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175:1.1 " This long time have I been with you, going up and down in the [[land]] [[proclaiming]] [[the Father]]'s [[love]] for the [[children]] of [[Man|men]], and many have seen the [[light]] and, by [[faith]], have entered into [[the kingdom]] of heaven. In [[connection]] with this [[teaching]] and [[preaching]] [[the Father]] has done many [[wonderful]] works, even to the [ resurrection of the dead]. Many sick and afflicted have been made [[whole]] because they [[believed]]; but all of this [[proclamation]] of [[truth]] and [[healing]] of [[disease]] has not opened the eyes of those who refuse to see [[light]], those who are [[determined]] to [[reject]] this [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]].
175:1.1 " This long time have I been with you, going up and down in the [[land]] [[proclaiming]] [[the Father]]'s [[love]] for the [[children]] of [[Man|men]], and many have seen the [[light]] and, by [[faith]], have entered into [[the kingdom]] of heaven. In [[connection]] with this [[teaching]] and [[preaching]] [[the Father]] has done many [[wonderful]] works, even to the [ resurrection of the dead]. Many sick and afflicted have been made [[whole]] because they [[believed]]; but all of this [[proclamation]] of [[truth]] and [[healing]] of [[disease]] has not opened the eyes of those who refuse to see [[light]], those who are [[determined]] to [[reject]] this [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]].
175:1.2 " In every [[manner]] [[consistent]] with [[Doing the will of God|doing my Father's will]], I and my [[apostles]] have done our utmost to live in [[peace]] with our brethren, to [[conform]] with the reasonable requirements of the [ laws of Moses] and the [[traditions]] of [[Israel]]. We have [[persistently]] sought [[peace]], but the [[leaders]] of [[Israel]] will not have it. By [[rejecting]] the [[truth]] of [[God]] and the [[light]] of [[heaven]], they are [[aligning]] themselves on the side of [[error]] and [[darkness]]. There cannot be [[peace]] between [[light]] and [[darkness]], between life and [[death]], between [[truth]] and [[error]].
175:1.2 " In every [[manner]] [[consistent]] with [[Doing the will of God|doing my Father's will]], I and my [[apostles]] have done our utmost to live in [[peace]] with our brethren, to [[conform]] with the reasonable requirements of the [ laws of Moses] and the [[traditions]] of [[Israel]]. We have [[persistently]] sought [[peace]], but the [[leaders]] of [[Israel]] will not have it. By [[rejecting]] the [[truth]] of [[God]] and the [[light]] of [[heaven]], they are [[aligning]] themselves on the side of [[error]] and [[darkness]]. There cannot be [[peace]] between [[light]] and [[darkness]], between life and [[death]], between [[truth]] and [[error]].
175:1.3 " Many of you have [[dared]] to [[believe]] my teachings and have already entered into the [[joy]] and [[liberty]] of the [[consciousness]] of [[sonship]] with [[God]]. And you will bear me [[witness]] that I have offered this same sonship with [[God]] to all the [ Jewish nation], even to these very men who now seek my [[Death|destruction]]. And even now would [[the Father|my Father]] [[receive]] these blinded [[teachers]] and these [[hypocritical]] [[leaders]] if they would only turn to him and [[accept]] his [[mercy]]. Even now it is not too late for this people to [[receive]] the [[word]] of [[heaven]] and to [[welcome]] the [ Son of Man].
175:1.3 " Many of you have [[dared]] to [[believe]] my teachings and have already entered into the [[joy]] and [[liberty]] of the [[consciousness]] of [[sonship]] with [[God]]. And you will bear me [[witness]] that I have offered this same sonship with [[God]] to all the [ Jewish nation], even to these very men who now seek my [[Death|destruction]]. And even now would [[the Father|my Father]] [[receive]] these blinded [[teachers]] and these [[hypocritical]] [[leaders]] if they would only turn to him and [[accept]] his [[mercy]]. Even now it is not too late for this people to [[receive]] the [[word]] of [[heaven]] and to [[welcome]] the [ Son of Man].
175:1.4 " [[the Father|My Father]] has long dealt in [[mercy]] with this people. [[Generation]] after generation have we sent our [[prophets]] to [[teach]] and [[warn]] them, and [[generation]] after generation have they killed these [[heaven]]-sent [[teachers]]. And now do your willful [ high priests] and stubborn rulers go right on doing this same thing. As [ Herod] brought about the [ death of John], you likewise now make ready to destroy the [ Son of Man].
