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174:2.1 On Monday evening there had been held a [[council]] between the [[Sanhedrin]] and some fifty additional [[leaders]] selected from among the [[scribes]], [[Pharisees]], and the [[Sadducees]]. It was the [[consensus]] of this [[meeting]] that it would be [[dangerous]] to [[arrest]] [[Jesus]] in [[public]] because of his hold upon the [[affections]] of the [[Folk|common people]]. It was also the [[opinion]] of the [[majority]] that a [[determined]] [[effort]] should be made to discredit him in the eyes of [[the multitude]] before he should be [[arrested]] and brought to [[trial]]. Accordingly, several [[groups]] of [[learned men]] were designated to be on hand the next morning in [ the temple] to undertake to entrap him with [[difficult]] [[questions]] and otherwise to seek to [[embarrass]] him before [[the people]]. At last, the [[Pharisees]], [[Sadducees]], and even the [ Herodians] were all [[united]] in this [[effort]] to discredit [[Jesus]] in the eyes of the [[Passover]] multitudes.
174:2.1 On Monday evening there had been held a [[council]] between the [[Sanhedrin]] and some fifty additional [[leaders]] selected from among the [[scribes]], [[Pharisees]], and the [[Sadducees]]. It was the [[consensus]] of this [[meeting]] that it would be [[dangerous]] to [[arrest]] [[Jesus]] in [[public]] because of his hold upon the [[affections]] of the [[Folk|common people]]. It was also the [[opinion]] of the [[majority]] that a [[determined]] [[effort]] should be made to discredit him in the eyes of [[the multitude]] before he should be [[arrested]] and brought to [[trial]]. Accordingly, several [[groups]] of [[learned men]] were designated to be on hand the next morning in [ the temple] to undertake to entrap him with [[difficult]] [[questions]] and otherwise to seek to [[embarrass]] him before [[the people]]. At last, the [[Pharisees]], [[Sadducees]], and even the [ Herodians] were all [[united]] in this [[effort]] to discredit [[Jesus]] in the eyes of the [[Passover]] multitudes.
174:2.2 Tuesday morning, when [[Jesus]] arrived in [ the temple court] and began to [[teach]], he had uttered but few [[words]] when a [[group]] of the younger [[students]] from the [[academies]], who had been [[rehearsed]] for this [[purpose]], came forward and by their [[spokesman]] addressed [[Jesus]]: " Master, we know you are a [[righteous]] [[teacher]], and we know that you [[proclaim]] the ways of [[truth]], and that you serve only [[God]], for you [[fear]] no man, and that you are no respecter of [[persons]]. We are only [[students]], and we would know the [[truth]] about a matter which troubles us; our [[difficulty]] is this: Is it lawful for us to give [[tribute]] to [ Caesar]? Shall we give or shall we not give? " [[Jesus]], [[perceiving]] their [[hypocrisy]] and [[Clever|craftiness]], said to them: " Why do you thus come to [[tempt]] me? Show me the [[tribute]] [[money]], and I will answer you. " And when they handed him a [ denarius], he looked at it and said, " Whose [[image]] and superscription does this coin bear? " And when they answered him, " [ Caesar]'s, " [[Jesus]] said, " Render to Caesar the [[things]] that are Caesar's and render to [[God]] the things that are God's. "
174:2.2 Tuesday morning, when [[Jesus]] arrived in [ the temple court] and began to [[teach]], he had uttered but few [[words]] when a [[group]] of the younger [[students]] from the [[academies]], who had been [[rehearsed]] for this [[purpose]], came forward and by their [[spokesman]] addressed [[Jesus]]: " Master, we know you are a [[righteous]] [[teacher]], and we know that you [[proclaim]] the ways of [[truth]], and that you serve only [[God]], for you [[fear]] no man, and that you are no respecter of [[persons]]. We are only [[students]], and we would know the [[truth]] about a matter which troubles us; our [[difficulty]] is this: Is it lawful for us to give [[tribute]] to [ Caesar]? Shall we give or shall we not give? " [[Jesus]], [[perceiving]] their [[hypocrisy]] and [[Clever|craftiness]], said to them: " Why do you thus come to [[tempt]] me? Show me the [[tribute]] [[money]], and I will answer you. " And when they handed him a [ denarius], he looked at it and said, " Whose [[image]] and superscription does this coin bear? " And when they answered him, " [ Caesar]'s, " [[Jesus]] said, " Render to Caesar the [[things]] that are Caesar's and render to [[God]] the things that are God's. "[]
174:2.3 When he had thus answered these young [[scribes]] and their [ Herodian] accomplices, they withdrew from his [[presence]], and [[the people]], even the [[Sadducees]], enjoyed their discomfiture. Even the [[youths]] who had endeavored to entrap him [[marvel]]ed greatly at the unexpected [[sagacity]] of [[the Master]]'s answer.
174:2.3 When he had thus answered these young [[scribes]] and their [ Herodian] accomplices, they withdrew from his [[presence]], and [[the people]], even the [[Sadducees]], enjoyed their discomfiture. Even the [[youths]] who had endeavored to entrap him [[marvel]]ed greatly at the unexpected [[sagacity]] of [[the Master]]'s answer.