
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 171:0.1 The day after the memorable sermon on " The Kingdom of Heaven, " Jesus announced that o...'

171:0.1 The day after the memorable [[sermon]] on " [[The Kingdom of Heaven]], " [[Jesus]] announced that on the following day he and [[the apostles]] would depart for the [[Passover]] at [[Jerusalem]], [[visiting]] numerous [[cities]] in southern [ Perea] on the way.

171:0.2 The address on [[the kingdom]] and the [[announcement]] that he was going to the [[Passover]] set all his followers to [[thinking]] that he was going up to [[Jerusalem]] to [[inaugurate]] the [[temporal]] kingdom of [ Jewish supremacy]. No matter what [[Jesus]] said about the nonmaterial [[character]] of [[the kingdom]], he could not wholly remove from the [[minds]] of his [[Jewish]] hearers the [[idea]] that [ the Messiah] was to [[establish]] some kind of nationalistic [[government]] with [[headquarters]] at [[Jerusalem]].

171:0.3 What [[Jesus]] said in his [[Sabbath]] [[sermon]] only tended to [[confuse]] the [[majority]] of his followers; very few were [[enlightened]] by [[the Master]]'s [[discourse]]. The [[leaders]] understood something of his teachings regarding the [[Inner Life|inner kingdom]], " the kingdom of heaven within you, "[] but they also knew that he had [[spoken]] about another and [[future]] kingdom, and it was this kingdom they [[believed]] he was now going up to [[Jerusalem]] to [[establish]]. When they were [[disappointed]] in this [[expectation]], when he was [[rejected]] by the [[Jews]], and later on, when [[Jerusalem]] was [[literally]] [ destroyed], they still clung to this [[hope]], [[sincerely]] [[believing]] that [[the Master]] would soon return to the world in great [[power]] and [[majestic]] [[glory]] to [[establish]] the [[promised]] kingdom.

171:0.4 It was on this Sunday afternoon that [ Salome] the [[mother]] of [[James, the Apostle|James]] and [[John Zebedee]] came to [[Jesus]] with her [[two]] [[apostle]] sons and, in the manner of approaching an [[Oriental]] [ potentate], sought to have [[Jesus]] [[promise]] in advance to grant whatever request she might make. But [[the Master]] would not [[promise]]; instead, he asked her, " What do you want me to do for you? " Then answered Salome: " Master, now that you are going up to [[Jerusalem]] to [[establish]] [[the kingdom]], I would ask you in advance to [[promise]] me that these my sons shall have [[honor]] with you, the one to sit on your right hand and the other to sit on your left hand in your kingdom. "[]

171:0.5 When [[Jesus]] heard [ Salome]'s request, he said: " [[Woman]], you know not what you ask. " And then, looking straight into the eyes of the [[two]] [[honor]]-seeking [[apostles]], he said: " Because I have long known and [[loved]] you; because I have even lived in your [[mother]]'s house; because [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] has assigned you to be with me at all times; therefore do you [[permit]] your [[mother]] to come to me [[secretly]], making this unseemly request. But let me ask you: Are you able to drink the cup I am about to drink? " And without a [[moment]] for [[thought]], [[James Zebedee|James]] and [[John Zebedee|John]] answered, " Yes, Master, we are able. " Said [[Jesus]]: " I am saddened that you [[know]] not why we go up to [[Jerusalem]]; I am [[grieved]] that you [[understand]] not the [[nature]] of my kingdom; I am [[disappointed]] that you bring your [[mother]] to make this request of me; but I know you [[love]] me in your [[hearts]]; therefore I [[declare]] that you shall indeed drink of my cup of bitterness and [[share]] in my [[humiliation]], but to sit on my right hand and on my left hand is not mine to give. Such [[honors]] are reserved for those who have been designated by [[the Father|my Father]]. "[]

171:0.6 By this [[time]] someone had carried [[word]] of this [[conference]] to [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] and the other [[apostles]], and they were highly [[indignant]] that [[James Zebedee|James]] and [[John Zebedee|John]] would seek to be preferred before them, and that they would [[secretly]] go with their [[mother]] to make such a request. When they fell to [[arguing]] among themselves, [[Jesus]] called them all [[together]] and said: " You well [[understand]] how the rulers of the [[gentiles]] lord it over their subjects, and how those who are great exercise [[authority]]. But it shall not be so in [[the kingdom]] of heaven. Whosoever would be great among you, let him first become your servant. He who would be first in [[the kingdom]], let him become your minister. I [[declare]] to you that the [ Son of Man] came not to be ministered to but to minister; and I now go up to [[Jerusalem]] to lay down my life in the [[doing of the Father's will]] and in the [[service]] of my brethren. " When [[the apostles]] heard these [[words]], they withdrew by themselves to [[pray]]. That evening, in [[response]] to the labors of [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[James Zebedee|James]] and [[John Zebedee|John]] made suitable [[apologies]] to the ten and were restored to the [[good]] [[graces]] of their brethren.

171:0.7 In asking for places on the right hand and on the left hand of [[Jesus]] at [[Jerusalem]], the sons of [ Zebedee] little [[realized]] that in less than one month their beloved [[teacher]] would be [[Crucifixion|hanging on a Roman cross]] with a [ dying thief] on one side and another [[transgressor]] on the other side. And their [[mother]], who was present at [ the crucifixion], well [[remembered]] the [[foolish]] request she had made of [[Jesus]] at [,_Jordan Pella] regarding the [[honors]] she so unwisely sought for her [[apostle]] sons.

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