [[nuclear weak force]]

Question #5: Do these [[energies]] have to be in place before the [[creation]] of the stars and planets? Are the [[Architects of the Master Universe]] the actual creators of the stars and the planets and afterwards the [[Creator Sons]] manipulate them to begin their [[local universe]]?

Monjoronson: The activities of the Master Architects deal in the [[physical]] attributes and actualities of the universe as well as the [[time]] and [[relationship]] [[activities]] of the universe and the spacial [[quality]] to the actual [[Grand Universe]]; the coordination of universes within the Grand Universe comes under the direction of the Master Architects and their constituents. The Master Architects hail from [[Paradise]] to [[reflect]] the [[Havona]] [[pattern]] through the [[Master Spirit]] of the particular [[Superuniverse]] of their designation and coordinate all activities based upon these patterns. The Master Architects [[design]] and credit the [[intentions]] of the Michaels to complete their universes yet it is not the activities of the Master Architects themselves which create the [[quantum]] [[motion|movement]] of [[energy]] and [[mass]] which create the stars and the massive [[heaven]]ly bodies yet they are all meticulously designed within the [[consciousness]] of the Master Architects. The [[Grand Universe]], [[physically]], is a [[reflection]] of their hand in its [[manipulation]], thank you.

Question #6: One [[reader]] pointed out that they felt that the [[Big Bang]] is the "Roar of the [[I Am]]." Using that label, was there. In the [[time space]] universes, any roar made by the I Am which we can [[physically]] [[Observation|examine]]?

Monjoronson: Again, this question stems from the activity of the Master Architects for the specific universe of [[time and space]]. In [[essence]] they have been commissioned by [[Paradise]] through the activities of the [[Paradise Trinity|Central Deities]] to perform in [[Havona]]-like [[manner]], the repercussive qualities of time and space as it is reflected from within Havona. Rather, the roar of the [[I Am]] is the initial contact of the [[Thought Adjuster]] to its indwelling subject when that subject has reached the final stages which precede Adjuster [[fusion]] in which the Adjuster makes direct contact. This is at the end of the Hall of Ages, that long and somewhat tedious undertaking which is made tedious by the [[animal]] [[nature]] of the subjects sphere of habitation. There is not much [[reference]] for this phenomenon on [[Urantia]] at this time and we are ever hopeful. Thank you for this question.
Mary: Thank you Monjoronson for addressing these questions. The human [[mind]] is quite serious about trying to figure out [[things]] about the [[physical]] [[universe]] and the [[Urantia Book]] brings up a lot of these questions in peoples minds and I appreciate you addressing some of them. That is the end of tonight's questions, thank you.

Monjoronson: Thank you again for this opportunity to shed a little more [[light]] of clarification on some of the [[concepts]] which people are trying to negotiate within their own minds, to see them more [[Clarity|clearly]] and [[understand]] them with a greater reference or with the references they do have, to understand more about the universe. One of the peculiar things about the way that things are set up; things are set up on a need to know basis, if you need to know something, that will be [[revealed]] to you. All [[information]] serves all people, particular information serves particular [[individuals]]. Thank you for the effort extended to qualify the questions that you ask at these sessions. Good evening.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: N. Idaho TeaM]]
[[Category: Monjoronson]]
[[Category: Henry Z.]]
[[Category: Soul]]
[[Category: Groups]]
[[Category: Race]]
[[Category: Cosmology/TeaM]]
[[Category: Thought Adjusters]]
[[Category: 2009]]