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Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame '''Van''', "the Steadfast", was a member of the 100 repersonalized ascendant souls serving as support...'

'''Van''', "the [[Steadfast]]", was a member of the 100 repersonalized [[ascendant]] [[souls]] serving as [[support]] staff to [[Caligastia]], the onetime [[Planetary Prince]] of [[Urantia]]. He served as director of the supreme [[court]] of tribal [[co-ordination]] and racial [[co-operation]] that [[functioned]] as the court of appeals for the other nine special commissions of the Prince's staff charged with the supervision of ''human'' affairs. He distinguished himself when

<blockquote>shortly after [[Satan]]' s inspection and when the [[planetary]] [[administration]] was on the eve of the [[realization]] of great [[things]] on [[Urantia]], one day, midwinter of the northern continents, Caligastia held a prolonged conference with his associate, [[Daligastia]], after which the latter called the ten councils of Urantia in session extraordinary. This assembly was opened with the [[statement]] that Prince Caligastia was about to proclaim himself [[absolute]] [[sovereign]] of [[Urantia]] and demanded that all [[administrative]] groups abdicate by resigning all of their [[functions]] and [[powers]] into the hands of Daligastia as trustee, pending the reorganization of the planetary [[government]] and the subsequent redistribution of these offices of [[administrative]] [[authority]].</blockquote>

<blockquote>The presentation of this astounding demand was followed by the masterly appeal of '''Van''', chairman of the supreme council of co-ordination. This distinguished [[administrator]] and able [[Jury|jurist]] branded the proposed [[course]] of Caligastia as an [[act]] bordering on [[planetary]] [[rebellion]] and appealed to his conferees to abstain from all [[participation]] until an appeal could be taken to [[Lucifer]], the [[System Sovereign]] of [[Satania]]; and he won the [[support]] of the entire staff. Accordingly, appeal was taken to [[Jerusem]], and forthwith came back the orders designating [[Caligastia]] as supreme sovereign on Urantia and commanding [[absolute]] and unquestioning [[Loyalty|allegiance]] to his [[mandates]]. And it was in reply to this amazing message that the [[noble]] Van made his memorable address of seven hours' length in which he formally drew his indictment of [[Daligastia]], [[Caligastia]], and [[Lucifer]] as standing in contempt of the [[sovereignty]] of the [[universe]] of [[Nebadon]]; and he appealed to the [[Most Highs]] of [[Edentia]] for [[support]] and [[confirmation]].</blockquote>

<blockquote>Meantime the [[system]] [[circuits]] had been severed; [[Urantia]] was isolated. Every [[group]] of [[celestial]] life on the planet found itself suddenly and without warning [[isolated]], utterly cut off from all outside [[counsel]] and advice.</blockquote>

<blockquote>[[Daligastia]] [[formally]] proclaimed [[Caligastia]] "[[God]] of [[Urantia]] and [[supreme]] over all." With this proclamation before them, the issues were clearly drawn; and each [[group]] drew off by itself and began deliberations, [[discussions]] destined [[eventually]] to determine the fate of every superhuman [[personality]] on the [[planet]].</blockquote>

<blockquote>[[Seraphim]] and [[cherubim]] and other [[celestial]] [[beings]] were involved in the [[decisions]] of this bitter struggle, this long and [[sinful]] [[conflict]]. Many superhuman [[groups]] that [[chanced]] to be on [[Urantia]] at the time of its isolation were detained here and, like the seraphim and their associates, were compelled to choose between [[sin]] and [[righteousness]]—between the ways of [[Lucifer]] and the will of [[Universal Father|the unseen Father]].</blockquote>

<blockquote>For more than seven years this struggle continued. Not until every [[personality]] concerned had made a final [[decision]], would or did the [[authorities]] of [[Edentia]] interfere or [[intervene]]. Not until then did Van and his loyal associates receive [[vindication]] and release from their prolonged [[anxiety]] and intolerable [[suspense]].</blockquote>

The followers of Van early withdrew to the highlands [ west of India], where they were exempt from attacks by the confused [[races]] of the lowlands, and from which place of retirement they planned for the rehabilitation of the world as their early [ Badonite predecessors] had once all unwittingly [[worked]] for the welfare of [[mankind]] just before the days of the birth of the [ Sangik tribes].

Before the arrival of the [[Melchizedek]] receivers, Van placed the [[administration]] of human affairs in the hands of ten commissions of four each, [[groups]] identical with those of the [[Planetary Prince|Prince's regime]]. The senior resident [[Life Carriers]] assumed temporary [[leadership]] of this council of forty, which functioned throughout the seven years of waiting. Similar [[groups]] of [ Amadonites] assumed these [[responsibilities]] when the thirty-nine loyal staff members returned to [[Jerusem]].

