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78:0.1 The [ second Eden] was the [[cradle]] of [[civilization]] for almost thirty thousand years. Here in [ Mesopotamia] the [ Adamic peoples] held forth, sending out their [[progeny]] to the ends of the [[earth]], and latterly, as [[amalgamated]] with the [[Nodite]] and [ Sangik tribes], were known as the [ Andites]. From this region went those men and women who [[initiated]] the [[doings]] of [ historic times], and who have so enormously [[accelerated]] [[cultural]] [[progress]] on [[Urantia]].
78:0.1 The [ second Eden] was the [[cradle]] of [[civilization]] for almost thirty thousand years. Here in [ Mesopotamia] the [ Adamic peoples] held forth, sending out their [[progeny]] to the ends of the [[earth]], and latterly, as [[amalgamated]] with the [[Nodite]] and [ Sangik tribes], were known as the [ Andites]. From this region went those men and women who [[initiated]] the [[doings]] of [ historic times], and who have so enormously [[accelerated]] [[cultural]] [[progress]] on [[Urantia]].
78:0.2 This paper depicts the [[planetary]] history of the [ violet race], beginning soon after the [ default of Adam], about 35,000 B.C., and extending down through its [[amalgamation]] with the [[Nodite]] and [ Sangik races], about 15,000 B.C., to form the [ Andite] peoples and on to its final disappearance from the [ Mesopotamian] homelands, about [ 2000 B.C.]
78:0.2 This paper depicts the [[planetary]] history of the [ violet race], beginning soon after the [ default of Adam], about 35,000 B.C., and extending down through its [[amalgamation]] with the [[Nodite]] and [ Sangik races], about 15,000 B.C., to form the [ Andite] peoples and on to its final disappearance from the [ Mesopotamian] homelands, about [ 2000 B.C.]
78:1.1 Although the [[minds]] and [[morals]] of the [[races]] were at a low level at the time of [ Adam' s arrival], [[physical]] [[evolution]] had gone on quite unaffected by the exigencies of the [ Caligastia rebellion]. [[Adam]]'s [[contribution]] to the [[biologic]] [[status]] of [ the races], notwithstanding the partial failure of the undertaking, enormously upstepped the people of [[Urantia]].
78:1.1 Although the [[minds]] and [[morals]] of the [[races]] were at a low level at the time of [ Adam' s arrival], [[physical]] [[evolution]] had gone on quite unaffected by the exigencies of the [ Caligastia rebellion]. [[Adam]]'s [[contribution]] to the [[biologic]] [[status]] of [ the races], notwithstanding the partial failure of the undertaking, enormously upstepped the people of [[Urantia]].
78:1.2 [[Adam and Eve]] also [[contributed]] much that was of [[value]] to the [[social]], [[moral]], and [[intellectual]] [[progress]] of [[mankind]]; [[civilization]] was immensely quickened by the [[presence]] of their [[offspring]]. But thirty-five thousand years ago the world at large possessed little [[culture]]. Certain [[centers]] of [[civilization]] existed here and there, but most of [[Urantia]] languished in [[savagery]]. [[Racial]] and [[cultural]] [[distribution]] was as follows:
78:1.2 [[Adam and Eve]] also [[contributed]] much that was of [[value]] to the [[social]], [[moral]], and [[intellectual]] [[progress]] of [[mankind]]; [[civilization]] was immensely quickened by the [[presence]] of their [[offspring]]. But thirty-five thousand years ago the world at large possessed little [[culture]]. Certain [[centers]] of [[civilization]] existed here and there, but most of [[Urantia]] languished in [[savagery]]. [[Racial]] and [[cultural]] [[distribution]] was as follows:
*1. 78:1.3 ''The violet race''— [ Adamites and Adamsonites]. The chief [[center]] of Adamite culture was in the [ second garden], located in the triangle of the [ Tigris and Euphrates rivers]; this was indeed the [[cradle]] of [ Occidental] and [ Indian] civilizations. The secondary or northern center of the [ violet race] was the [ Adamsonite headquarters], situated east of the southern shore of the [ Caspian Sea] near the [ Kopet mountains]. From these two centers there went forth to the [[surrounding]] lands the [[culture]] and [[life plasm]] which so immediately quickened all the [[races]].
*1. 78:1.3 ''The violet race''— [ Adamites and Adamsonites]. The chief [[center]] of Adamite culture was in the [ second garden], located in the triangle of the [ Tigris and Euphrates rivers]; this was indeed the [[cradle]] of [ Occidental] and [ Indian] civilizations. The secondary or northern center of the [ violet race] was the [ Adamsonite headquarters], situated east of the southern shore of the [ Caspian Sea] near the [ Kopet mountains]. From these two centers there went forth to the [[surrounding]] lands the [[culture]] and [[life plasm]] which so immediately quickened all the [[races]].
*2. 78:1.4 ''Pre-Sumerians and other Nodites''. There were also present in [ Mesopotamia], near the mouth of the [[rivers]], remnants of the [[ancient]] [[culture]] of the days of [[Dalamatia]]. With the passing [[millenniums]], this group became thoroughly admixed with the [ Adamites] to the north, but they never entirely lost their [[Nodite]] [[traditions]]. Various other [[Nodite]] groups that had settled in the [ Levant] were, in general, absorbed by the later expanding [ violet race].
*2. 78:1.4 ''Pre-Sumerians and other Nodites''. There were also present in [ Mesopotamia], near the mouth of the [[rivers]], remnants of the [[ancient]] [[culture]] of the days of [[Dalamatia]]. With the passing [[millenniums]], this group became thoroughly admixed with the [ Adamites] to the north, but they never entirely lost their [[Nodite]] [[traditions]]. Various other [[Nodite]] groups that had settled in the [ Levant] were, in general, absorbed by the later expanding [ violet race].
*3. 78:1.5 The [ Andonites] maintained five or six fairly [[representative]] settlements to the north and east of the [ Adamson headquarters]. They were also scattered throughout [ Turkestan], while isolated islands of them [[persisted]] throughout [ Eurasia], especially in mountainous regions. These [[aborigines]] still held the northlands of the Eurasian continent, together with [ Iceland] and [ Greenland], but they had long since been driven from the plains of [ Europe] by the [ blue man] and from the [[river]] valleys of farther [ Asia] by the expanding [ Greenland], but they had long since been driven from the plains of [ Europe] by the [ yellow race].
*3. 78:1.5 The [ Andonites] maintained five or six fairly [[representative]] settlements to the north and east of the [ Adamson headquarters]. They were also scattered throughout [ Turkestan], while isolated islands of them [[persisted]] throughout [ Eurasia], especially in mountainous regions. These [[aborigines]] still held the northlands of the Eurasian continent, together with [ Iceland] and [ Greenland], but they had long since been driven from the plains of [ Europe] by the [ blue man] and from the [[river]] valleys of farther [ Asia] by the expanding [ Greenland], but they had long since been driven from the plains of [ Europe] by the [ yellow race].
*4. 78:1.6 The [ Greenland], but they had long since been driven from the plains of [ Europe] by the [ red man] occupied the [[America]]s, having been driven out of Asia over fifty thousand years before the arrival of [[Adam]].
*4. 78:1.6 The [ Greenland], but they had long since been driven from the plains of [ Europe] by the [ red man] occupied the [[America]]s, having been driven out of Asia over fifty thousand years before the arrival of [[Adam]].
*5. 78:1.7 ''The yellow race''. The [[Chinese]] peoples were well [[established]] in control of eastern Asia. Their most advanced settlements were situated to the northwest of modern China in regions bordering on [ Tibet].
*5. 78:1.7 ''The yellow race''. The [[Chinese]] peoples were well [[established]] in control of eastern Asia. Their most advanced settlements were situated to the northwest of modern China in regions bordering on [ Tibet].