175:1.4 " [[the Father|My Father]] has long dealt in [[mercy]] with this people. [[Generation]] after generation have we sent our [[prophets]] to [[teach]] and [[warn]] them, and [[generation]] after generation have they killed these [[heaven]]-sent [[teachers]]. And now do your willful [ high priests] and stubborn rulers go right on doing this same thing. As [ Herod] brought about the [ death of John], you likewise now make ready to destroy the [ Son of Man].
175:1.5 " As long as there is a [[chance]] that the [ Jews] will turn to [[the Father|my Father]] and seek [[salvation]], the [[God]] of [[Abraham]], [ Isaac], and [ Jacob] will keep his hands of [[mercy]] outstretched toward you; but when you have once filled up your cup of impenitence, and when once you have finally [[rejected]] [[the Father|my Father]]'s [[mercy]], this [[nation]] will be left to its own [[counsel]]s, and it shall [ speedily come to an inglorious end]. This people was called to become the [[light]] of the world, to show forth the [[spiritual]] [[glory]] of a [[God]]-knowing [[race]], but you have so far departed from the [[fulfillment]] of your [[divine]] [[privileges]] that your [[leaders]] are about to commit the [[supreme]] [[folly]] of all the ages in that they are on the verge of finally [[rejecting]] the [[gift]] of [[God]] to [[Mankind|all men]] and for all [[Epoch|ages]]—the [[revelation]] of the [[love]] of [[the Father]] in [[heaven]] for all his [[creatures]] on [[earth]].
175:1.5 " As long as there is a [[chance]] that the [ Jews] will turn to [[the Father|my Father]] and seek [[salvation]], the [[God]] of [[Abraham]], [ Isaac], and [ Jacob] will keep his hands of [[mercy]] outstretched toward you; but when you have once filled up your cup of impenitence, and when once you have finally [[rejected]] [[the Father|my Father]]'s [[mercy]], this [[nation]] will be left to its own [[counsel]]s, and it shall [ speedily come to an inglorious end]. This people was called to become the [[light]] of the world, to show forth the [[spiritual]] [[glory]] of a [[God]]-knowing [[race]], but you have so far departed from the [[fulfillment]] of your [[divine]] [[privileges]] that your [[leaders]] are about to commit the [[supreme]] [[folly]] of all the ages in that they are on the verge of finally [[rejecting]] the [[gift]] of [[God]] to [[Mankind|all men]] and for all [[Epoch|ages]]—the [[revelation]] of the [[love]] of [[the Father]] in [[heaven]] for all his [[creatures]] on [[earth]].
175:1.6 " And when you do once [[reject]] this [[revelation]] of [[God]] to [[man]], [[the kingdom]] of [[heaven]] shall be given to other peoples, to those who will [[receive]] it with [[joy]] and gladness. In the [[name]] of [[the Father]] who sent me, I [[solemn]]ly [[warn]] you that you are about to lose your position in the world as the [[Avant-garde|standard-bearers]] of [[eternal]] [[truth]] and the [[Stewardship|custodians]] of the [[divine]] [[law]]. I am just now offering you your last [[chance]] to come forward and [[repent]], to [[signify]] your [[intention]] to [[seek]] [[God]] with all your [[hearts]] and to enter, like little [[children]] and by [[sincere]] [[faith]], into the [[security]] and [[salvation]] of [[the kingdom]] of heaven.
175:1.6 " And when you do once [[reject]] this [[revelation]] of [[God]] to [[man]], [[the kingdom]] of [[heaven]] shall be given to other peoples, to those who will [[receive]] it with [[joy]] and gladness. In the [[name]] of [[the Father]] who sent me, I [[solemn]]ly [[warn]] you that you are about to lose your position in the world as the [[Avant-garde|standard-bearers]] of [[eternal]] [[truth]] and the [[Stewardship|custodians]] of the [[divine]] [[law]]. I am just now offering you your last [[chance]] to come forward and [[repent]], to [[signify]] your [[intention]] to [[seek]] [[God]] with all your [[hearts]] and to enter, like little [[children]] and by [[sincere]] [[faith]], into the [[security]] and [[salvation]] of [[the kingdom]] of heaven.
