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===Topic: ''Intuition, the Way Forward''===
===Group: [[ERETHEA]]===
===Teacher: [[Mary]]===
===TR: [[DianaErethea|Diana]]===
Mary Magdalena: My beloved children I wanted to have a few words with you today and I would like to ask you a question. When you have a feeling that something is the right thing to do, do you listen and take notice of this feeling or just ignore it and get on with your day and forget about it?
===='''''[[Inner Life]]'''''====
You have inbuilt instincts which go back through your past lifetimes and are at the root of your being and the core of your spirituality, these for the main have stood you in very good stead over the millennium of your existences so why choose this lifetime to ignore it? That is another question is it not?

We understand that your current lifetime is a melee of noise, confusion, brainwashing and fear; we know that those that inflict this mountain of emotions onto your being are overwhelming. You my beloved ones need to look within and find again the truth that you know and understand as being the right thing to do. You know the difference between right and wrong it is ingrained within your very being within your essence, even those who choose to ignore it for any reason whether because of karma or due to fear. We say that to ignore this gut feeling that is within each and everyone you is a foolish thing to say the least.

In the coming months and years there are many challenges that lie ahead of you; some will be very difficult, some less so, you must remember there is a great deal of unrest in your world at this moment, some of the situations could become badly inflamed thus having a strong impact on you all. At this time you may feel you are many miles away and therefore safe and will not be affected, but remember these things have a strong knock-on effect rather like a chain reaction. Add to that the changes that are taking place on your wonderful planet as she grows and heals from the damages that have been inflicted upon her. There will also be many natural events that will also affect you all; you will need to be aware of what is going on around you, and understand the effects it can, and will, have upon the planet, and you as individuals.

To listen to that little voice inside of you, that natural instinct that is in-built to give you protection and an advantage is an essential thing. You must my beloved ones take time to find this instinct again, and to develop it you need to listen to it; this will also enable you to listen to us to draw closer to us, and to be more at one with your spirituality. Be assured that however hard the path ahead of you becomes you are our much loved children and our help and protection is always yours. Unfortunately we cannot take away what lies ahead, as for many of you what you face is Karma and therefore must be endured, although we can be with you and help where we can without interfering in your lessons.

When this is over and past you will all look back at it and see the lessons and experiences that you have endured as being a wonderful learning curve. Without these you cannot move forward and develop to do this you need to experience and grow yourselves it is the natural way of things. Many of those that at present surround you in your neighbourhood will not do as well; they will be far too frightened and will not understand what is happening. Some will move away to another area, another country or continent; some will be brought back to our care. Who this will be is not important at the moment.
===='''''[[Thought]]''''', '''''[[Prayer]]'''''====
You can however, help each other and yourselves by remembering the power of thought and prayer. Send your thoughts and prayers out to those who need it, the people who are dwelling in a war torn country who live in constant fear but are also looking bravely looking for freedom for themselves from oppressive rulers and their terrible cruel ways. Remember also the soldiers who are fighting these battles; do they do it through misunderstanding, brainwashing, or fear. We ask that you remember how powerful these emotions are, and many things are done against the will of the individual. Then turn your thoughts to those who are living in countries where there is a famine or a natural disaster, they too need your thoughts to help them to find the strength to start again and move forward. The ones who are cruelly causing the problems in the war-torn and devastated countries also need your thoughts; this will help them to turn towards the light, once they do this they can be dealt with by us. We will make them aware of their actions and show them the error of their ways. No soul is given up on without a fight and they are also our children, just wayward ones.

You all have within you the strength and determination to move forward; it is within you and is a root belief that has always been there. Through your current lifetime you have simply forgotten how to use these tools and how to pull together. Each and every one of you has a challenge to endure, be it a big challenge or a smaller one, it is your challenge and although you may not believe it, you have within you the tools and resources to achieve it. Draw on these tools dear ones and go forward to the win challenges that await you with fortitude and stamina. Listen to that little voice inside you and give it a chance to help you to succeed, for if you succeed, we all succeed; and the time for us to be together grows ever closer.
You are always in my thoughts and prayers I give you my blessings and love. I bid you farewell for now beloved ones.

[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: ERETHEA]]
[[Category: Mary]]
[[Category: DianaErethea]]
[[Category: Intuition]]
[[Category: Spirit]]
[[Category: 2011]]