
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 184:0.1 Representatives of [ Annas] had secretly instructed the c...'

184:0.1 [[Representatives]] of [ Annas] had [[secretly]] instructed the captain of the [[Roman]] [[soldiers]] to bring [[Jesus]] [[immediately]] to the [[palace]] of [ Annas] after he had been [[arrested]]. The former [ high priest] [[desired]] to maintain his [[prestige]] as the chief [[ecclesiastical]] [[authority]] of the [[Jews]]. He also had another [[purpose]] in detaining [[Jesus]] at his house for several hours, and that was to allow [[time]] for [[legally]] calling [[together]] the [[court]] of the [[Sanhedrin]]. It was not lawful to [[convene]] the [[Sanhedrin]] [[court]] before the [[time]] of the offering of the morning [[sacrifice]] in [ the temple], and this [[sacrifice]] was offered about three o'clock in the [[morning]].

184:0.2 [ Annas] knew that a [[court]] of [[Sanhedrists]] was in waiting at the [[palace]] of his son-in-law, [ Caiaphas]. Some thirty members of the [[Sanhedrin]] had gathered at the [[home]] of the [ high priest] by midnight so that they would be ready to sit in [[judgment]] on [[Jesus]] when he might be brought before them. Only those members were assembled who were strongly and openly [[opposed]] to [[Jesus]] and his [[teaching]] since it required only twenty-three to constitute a [[trial]] [[court]].

184:0.3 [[Jesus]] spent about three hours at the [[palace]] of [ Annas] on [ Mount Olivet], not far from the [ garden of Gethsemane], where they [[arrested]] him. [[John Zebedee]] was [[free]] and safe in the [[palace]] of [ Annas] not only because of the [[word]] of the [ Roman captain], but also because he and his [[brother]] [[James, the Apostle|James]] were well known to the older [[servants]], having many times been guests at the [[palace]] as the former [ high priest] was a distant [[relative]] of their [[mother]], [ Salome].

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[[Category: Paper 184 - Before the Sanhedrin Court]]