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171:8.1 They did not start from [ Jericho] until near noon since they sat up late the night before while [[Jesus]] taught [ Zaccheus] and his [[family]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. About halfway up the [[ascending]] road to [ Bethany] the party paused for lunch while the multitude passed on to [[Jerusalem]], not knowing that [[Jesus]] and [[the apostles]] were going to abide that night on the [ Mount of Olives].
171:8.1 They did not start from [ Jericho] until near noon since they sat up late the night before while [[Jesus]] taught [ Zaccheus] and his [[family]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. About halfway up the [[ascending]] road to [ Bethany] the party paused for lunch while the multitude passed on to [[Jerusalem]], not knowing that [[Jesus]] and [[the apostles]] were going to abide that night on the [ Mount of Olives].
171:8.2 The [[parable]] of [ the pounds], unlike the [[parable]] of the talents, which was [[intended]] for all the [[disciples]], was [[spoken]] more exclusively to [[the apostles]] and was largely based on the [[experience]] of [ Archelaus] and his futile attempt to gain the rule of the kingdom of [[Judea]]. This is one of the few [[parables]] of [[the Master]] to be founded on an actual historic character. It was not [[strange]] that they should have had [ Archelaus] in [[mind]] inasmuch as the house of [ Zaccheus] in [ Jericho] was very near the ornate palace of [ Archelaus], and his [ aqueduct] ran along the road by which they had departed from [ Jericho].
171:8.2 The [[parable]] of [ the pounds], unlike the [[parable]] of the talents, which was [[intended]] for all the [[disciples]], was [[spoken]] more exclusively to [[the apostles]] and was largely based on the [[experience]] of [ Archelaus] and his futile attempt to gain the rule of the kingdom of [[Judea]]. This is one of the few [[parables]] of [[the Master]] to be founded on an actual historic character. It was not [[strange]] that they should have had [ Archelaus] in [[mind]] inasmuch as the house of [ Zaccheus] in [ Jericho] was very near the ornate palace of [ Archelaus], and his [ aqueduct] ran along the road by which they had departed from [ Jericho].
171:8.3 Said [[Jesus]]: " You [[think]] that the [ Son of Man] goes up to [[Jerusalem]] to [[receive]] a kingdom, but I [[declare]] that you are [[doomed]] to [[disappointment]]. Do you not [[remember]] about a certain prince who went into a far country to [[receive]] for himself a kingdom, but even before he could return, the [[citizens]] of his province, who in their [[hearts]] had already [[rejected]] him, sent an [[embassy]] after him, saying, `We will not have this man to reign over us'? As this [[king]] was [[rejected]] in the [[temporal]] rule, so is the [ Son of Man] to be [[rejected]] in the [[spiritual]] rule. Again I [[declare]] that [[The kingdom|my kingdom]] is not of this world; but if the [ Son of Man] had been accorded the [[spiritual]] rule of his people, he would have [[accepted]] such a kingdom of men's [[souls]] and would have reigned over such a [[dominion]] of [[human]] [[hearts]]. Notwithstanding that they [[reject]] my [[spiritual]] rule over them, I will return again to [[receive]] from others such a kingdom of [[spirit]] as is now denied me. You will see the [ Son of Man] [[rejected]] now, but in another [[Epoch|age]] that which the children of [[Abraham]] now [[reject]] will be [[received]] and exalted.[]
171:8.3 Said [[Jesus]]: " You [[think]] that the [ Son of Man] goes up to [[Jerusalem]] to [[receive]] a kingdom, but I [[declare]] that you are [[doomed]] to [[disappointment]]. Do you not [[remember]] about a certain prince who went into a far country to [[receive]] for himself a kingdom, but even before he could return, the [[citizens]] of his province, who in their [[hearts]] had already [[rejected]] him, sent an [[embassy]] after him, saying, `We will not have this man to reign over us'? As this [[king]] was [[rejected]] in the [[temporal]] rule, so is the [ Son of Man] to be [[rejected]] in the [[spiritual]] rule. Again I [[declare]] that [[The kingdom|my kingdom]] is not of this world; but if the [ Son of Man] had been accorded the [[spiritual]] rule of his people, he would have [[accepted]] such a kingdom of men's [[souls]] and would have reigned over such a [[dominion]] of [[human]] [[hearts]]. Notwithstanding that they [[reject]] my [[spiritual]] rule over them, I will return again to [[receive]] from others such a kingdom of [[spirit]] as is now denied me. You will see the [ Son of Man] [[rejected]] now, but in another [[Epoch|age]] that which the children of [[Abraham]] now [[reject]] will be [[received]] and exalted.[]
171:8.4 " And now, as the [[rejected]] [[nobleman]] of this [[parable]], I would call before me my [[the twelve|twelve servants]], special stewards, and giving into each of your hands the sum of one pound, I would [[admonish]] each to heed well my instructions that you trade [[diligently]] with your [[trust]] fund while I am away that you may have wherewith to justify your [[stewardship]] when I return, when a reckoning shall be required of you.[]
171:8.4 " And now, as the [[rejected]] [[nobleman]] of this [[parable]], I would call before me my [[the twelve|twelve servants]], special stewards, and giving into each of your hands the sum of one pound, I would [[admonish]] each to heed well my instructions that you trade [[diligently]] with your [[trust]] fund while I am away that you may have wherewith to justify your [[stewardship]] when I return, when a reckoning shall be required of you.[]
171:8.5 " And even if this [[rejected]] [[Creator Son|Son]] should not return, another [[Divine Sons|Son]] will be sent to [[receive]] this kingdom, and this [[Divine Sons|Son]] will then send for all of you to [[receive]] your report of [[stewardship]] and to be made [[glad]] by your gains.