*6. 78:1.8 ''The blue race''. The [ blue men] were scattered all over [ Europe], but their better [[centers]] of [[culture]] were situated in the then fertile valleys of the [[Mediterranean]] basin and in northwestern Europe. [ Neanderthal] absorption had greatly retarded the [[culture]] of the blue man, but he was otherwise the most [[aggressive]], [[adventurous]], and [[exploratory]] of all the evolutionary peoples of [ Eurasia].
*6. 78:1.8 ''The blue race''. The [ blue men] were scattered all over [ Europe], but their better [[centers]] of [[culture]] were situated in the then fertile valleys of the [[Mediterranean]] basin and in northwestern Europe. [ Neanderthal] absorption had greatly retarded the [[culture]] of the blue man, but he was otherwise the most [[aggressive]], [[adventurous]], and [[exploratory]] of all the evolutionary peoples of [ Eurasia].
*7. 78:1.9 ''Pre-Dravidian India''. The [[complex]] mixture of [[races]] in [ India]—[[embracing]] every [[race]] on [[earth]], but especially the [ green, orange, and black]—maintained a [[culture]] slightly above that of the outlying regions.
*7. 78:1.9 ''Pre-Dravidian India''. The [[complex]] mixture of [[races]] in [ India]—[[embracing]] every [[race]] on [[earth]], but especially the [ green, orange, and black]—maintained a [[culture]] slightly above that of the outlying regions.
*8. 78:1.10 ''The Sahara civilization''. The superior elements of the [ indigo race] had their most [[progressive]] settlements in what is now the great [ Sahara desert]. This indigo-black group carried extensive strains of the submerged [ orange and green races].
*8. 78:1.10 ''The Sahara civilization''. The superior elements of the [ indigo race] had their most [[progressive]] settlements in what is now the great [ Sahara desert]. This indigo-black group carried extensive strains of the submerged [ orange and green races].
*9. 78:1.11 ''The Mediterranean basin''. The most highly blended [[race]] outside of [ India] occupied what is now the [[Mediterranean]] basin. Here blue men from the north and Saharans from the south met and mingled with [[Nodites]] and [ Adamites] from the east.
*9. 78:1.11 ''The Mediterranean basin''. The most highly blended [[race]] outside of [ India] occupied what is now the [[Mediterranean]] basin. Here blue men from the north and Saharans from the south met and mingled with [[Nodites]] and [ Adamites] from the east.
78:1.12 This was the picture of the world prior to the beginnings of the great expansions of the [ violet race], about twenty-five thousand years ago. The [[hope]] of [[future]] [[civilization]] lay in the [ second garden] between the [ rivers of Mesopotamia]. Here in southwestern [ Asia] there existed the [[potential]] of a great [[civilization]], the possibility of the spread to the world of the [[ideas]] and [[ideals]] which had been salvaged from the days of [[Dalamatia]] and the times of [ Eden].
78:1.12 This was the picture of the world prior to the beginnings of the great expansions of the [ violet race], about twenty-five thousand years ago. The [[hope]] of [[future]] [[civilization]] lay in the [ second garden] between the [ rivers of Mesopotamia]. Here in southwestern [ Asia] there existed the [[potential]] of a great [[civilization]], the possibility of the spread to the world of the [[ideas]] and [[ideals]] which had been salvaged from the days of [[Dalamatia]] and the times of [ Eden].
78:1.13 [[Adam and Eve]] had left behind a [[limited]] but [[potent]] [[progeny]], and the [[celestial]] [[observers]] on [[Urantia]] waited anxiously to find out how these descendants of the erring [[Material Son and Daughter]] would acquit themselves.
78:1.13 [[Adam and Eve]] had left behind a [[limited]] but [[potent]] [[progeny]], and the [[celestial]] [[observers]] on [[Urantia]] waited anxiously to find out how these descendants of the erring [[Material Son and Daughter]] would acquit themselves.
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78:2.1 For thousands of years the sons of [[Adam]] labored along the [ rivers of Mesopotamia], working out their [ irrigation] and flood-control [[problems]] to the south, perfecting their [[defenses]] to the north, and attempting to [[preserve]] their [[traditions]] of the [[glory]] of the [[Paper 73 - The Garden of Eden|first Eden]].
78:2.1 For thousands of years the sons of [[Adam]] labored along the [ rivers of Mesopotamia], working out their [ irrigation] and flood-control [[problems]] to the south, perfecting their [[defenses]] to the north, and attempting to [[preserve]] their [[traditions]] of the [[glory]] of the [[Paper 73 - The Garden of Eden|first Eden]].
78:2.2 The [[heroism]] displayed in the [[leadership]] of the [ second garden] [[constitutes]] one of the [[amazing]] and [[inspiring]] [[epics]] of [[Urantia]]'s [[history]]. These splendid [[souls]] never wholly lost sight of the [[purpose]] of the [ Adamic mission], and therefore did they valiantly fight off the [[influences]] of the [[surrounding]] and inferior [[tribes]] while they willingly sent forth their choicest sons and daughters in a steady [[stream]] as [[emissaries]] to the [ races of earth]. Sometimes this expansion was depleting to the [[home]] [[culture]], but always these superior peoples would [[rehabilitate]] themselves.
78:2.2 The [[heroism]] displayed in the [[leadership]] of the [ second garden] [[constitutes]] one of the [[amazing]] and [[inspiring]] [[epics]] of [[Urantia]]'s [[history]]. These splendid [[souls]] never wholly lost sight of the [[purpose]] of the [ Adamic mission], and therefore did they valiantly fight off the [[influences]] of the [[surrounding]] and inferior [[tribes]] while they willingly sent forth their choicest sons and daughters in a steady [[stream]] as [[emissaries]] to the [ races of earth]. Sometimes this expansion was depleting to the [[home]] [[culture]], but always these superior peoples would [[rehabilitate]] themselves.
78:2.3 The [[civilization]], [[society]], and [[cultural]] [[status]] of the ''Adamites'' were far above the general level of the [ evolutionary races] of [[Urantia]]. Only among the old settlements of [[Van]] and [[Amadon]] and the [ Adamsonites] was there a [[civilization]] in anyway comparable. But the [[civilization]] of the [[second Eden]] was an [[artificial]] [[structure]]— it had not been evolved —and was therefore [[doomed]] to [[deteriorate]] until it reached a [[natural]] [[evolutionary]] level.
78:2.3 The [[civilization]], [[society]], and [[cultural]] [[status]] of the ''Adamites'' were far above the general level of the [ evolutionary races] of [[Urantia]]. Only among the old settlements of [[Van]] and [[Amadon]] and the [ Adamsonites] was there a [[civilization]] in anyway comparable. But the [[civilization]] of the [[second Eden]] was an [[artificial]] [[structure]]— it had not been evolved —and was therefore [[doomed]] to [[deteriorate]] until it reached a [[natural]] [[evolutionary]] level.
78:2.4 [[Adam]] left a great [[intellectual]] and [[spiritual]] [[culture]] behind him, but it was not advanced in [[mechanical]] appliances since every [[civilization]] is [[limited]] by available [[natural]] [[resources]], [[inherent]] [[genius]], and sufficient [[leisure]] to insure [[inventive]] fruition. The [[civilization]] of the [ violet race] was predicated on the [[presence]] of [[Adam]] and on the [[traditions]] of the [[first Eden]]. After [ Adam's death] and as these [[traditions]] grew dim through the passing [[millenniums]], the [[cultural]] level of the ''Adamites'' steadily [[deteriorated]] until it reached a state of [[reciprocal]] [[balance]] with the [[status]] of the [[surrounding]] peoples and the [[naturally]] evolving [[cultural]] capacities of the [ violet race].
78:2.4 [[Adam]] left a great [[intellectual]] and [[spiritual]] [[culture]] behind him, but it was not advanced in [[mechanical]] appliances since every [[civilization]] is [[limited]] by available [[natural]] [[resources]], [[inherent]] [[genius]], and sufficient [[leisure]] to insure [[inventive]] fruition. The [[civilization]] of the [ violet race] was predicated on the [[presence]] of [[Adam]] and on the [[traditions]] of the [[first Eden]]. After [ Adam's death] and as these [[traditions]] grew dim through the passing [[millenniums]], the [[cultural]] level of the ''Adamites'' steadily [[deteriorated]] until it reached a state of [[reciprocal]] [[balance]] with the [[status]] of the [[surrounding]] peoples and the [[naturally]] evolving [[cultural]] capacities of the [ violet race].