175:1.7 " [[the Father|My Father]] has long worked for your [[salvation]], and I came down to live among you and [[personal]]ly show you the way. Many of both the [ Jews] and the [[Samaritans]], and even the [[gentiles]], have [[believed]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], but those who should be first to come forward and [[accept]] the [[light]] of [[heaven]] have [[steadfastly]] refused to [[believe]] the [[revelation]] of the [[truth]] of [[God]]—God revealed in [[man]] and man uplifted to God.
175:1.7 " [[the Father|My Father]] has long worked for your [[salvation]], and I came down to live among you and [[personal]]ly show you the way. Many of both the [ Jews] and the [[Samaritans]], and even the [[gentiles]], have [[believed]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], but those who should be first to come forward and [[accept]] the [[light]] of [[heaven]] have [[steadfastly]] refused to [[believe]] the [[revelation]] of the [[truth]] of [[God]]—God revealed in [[man]] and man uplifted to God.
175:1.8 " This afternoon my [[apostles]] stand here before you in [[silence]], but you shall soon hear their [[voices]] ringing out with the call to [[salvation]] and with the urge to [[unite]] with [[the Kingdom|the heavenly kingdom]] as the [ sons of the living God]. And now I call to [[witness]] these, my [[disciples]] and [[believers]] in the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], as well as the [[unseen]] [[messengers]] by their sides, that I have once more offered [[Israel]] and her rulers deliverance and [[salvation]]. But you all behold how [[the Father]]'s [[mercy]] is slighted and how the [[messengers]] of [[truth]] are [[rejected]]. Nevertheless, I [[admonish]] you that these [[scribes]] and [[Pharisees]] still sit in [ Moses]' seat, and therefore, until the [[Most Highs]] who rule in the [[Nation|kingdoms]] of men shall finally [ overthrow this nation] and destroy the place of these rulers, I bid you [[co-operate]] with these [[elders]] in [[Israel]]. You are not required to [[unite]] with them in their [[plans]] to [[Murder|destroy]] the [ Son of Man], but in everything related to the [[peace]] of [[Israel]] you are to be subject to them. In all these matters do whatsoever they bid you and [[observe]] the essentials of [ the law] but do not [[pattern]] after their [[evil]] works. Remember, this is the [[sin]] of these rulers: They say that which is [[good]], but they do it not. You well know how these [[leaders]] bind heavy burdens on your shoulders, burdens [[grievous]] to bear, and that they will not lift as much as one finger to help you bear these weighty burdens. They have [[oppressed]] you with [[ceremonies]] and [[enslaved]] you by [[traditions]].
175:1.8 " This afternoon my [[apostles]] stand here before you in [[silence]], but you shall soon hear their [[voices]] ringing out with the call to [[salvation]] and with the urge to [[unite]] with [[the Kingdom|the heavenly kingdom]] as the [ sons of the living God]. And now I call to [[witness]] these, my [[disciples]] and [[believers]] in the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], as well as the [[unseen]] [[messengers]] by their sides, that I have once more offered [[Israel]] and her rulers deliverance and [[salvation]]. But you all behold how [[the Father]]'s [[mercy]] is slighted and how the [[messengers]] of [[truth]] are [[rejected]]. Nevertheless, I [[admonish]] you that these [[scribes]] and [[Pharisees]] still sit in [ Moses]' seat, and therefore, until the [[Most Highs]] who rule in the [[Nation|kingdoms]] of men shall finally [ overthrow this nation] and destroy the place of these rulers, I bid you [[co-operate]] with these [[elders]] in [[Israel]]. You are not required to [[unite]] with them in their [[plans]] to [[Murder|destroy]] the [ Son of Man], but in everything related to the [[peace]] of [[Israel]] you are to be subject to them. In all these matters do whatsoever they bid you and [[observe]] the essentials of [ the law] but do not [[pattern]] after their [[evil]] works. Remember, this is the [[sin]] of these rulers: They say that which is [[good]], but they do it not. You well know how these [[leaders]] bind heavy burdens on your shoulders, burdens [[grievous]] to bear, and that they will not lift as much as one finger to help you bear these weighty burdens. They have [[oppressed]] you with [[ceremonies]] and [[enslaved]] you by [[traditions]].
