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Since [[Christ]], there have indeed been [[powers]] that have arisen. [[Rome]], of course, was in command when he lived here but since then there has been many [[changes]] in [[government]], there have been new [[powers]] and they have taken turns at being the [[power]] to [[fear]] at any given time.  This is the [[nature]] of the beast -- the one which seeks to take over, that seeks [[power]], that seeks to rule over [[everything]] and everyone.  Some of these are [[beneficent]] powers.  Some are [[evil]] and they too come and go.  They come into [[being]] and they die out, if for no other reason than because they are [[finite]], they are [[temporal]] and they cannot last forever.  So yes, there are certain [[families]], beginning with the [ Medici’s] in the [ middle ages], and other [[families]] more recent.  There is the elite that you equate to [ skull and crossbones], the upper 400, those who have the bulk of the [[wealth]], who think they own the world and they do indeed make life miserable for many, but so do [ mosquitoes].  You can [[transcend]] their [[influence]].
Since [[Christ]], there have indeed been [[powers]] that have arisen. [[Rome]], of course, was in command when he lived here but since then there has been many [[changes]] in [[government]], there have been new [[powers]] and they have taken turns at being the [[power]] to [[fear]] at any given time.  This is the [[nature]] of the beast -- the one which seeks to take over, that seeks [[power]], that seeks to rule over [[everything]] and everyone.  Some of these are [[beneficent]] powers.  Some are [[evil]] and they too come and go.  They come into [[being]] and they die out, if for no other reason than because they are [[finite]], they are [[temporal]] and they cannot last forever.  So yes, there are certain [[families]], beginning with the [ Medici’s] in the [ middle ages], and other [[families]] more recent.  There is the elite that you equate to [ skull and crossbones], the upper 400, those who have the bulk of the [[wealth]], who think they own the world and they do indeed make life miserable for many, but so do [ mosquitoes].  You can [[transcend]] their [[influence]].
As for their [[manipulating]] people under them, there is a certain [[truth]] to that, but the more you [[fear]] their [[power]] over you, the more power you give them.  Jesus said, “[ Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s].”  If you comply with certain rudimentary [[behaviors]], you can slip through the [ radar] of their eagle eye and live an ordinary life, even a [ resplendent] life, without being a threat to their standing.  Do they destroy [[races]] of people?  Do they [[encourage]] [[genocide]]?  Do they [[contribute]] to the demise of entire peoples and nations?  Yes, they have and they will attempt to [[continue]] to do what they [[feel]] is [[necessary]] to hold at bay those [[forces]] which threaten their base of operations, and that includes their [[wealth]], for they [[worship]] [[wealth]], you see, as well as [[power]], and their [[ability]] to [[manipulate]] peoples and principalities, nations, and [[governments]].  And yet they are no more [[evil]], in general, than the [[ Catholic Church], or the [[ AFL-CIO] or the [[ Boy Scouts of America].  
As for their [[manipulating]] people under them, there is a certain [[truth]] to that, but the more you [[fear]] their [[power]] over you, the more power you give them.  Jesus said, “[ Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s].”  If you comply with certain rudimentary [[behaviors]], you can slip through the [ radar] of their eagle eye and live an ordinary life, even a [ resplendent] life, without being a threat to their standing.  Do they destroy [[races]] of people?  Do they [[encourage]] [[genocide]]?  Do they [[contribute]] to the demise of entire peoples and nations?  Yes, they have and they will attempt to [[continue]] to do what they [[feel]] is [[necessary]] to hold at bay those [[forces]] which threaten their base of operations, and that includes their [[wealth]], for they [[worship]] [[wealth]], you see, as well as [[power]], and their [[ability]] to [[manipulate]] peoples and principalities, nations, and [[governments]].  And yet they are no more [[evil]], in general, than the [ Catholic Church], or the [ AFL-CIO] or the [ Boy Scouts of America].  
[[Everything]] is [[relative]], you see.  And you can give in to their [[influence]] or step outside of their influence because you have [[free will]].  The [[power]] that is [[inherent]] in you is greater than the [[power]] of all these [[wealthy]] old families who like to pull your strings.  You don’t have to [[respond]] to their [ puppeteering].  You don’t have to succumb or kowtow just because they have [[power]]. [[God]] has more power.  I have more [[power]].  The [[angels]] have more power.  The [[midwayers]] have more power.  You have more power.  You need to [[discern]] how you can [[access]] your own power and join it with the power of your own kind so as to quietly go about doing [[good]].  
[[Everything]] is [[relative]], you see.  And you can give in to their [[influence]] or step outside of their influence because you have [[free will]].  The [[power]] that is [[inherent]] in you is greater than the [[power]] of all these [[wealthy]] old families who like to pull your strings.  You don’t have to [[respond]] to their [ puppeteering].  You don’t have to succumb or kowtow just because they have [[power]]. [[God]] has more power.  I have more [[power]].  The [[angels]] have more power.  The [[midwayers]] have more power.  You have more power.  You need to [[discern]] how you can [[access]] your own power and join it with the power of your own kind so as to quietly go about doing [[good]].