78:2.5 But the ''Adamites'' were a real nation around [,000_B.C. 19,000 B.C]., numbering four and a half million, and already they had poured forth millions of their [[progeny]] into the [[surrounding]] peoples.
78:2.5 But the ''Adamites'' were a real nation around [,000_B.C. 19,000 B.C]., numbering four and a half million, and already they had poured forth millions of their [[progeny]] into the [[surrounding]] peoples.
78:3.1 The [ violet race] retained the [ Edenic traditions] of peacefulness for many [[millenniums]], which explains their long delay in making territorial [[conquests]]. When they [[suffered]] from [[population]] [[pressure]], instead of making [[war]] to secure more territory, they sent forth their excess [[inhabitants]] as [[teachers]] to the [ other races][]. The [[cultural]] [[effect]] of these earlier [[migrations]] was not enduring, but the [[absorption]] of the [ Adamite teachers], traders, and [[explorers]] was [[biologically]] invigorating to the surrounding peoples.
78:3.1 The [ violet race] retained the [ Edenic traditions] of peacefulness for many [[millenniums]], which explains their long delay in making territorial [[conquests]]. When they [[suffered]] from [[population]] [[pressure]], instead of making [[war]] to secure more territory, they sent forth their excess [[inhabitants]] as [[teachers]] to the [ other races][]. The [[cultural]] [[effect]] of these earlier [[migrations]] was not enduring, but the [[absorption]] of the [ Adamite teachers], traders, and [[explorers]] was [[biologically]] invigorating to the surrounding peoples.
78:3.2 Some of the [ Adamites] early [[journeyed]] westward to the valley of the [ Nile]; others penetrated eastward into [ Asia], but these were a minority. The [[Migration|mass movement]] of the later days was extensively northward and thence westward. It was, in the main, a [[gradual]] but unremitting northward push, the greater number making their way north and then circling westward around the [ Caspian Sea] into [ Europe].
78:3.2 Some of the [ Adamites] early [[journeyed]] westward to the valley of the [ Nile]; others penetrated eastward into [ Asia], but these were a minority. The [[Migration|mass movement]] of the later days was extensively northward and thence westward. It was, in the main, a [[gradual]] but unremitting northward push, the greater number making their way north and then circling westward around the [ Caspian Sea] into [ Europe].
78:3.3 About twenty-five thousand years ago many of the [[purer]] elements of the [ Adamites] were well on their northern trek. And as they penetrated northward, they became less and less Adamic until, by the times of their occupation of [ Turkestan], they had become thoroughly admixed with the other races, particularly the [[Nodites]]. Very few of the [[pure]]-line [ violet peoples] ever penetrated far into [ Europe] or [ Asia].
78:3.3 About twenty-five thousand years ago many of the [[purer]] elements of the [ Adamites] were well on their northern trek. And as they penetrated northward, they became less and less Adamic until, by the times of their occupation of [ Turkestan], they had become thoroughly admixed with the other races, particularly the [[Nodites]]. Very few of the [[pure]]-line [ violet peoples] ever penetrated far into [ Europe] or [ Asia].
78:3.4 From about [,000_B.C. 30,000] to [,000_B.C. 10,000 B.C.] [[epoch]]-making racial mixtures were taking place throughout southwestern Asia. The highland inhabitants of [ Turkestan] were a virile and vigorous people. To the northwest of [ India] much of the [[culture]] of the days of [[Van]] [[persisted]]. Still to the north of these settlements the best of the early [ Andonites] had been preserved. And both of these superior [[races]] of [[culture]] and [[character]] were absorbed by the northward-moving [ Adamites]. This [[amalgamation]] led to the [[adoption]] of many new [[ideas]]; it [[facilitated]] the [[progress]] of [[civilization]] and greatly advanced all [[phases]] of [[art]], [[science]], and [[social]] [[culture]].
78:3.4 From about [,000_B.C. 30,000] to [,000_B.C. 10,000 B.C.] [[epoch]]-making racial mixtures were taking place throughout southwestern Asia. The highland inhabitants of [ Turkestan] were a virile and vigorous people. To the northwest of [ India] much of the [[culture]] of the days of [[Van]] [[persisted]]. Still to the north of these settlements the best of the early [ Andonites] had been preserved. And both of these superior [[races]] of [[culture]] and [[character]] were absorbed by the northward-moving [ Adamites]. This [[amalgamation]] led to the [[adoption]] of many new [[ideas]]; it [[facilitated]] the [[progress]] of [[civilization]] and greatly advanced all [[phases]] of [[art]], [[science]], and [[social]] [[culture]].
78:3.5 As the period of the early Adamic migrations ended, about [,000_B.C. 15,000 B.C.], there were already more descendants of [[Adam]] in [ Europe] and [ central Asia] than anywhere else in the world, even than in [ Mesopotamia]. The European [ blue races] had been largely infiltrated. The [[lands]] now called [ Russia] and [ Turkestan] were occupied throughout their southern stretches by a great reservoir of the Adamites mixed with [[Nodites]], [ Andonites], and red and [ yellow Sangiks]. Southern Europe and the [[Mediterranean]] fringe were occupied by a mixed race of [ Andonite] and [ Sangik peoples]—orange, green, and indigo—with a sprinkling of the Adamite stock. [ Asia Minor] and the central-eastern European lands were held by [[tribes]] that were predominantly [ Andonite].
78:3.5 As the period of the early Adamic migrations ended, about [,000_B.C. 15,000 B.C.], there were already more descendants of [[Adam]] in [ Europe] and [ central Asia] than anywhere else in the world, even than in [ Mesopotamia]. The European [ blue races] had been largely infiltrated. The [[lands]] now called [ Russia] and [ Turkestan] were occupied throughout their southern stretches by a great reservoir of the Adamites mixed with [[Nodites]], [ Andonites], and red and [ yellow Sangiks]. Southern Europe and the [[Mediterranean]] fringe were occupied by a mixed race of [ Andonite] and [ Sangik peoples]—orange, green, and indigo—with a sprinkling of the Adamite stock. [ Asia Minor] and the central-eastern European lands were held by [[tribes]] that were predominantly [ Andonite].
78:3.6 A blended colored race, about this time greatly reinforced by arrivals from [ Mesopotamia], held forth in [ Egypt] and prepared to take over the disappearing [[culture]] of the [ Euphrates valley]. The black peoples were moving farther south in [ Africa] and, like the red race, were [[virtually]] [[isolated]].
78:3.6 A blended colored race, about this time greatly reinforced by arrivals from [ Mesopotamia], held forth in [ Egypt] and prepared to take over the disappearing [[culture]] of the [ Euphrates valley]. The black peoples were moving farther south in [ Africa] and, like the red race, were [[virtually]] [[isolated]].
78:3.7 The [ Saharan] civilization had been disrupted by drought and that of the [[Mediterranean]] basin by flood. The blue races had, as yet, failed to [[develop]] an advanced [[culture]]. The [ Andonites] were still scattered over the [ Arctic] and central Asian regions. The green and orange races had been [[exterminated]] as such. The indigo race was moving south in Africa, there to begin its slow but long-continued racial [[deterioration]].
78:3.7 The [ Saharan] civilization had been disrupted by drought and that of the [[Mediterranean]] basin by flood. The blue races had, as yet, failed to [[develop]] an advanced [[culture]]. The [ Andonites] were still scattered over the [ Arctic] and central Asian regions. The green and orange races had been [[exterminated]] as such. The indigo race was moving south in Africa, there to begin its slow but long-continued racial [[deterioration]].
