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87:2.6 The [[names]] of the dead were never spoken. In [[fact]], they were often banished from the [[language]]. These names became [[taboo]], and in this way the [[languages]] were constantly impoverished. This [[eventually]] produced a multiplication of [[symbolic]] [[speech]] and figurative [[expression]], such as "the name or day one never mentions."[]
87:2.6 The [[names]] of the dead were never spoken. In [[fact]], they were often banished from the [[language]]. These names became [[taboo]], and in this way the [[languages]] were constantly impoverished. This [[eventually]] produced a multiplication of [[symbolic]] [[speech]] and figurative [[expression]], such as "the name or day one never mentions."[]
87:2.7 The [[ancients]] were so [[anxious]] to get rid of a [[ghost]] that they offered it [[everything]] which might have been desired during life. Ghosts wanted [[wives]] and servants; a well-to-do savage expected that at least one [[slave]] wife would be [[buried]] alive at his [[death]]. It later became the [[custom]] for a [[widow]] to commit [[suicide]] on her [[husband]]'s grave. When a [[child]] died, the [[mother]], aunt, or grandmother was often strangled in order that an adult [[ghost]] might accompany and care for the child ghost. And those who thus gave up their lives usually did so willingly; indeed, had they lived in violation of [[custom]], their [[fear]] of ghost wrath would have denuded life of such few [[pleasures]] as the [[primitives]] enjoyed.
87:2.7 The [[ancients]] were so [[anxious]] to get rid of a [[ghost]] that they offered it [[everything]] which might have been desired during life. Ghosts wanted [[wives]] and servants; a well-to-do savage expected that at least one [[slave]] wife would be [[buried]] alive at his [[death]]. It later became the [[custom]] for a [ widow] to commit [[suicide]] on her [[husband]]'s grave. When a [[child]] died, the [[mother]], aunt, or grandmother was often strangled in order that an adult [[ghost]] might accompany and care for the child ghost. And those who thus gave up their lives usually did so willingly; indeed, had they lived in violation of [[custom]], their [[fear]] of ghost wrath would have denuded life of such few [[pleasures]] as the [[primitives]] enjoyed.
87:2.8 It was customary to dispatch a large number of subjects to accompany a dead chief; [[slaves]] were killed when their master died that they might serve him in ghostland. The [ Borneans] still provide a courier companion; a [[slave]] is speared to [[death]] to make the ghost [[journey]] with his deceased master. Ghosts of murdered [[persons]] were believed to be delighted to have the ghosts of their murderers as slaves; this notion motivated men to [ head hunting].
87:2.8 It was customary to dispatch a large number of subjects to accompany a dead chief; [[slaves]] were killed when their master died that they might serve him in ghostland. The [ Borneans] still provide a courier companion; a [[slave]] is speared to [[death]] to make the ghost [[journey]] with his deceased master. Ghosts of murdered [[persons]] were believed to be delighted to have the ghosts of their murderers as slaves; this notion motivated men to [ head hunting].