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'''Talent''' is generally considered to be an innate, [[personal]] gift possessed by [[relatively]] few people. In [[essence]], someone with talent has an aptitude to do certain [[things]].

Talent (in the sense of natural ability or giftedness) is not the same as [[skill]], which is a learned [[process]], and one which is enhanced or inhibited by an underlying talent.
[ Middle English], from [ Old English] talente, from [[Latin]] talenta, plural of talentum unit of weight or [[money]], from [[Greek]] talanton pan of a scale, weight; akin to Greek tlēnai to bear; in senses 2–5, from the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14–30 —
*Date: before [ 12th century]
*1 a : any of several ancient units of weight
:b : a unit of value equal to the value of a talent of gold or silver
*2 archaic : a characteristic feature, aptitude, or disposition of a person or animal
*3 : the natural endowments of a person
*4 a : a special often athletic, creative, or artistic aptitude
:b : general intelligence or mental power : ability
*5 : a person of talent or a group of persons of talent in a field or activity

[[Category: General Reference]]