78:3.8 The [[peoples]] of [ India] lay stagnant, with a [[civilization]] that was unprogressing; the yellow man was consolidating his holdings in central Asia; the brown man had not yet begun his [[civilization]] on the near-by [ islands of the Pacific].
78:3.8 The [[peoples]] of [ India] lay stagnant, with a [[civilization]] that was unprogressing; the yellow man was consolidating his holdings in central Asia; the brown man had not yet begun his [[civilization]] on the near-by [ islands of the Pacific].
78:3.9 These racial [[distributions]], [[associated]] with extensive [ climatic changes], set the world [[stage]] for the inauguration of the [ Andite] era of [[Urantia]] [[civilization]]. These early [[migrations]] extended over a period of ten thousand years, from [,000_B.C. 25,000] to [,000_B.C. 15,000 B.C.] The later or [ Andite migrations] extended from about 15,000 to [,000_B.C. 6000 B.C.]
78:3.9 These racial [[distributions]], [[associated]] with extensive [ climatic changes], set the world [[stage]] for the inauguration of the [ Andite] era of [[Urantia]] [[civilization]]. These early [[migrations]] extended over a period of ten thousand years, from [,000_B.C. 25,000] to [,000_B.C. 15,000 B.C.] The later or [ Andite migrations] extended from about 15,000 to [,000_B.C. 6000 B.C.]
78:3.10 It took so long for the earlier [[waves]] of [ Adamites] to pass over [ Eurasia] that their [[culture]] was largely lost in transit. Only the later Andites moved with sufficient [[speed]] to retain the [ Edenic culture] at any great distance from [ Mesopotamia].
78:3.10 It took so long for the earlier [[waves]] of [ Adamites] to pass over [ Eurasia] that their [[culture]] was largely lost in transit. Only the later Andites moved with sufficient [[speed]] to retain the [ Edenic culture] at any great distance from [ Mesopotamia].
==78:4. THE ANDITES==
==78:4. THE ANDITES==
78:4.1 The ''Andite races'' were the primary blends of the [[pure]]-line [ violet race] and the [[Nodites]] plus the [ evolutionary peoples]. In general, Andites should be thought of as having a far greater percentage of Adamic blood than the [[modern]] races. In the main, the term ''Andite'' is used to designate those peoples whose racial inheritance was from one-eighth to one-sixth violet. [[Modern]] [[Urantia]]ns, even the northern white races, contain much less than this percentage of the blood of [[Adam]].
78:4.1 The ''Andite races'' were the primary blends of the [[pure]]-line [ violet race] and the [[Nodites]] plus the [ evolutionary peoples]. In general, Andites should be thought of as having a far greater percentage of Adamic blood than the [[modern]] races. In the main, the term ''Andite'' is used to designate those peoples whose racial inheritance was from one-eighth to one-sixth violet. [[Modern]] [[Urantia]]ns, even the northern white races, contain much less than this percentage of the blood of [[Adam]].
78:4.2 The earliest ''Andite'' peoples took [[origin]] in the regions adjacent to [ Mesopotamia] more than twenty-five thousand years ago and consisted of a blend of the [ Adamites] and [[Nodites]]. The [ second garden] was [[surrounded]] by [[concentric]] circles of diminishing violet blood, and it was on the [[periphery]] of this racial melting pot that the ''Andite'' race was born. Later on, when the migrating [ Adamites] and [[Nodites]] entered the then fertile regions of [ Turkestan], they soon blended with the superior [[inhabitants]], and the resultant race mixture extended the ''Andite'' type northward.
78:4.2 The earliest ''Andite'' peoples took [[origin]] in the regions adjacent to [ Mesopotamia] more than twenty-five thousand years ago and consisted of a blend of the [ Adamites] and [[Nodites]]. The [ second garden] was [[surrounded]] by [[concentric]] circles of diminishing violet blood, and it was on the [[periphery]] of this racial melting pot that the ''Andite'' race was born. Later on, when the migrating [ Adamites] and [[Nodites]] entered the then fertile regions of [ Turkestan], they soon blended with the superior [[inhabitants]], and the resultant race mixture extended the ''Andite'' type northward.
78:4.3 The ''Andites'' were the best all-round [[human]] stock to appear on [[Urantia]] since the days of the [[pure]]-line [ violet peoples]. They embraced most of the highest types of the surviving remnants of the [ Adamite] and [[Nodite]] races and, later, some of the best strains of the [ yellow, blue, and green men].
78:4.3 The ''Andites'' were the best all-round [[human]] stock to appear on [[Urantia]] since the days of the [[pure]]-line [ violet peoples]. They embraced most of the highest types of the surviving remnants of the [ Adamite] and [[Nodite]] races and, later, some of the best strains of the [ yellow, blue, and green men].
78:4.4 These early ''Andites'' were not [ Aryan]; they were pre-Aryan. They were not white; they were pre-white. They were neither an [ Occidental] nor an [ Oriental] people. But it is ''Andite'' inheritance that gives to the polyglot mixture of the so-called white races that generalized [[homogeneity]] which has been called [ Caucasoid].
78:4.4 These early ''Andites'' were not [ Aryan]; they were pre-Aryan. They were not white; they were pre-white. They were neither an [ Occidental] nor an [ Oriental] people. But it is ''Andite'' inheritance that gives to the polyglot mixture of the so-called white races that generalized [[homogeneity]] which has been called [ Caucasoid].
78:4.5 The purer strains of the [ violet race] had retained the Adamic [[tradition]] of [[peace]]-seeking, which explains why the earlier race movements had been more in the [[nature]] of peaceful [[migration]]s. But as the [ Adamites] united with the [[Nodite]] stocks, who were by this time a [[belligerent]] race, their Andite descendants became, for their day and age, the most [[skillful]] and [[sagacious]] [[Warrior|militarists]] ever to live on [[Urantia]]. Thenceforth the movements of the Mesopotamians grew increasingly military in [[character]] and became more akin to actual [[conquests]].
78:4.5 The purer strains of the [ violet race] had retained the Adamic [[tradition]] of [[peace]]-seeking, which explains why the earlier race movements had been more in the [[nature]] of peaceful [[migration]]s. But as the [ Adamites] united with the [[Nodite]] stocks, who were by this time a [[belligerent]] race, their Andite descendants became, for their day and age, the most [[skillful]] and [[sagacious]] [[Warrior|militarists]] ever to live on [[Urantia]]. Thenceforth the movements of the Mesopotamians grew increasingly military in [[character]] and became more akin to actual [[conquests]].
78:4.6 These ''Andites'' were [[adventurous]]; they had roving dispositions. An increase of either [ Sangik] or [ Andonite] stock tended to [[stabilize]] them. But even so, their later descendants never stopped until they had circumnavigated the globe and [[discovered]] the last remote [[continent]].
78:4.6 These ''Andites'' were [[adventurous]]; they had roving dispositions. An increase of either [ Sangik] or [ Andonite] stock tended to [[stabilize]] them. But even so, their later descendants never stopped until they had circumnavigated the globe and [[discovered]] the last remote [[continent]].
78:5.1 For twenty thousand years the [[culture]] of the [ second garden] persisted, but it [[experienced]] a steady decline until about [,000_B.C. 15,000 B.C.], when the regeneration of the [ Sethite priesthood] and the [[leadership]] of ''Amosad'' [[inaugurated]] a brilliant era. The massive [[waves]] of [[civilization]] which later spread over Eurasia immediately followed the great renaissance of the Garden consequent upon the extensive union of the Adamites with the surrounding mixed Nodites to form the Andites.
78:5.1 For twenty thousand years the [[culture]] of the [ second garden] persisted, but it [[experienced]] a steady decline until about [,000_B.C. 15,000 B.C.], when the regeneration of the [ Sethite priesthood] and the [[leadership]] of ''Amosad'' [[inaugurated]] a brilliant era. The massive [[waves]] of [[civilization]] which later spread over Eurasia immediately followed the great renaissance of the Garden consequent upon the extensive union of the Adamites with the surrounding mixed Nodites to form the Andites.
