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s{e}greg{a}re to separate from the flock, hence to set apart, isolate, divide, f. s{e} + greg-, grex flock.]
*Date [ 1555]
*1. The [[action]] of segregating.
:a. The separation or [[isolation]] of a portion of a [[community]] or a [[body]] of persons from the rest.
:b. Dispersion, break up (of a [[collective]] [[unity]]).
:c. The separation of a portion or portions of a [[collective]] or [[complex]] [[unity]] from the rest; the [[isolation]] of particular constituents of a compound or mixture.
:d. spec. Separation from a church or ecclesiastical [[organization]]: chiefly in reproachful sense, [[schism]].
:e. [[Genetics]]. The separation of pairs of homologous [ alleles] or [ chromosomes], esp. as occurs at [ meiosis] in the formation of gametes by a heterozygous [[organism]], to whose progeny [[different]] traits may consequently be transmitted.
:f. The enforced separation of [[different]] [[Race|racial]] [[groups]] in a country, [[community]], or [[institution]]. Cf. [ APARTHEID].
:g. The [[isolation]] or separate confinement of [[dangerous]] or troublesome prisoners. Hence (also segregation [[unit]]) a part of a prison designated for this [[purpose]].
==Description (Race)==
Racial '''segregation''' is the [[separation]] of [[different]] racial [[groups]] in daily life. It may apply to [[activities]] such as eating in a restaurant, drinking from a water fountain, using a washroom, attending school, going to the movies, or in the rental or purchase of a [[home]]. Segregation is generally outlawed, but may exist through [[social]] [[norms]]. Segregation may be maintained by means ranging from [[discrimination]] in hiring and in the rental and sale of housing to certain [[races]] to vigilante [[violence]] (such as lynchings, e.g.) Generally, a situation that arises when members of [[different]] [[races]] mutually prefer to [[associate]] and do business with members of their own race would usually be described as separation or de facto separation of the races rather than segregation. In the United States, [[legal]] segregation was required in some states and came with "[ anti-miscegenation laws]" (prohibitions against interracial [[marriage]]). There were laws passed against segregation in the USA in the ['s 1960s].

Segregation, however, often allowed close contact in [[hierarchical]] situations, such as allowing a [[person]] of one race to work as a servant for a member of another race. Segregation can involve spatial separation of the races, and/or mandatory use of [[different]] [[institutions]], such as schools and hospitals by people of different races.[]

[[Category: History]]
[[Category: Sociology]]