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===Topic: ''Giving, Sharing, and Receiving Gifts''===
===Group: [[S. Colorado TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Eregon]], [[Elowain-ha]]===
===TR: [[Jo Ann]]===
EREGON: We are with you, [[children]] of [[light]], [[seekers]] of [[wisdom]], activists for [[light]], torchbearers, and [[heart]] singers. We [[welcome]] you as you welcome us to this [[sacred]] [[space]], [[created]] with your [[intention]] and your [[energy]]. We delight to fellowship with you in this way. This is Eregon, and with me is Elowain-ha, also a teacher.
As you are approaching your holiday season, our lesson tonight is on the [[spirit]] of giving and [[sharing]] and receiving. We come to you with [[joyful]] anticipation, much as you go into your gift-giving [[circles]] in times of [[sharing]] with your loved ones in this holiday season. We come to you with the delight of sharing something we [[love]] to give and to share with you. It is the [[presence]] and [[love]] of our Grandparent, the [[Spirit Within]] that unites us all in every [[type]] of [[family]] gathering. We are ONE with the great [[First Source and Center|Source and Center]] of all. There are so many gifts in this [[relationship]]: such an astonishing [[potential]] for [[growth]], [[goodness]], [[perception]]. We truly delight to be able to contact with you in this way, to see your brightly burning spirits, hungry for [[spiritual]] connections, and we assure you that we also crave this kind of connection with you, not simply for the [[beauty]] of [[relationship]], but because it becomes a part of the greater [[good]] for each of us to be more strongly linked with that [[spirit within]], which [[guides]] us through life, and through the lives beyond this life.

You have—each of you—such a great gift within you. It is a rare [[human]] indeed, who appreciates the [[value]], and places this [[relationship]] in a deservedly prominent point in their lives, where they are never unaware of this [[divine]] [[presence]] and guide. This spirit within is a gift of such astonishing proportions, [[dimensions]] and possibilities, and it is truly impossible for you to completely [[understand]] and appreciate what you have as a resource in your every [[moment]], of every day of your lives. The [[Divine]] truly looks out through your eyes, [[perceives]] the world through your [[mind]], and seeks to [[teach]] you the most [[ideal]] use you can make of your [[talents]], your skills and your [[experience]]. It is merely a matter of [[seeking]], of [[desiring]] on your part, to activate the [[divine]] [[potential]] in every area and aspect of your life, be it your [[work]], your [[family]], your [[home]], your future directions, all your [[friendships]], and even the rescue of [[relationships]] that seem less than fulfilling. Yes, you can even learn to appreciate certain aspects of [[relationships]] that you have left behind, because they hurt or were damaging to you. [[Everything]]—every [[event]], every [[potential]], every possibility—has a divine potential and possibility, as well as what you see in front of you in the [[material]] world.

When you learn to [[create]] the [[habit]] of seeking this, at every noticeable [[choice]]-point, you are living an [[enlightened]] life. Is enlightened living what you seek? What you yearn for, to move along the [[perfected]] [[path]] of [[wisdom]], each step of the way? To feel the [[divine]] [[presence]] every time you shake a hand, see it when you look into every one’s eyes? This is truly “the gift that keeps on giving,” children. Have you sought out ways to make this more real, more [[meaningful]], and more noticeable in your lives? Can you [[imagine]] becoming more aware in this way? We do not wish in any way to discount the efforts that each of you has made to [[grow]] spiritually in this life, but we can assure you there is no end to the [[progress]] you can continue to make. There is no [[human]] living that does not have room to grow even greater awareness.

It is awareness, [[focus]] and [[attention]] that [[determine]] your [[experience]], [[moment]]-by-moment, day-by-day and year-by-year, as you [[progress]] through your [[material]] life span. Even when you are not consciously aware of it, it is you who is [[choosing]] where to place your [[attention]], and it is the placement of attention that determines the [[nature]] of your [[experience]].