78:5.2 These Andites inaugurated new advances throughout [ Eurasia] and [ North Africa]. From [ Mesopotamia] through [ Sinkiang] the Andite [[culture]] was [[dominant]], and the steady [[migration]] toward Europe was continuously offset by new arrivals from Mesopotamia. But it is hardly correct to speak of the [ Andites] as a race in Mesopotamia proper until near the beginning of the terminal [[migrations]] of the mixed descendants of [[Adam]]. By this time even the races in the [[second garden]] had become so blended that they could no longer be considered Adamites.
78:5.2 These Andites inaugurated new advances throughout [ Eurasia] and [ North Africa]. From [ Mesopotamia] through [ Sinkiang] the Andite [[culture]] was [[dominant]], and the steady [[migration]] toward Europe was continuously offset by new arrivals from Mesopotamia. But it is hardly correct to speak of the [ Andites] as a race in Mesopotamia proper until near the beginning of the terminal [[migrations]] of the mixed descendants of [[Adam]]. By this time even the races in the [[second garden]] had become so blended that they could no longer be considered Adamites.
78:5.3 The [[civilization]] of [ Turkestan] was constantly being revived and refreshed by the newcomers from [ Mesopotamia], especially by the later [ Andite] cavalrymen. The so-called [ Aryan mother tongue] was in [[process]] of formation in the highlands of [ Turkestan]; it was a blend of the [ Andonic dialect] of that region with the [[language]] of the Adamsonites and later ''Andites''. Many [[modern]] [[languages]] are derived from this early [[speech]] of these central Asian tribes who [[conquered]] Europe, India, and the upper stretches of the Mesopotamian plains. This [[ancient]] [[language]] gave the [ Occidental] tongues all of that similarity which is called [ Aryan].
78:5.3 The [[civilization]] of [ Turkestan] was constantly being revived and refreshed by the newcomers from [ Mesopotamia], especially by the later [ Andite] cavalrymen. The so-called [ Aryan mother tongue] was in [[process]] of formation in the highlands of [ Turkestan]; it was a blend of the [ Andonic dialect] of that region with the [[language]] of the Adamsonites and later ''Andites''. Many [[modern]] [[languages]] are derived from this early [[speech]] of these central Asian tribes who [[conquered]] Europe, India, and the upper stretches of the Mesopotamian plains. This [[ancient]] [[language]] gave the [ Occidental] tongues all of that similarity which is called [ Aryan].
78:5.4 By [,000_B.C. 12,000 B.C.] three quarters of the [ Andite] stock of the world was resident in northern and eastern Europe, and when the later and final [[exodus]] from [ Mesopotamia] took place, sixty-five per cent of these last [[waves]] of [[emigration]] entered [ Europe].
78:5.4 By [,000_B.C. 12,000 B.C.] three quarters of the [ Andite] stock of the world was resident in northern and eastern Europe, and when the later and final [[exodus]] from [ Mesopotamia] took place, sixty-five per cent of these last [[waves]] of [[emigration]] entered [ Europe].
78:5.5 The [ Andites] not only [[migrated]] to [ Europe] but to northern [ China] and [ India], while many groups penetrated to the ends of the earth as missionaries, [[teachers]], and traders. They contributed considerably to the northern groups of the [ Saharan Sangik peoples]. But only a few [[teachers]] and traders ever penetrated farther south in [ Africa] than the headwaters of the [ Nile]. Later on, mixed [ Andites] and [ Egyptians] followed down both the east and west coasts of Africa well below the [[equator]], but they did not reach [ Madagascar].
78:5.5 The [ Andites] not only [[migrated]] to [ Europe] but to northern [ China] and [ India], while many groups penetrated to the ends of the earth as missionaries, [[teachers]], and traders. They contributed considerably to the northern groups of the [ Saharan Sangik peoples]. But only a few [[teachers]] and traders ever penetrated farther south in [ Africa] than the headwaters of the [ Nile]. Later on, mixed [ Andites] and [ Egyptians] followed down both the east and west coasts of Africa well below the [[equator]], but they did not reach [ Madagascar].
78:5.6 These [ Andites] were the so-called [ Dravidian] and later Aryan [[conquerors]] of India; and their [[presence]] in central Asia greatly upstepped the [[ancestors]] of the [ Turanians]. Many of this [[race]] journeyed to China by way of both [ Sinkiang] and [ Tibet] and added desirable qualities to the later Chinese stocks. From time to time small groups made their way into [ Japan], [ Formosa], the [ East Indies], and southern [ China], though very few entered southern China by the coastal route.
78:5.6 These [ Andites] were the so-called [ Dravidian] and later Aryan [[conquerors]] of India; and their [[presence]] in central Asia greatly upstepped the [[ancestors]] of the [ Turanians]. Many of this [[race]] journeyed to China by way of both [ Sinkiang] and [ Tibet] and added desirable qualities to the later Chinese stocks. From time to time small groups made their way into [ Japan], [ Formosa], the [ East Indies], and southern [ China], though very few entered southern China by the coastal route.
78:5.7 One hundred and thirty-two of this race, embarking in a fleet of small boats from [ Japan], [[eventually]] reached [ South America] and by intermarriage with the [[natives]] of the [ Andes] [[established]] the [[ancestry]] of the later rulers of the [ Incas]. They crossed the [ Pacific] by easy stages, tarrying on the many islands] they found along the way. The islands of the [ Polynesian group] were both more numerous and larger then than now, and these Andite sailors, together with some who followed them, [[biologically]] [[modified]] the [[native]] groups in transit. Many flourishing [[centers]] of [[civilization]] grew up on these now submerged lands as a result of Andite penetration. [[ Easter Island] was long a [[religious]] and [[administrative]] center of one of these lost groups. But of the Andites who navigated the Pacific of long ago none but the one hundred and thirty-two ever reached the mainland of the [[Americas]].
78:5.7 One hundred and thirty-two of this race, embarking in a fleet of small boats from [ Japan], [[eventually]] reached [ South America] and by intermarriage with the [[natives]] of the [ Andes] [[established]] the [[ancestry]] of the later rulers of the [ Incas]. They crossed the [ Pacific] by easy stages, tarrying on the many islands] they found along the way. The islands of the [ Polynesian group] were both more numerous and larger then than now, and these Andite sailors, together with some who followed them, [[biologically]] [[modified]] the [[native]] groups in transit. Many flourishing [[centers]] of [[civilization]] grew up on these now submerged lands as a result of Andite penetration. [[ Easter Island] was long a [[religious]] and [[administrative]] center of one of these lost groups. But of the Andites who navigated the Pacific of long ago none but the one hundred and thirty-two ever reached the mainland of the [[Americas]].
78:5.8 The [[migratory]] [[conquests]] of the [ Andites] continued on down to their final dispersions, from [ 8000] to [ 6000 B.C.] As they poured out of [ Mesopotamia], they continuously depleted the biologic reserves of their homelands while markedly strengthening the [[surrounding]] [[peoples]]. And to every nation to which they [[journeyed]], they contributed [[humor]], [[art]], [[adventure]], [[music]], and [[manufacture]]. They were skillful domesticators of [ animals] and expert [[agriculturists]]. For the time being, at least, their [[presence]] usually improved the [[religious]] [[beliefs]] and [[moral]] [[practices]] of the older races. And so the [[culture]] of [ Mesopotamia] quietly spread out over [ Europe], [ India], [ China], [ northern Africa], and the [ Pacific Islands].
78:5.8 The [[migratory]] [[conquests]] of the [ Andites] continued on down to their final dispersions, from [ 8000] to [ 6000 B.C.] As they poured out of [ Mesopotamia], they continuously depleted the biologic reserves of their homelands while markedly strengthening the [[surrounding]] [[peoples]]. And to every nation to which they [[journeyed]], they contributed [[humor]], [[art]], [[adventure]], [[music]], and [[manufacture]]. They were skillful domesticators of [ animals] and expert [[agriculturists]]. For the time being, at least, their [[presence]] usually improved the [[religious]] [[beliefs]] and [[moral]] [[practices]] of the older races. And so the [[culture]] of [ Mesopotamia] quietly spread out over [ Europe], [ India], [ China], [ northern Africa], and the [ Pacific Islands].
