
New page: Abraham111804SLC7_DoNotBeDiscouragedThereIsHelp SLC Utah Teaching Mission Group Meeting #7 Do Not Be Discouraged, for There Is an Abundance of Help At Mark Greer’s Home Present: San...


SLC Utah Teaching Mission Group Meeting #7

Do Not Be Discouraged, for There Is an Abundance of Help

At Mark Greer’s Home

Present: Sandy Porter (Dianna), Mark Greer (Simon), Warren Smith III (Ryan), Warren Smith (Marshall) and new guests Nicki, David and Bruce

November 18, 2004

Teacher(s): Abraham

Prayer (Simon): I welcome you all here today, in prayer, and give thanks for bringing us to all the various places we have been and are going and to where we are now. Thank you for your love as you protect and guide us. Thank you for our teachers who are so patient with us, considering our various eccentricities.

Abraham (Dianna T/R): I am Abraham. Greetings. I am thrilled to see you all together again, here in your most attended session with the majority of friends and associates from this Teaching Mission circle we call our Father-filled session, for all who choose to be included. Well done.

We who are the ones who teach are so delighted to have ones who follow instruction and are ever vigilant to find additional fellows to join such an event as this. We have solicited those among us who are interested in viewing the challenges that everyday existence gives to you, our friends and colleagues on this journey to Paradise. We who are willing to lay down our lives for the future of this plan are in high attendance for this evening’s meeting, for we perceive this to be a final journey for those of you who have the endurance for the challenges ahead. We perceive that those among you have sincere, heart-felt desire for connection to their Father Fragment and would ultimately choose to participate fully in the most difficult and hard-wrought success. We who are the teachers are sure that each and every one of you has the strength, courage and tenacity to endure all of hurdles that will befall you as you journey closer to your final decision of choosing the path of union with the indwelling Father Fragment. Though the challenges are many, we believe all of you have what it takes to achieve this union, however, one must endure many hardships along the way. Be not afraid. Do not be discouraged, for there is an abundance of help to aid you in your time of need. One moment. (New guests Nicki, David and Bruce arrive).

I am sure that you have heard all this before, but I would like to reinforce the point. Whenever you feel unsure and afraid, do not forget that there is ample assistance for each of you throughout your daily existence. Not for one moment are you without resources to assist you in your development toward this goal of union with Father, for we are determined that our plans will be successful.

Whenever you feel separated, reach out for one of those individuals within this group, for each one could be a potential source of availing yourself of these feelings. Again, let me emphasize that this should be a regular practice for each and every one of you. When you experience pain and discontentment it is within yourself to change your direction and move toward the light instead. I am willing to take questions this evening so that we may maintain a shorter visit this week. Let us continue your training through your questions, yes. Please begin.

Simon: Yes, Abraham. I am grateful to be here and be back from our trip and see some special places. I welcome our guests, Nicki, David and Bruce. Good to have you with us this evening.

Abraham: Welcome, all who are here this evening for our special time together, yes. Thank you for attending. A question?

Simon: Yeah, so we are talking about fusion, huh?

Abraham: Yes, indeed. We are discussing the opportunity to fuse with your indwelling Fragment and hoping that each of you are willing to take on the challenge of all that is required to achieve this, yes.

Simon: Sure, with Father’s help we can do anything, huh, to get there?

Abraham: Not necessarily. All that is required is your desire to move closer to your indwelling Fragment, but this is not always the case. Many times the ebb and flow of daily life excludes the thought of fusion and sometimes, also the desire for that achievement. When we are caught up in the material aspects of life, the attention paid to this achievement dwindles and wanes. With commitment in mind and stamina in spirit, anything is possible, but this is not always easy. Does this answer?

Simon: Yes. Thanks for making it such a balanced and bridging answer.

Abraham: You are welcome. Another question?

Marshall: Hello, Abraham. Marshall here. A joy, a pleasure and an honor to have your presence, and the presence of our new friends who have joined us this evening. The lesson last week was exceptional, as the week before. I really feel like I am making

exceptional progress in taking these exercises you have assigned into the arena of life.

I can tell this by the love I feel for others that I have never really felt before, even for those who are rather difficult to love. I look forward to the format, the lessons, the teachers and the challenging tasks we will be presented with.

