
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 186:1.1 It was about half past eight o'clock this Friday morning when the ['

186:1.1 It was about half past eight o'clock this Friday [[morning]] when the [ hearing] of [[Jesus]] before [ Pilate] was ended and [[the Master]] was placed in the [[custody]] of the [ Roman soldiers] who were to [[crucify]] him. As soon as the [[Romans]] took [[possession]] of [[Jesus]], the captain of the Jewish guards marched with his men back to their [[temple]] [[headquarters]]. The [ chief priest] and his [[Sanhedrist]] [[associates]] followed close behind the guards, going directly to their usual [[meeting]] place in the hall of hewn stone in [ the temple]. Here they found many other [[members]] of the [[Sanhedrin]] waiting to [[learn]] what had been done with [[Jesus]]. As [ Caiaphas] was [[engaged]] in making his report to the [[Sanhedrin]] regarding the [[trial]] and [[condemnation]] of [[Jesus]], [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] [[appeared]] before them to claim his [[reward]] for the part he had played in his Master's [[arrest]] and [ sentence] of [[death]].

186:1.2 All of these [[Jews]] [[Contempt|loathed]] [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]]; they looked upon the [[betrayer]] with only [[feelings]] of utter [[contempt]]. Throughout the [[trial]] of [[Jesus]] before [ Caiaphas] and during his [[appearance]] before [ Pilate], [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] was pricked in his [[conscience]] about his [[traitorous]] [[conduct]]. And he was also beginning to become somewhat [[disillusioned]] regarding the [[reward]] he was to [[receive]] as payment for his [[services]] as [[Jesus]]' [[betrayer]]. He did not like the coolness and aloofness of the [[Jewish]] [[authorities]]; nevertheless, he [[expected]] to be liberally rewarded for his [[cowardly]] [[conduct]]. He [[anticipated]] being called before the full meeting of the [[Sanhedrin]] and there hearing himself eulogized while they conferred upon him suitable [[honors]] in token of the great [[service]] which he [[flattered]] himself he had rendered his [[nation]]. [[Imagine]], therefore, the great [[surprise]] of this [[egotistic]] [[traitor]] when a [[servant]] of the [ high priest], tapping him on the shoulder, called him just outside the hall and said: " [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]], I have been [[appointed]] to pay you for the [[betrayal]] of [[Jesus]]. Here is your [[reward]]. " And thus [[speaking]], the [[servant]] of [ Caiaphas] handed [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] a bag containing thirty pieces of silver—the current price of a [[good]], healthy [[slave]].

186:1.3 [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] was stunned, dumfounded. He rushed back to enter the hall but was debarred by the doorkeeper. He wanted to [[appeal]] to the [[Sanhedrin]], but they would not admit him. [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] could not [[believe]] that these rulers of the [[Jews]] would allow him to [[betray]] his [[friends]] and his [ Master] and then offer him as a [[reward]] thirty pieces of silver. He was [[humiliated]], [[disillusioned]], and utterly crushed. He walked away from [ the temple], as it were, in a [[trance]]. He [[automatically]] dropped the money bag in his deep pocket, that same pocket wherein he had so long carried the bag containing the [[Apostles|apostolic]] [[funds]]. And he wandered out through the [[city]] after the crowds who were on their way to [[witness]] the [[crucifixion]]s.

186:1.4 From a distance [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] saw them raise the cross piece with [[Jesus]] nailed thereon, and upon [[sight]] of this he rushed back to [ the temple] and, forcing his way past the doorkeeper, found himself standing in the [[presence]] of the [[Sanhedrin]], which was still in session. The [[betrayer]] was well-nigh breathless and highly distraught, but he managed to stammer out these [[words]]: " I have [[sinned]] in that I have [[betrayed]] [[innocent]] [[blood]]. You have insulted me. You have offered me as a [[reward]] for my [[service]], [[money]]—the price of a [[slave]]. I [[repent]] that I have done this; here is your [[money]]. I want to [[escape]] the [[guilt]] of this [[deed]]. "[]

186:1.5 When the rulers of the [[Jews]] heard [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]], they scoffed at him. One of them sitting near where [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] stood, motioned that he should leave the hall and said: " Your Master has already been put to [[death]] by the [[Romans]], and as for your [[guilt]], what is that to us? See you to that—and begone! "[]

186:1.6 As [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] left the [[Sanhedrin]] chamber, he removed the thirty pieces of silver from the bag and threw them broadcast over [ the temple] floor. When the [[betrayer]] left the [[temple]], he was almost beside himself. [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] was now passing through the [[experience]] of the [[realization]] of the true [[nature]] of [[sin]]. All the glamor, [[fascination]], and [[intoxication]] of wrongdoing had vanished. Now the evildoer stood [[alone]] and [[face]] to face with the [[judgment]] [[verdict]] of his [[disillusioned]] and [[disappointed]] [[soul]]. [[Sin]] was bewitching and [[adventurous]] in the committing, but now must the [[harvest]] of the [[naked]] and unromantic [[facts]] be faced.

186:1.7 This onetime [[ambassador]] of [[the kingdom]] of heaven on [[earth]] now walked through the streets of [[Jerusalem]], [[forsaken]] and [[alone]]. His [[despair]] was desperate and well-nigh [[absolute]]. On he [[journeyed]] through the [[city]] and outside the walls, on down into the terrible [[solitude]] of the [ valley of Hinnom], where he climbed up the steep rocks and, taking the girdle of his cloak, fastened one end to a small tree, tied the other about his neck, and cast himself over the precipice. Ere he was [[dead]], the knot which his nervous hands had tied gave way, and the [[betrayer]]'s [[body]] was dashed to pieces as it fell on the jagged rocks below.[]

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