78:6.1 The last [[three]] [[waves]] of [ Andites] poured out of [ Mesopotamia] between [ 8000] and [ 6000 B.C.] These three great waves of [[culture]] were forced out of [ Mesopotamia] by the [[pressure]] of the hill [[tribes]] to the east and the harassment of the plainsmen of the west. The [[inhabitants]] of the [ Euphrates valley] and adjacent territory went forth in their final [[exodus]] in several directions:
78:6.1 The last [[three]] [[waves]] of [ Andites] poured out of [ Mesopotamia] between [ 8000] and [ 6000 B.C.] These three great waves of [[culture]] were forced out of [ Mesopotamia] by the [[pressure]] of the hill [[tribes]] to the east and the harassment of the plainsmen of the west. The [[inhabitants]] of the [ Euphrates valley] and adjacent territory went forth in their final [[exodus]] in several directions:
78:6.2 Sixty-five per cent entered [ Europe] by the [ Caspian Sea] route to [[conquer]] and [[amalgamate]] with the newly appearing white races—the blend of the [ blue men] and the earlier [ Andites].
78:6.2 Sixty-five per cent entered [ Europe] by the [ Caspian Sea] route to [[conquer]] and [[amalgamate]] with the newly appearing white races—the blend of the [ blue men] and the earlier [ Andites].
78:6.3 Ten per cent, including a large group of the [ Sethite priests], moved eastward through the [ Elamite] highlands to the Iranian plateau and [ Turkestan]. Many of their descendants were later driven into [ India] with their Aryan brethren from the regions to the north.
78:6.3 Ten per cent, including a large group of the [ Sethite priests], moved eastward through the [ Elamite] highlands to the Iranian plateau and [ Turkestan]. Many of their descendants were later driven into [ India] with their Aryan brethren from the regions to the north.
78:6.4 Ten per cent of the Mesopotamians turned eastward in their northern trek, entering [ Sinkiang], where they blended with the Andite-yellow inhabitants. The majority of the able [[offspring]] of this [[racial]] [[union]] later entered [ China] and contributed much to the immediate improvement of the northern division of the [ yellow race].
78:6.4 Ten per cent of the Mesopotamians turned eastward in their northern trek, entering [ Sinkiang], where they blended with the Andite-yellow inhabitants. The majority of the able [[offspring]] of this [[racial]] [[union]] later entered [ China] and contributed much to the immediate improvement of the northern division of the [ yellow race].
78:6.5 Ten per cent of these fleeing [ Andites] made their way across [ Arabia] and entered [ Egypt].
78:6.5 Ten per cent of these fleeing [ Andites] made their way across [ Arabia] and entered [ Egypt].
78:6.6 Five per cent of the [ Andites], the very superior [[culture]] of the coastal district about the mouths of the [ Tigris and Euphrates] who had kept themselves free from intermarriage with the inferior neighboring tribesmen, refused to leave their [[homes]]. This group represented the survival of many superior [[Nodite]] and [ Adamite] strains.
78:6.6 Five per cent of the [ Andites], the very superior [[culture]] of the coastal district about the mouths of the [ Tigris and Euphrates] who had kept themselves free from intermarriage with the inferior neighboring tribesmen, refused to leave their [[homes]]. This group represented the survival of many superior [[Nodite]] and [ Adamite] strains.
78:6.7 The [ Andites] had almost entirely evacuated this region by [ 6000 B.C.], though their descendants, largely mixed with the surrounding [ Sangik races] and the [ Andonites] of Asia Minor, were there to give battle to the northern and eastern invaders at a much later date.
78:6.7 The [ Andites] had almost entirely evacuated this region by [ 6000 B.C.], though their descendants, largely mixed with the surrounding [ Sangik races] and the [ Andonites] of Asia Minor, were there to give battle to the northern and eastern invaders at a much later date.
78:6.8 The [[cultural]] age of the [[second garden]] was terminated by the increasing infiltration of the [[surrounding]] inferior stocks. [[Civilization]] moved westward to the [ Nile] and the [[Mediterranean]] islands, where it continued to thrive and advance long after its fountainhead in Mesopotamia had deteriorated. And this unchecked influx of inferior peoples prepared the way for the later [[conquest]] of all Mesopotamia by the northern [[barbarians]] who drove out the residual strains of [[ability]]. Even in later years the cultured residue still resented the [[presence]] of these ignorant and uncouth [[invaders]].
78:6.8 The [[cultural]] age of the [[second garden]] was terminated by the increasing infiltration of the [[surrounding]] inferior stocks. [[Civilization]] moved westward to the [ Nile] and the [[Mediterranean]] islands, where it continued to thrive and advance long after its fountainhead in Mesopotamia had deteriorated. And this unchecked influx of inferior peoples prepared the way for the later [[conquest]] of all Mesopotamia by the northern [[barbarians]] who drove out the residual strains of [[ability]]. Even in later years the cultured residue still resented the [[presence]] of these ignorant and uncouth [[invaders]].
78:7.1 The [[river]] dwellers were accustomed to rivers overflowing their banks at certain [[seasons]]; these periodic floods were annual [[events]] in their lives. But new [[perils]] threatened the [ valley of Mesopotamia] as a result of progressive [[geologic]] [[changes]] to the north.
78:7.1 The [[river]] dwellers were accustomed to rivers overflowing their banks at certain [[seasons]]; these periodic floods were annual [[events]] in their lives. But new [[perils]] threatened the [ valley of Mesopotamia] as a result of progressive [[geologic]] [[changes]] to the north.
78:7.2 For thousands of years after the [ submergence of the first Eden] the [[mountains]] about the eastern coast of the [[Mediterranean]] and those to the northwest and northeast of [ Mesopotamia] continued to rise. This elevation of the highlands was greatly accelerated about [ 5000 B.C.], and this, together with greatly increased snowfall on the northern mountains, caused unprecedented floods each spring throughout the [ Euphrates valley]. These spring floods grew increasingly worse so that [[eventually]] the [[inhabitants]] of the [[river]] regions were driven to the eastern highlands. For almost a thousand years scores of [[cities]] were practically deserted because of these [ extensive deluges].
78:7.2 For thousands of years after the [ submergence of the first Eden] the [[mountains]] about the eastern coast of the [[Mediterranean]] and those to the northwest and northeast of [ Mesopotamia] continued to rise. This elevation of the highlands was greatly accelerated about [ 5000 B.C.], and this, together with greatly increased snowfall on the northern mountains, caused unprecedented floods each spring throughout the [ Euphrates valley]. These spring floods grew increasingly worse so that [[eventually]] the [[inhabitants]] of the [[river]] regions were driven to the eastern highlands. For almost a thousand years scores of [[cities]] were practically deserted because of these [ extensive deluges].
78:7.3 Almost five thousand years later, as the [[Hebrew]] [[priests]] in [ Babylonian captivity] sought to trace the Jewish people back to [[Adam]], they found great [[difficulty]] in piecing the [[story]] together; and it occurred to one of them to abandon the [[effort]], to let the whole world drown in its wickedness at the time of [ Noah's flood], and thus to be in a better position to trace [[Abraham]] right back to one of the three surviving sons of [ Noah].
78:7.3 Almost five thousand years later, as the [[Hebrew]] [[priests]] in [ Babylonian captivity] sought to trace the Jewish people back to [[Adam]], they found great [[difficulty]] in piecing the [[story]] together; and it occurred to one of them to abandon the [[effort]], to let the whole world drown in its wickedness at the time of [ Noah's flood], and thus to be in a better position to trace [[Abraham]] right back to one of the three surviving sons of [ Noah].