175:1.9 " Furthermore, these [[self]]-[[center]]ed rulers delight in doing their [[good]] works so that they will be seen by men. They make broad their [ phylacteries] and enlarge the borders of their [ official robes]. They crave the chief places at the feasts and demand the chief seats in the [[synagogues]]. They [[covet]] laudatory [[salutations]] in the [[market places]] and [[desire]] to be called [[rabbi]] by all men. And even while they seek all this [[honor]] from men, they [[secretly]] lay hold of [[widows]]' houses and take [[profit]] from the services of the [[sacred]] [[temple]]. For a [[pretense]] these [[hypocrites]] make long [[prayers]] in [[public]] and give alms to [[attract]] the notice of their fellows.
175:1.9 " Furthermore, these [[self]]-[[center]]ed rulers delight in doing their [[good]] works so that they will be seen by men. They make broad their [ phylacteries] and enlarge the borders of their [ official robes]. They crave the chief places at the feasts and demand the chief seats in the [[synagogues]]. They [[covet]] laudatory [[salutations]] in the [[market places]] and [[desire]] to be called [[rabbi]] by all men. And even while they seek all this [[honor]] from men, they [[secretly]] lay hold of [[widows]]' houses and take [[profit]] from the services of the [[sacred]] [[temple]]. For a [[pretense]] these [[hypocrites]] make long [[prayers]] in [[public]] and give alms to [[attract]] the notice of their fellows.
175:1.10 " While you should [[honor]] your rulers and [[reverence]] your [[teachers]], you should call no man [[Father]] in the [[spiritual]] sense, for there is one who is y[[our Father]], even [[God]]. Neither should you seek to lord it over your brethren in [[the kingdom]]. Remember, I have taught you that he who would be greatest among you should become the server of all. If you [[presume]] to exalt yourselves before [[God]], you will certainly be [[humbled]]; but whoso truly humbles himself will surely be exalted. Seek in your daily lives, not [[self]]-glorification, but the [[glory]] of [[God]]. [[Intelligently]] subordinate your own wills to the will of [[the Father]] in heaven.
175:1.10 " While you should [[honor]] your rulers and [[reverence]] your [[teachers]], you should call no man [[Father]] in the [[spiritual]] sense, for there is one who is y[[our Father]], even [[God]]. Neither should you seek to lord it over your brethren in [[the kingdom]]. Remember, I have taught you that he who would be greatest among you should become the server of all. If you [[presume]] to exalt yourselves before [[God]], you will certainly be [[humbled]]; but whoso truly humbles himself will surely be exalted. Seek in your daily lives, not [[self]]-glorification, but the [[glory]] of [[God]]. [[Intelligently]] subordinate your own wills to the will of [[the Father]] in heaven.
175:1.11 " Mistake not my [[words]]. I bear no [[malice]] toward these [ chief priests] and rulers who even now seek my [[Death|destruction]]; I have no ill will for these [[scribes]] and [[Pharisees]] who [[reject]] my [[teachings]]. I know that many of you [[believe]] in [[secret]], and I know you will openly [[profess]] your [[allegiance]] to [[the kingdom]] when my hour comes. But how will your [[rabbis]] [[justify]] themselves since they profess to talk with [[God]] and then [[presume]] to [[reject]] and destroy him who comes to [[reveal]] [[the Father]] to the worlds?
175:1.11 " Mistake not my [[words]]. I bear no [[malice]] toward these [ chief priests] and rulers who even now seek my [[Death|destruction]]; I have no ill will for these [[scribes]] and [[Pharisees]] who [[reject]] my [[teachings]]. I know that many of you [[believe]] in [[secret]], and I know you will openly [[profess]] your [[allegiance]] to [[the kingdom]] when my hour comes. But how will your [[rabbis]] [[justify]] themselves since they profess to talk with [[God]] and then [[presume]] to [[reject]] and destroy him who comes to [[reveal]] [[the Father]] to the worlds?
175:1.12 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[scribes]] and [[Pharisees]], [[hypocrites]]! You would shut the doors of [[the kingdom]] of heaven against [[sincere]] men because they happen to be unlearned in the ways of your teaching. You refuse to enter [[the kingdom]] and at the [[same time]] do [[everything]] within your [[power]] to [[prevent]] all others from entering. You stand with your backs to the [[Portal|doors]] of [[salvation]] and fight with all who would enter therein.