These [ Amadonites] were derived from the group of 144 loyal [ Andonites] to which '''''Amadon''''' belonged, and who have become known by his name. This [[group]] comprised thirty-nine men and one hundred and five women. Fifty-six of this [[number]] were of [[immortality]] [[status]], and all (except Amadon) were [[translated]] along with the [[loyal]] members of the staff. The remainder of this noble band continued on [[earth]] to the end of their [[mortal]] days under the [[leadership]] of Van and Amadon. They were the [[biologic]] leaven which multiplied and continued to furnish [[leadership]] for the world down through the long dark ages of the postrebellion era.

Van was left on [[Urantia]] until the time of [ Adam], remaining as titular head of all superhuman [[personalities]] [[functioning]] on the [[planet]]. He and Amadon were sustained by the [[technique]] of the [ tree of life] in conjunction with the specialized life ministry of the [[Melchizedeks]] for over one hundred and fifty thousand years.

The affairs of [[Urantia]] were for a long time [[administered]] by a council of planetary receivers, twelve [[Melchizedeks]], confirmed by the [[mandate]] of the senior [[constellation]] ruler, the [[Most High]] Father of [[Norlatiadek]]. Associated with the Melchizedek receivers was an advisory council consisting of: one of the loyal aids of the [[Caligastia|fallen Prince]], the two resident [[Life Carriers]], a [ Trinitized Son] in apprenticeship [[training]], a volunteer [[Teacher Son]], a [[Brilliant Evening Star]] of Avalon (periodically), the chiefs of [[seraphim]] and [[cherubim]], advisers from two neighboring planets, the director general of subordinate angelic life, and Van, the commander in chief of the [[midway creatures]]. And thus was [[Urantia]] [[governed]] and [[administered]] until the arrival of [ Adam]. It is not strange that the [[courageous]] and [[loyal]] Van was assigned a place on the council of planetary receivers which for so long [[administered]] the affairs of [[Urantia]].

The twelve [[Melchizedek]] receivers of Urantia did heroic [[work]]. They preserved the remnants of [[civilization]], and their planetary [[policies]] were faithfully [[executed]] by Van. Within one thousand years after [[the rebellion]] he had more than three hundred and fifty advanced [[groups]] scattered abroad in the world. These outposts of civilization consisted largely of the descendants of the loyal [ Andonites] slightly admixed with the [ Sangik races], particularly the [ blue men], and with the [ Nodites].

Notwithstanding the terrible setback of [[rebellion]] there were many good strains of [[biologic]] [[promise]] on [[earth]]. Under the supervision of the [[Melchizedek]] receivers, Van and Amadon continued the [[work]] of fostering the [[natural]] [[evolution]] of the [[human]] [[race]], carrying forward the [[physical]] [[evolution]] of man until it reached that culminating [[attainment]] which warranted the dispatch of a [ Material Son and Daughter] to [[Urantia]].

Van and Amadon remained on earth until shortly after the arrival of [ Adam and Eve]. Some years thereafter they were translated to [[Jerusem]], where Van was reunited with his waiting [[Adjuster]]. Van now serves in behalf of Urantia while awaiting the order to go forward on the [[Ascension Career|long, long trail]] to [[Paradise]] [[perfection]] and the unrevealed [[destiny]] of the assembling [[Corps of Mortal Finality]].

It should be recorded that, when Van appealed to the [[Most Highs]] of [[Edentia]] after [[Lucifer]] had sustained [[Caligastia]] on [[Urantia]], the [[Constellation Fathers]] dispatched an [[immediate]] decision sustaining Van on every point of his contention. This verdict failed to reach him because the planetary [[circuits]] of [[communication]] were severed while it was in transit. Only recently was this actual ruling [[discovered]] lodged in the possession of a relay [[energy]] [[transmitter]] where it had been marooned ever since the [[isolation]] of [[Urantia]]. Without this [[discovery]], made as the result of the [[investigations]] of the [[Urantia]] [[midwayers]], the release of this decision would have awaited the restoration of Urantia to the [[constellation]] [[circuits]]. And this apparent [[accident]] of interplanetary [[communication]] was possible because [[energy]] [[transmitters]] can receive and transmit [[intelligence]], but they cannot initiate [[communication]].

The [[technical]] [[status]] of Van on the [[legal]] records of [[Satania]] was not actually and finally settled until this ruling of the [[Most Highs|Edentia Fathers]] was recorded on [[Jerusem]].[]

[[Category: History]]