78:7.4 The [[traditions]] of a time when water covered the whole of the [[earth]]'s [[surface]] are [ universal]. Many races harbor the [[story]] of a world-wide flood some time during [[past]] ages. The [ Biblical story of Noah], the ark, and the flood is an [[invention]] of the [[Hebrew]] [[priesthood]] during the [ Babylonian captivity]. There has never been a [[universal]] flood since [ life was established on Urantia]. The only time the [[surface]] of the [[earth]] was completely covered by water was during those [ Archeozoic ages] before the [[land]] had begun to appear.
78:7.4 The [[traditions]] of a time when water covered the whole of the [[earth]]'s [[surface]] are [ universal]. Many races harbor the [[story]] of a world-wide flood some time during [[past]] ages. The [ Biblical story of Noah], the ark, and the flood is an [[invention]] of the [[Hebrew]] [[priesthood]] during the [ Babylonian captivity]. There has never been a [[universal]] flood since [ life was established on Urantia]. The only time the [[surface]] of the [[earth]] was completely covered by water was during those [ Archeozoic ages] before the [[land]] had begun to appear.
78:7.5 But [ Noah] really lived; he was a wine maker of [ Aram], a river settlement near [ Erech]. He kept a [[written]] [[record]] of the days of the [[river]]'s rise from year to year. He brought much ridicule upon himself by going up and down the river valley advocating that all houses be built of wood, boat fashion, and that the [[family]] [[animals]] be put on board each night as the flood season approached. He would go to the [[neighboring]] [[river]] settlements every year and warn them that in so many days the floods would come. Finally a year came in which the annual floods were greatly augmented by unusually heavy rainfall so that the sudden rise of the waters wiped out the entire village; only [ Noah] and his immediate [[family]] were saved in their houseboat.
78:7.5 But [ Noah] really lived; he was a wine maker of [ Aram], a river settlement near [ Erech]. He kept a [[written]] [[record]] of the days of the [[river]]'s rise from year to year. He brought much ridicule upon himself by going up and down the river valley advocating that all houses be built of wood, boat fashion, and that the [[family]] [[animals]] be put on board each night as the flood season approached. He would go to the [[neighboring]] [[river]] settlements every year and warn them that in so many days the floods would come. Finally a year came in which the annual floods were greatly augmented by unusually heavy rainfall so that the sudden rise of the waters wiped out the entire village; only [ Noah] and his immediate [[family]] were saved in their houseboat.
78:7.6 These floods completed the disruption of [ Andite] [[civilization]]. With the ending of this period of deluge, the [[second garden]] was no more. Only in the south and among the [ Sumerians] did any trace of the former [[glory]] remain.
78:7.6 These floods completed the disruption of [ Andite] [[civilization]]. With the ending of this period of deluge, the [[second garden]] was no more. Only in the south and among the [ Sumerians] did any trace of the former [[glory]] remain.
78:7.7 The remnants of this, one of the oldest [[civilizations]], are to be found in these regions of [ Mesopotamia] and to the northeast and northwest. But still older vestiges of the days of [[Dalamatia]] exist under the waters of the [ Persian Gulf], and the [[first Eden]] lies submerged under the eastern end of the [[Mediterranean Sea]].[]
78:7.7 The remnants of this, one of the oldest [[civilizations]], are to be found in these regions of [ Mesopotamia] and to the northeast and northwest. But still older vestiges of the days of [[Dalamatia]] exist under the waters of the [ Persian Gulf], and the [[first Eden]] lies submerged under the eastern end of the [[Mediterranean Sea]].[]
78:8.1 When the last [ Andite] [[dispersion]] broke the [[biologic]] backbone of [ Mesopotamian civilization], a small minority of this superior [[race]] remained in their [[home]]land near the mouths of the [[rivers]]. These were the [ Sumerians], and by [ 6000 B.C.] they had become largely Andite in extraction, though their [[culture]] was more exclusively [[Nodite]] in [[character]], and they clung to the [[ancient]] [[traditions]] of [[Dalamatia]]. Nonetheless, these [ Sumerians] of the coastal regions were the last of the [ Andites] in Mesopotamia. But the races of Mesopotamia were already thoroughly blended by this late date, as is [[evidenced]] by the skull types found in the graves of this era.
78:8.1 When the last [ Andite] [[dispersion]] broke the [[biologic]] backbone of [ Mesopotamian civilization], a small minority of this superior [[race]] remained in their [[home]]land near the mouths of the [[rivers]]. These were the [ Sumerians], and by [ 6000 B.C.] they had become largely Andite in extraction, though their [[culture]] was more exclusively [[Nodite]] in [[character]], and they clung to the [[ancient]] [[traditions]] of [[Dalamatia]]. Nonetheless, these [ Sumerians] of the coastal regions were the last of the [ Andites] in Mesopotamia. But the races of Mesopotamia were already thoroughly blended by this late date, as is [[evidenced]] by the skull types found in the graves of this era.
78:8.2 It was during the floodtimes that [ Susa] so greatly [[Wealth|prospered]]. The first and lower city was inundated so that the second or higher town succeeded the lower as the [[headquarters]] for the peculiar artcrafts of that day. With the later diminution of these floods, [ Ur] became the [[center]] of the pottery industry. About seven thousand years ago Ur was on the [ Persian Gulf], the [[river]] deposits having since built up the [[land]] to its present limits. These settlements suffered less from the floods because of better controlling works and the widening mouths of the rivers.
78:8.2 It was during the floodtimes that [ Susa] so greatly [[Wealth|prospered]]. The first and lower city was inundated so that the second or higher town succeeded the lower as the [[headquarters]] for the peculiar artcrafts of that day. With the later diminution of these floods, [ Ur] became the [[center]] of the pottery industry. About seven thousand years ago Ur was on the [ Persian Gulf], the [[river]] deposits having since built up the [[land]] to its present limits. These settlements suffered less from the floods because of better controlling works and the widening mouths of the rivers.
78:8.3 The [[peace]]ful grain [[Agriculture|growers]] of the [ Euphrates and Tigris valleys] had long been harassed by the raids of the [[barbarians]] of [ Turkestan] and the Iranian plateau. But now a concerted [[invasion]] of the [ Euphrates valley] was brought about by the increasing drought of the highland pastures. And this invasion was all the more serious because these [[surrounding]] herdsmen and [[hunters]] possessed large numbers of tamed [ horses]. It was the possession of horses which gave them a tremendous military advantage over their rich [[neighbors]] to the south. In a short time they overran all [ Mesopotamia], driving forth the last [[waves]] of [[culture]] which spread out over all of [ Europe], [ western Asia], and [ northern Africa].
78:8.3 The [[peace]]ful grain [[Agriculture|growers]] of the [ Euphrates and Tigris valleys] had long been harassed by the raids of the [[barbarians]] of [ Turkestan] and the Iranian plateau. But now a concerted [[invasion]] of the [ Euphrates valley] was brought about by the increasing drought of the highland pastures. And this invasion was all the more serious because these [[surrounding]] herdsmen and [[hunters]] possessed large numbers of tamed [ horses]. It was the possession of horses which gave them a tremendous military advantage over their rich [[neighbors]] to the south. In a short time they overran all [ Mesopotamia], driving forth the last [[waves]] of [[culture]] which spread out over all of [ Europe], [ western Asia], and [ northern Africa].
78:8.4 These [[conquerors]] of [ Mesopotamia] carried in their ranks many of the better [ Andite] strains of the mixed northern races of [ Turkestan], including some of the [ Adamson] stock. These less advanced but more vigorous [[tribes]] from the north quickly and willingly assimilated the residue of the [[civilization]] of Mesopotamia and presently [[developed]] into those mixed peoples found in the [ Euphrates] valley at the beginning of historic annals. They quickly revived many [[phases]] of the passing civilization of [ Mesopotamia], [[adopting]] the [[arts]] of the valley tribes and much of the [[culture]] of the [ Sumerians]. They even sought to build a third [ tower of Babel] and later adopted the term as their national name.
