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<center>'''''Questions''''' submitted by participants encouraged by the '''''Second Revelatory Commission'''''.</center>
<center>'''''Questions''''' submitted by participants encouraged by the '''''Second Revelatory Commission'''''.</center>
P.446 - §6 When you encounter these modified mortal types on the mansion worlds, you will find no difficulty in communicating with them. There they speak the same system language but by a modified technique.
Q1:  What does it mean – “by a modified technique”?
P.451 - §3 Even with Adjuster-fusion candidates, only those human experiences which were of spiritual value are common possessions of the surviving mortal and the returning Adjuster and hence are immediately remembered subsequent to mortal survival. Concerning those happenings which were not of spiritual significance, even these Adjuster-fusers must depend upon the attribute of recognition-response in the surviving soul. And since any one event may have a spiritual connotation to one mortal but not to another, it becomes possible for a group of contemporary ascenders from the same planet to pool their store of Adjuster-remembered events and thus to reconstruct any experience which they had in common, and which was of spiritual value in the life of any one of them.
Q2:  Is it possible to clarify the technique of this pooling the memories?-Vladimir
There are a lot of these in the UB that intrigue me - "modified technique" - like a different vocal apparatus? What kind of modification? More please!!-Thea
P.742 - §7 … Here the one hundred human subjects were given into the hands of the highly skilled volunteer commission from Avalon, who directed the material extraction of a portion of the life plasm of these Andon descendants.
Q1: Why was a volunteer commission from Avalon invited to go this work?  Were there no Nebadon’s experts to do this work?
P.744 - §8 This group, while enjoying provisional citizenship on Jerusem, were as yet unfused with their Thought Adjusters; and when they volunteered and were accepted for planetary service in liaison with the descending orders of sonship, their Adjusters were detached.
Q2: Why their Adjusters were detached?-Vladimir