175:1.12 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[scribes]] and [[Pharisees]], [[hypocrites]]! You would shut the doors of [[the kingdom]] of heaven against [[sincere]] men because they happen to be unlearned in the ways of your teaching. You refuse to enter [[the kingdom]] and at the [[same time]] do [[everything]] within your [[power]] to [[prevent]] all others from entering. You stand with your backs to the [[Portal|doors]] of [[salvation]] and fight with all who would enter therein.
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175:1.13 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[scribes]] and [[Pharisees]], [[hypocrites]] that you are! for you do indeed [[encompass]] [[land]] and [[sea]] to make one [[proselyte]], and when you have succeeded, you are not content until you have made him twofold worse than he was as a child of the [[heathen]].
175:1.13 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[scribes]] and [[Pharisees]], [[hypocrites]] that you are! for you do indeed [[encompass]] [[land]] and [[sea]] to make one [[proselyte]], and when you have succeeded, you are not content until you have made him twofold worse than he was as a child of the [[heathen]].
175:1.14 " [[Woe]] upon you, [ chief priests] and rulers who lay hold of the [[property]] of the [[poor]] and demand heavy [[Tribute|dues]] of those who would serve [[God]] as they [[think]] [ Moses] [[ordain]]ed! You who refuse to show [[mercy]], can you [[hope]] for [[mercy]] in the [[Mansion Worlds|worlds to come]]?
175:1.14 " [[Woe]] upon you, [ chief priests] and rulers who lay hold of the [[property]] of the [[poor]] and demand heavy [[Tribute|dues]] of those who would serve [[God]] as they [[think]] [ Moses] [[ordain]]ed! You who refuse to show [[mercy]], can you [[hope]] for [[mercy]] in the [[Mansion Worlds|worlds to come]]?
175:1.15 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[false]] [[teachers]], blind [[guides]]! What can be [[expected]] of a [[nation]] when the blind lead the blind? They both shall stumble into the pit of [[Default|destruction]].
175:1.15 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[false]] [[teachers]], blind [[guides]]! What can be [[expected]] of a [[nation]] when the blind lead the blind? They both shall stumble into the pit of [[Default|destruction]].
175:1.16 " [[Woe]] upon you who [[dissimulate]] when you take an [[oath]]! You are tricksters since you [[teach]] that a man may swear by [ the temple] and break his [[oath]], but that whoso swears by the [[Treasure|gold]] in the [[temple]] must remain bound. You are all [[fools]] and blind. You are not even [[consistent]] in your [[Deception|dishonesty]], for which is the greater, the gold or the [[temple]] which has supposedly [[sanctified]] the gold? You also [[teach]] that, if a man swears by the [[altar]], it is nothing; but that, if one swears by the [[gift]] that is upon the [[altar]], then shall he be held as a [[debtor]]. Again are you blind to the [[truth]], for which is the greater, the [[gift]] or the [[altar]] which [[sanctifies]] the gift? How can you [[justify]] such [[hypocrisy]] and dishonesty in the [[sight]] of the [[God]] of heaven?
175:1.16 " [[Woe]] upon you who [[dissimulate]] when you take an [[oath]]! You are tricksters since you [[teach]] that a man may swear by [ the temple] and break his [[oath]], but that whoso swears by the [[Treasure|gold]] in the [[temple]] must remain bound. You are all [[fools]] and blind. You are not even [[consistent]] in your [[Deception|dishonesty]], for which is the greater, the gold or the [[temple]] which has supposedly [[sanctified]] the gold? You also [[teach]] that, if a man swears by the [[altar]], it is nothing; but that, if one swears by the [[gift]] that is upon the [[altar]], then shall he be held as a [[debtor]]. Again are you blind to the [[truth]], for which is the greater, the [[gift]] or the [[altar]] which [[sanctifies]] the gift? How can you [[justify]] such [[hypocrisy]] and dishonesty in the [[sight]] of the [[God]] of heaven?
175:1.17 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[scribes]] and [[Pharisees]] and all other [[hypocrites]] who make sure that they [[tithe]] [ mint], [ anise], and [ cumin] and at the [[same time]] disregard the weightier matters of the [ law]—[[faith]], [[mercy]], and [[judgment]]! Within [[reason]], the one you ought to have done but not to have left the other undone. You are truly blind [[guides]] and dumb [[teachers]]; you strain out the gnat and swallow the camel.
