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56:10.15 Even [[truth]], [[beauty]], and [[goodness]]—man's [[intellectual]] approach to the [[universe]] of [[mind]], [[matter]], and [[spirit]]—must be combined into one [[unified]] [[concept]] of a [[divine]] and supreme [[ideal]]. As [[mortal]] [[personality]] unifies the [[human]] [[experience]] with [[matter]], [[mind]], and [[spirit]], so does this [[divine]] and [[supreme]] [[ideal]] become [[power]]-unified in [[Supremacy]] and then [[personalized]] as a [[God]] of [[fatherly]] [[love]].
56:10.15 Even [[truth]], [[beauty]], and [[goodness]]—man's [[intellectual]] approach to the [[universe]] of [[mind]], [[matter]], and [[spirit]]—must be combined into one [[unified]] [[concept]] of a [[divine]] and supreme [[ideal]]. As [[mortal]] [[personality]] unifies the [[human]] [[experience]] with [[matter]], [[mind]], and [[spirit]], so does this [[divine]] and [[supreme]] [[ideal]] become [[power]]-unified in [[Supremacy]] and then [[personalized]] as a [[God]] of [[fatherly]] [[love]].
56:10.16 All [[insight]] into the [[relations]] of the parts to any given whole requires an [[understanding]] grasp of the [[relation]] of all [[parts]] to that [[whole]]; and in the [[universe]] this means the [[relation]] of [[ created parts to the ''Creative Whole'']. [[Deity]] thus becomes the [[transcendental]], even the [[infinite]], goal of [[universal]] and [[eternal]] [[attainment]].
56:10.16 All [[insight]] into the [[relations]] of the parts to any given whole requires an [[understanding]] grasp of the [[relation]] of all [[parts]] to that [[whole]]; and in the [[universe]] this means the [[relation]] of [ created parts to the ''Creative Whole'']. [[Deity]] thus becomes the [[transcendental]], even the [[infinite]], goal of [[universal]] and [[eternal]] [[attainment]].
56:10.17 [[Universal]] [[beauty]] is the [[recognition]] of the [[reflection]] of the [[Isle of Paradise]] in the [[material]] [[creation]], while [[eternal]] [[truth]] is the special [[ministry]] of the [[Paradise Sons]] who not only [[bestow]] themselves upon the [[mortal]] [[races]] but even pour out their [[Spirit of Truth]] upon all peoples. [[Divine]] [[goodness]] is more fully shown forth in the loving [[ministry]] of the manifold [[personalities]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]]. But [[love]], the sum [[total]] of these [[three]] [[qualities]], is man's [[perception]] of [[God]] as his [[spirit]] [[Father]].
56:10.17 [[Universal]] [[beauty]] is the [[recognition]] of the [[reflection]] of the [[Isle of Paradise]] in the [[material]] [[creation]], while [[eternal]] [[truth]] is the special [[ministry]] of the [[Paradise Sons]] who not only [[bestow]] themselves upon the [[mortal]] [[races]] but even pour out their [[Spirit of Truth]] upon all peoples. [[Divine]] [[goodness]] is more fully shown forth in the loving [[ministry]] of the manifold [[personalities]] of the [[Infinite Spirit]]. But [[love]], the sum [[total]] of these [[three]] [[qualities]], is man's [[perception]] of [[God]] as his [[spirit]] [[Father]].