
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 184:5.1 At five-thirty o'clock the court reassembled, and Jesus was led into the adjoining room, wh...'

184:5.1 At five-thirty o'clock the [[court]] reassembled, and [[Jesus]] was led into the adjoining room, where [[John, the Apostle|John]] was waiting. Here the [[Roman]] [[soldier]] and [ the temple] guards watched over [[Jesus]] while the [[court]] began the [[formulation]] of the charges which were to be presented to [ Pilate]. [ Annas] made it clear to his [[associates]] that the charge of [[blasphemy]] would carry no weight with [ Pilate]. [[Judas Iscariot|Judas]] was present during this second [[meeting]] of the [[court]], but he gave no [[testimony]].

184:5.2 This session of the [[court]] lasted only a half hour, and when they [[adjourned]] to go before [ Pilate], they had drawn up the [[indictment]] of [[Jesus]], as being [[worthy]] of [[death]], under three heads:

*1. That he was a [[Perversion|perverter]] of the [[Jewish]] [[nation]]; he [[deceived]] [[the people]] and incited them to [[rebellion]].
*2. That he taught [[the people]] to refuse to pay [[tribute]] to [ Caesar].
*3. That, by claiming to be a [[king]] and the founder of a new sort of kingdom, he incited [[treason]] against the [[emperor]].

184:5.3 This entire [[procedure]] was irregular and wholly [[contrary]] to the [ Jewish laws]. No two [[witnesses]] had [[agreed]] on any matter except those who [[testified]] regarding [[Jesus]]' [[statement]] about destroying [ the temple] and raising it again in three days. And even concerning that point, no [[witnesses]] spoke for the [[defense]], and neither was [[Jesus]] asked to [[explain]] his [[intended]] [[meaning]].

184:5.4 The only [[point]] the [[court]] could have [[consistently]] [[judged]] him on was that of [[blasphemy]], and that would have rested entirely on his own [[testimony]]. Even concerning [[blasphemy]], they [[failed]] to cast a [[formal]] [[ballot]] for the [ death sentence].

184:5.5 And now they presumed to [[formulate]] three charges, with which to go before [ Pilate], on which no [[witnesses]] had been heard, and which were [[agreed]] upon while the [[accused]] [[prisoner]] was [[absent]]. When this was done, [[three]] of the [[Pharisees]] took their leave; they wanted to see [[Jesus]] destroyed, but they would not [[formulate]] charges against him without [[witnesses]] and in his [[absence]].

184:5.6 [[Jesus]] did not again appear before the [[Sanhedrist]] [[court]]. They did not want again to look upon his [[face]] as they sat in [[judgment]] upon his [[innocent]] life. [[Jesus]] did not know (as a man) of their [[formal]] charges until he heard them [[recited]] by [ Pilate].

184:5.7 While [[Jesus]] was in the room with [[John, the Apostle|John]] and the guards, and while the [[court]] was in its second session, some of the [[women]] about the [ high priest]'s [[palace]], [[together]] with their [[friends]], came to look upon the strange [[prisoner]], and one of them asked him, " Are you the [[Messiah]], the [[Creator Son|Son of God]]? " And [[Jesus]] answered: " If I tell you, you will not [[believe]] me; and if I ask you, you will not answer. "[]

184:5.8 At six o'clock that [[morning]] [[Jesus]] was led forth from the [[home]] of [ Caiaphas] to appear before [ Pilate] for [[confirmation]] of the [ sentence of death] which this [[Sanhedrist]] [[court]] had so unjustly and irregularly [[decreed]].

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