
New page: [Aaron returns after fusing - he speaks to the experience briefly below-ED] Aaron’s Adjuster Fusion Experience February 15, 1994 * Strength within. That is the defining characteris...
[Aaron returns after fusing - he speaks to the experience briefly below-ED]

Aaron’s Adjuster Fusion Experience

February 15, 1994

* Strength within. That is the defining characteristic which draws you toward eternal goals.

You draw from those around you. You utilize aspects of your personality in relating. To bring this into a sphere of belonging, you must try to find that everything you accomplish can be done with eyes towards progress.

B: I feel kind of vague here, but I'll continue . . .

* You can draw this into your being, that your relative superiority in growth towards potential understanding is by your response to the techniques of prompting by your Thought-Adjuster.

You share what you have and take what is given from others. You utilize the apects of give and take to mold the character. As you develop, it is key that you find your strength from within to motivate you forward. It is a short circuiting of the system when you draw your motivation from outside sources.

Complete and eternal are the avenues for expansion. Conceptually you have not shortened your view if you take the Indwelling's advice.

I hold no distaste for your effort in trying to pass forth concepts. Allow the beginning to expand.


Uncertain that you're willing to embrace efforts not within established comfort zones. It will bring you more for the assurance as you let this expectation go.

(Long Pause, switches T/Rs.)

* Welcome again to our meeting before our Father. He who is our Father, above us though He is, is within and thereby always present.

This source that you contain is the very wellspring of vitality that issues from you to create a demonstration of light here upon your sphere of life. This divinity presence demonstrates forever your security in the Father's embrace and makes forever true the reality of your brotherhood.

Know always that as you step forward into uncertainty and break free from the confines of settledness that you are upheld ever so lovingly by Him Who Upholds All. When you extend beyond your human levels you have all of everything within you to make the leap into a new phase, another realm, a larger arena of personality expression. It is but the Father.

Pause to consider, this is God. Everything and more is present inside. All to be created, even that which may perchance never be created, resides within as an absolute, luminous, loving, pure, and real light, bestowing and securing; the Creator.

Your knowledge expands. Your faith grasps ever larger aspects of Him. He is your source of guidance. He is your destiny attainment. He is the most amazing revelation to be held within any creature, as a personality possession.

I am Aaron and I know whereof I speak. I offer my awareness to you, in effort to uplift you in striving to realize and recognize this gift of God. Make Him the central focus of all your efforts, your dreams, your hopes. Nothing can separate you from the attainment of His embrace. It is actually attainable even as you are now.

I give you my love.

I acknowledge the Father bestowed upon you. I will be back in due time.