I assume when you were speaking of fusion, that with the supreme desire for attunement with our indwelling Father, you were speaking of the potential of fusing here, going up in chariots of fire upon this planet. I really have no questions to speak of except this.

My heart-felt thanks to the staff, you, Machiventa, Emulan, and all that have announced themselves. A great honor, Abraham.

Abraham: Yes, thank you for your commitment to this process, yes. You have the right idea concerning our intentions. We do desire that you actively seek fusion with your Father Fragment here on this planet, yes. We know that this is possibly one of the most difficult achievements possible on this planet, however it is the striving that is most important. Through your desire to achieve this end, many aspects of the morontia/spirit world will become available for you to learn and use in your everyday existence. The idea that this is unachievable is detrimental to one’s esteem and cannot be useful long-term, therefore we seek for all of you to maintain a positive attitude and support each other in this endeavor, yes.

Simon: That is pretty powerful stuff there, Abraham. Thanks for all your help. I just imagine all of our various friends around us, helping us so much, whether we see them or whether we do not, and all the possibilities and levels, as the pieces come together.

Abraham: We perceived that this might be a brand new idea for some of you, but are willing to give you the idea to strive for this in order to strengthen your resolve and heighten your hope for the future, yes.

Marshall: It is not a new idea to me, Abraham, and it is so refreshing to hear you reconfirm this, in this setting. I am playing for keeps, my dear friend, and figuratively speaking, taking no prisoners. Truly, the adventure of the ages is unfolding. Thank you, thank you, for this energizing thought that you have elaborated on somewhat, here tonight.

Abraham: Yes, you are welcome. I understand you to be very sincere in your gratitude for this particular challenge and we appreciate your enthusiasm whole-heartedly. You definitely serve as an anchor for all in the group who are skeptical or unsure that this is truly possible, yes. Let us now take a few questions from our guests if they choose to do so. This is not required in any way, but we would love to interact with each of you, yes.

Nicki: Who is Abraham?

Abraham: I am known on this planet as the Abraham of the Bible and the…(long pause)…(Marshall: the Koran, the Torah maybe? Are you saying the Christians, the Jewish and the Muslims? That is what I am understanding.)… Abraham: Yes, you are correct. I am the father of both the Israelites and the Arabs or Arab world/state, and so-called for my fathering of many religious traditions, yes. Does this answer you?

Nicki: Yes. Where are you now?

Abraham: I am here, but in a different state than you can perceive. Does this answer?

Nicki: Yes. Is there anyone else with you?

Abraham: Yes, there are many of us who are working on behalf of our sovereign, Michael of Nebadon, who you would know as the one called Master, Teacher, Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, yes. We are here to support his undertaking to uplift and correct the many defaults that have occurred on this planet. We teach the supreme truths of the universe to our younger brothers and sisters such as yourself. Life on this planet can be very difficult, yes, but we hope, as our Creator does, that through our instruction you will find hope, forgiveness and a loving presence all around you, supporting you on your journey, and through your life here. Does this make sense?

Nicki: Yes.

Abraham: Do you have any further questions of me?

Nicki: Not right now, thank you.

Abraham: You are welcome. Thank you for attending this evening. It is so refreshing to have new faces and hearts yearning for the truth, yes. I will take one more question.

Abraham: If there are none, I will conclude our lesson for this evening.

Marshall: I have one, Abraham, since no one else does. This exciting challenge of fusion you spoke of, as we become increasingly attuned with our indwelling Father Fragment, certainly there are many possibilities… I decide not to go through with this question right now, but will save it, as Sandy has had a hard week in New Orleans. There are other times.

Abraham: I am available to you at any time and am willing to perform a private session if desired. There is no need to worry. Your question will be answered. I must share with all of you my supreme and heart-felt desire for each of you to fully invest yourselves in this challenge of truly believing it is possible to unite with your indwelling Father Fragment here on this planet, yes. I truly desire for you all to contemplate this throughout the week and allow us to assist you in developing a larger perspective on this particular theme. We are thrilled to see that you have embraced our lessons and have chosen to whole-heartedly pursue the lessons we give. Thank you. I so cherish our time together. Until next time, Shalom.