78:8.4 These [[conquerors]] of [ Mesopotamia] carried in their ranks many of the better [ Andite] strains of the mixed northern races of [ Turkestan], including some of the [ Adamson] stock. These less advanced but more vigorous [[tribes]] from the north quickly and willingly assimilated the residue of the [[civilization]] of Mesopotamia and presently [[developed]] into those mixed peoples found in the [ Euphrates] valley at the beginning of historic annals. They quickly revived many [[phases]] of the passing civilization of [ Mesopotamia], [[adopting]] the [[arts]] of the valley tribes and much of the [[culture]] of the [ Sumerians]. They even sought to build a third [ tower of Babel] and later adopted the term as their national name.
78:8.5 When these [[barbarian]] cavalrymen from the northeast overran the whole [ Euphrates valley], they did not [[conquer]] the remnants of the [ Andites] who dwelt about the mouth of the river on the [ Persian Gulf]. These [ Sumerians] were able to defend themselves because of superior [[intelligence]], better weapons, and their extensive [[system]] of military canals, which were an adjunct to their [ irrigation] scheme of interconnecting pools. They were a united people because they had a [[uniform]] group [[religion]]. They were thus able to [[maintain]] their racial and national [[integrity]] long after their neighbors to the northwest were broken up into isolated [ city-states]. No one of these city groups was able to overcome the united [ Sumerians].
78:8.5 When these [[barbarian]] cavalrymen from the northeast overran the whole [ Euphrates valley], they did not [[conquer]] the remnants of the [ Andites] who dwelt about the mouth of the river on the [ Persian Gulf]. These [ Sumerians] were able to defend themselves because of superior [[intelligence]], better weapons, and their extensive [[system]] of military canals, which were an adjunct to their [ irrigation] scheme of interconnecting pools. They were a united people because they had a [[uniform]] group [[religion]]. They were thus able to [[maintain]] their racial and national [[integrity]] long after their neighbors to the northwest were broken up into isolated [ city-states]. No one of these city groups was able to overcome the united [ Sumerians].
78:8.6 And the [[invaders]] from the north soon [[learned]] to [[trust]] and prize these [[peace]]-loving Sumerians as able [[teachers]] and [[administrators]]. They were greatly [[respected]] and sought after as [[teachers]] of [[art]] and [[industry]], as directors of [[commerce]], and as civil rulers by all peoples to the north and from [ Egypt] in the west to [ India] in the east.
78:8.6 And the [[invaders]] from the north soon [[learned]] to [[trust]] and prize these [[peace]]-loving Sumerians as able [[teachers]] and [[administrators]]. They were greatly [[respected]] and sought after as [[teachers]] of [[art]] and [[industry]], as directors of [[commerce]], and as civil rulers by all peoples to the north and from [ Egypt] in the west to [ India] in the east.
78:8.7 After the breakup of the early [ Sumerian] [[confederation]] the later [ city-states] were ruled by the [[apostate]] descendants of the [ Sethite priests]. Only when these [[priests]] made [[conquests]] of the [[neighboring]] [[cities]] did they call themselves kings. The later city kings failed to form powerful [[confederations]] before the days of [ Sargon] because of [[deity]] [[jealousy]]. Each city believed its municipal god to be superior to all other gods, and therefore they refused to subordinate themselves to a common [[leader]].
78:8.7 After the breakup of the early [ Sumerian] [[confederation]] the later [ city-states] were ruled by the [[apostate]] descendants of the [ Sethite priests]. Only when these [[priests]] made [[conquests]] of the [[neighboring]] [[cities]] did they call themselves kings. The later city kings failed to form powerful [[confederations]] before the days of [ Sargon] because of [[deity]] [[jealousy]]. Each city believed its municipal god to be superior to all other gods, and therefore they refused to subordinate themselves to a common [[leader]].
78:8.8 The end of this long period of the weak rule of the [[city]] [[priests]] was terminated by [ Sargon], the priest of [ Kish], who proclaimed himself king and started out on the [[conquest]] of the whole of [ Mesopotamia] and adjoining [[lands]]. And for the time, this ended the city-states, [[priest]]-ruled and priest-ridden, each city having its own municipal [[god]] and its own [[ceremonial]] [[practices]].
78:8.8 The end of this long period of the weak rule of the [[city]] [[priests]] was terminated by [ Sargon], the priest of [ Kish], who proclaimed himself king and started out on the [[conquest]] of the whole of [ Mesopotamia] and adjoining [[lands]]. And for the time, this ended the city-states, [[priest]]-ruled and priest-ridden, each city having its own municipal [[god]] and its own [[ceremonial]] [[practices]].
78:8.9 After the breakup of this [ Kish] [[confederation]] there ensued a long period of constant warfare between these valley [[cities]] for [[Dominate|supremacy]]. And the rulership variously shifted between [ Sumer], [ Akkad], [ Kish], [ Erech], [ Ur], and [ Susa].
78:8.9 After the breakup of this [ Kish] [[confederation]] there ensued a long period of constant warfare between these valley [[cities]] for [[Dominate|supremacy]]. And the rulership variously shifted between [ Sumer], [ Akkad], [ Kish], [ Erech], [ Ur], and [ Susa].
78:8.10 About [ 2500 B.C.] the [ Sumerians] [[suffered]] severe reverses at the hands of the northern Suites and Guites. [ Lagash], the Sumerian capital built on flood mounds, fell. [ Erech] held out for thirty years after the fall of [ Akkad]. By the time of the [[establishment]] of the [ rule of Hammurabi] the Sumerians had become [[absorbed]] into the ranks of the northern [ Semites], and the Mesopotamian Andites passed from the pages of [[history]].
78:8.10 About [ 2500 B.C.] the [ Sumerians] [[suffered]] severe reverses at the hands of the northern Suites and Guites. [ Lagash], the Sumerian capital built on flood mounds, fell. [ Erech] held out for thirty years after the fall of [ Akkad]. By the time of the [[establishment]] of the [ rule of Hammurabi] the Sumerians had become [[absorbed]] into the ranks of the northern [ Semites], and the Mesopotamian Andites passed from the pages of [[history]].
78:8.11 From [ 2500] to [ 2000 B.C.] the [[nomads]] were on a rampage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Nerites constituted the final eruption of the Caspian group of the Mesopotamian descendants of the blended [ Andonite] and [ Andite races]. What the [[barbarians]] failed to do to [[effect]] the ruination of [ Mesopotamia], subsequent [ climatic changes] succeeded in accomplishing.
78:8.11 From [ 2500] to [ 2000 B.C.] the [[nomads]] were on a rampage from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Nerites constituted the final eruption of the Caspian group of the Mesopotamian descendants of the blended [ Andonite] and [ Andite races]. What the [[barbarians]] failed to do to [[effect]] the ruination of [ Mesopotamia], subsequent [ climatic changes] succeeded in accomplishing.
78:8.12 And this is the [[story]] of the [ violet race] after the days of [[Adam]] and of the fate of their homeland between the [ Tigris and Euphrates]. Their [[ancient]] [[civilization]] finally fell due to the [[emigration]] of superior peoples and the [[immigration]] of their inferior [[neighbors]]. But long before the [[barbarian]] cavalrymen conquered the valley, much of [[the Garden]] [[culture]] had spread to [ Asia], [ Africa], and [ Europe], there to produce the ferments which have resulted in the [ twentieth-century] [[civilization]] of [[Urantia]].
78:8.12 And this is the [[story]] of the [ violet race] after the days of [[Adam]] and of the fate of their homeland between the [ Tigris and Euphrates]. Their [[ancient]] [[civilization]] finally fell due to the [[emigration]] of superior peoples and the [[immigration]] of their inferior [[neighbors]]. But long before the [[barbarian]] cavalrymen conquered the valley, much of [[the Garden]] [[culture]] had spread to [ Asia], [ Africa], and [ Europe], there to produce the ferments which have resulted in the [ twentieth-century] [[civilization]] of [[Urantia]].
78:8.13 Presented by an [[Archangel]] of [[Nebadon]].  
78:8.13 Presented by an [[Archangel]] of [[Nebadon]].  
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