
1,857 bytes added ,  12:59, 26 January 2010
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame '''Instinct''' is the inherent disposition of a living organism toward a particular behavior. The fixed [[act...'

'''Instinct''' is the inherent disposition of a living [[organism]] toward a particular [[behavior]]. The fixed [[action]] [[patterns]] are unlearned and inherited. The stimuli can be variable due to imprinting in a sensitive period or also [[Genetics|genetically]] fixed. Examples of instinctual fixed action patterns can be [[observed]] in the [[behavior]] of [[animals]], which perform various activities (sometimes [[complex]]) that are not based upon prior [[experience]], such as reproduction, and feeding among insects. Sea turtles, hatched on a beach, [[automatic]]ally move toward the ocean, and honeybees [[communicate]] by [[dance]] the direction of a food source, all without [[formal]] [[Training|instruction]]. Other examples include animal fighting, animal courtship behavior, internal escape [[functions]], and building of nests. Another term for the same concept is innate behavior.

Instinctual actions - in contrast to actions based on [[learning]] which are served by [[memory]] and which provide [[individually]] stored successful [[reactions]] built upon [[experience]] - have no learning curve, they are hard-wired and ready to use without learning. Some instinctual behaviors depend on [[Maturity|maturational]] processes to appear.

Biological predispositions are innate biologically [[vector]]ed behaviors that can be easily learned. For example in one hour a baby colt can learn to stand, walk, glide, skip, hop and run. Learning is required to fine tune the neurological wiring [[reflex]] like behavior. True reflexes can be distinguished from instincts by their seat in the [[nervous system]]; reflexes are controlled by spinal or other peripheral ganglia, but instincts are the province of the [[brain]].[]

[[Category: Biology]]