175:1.17 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[scribes]] and [[Pharisees]] and all other [[hypocrites]] who make sure that they [[tithe]] [ mint], [ anise], and [ cumin] and at the [[same time]] disregard the weightier matters of the [ law]—[[faith]], [[mercy]], and [[judgment]]! Within [[reason]], the one you ought to have done but not to have left the other undone. You are truly blind [[guides]] and dumb [[teachers]]; you strain out the gnat and swallow the camel.
175:1.18 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[scribes]], [[Pharisees]], and [[hypocrites]]! for you are scrupulous to [ cleanse the outside of the cup and the platter], but within there remains the filth of [[extortion]], excesses, and [[deception]]. You are [[spiritually]] blind. Do you not [[recognize]] how much better it would be first to cleanse the inside of the cup, and then that which spills over would of itself cleanse the outside? You [[wicked]] [[reprobates]]! you make the outward [[performances]] of your [[religion]] to [[conform]] with the [[letter]] of your [[interpretation]] of [ Moses' law] while your [[souls]] are steeped in [[iniquity]] and filled with [[murder]].
175:1.18 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[scribes]], [[Pharisees]], and [[hypocrites]]! for you are scrupulous to [ cleanse the outside of the cup and the platter], but within there remains the filth of [[extortion]], excesses, and [[deception]]. You are [[spiritually]] blind. Do you not [[recognize]] how much better it would be first to cleanse the inside of the cup, and then that which spills over would of itself cleanse the outside? You [[wicked]] [[reprobates]]! you make the outward [[performances]] of your [[religion]] to [[conform]] with the [[letter]] of your [[interpretation]] of [ Moses' law] while your [[souls]] are steeped in [[iniquity]] and filled with [[murder]].
175:1.19 " [[Woe]] upon all of you who [[reject]] [[truth]] and spurn [[mercy]]! Many of you are like whited [sepulchres]], which outwardly appear [[beautiful]] but within are full of [[Skeleton|dead men's bones]] and all sorts of uncleanness. Even so do you who knowingly [[reject]] the [[counsel]] of [[God]] [[appear]] outwardly to men as [[holy]] and [[righteous]], but inwardly your [[hearts]] are filled with [[hypocrisy]] and [[iniquity]].
175:1.19 " [[Woe]] upon all of you who [[reject]] [[truth]] and spurn [[mercy]]! Many of you are like whited [sepulchres]], which outwardly appear [[beautiful]] but within are full of [[Skeleton|dead men's bones]] and all sorts of uncleanness. Even so do you who knowingly [[reject]] the [[counsel]] of [[God]] [[appear]] outwardly to men as [[holy]] and [[righteous]], but inwardly your [[hearts]] are filled with [[hypocrisy]] and [[iniquity]].
175:1.20 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[false]] [[guides]] of a [[nation]]! Over yonder have you built a [[monument]] to the [[martyr]]ed [[prophets]] of old, while you [[Conspiracy|plot]] to destroy Him of whom they [[spoke]]. You garnish the [[tombs]] of the [[righteous]] and flatter yourselves that, had you lived in the days of your [[father]]s, you would not have [[killed]] the [[prophets]]; and then in the [[face]] of such [[self-righteous]] [[thinking]] you make ready to [[Murder|slay]] him of whom the [[prophets]] [[spoke]], the [ Son of Man]. Inasmuch as you do these [[things]], are you [[witness]] to yourselves that you are the [[wicked]] sons of them who slew the [[prophets]]. Go on, then, and fill up the cup of your [[condemnation]] to the full!
175:1.20 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[false]] [[guides]] of a [[nation]]! Over yonder have you built a [[monument]] to the [[martyr]]ed [[prophets]] of old, while you [[Conspiracy|plot]] to destroy Him of whom they [[spoke]]. You garnish the [[tombs]] of the [[righteous]] and flatter yourselves that, had you lived in the days of your [[father]]s, you would not have [[killed]] the [[prophets]]; and then in the [[face]] of such [[self-righteous]] [[thinking]] you make ready to [[Murder|slay]] him of whom the [[prophets]] [[spoke]], the [ Son of Man]. Inasmuch as you do these [[things]], are you [[witness]] to yourselves that you are the [[wicked]] sons of them who slew the [[prophets]]. Go on, then, and fill up the cup of your [[condemnation]] to the full!