You hear the [[expression]], “Joy to the World,” “Tidings of Comfort and Joy,” “Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men”—this is what your [[celestial]] benefactors are willing and able to provide for you, and it is through your willing [[cooperation]] and your focus of [[attention]] that these [[things]] are achieved; achieved on a [[personal]] level, all the way to a global level. It is the [[joy]] and the [[peace]] and the [[love]] and goodwill in the [[heart]] of each and every [[human being]], that creates a network that uplifts the [[consciousness]] of all [[humanity]]. And while there is no such thing as too much of these good [[things]], we are still able to assure you that every instant you live in joy, peace, [[harmony]], love and goodwill, you are enriching the lives of those around you, and more.

Will you choose again today, tomorrow, the next day, and every day, to assist us in bringing your [[planet]] to higher levels of awareness, by increasing your own, and at the same time, enjoy the gift of focusing your attention on love, peace, joy, harmony and goodwill? You are [[worthy]] of it; you deserve to have this enriched [[experience]]. We long to take your spiritual hand and walk with you on the path, and point out the [[beauty]] of sparkling flowers and dewdrops of spiritual [[attunement]]; the shining stars, the precious [[relationships]] and their [[moments]] of [[friendship]]. You have available a wealth and grandeur, truly beyond your capacity to imagine in most cases. What we are saying in [[essence]] is: Choose, again and again to enjoy, to live in joy. There is no harm in such spiritual optimism, and why not enrich your [[body]], [[mind]] and [[spirit]], with the positive [[emotions]], [[feelings]], and yes, even the hormonal responses that come from feeling good. We say again, you deserve it; you were created to enjoy it and to sustain it.

If there is one among you who is willing, we would ask you to make a [[personal]] commitment to consciously—at least once daily—find something to be [[joyful]] about. Perhaps many of you are willing to make a personal commitment to find joy on a daily basis. It could be [[profound]] or simple joy—a baby’s smile, a [[memory]] of a kiss, [[gratitude]] for the depths of [[meditation]]—this is a gift we would like to give you with this challenge, this question that we say is a gift you will give yourself as well, and the [[universe]] too.

We would ask at this time that you take a moment to be in [[silence]] and search your awareness, even in this [[moment]], for something that either now or in the past, gives you [[joy]]. (Pause.) We thank you for participating in [[feeling]] joy.

Treat your planet with loving [[kindness]], by giving loving kindness to all those around you. In every instance that you can do this, you are helping to create a sustainable future. Thank you for gathering and [[listening]]. This is Eregon. There is another here.

ELOWAIN-HA: This is Elowain-ha. I have long been present here, observing the [[progressive]] struggles through many generations. I wish also to encourage you in your [[idealistic]] endeavors to bring about better times for your [[planet]], each of you in the way you are drawn to do. There is no part too small to be done poorly. Every part makes a [[difference]] for the whole. We do so dearly love you all, and though we cannot do all [[things]] for you, we are willing to assist in many directions.

You face many [[challenges]], [[individually]] and globally. [[Consciousness]] and awareness are changing. The consciousness of [[humanity]] continues to be uplifted at a greater rate than it has in past generations. You are part of this swelling tide. It is good that humanity [[understands]] the [[things]] that are happening now are not punishments from God, but are a result in part of the way that you, as a [[race]], have lived on your world for the last several hundred years.

It is [[good]] that you understand—many of you—that responsibility must be taken to [[act]], to [[create]] new ways of [[being]], even if these things are not agreed about globally and acted on globally, small pockets of aware and activist [[individuals]] again create a network that begins to uplift the whole. There is no part too small to play well. There is no thing that you are [[inspired]] to do that is too little. Every bit counts, and every bit done with [[spiritual]] [[intention]] and [[sincerity]] of [[desire]] is enlarged and enriched by your spiritual benefactors. We urge you to [[trust]] that this is so, and continue to pour your [[hearts]] and [[souls]] into those [[things]] that you [[know]] and [[feel]] you can do, to make things better in all kinds of ways, from the most [[mundane]] and [[material]], to the most [[ideal]] and [[spiritual]]. [[Act]] upon your [[inspirations]]. We do so love to see this because it is the opening into your world, where our actions can enrich those of the human ideals and create something even better.
We [[encourage]] you, we thank you, we appreciate you, and we [[love]] to [[work]] with you—[[co-creation]] is what we call it—and we love the [[souls]] that participate in such [[actions]]. Thank you and blessings on all your holiday gatherings. Thank you for [[being]] with us this evening; you are well loved. Good evening.

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