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== [[A Course in Miracles]][] ==  
===[[A Course in Miracles]][] ==  
[[Preface]][], [[Text]][], [[Workbook for Students]][], [[Manual for Teachers]][][[Clarification of Terms]][]
====[[Workbook for Students]][]===
====[[Manual for Teachers]][]===
====[[Clarification of Terms]][]===
===[[The Correcting Time]][]==
===[[The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]][]==
==[[The Correcting Time]][]==
[[Teachers]][], [[Title]][]
====[[TeaM]] Groups[]===
== [[The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]][] ==
[[Teachers]][], [[TeaM]] Groups[], [[Transmitters]][]
===[[The Way of Mastery]][]==
== [[The Way of Mastery]][] ==  
====[[The Way of the Heart]][]===  
[[The Way of the Heart]][], [[The Way of Transformation]][], [[The Way of Knowing]][]
====[[The Way of Transformation]][]=== [===[The Way of Knowing]][]===
== [[Urantia Text]][] ==
===[[Urantia Text]][]==
[[First Revelatory Commission]][], [[Second Revelatory Commission]][]
===[[First Revelatory Commission]][]=== ===[[Second Revelatory Commission]][]===
[[Category: General Reference]]
[[Category: General Reference]]
[[Category: Primary Corpus]]
[[Category: Primary Corpus]]