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This book is so called, because it consists of wise and weighty sentences: regulating the morals of men: and directing them to wisdom and virtue. And these sentences are also called Parables, because great truths are often couched in them under certain figures and similitudes. (For more information, see the article [ BOOK OF PROVERBS] in the Catholic Encyclopedia.)[]
This book is so called, because it consists of wise and weighty sentences: regulating the morals of men: and directing them to wisdom and virtue. And these sentences are also called Parables, because great truths are often couched in them under certain figures and similitudes. (For more information, see the article [ BOOK OF PROVERBS] in the Catholic Encyclopedia.)[]
==Proverb .1==
==Proverb .1==
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[6] to understand a proverb and a figure,
[6] to understand a proverb and a figure,
the words of the wise and their riddles.
the words of the wise and their riddles.
[7] The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;
[7] <u>The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction.
fools despise wisdom and instruction.</u>
[8] Hear, my son, your father's instruction,
[8] Hear, my son, your father's instruction,
and reject not your mother's teaching;
and reject not your mother's teaching;
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[13] Even in laughter the heart is sad,
[13] Even in laughter the heart is sad,
and the end of joy is grief.
and the end of joy is grief.
[14] A perverse man will be filled with the fruit of his ways,
[14] <u>A perverse man will be filled with the fruit of his ways,
and a good man with the fruit of his deeds.
and a good man with the fruit of his deeds.</u>
[15] The simple believes everything,
[15] The simple believes everything,
but the prudent looks where he is going.
but the prudent looks where he is going.
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[14] The mind of him who has understanding seeks knowledge,
[14] The mind of him who has understanding seeks knowledge,
but the mouths of fools feed on folly.
but the mouths of fools feed on folly.
[15] All the days of the afflicted are evil,
[15] <u>All the days of the afflicted are evil,
but a cheerful heart has a continual feast.
but a cheerful heart has a continual feast.</u>
[16] Better is a little with the fear of the LORD
[16] Better is a little with the fear of the LORD
than great treasure and trouble with it.
than great treasure and trouble with it.
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[21] A stupid son is a grief to a father;
[21] A stupid son is a grief to a father;
and the father of a fool has no joy.
and the father of a fool has no joy.
[22] A cheerful heart is a good medicine,
[22] <u>A cheerful heart is a good medicine,
but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.
but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.</u>
[23] A wicked man accepts a bribe from the bosom
[23] A wicked man accepts a bribe from the bosom
to pervert the ways of justice.
to pervert the ways of justice.
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[26] A wise king winnows the wicked,
[26] A wise king winnows the wicked,
and drives the wheel over them.
and drives the wheel over them.
[27] The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD,
[27] <u>The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD,
searching all his innermost parts.
searching all his innermost parts.</u>
[28] Loyalty and faithfulness preserve the king,
[28] Loyalty and faithfulness preserve the king,
and his throne is upheld by righteousness.
and his throne is upheld by righteousness.
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[3] A stone is heavy, and sand is weighty,
[3] A stone is heavy, and sand is weighty,
but a fool's provocation is heavier than both.
but a fool's provocation is heavier than both.
[4] Wrath is cruel, anger is overwhelming;
[4] <u>Wrath is cruel, anger is overwhelming;
but who can stand before jealousy?
but who can stand before jealousy?</u>
[5] Better is open rebuke
[5] Better is open rebuke
than hidden love.
than hidden love.
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[21] He who pampers his servant from childhood,
[21] He who pampers his servant from childhood,
will in the end find him his heir.
will in the end find him his heir.
[22] A man of wrath stirs up strife,
[22] <u>A man of wrath stirs up strife,
and a man given to anger causes much transgression.
and a man given to anger causes much transgression.</u>
[23] A man's pride will bring him low,
[23] A man's pride will bring him low,
but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.
but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.