175:1.21 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[children]] of [[evil]]! [[John the Baptist|John]] did truly call you the offspring of [ vipers], and I ask how can you [[escape]] the [[judgment]] that [[John the Baptist|John]] pronounced upon you?
175:1.21 " [[Woe]] upon you, [[children]] of [[evil]]! [[John the Baptist|John]] did truly call you the offspring of [ vipers], and I ask how can you [[escape]] the [[judgment]] that [[John the Baptist|John]] pronounced upon you?
175:1.22 " But even now I offer you in [[the Father|my Father]]'s [[name]] [[mercy]] and [[forgiveness]]; even now I proffer the loving hand of [[eternal]] fellowship. [[the Father|My Father]] has sent you the [[wise]] men and the [[prophets]]; some you have [[persecuted]] and others you have [[killed]]. Then [[appeared]] [[John the Baptist|John]] [[proclaiming]] the coming of the [ Son of Man], and him you destroyed after many had [[believed]] his teaching. And now you make ready to shed more [[innocent]] [[blood]]. Do you not [[comprehend]] that a terrible day of [[reckoning]] will come when the Judge of all the [[earth]] shall require of this people an [[accounting]] for the way they have [[rejected]], [[persecuted]], and destroyed these [[messengers]] of [[heaven]]? Do you not [[understand]] that you must [[account]] for all of this [[righteous]] [[blood]], from the first [[prophet]] killed down to the times of [ Zechariah], who was slain between the [[sanctuary]] and the [[altar]]? And if you go on in your [[evil]] ways, this [[accounting]] may be required of this very [[generation]].
175:1.22 " But even now I offer you in [[the Father|my Father]]'s [[name]] [[mercy]] and [[forgiveness]]; even now I proffer the loving hand of [[eternal]] fellowship. [[the Father|My Father]] has sent you the [[wise]] men and the [[prophets]]; some you have [[persecuted]] and others you have [[killed]]. Then [[appeared]] [[John the Baptist|John]] [[proclaiming]] the coming of the [ Son of Man], and him you destroyed after many had [[believed]] his teaching. And now you make ready to shed more [[innocent]] [[blood]]. Do you not [[comprehend]] that a terrible day of [[reckoning]] will come when the Judge of all the [[earth]] shall require of this people an [[accounting]] for the way they have [[rejected]], [[persecuted]], and destroyed these [[messengers]] of [[heaven]]? Do you not [[understand]] that you must [[account]] for all of this [[righteous]] [[blood]], from the first [[prophet]] killed down to the times of [ Zechariah], who was slain between the [[sanctuary]] and the [[altar]]? And if you go on in your [[evil]] ways, this [[accounting]] may be required of this very [[generation]].
175:1.23 " O [[Jerusalem]] and the [[children]] of [[Abraham]], you who have [ stoned] the [[prophets]] and killed the [[teachers]] that were sent to you, even now would I gather your [[children]] [[together]] as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but you will not!
175:1.23 " O [[Jerusalem]] and the [[children]] of [[Abraham]], you who have [ stoned] the [[prophets]] and killed the [[teachers]] that were sent to you, even now would I gather your [[children]] [[together]] as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but you will not!
175:1.24 " And now I take leave of you. You have heard my [[message]] and have made your [[decision]]. Those who have [[believed]] my [[gospel]] are even now safe within [[the kingdom]] of [[God]]. To you who have [[chosen]] to [[reject]] the [[gift]] of [[God]], I say that you will no more see me teaching in [ the temple]. My [[work]] for you is done. Behold, I now go forth with my [[children]], and your house is left to you [[Absence|desolate]]! "
175:1.24 " And now I take leave of you. You have heard my [[message]] and have made your [[decision]]. Those who have [[believed]] my [[gospel]] are even now safe within [[the kingdom]] of [[God]]. To you who have [[chosen]] to [[reject]] the [[gift]] of [[God]], I say that you will no more see me teaching in [ the temple]. My [[work]] for you is done. Behold, I now go forth with my [[children]], and your house is left to you [[Absence|desolate]]! "
175:1.25 And then [[the Master]] beckoned his followers to depart from [ the temple].
175:1.25 And then [[the Master]] beckoned his followers to depart from [ the temple].
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