171:8.5 " And even if this [[rejected]] [[Creator Son|Son]] should not return, another [[Divine Sons|Son]] will be sent to [[receive]] this kingdom, and this [[Divine Sons|Son]] will then send for all of you to [[receive]] your report of [[stewardship]] and to be made [[glad]] by your gains.
171:8.6 " And when these stewards were subsequently called [[together]] for an [[accounting]], the first came forward, saying, `Lord, with your pound I have made ten pounds more.' And his master said to him: `Well done; you are a [[good]] servant; because you have proved [[faithful]] in this matter, I will give you [[authority]] over ten [[cities]].' And the second came, saying, `Your pound left with me, Lord, has made five pounds.' And the master said, `I will accordingly make you ruler over five cities.' And so on down through the others until the last of the servants, on being called to account, reported: `Lord, behold, here is your pound, which I have kept safely done up in this napkin. And this I did because I feared you; I believed that you were unreasonable, seeing that you take up where you have not laid down, and that you seek to reap where you have not sown.' Then said his lord: `You negligent and unfaithful servant, I will [[judge]] you out of your own mouth. You knew that I reap where I have [[apparently]] not sown; therefore you knew this [[reckon]]ing would be required of you. [[Knowing]] this, you should have at least given my [[money]] to the [[banker]] that at my coming I might have had it with proper interest.'[]
171:8.6 " And when these stewards were subsequently called [[together]] for an [[accounting]], the first came forward, saying, `Lord, with your pound I have made ten pounds more.' And his master said to him: `Well done; you are a [[good]] servant; because you have proved [[faithful]] in this matter, I will give you [[authority]] over ten [[cities]].' And the second came, saying, `Your pound left with me, Lord, has made five pounds.' And the master said, `I will accordingly make you ruler over five cities.' And so on down through the others until the last of the servants, on being called to account, reported: `Lord, behold, here is your pound, which I have kept safely done up in this napkin. And this I did because I feared you; I believed that you were unreasonable, seeing that you take up where you have not laid down, and that you seek to reap where you have not sown.' Then said his lord: `You negligent and unfaithful servant, I will [[judge]] you out of your own mouth. You knew that I reap where I have [[apparently]] not sown; therefore you knew this [[reckon]]ing would be required of you. [[Knowing]] this, you should have at least given my [[money]] to the [[banker]] that at my coming I might have had it with proper interest.'[]
171:8.7 " And then said this ruler to those who stood by: `Take the [[money]] from this slothful servant and give it to him who has ten pounds.' And when they reminded the master that such a one already had ten pounds, he said: `To every one who has shall be given more, but from him who has not, even that which he has shall be taken away from him.' "[]
171:8.7 " And then said this ruler to those who stood by: `Take the [[money]] from this slothful servant and give it to him who has ten pounds.' And when they reminded the master that such a one already had ten pounds, he said: `To every one who has shall be given more, but from him who has not, even that which he has shall be taken away from him.' "[]
171:8.8 And then [[the apostles]] sought to know the [[difference]] between the meaning of this [[parable]] and that of the former parable of the talents, but [[Jesus]] would only say, in answer to their many questions: " [[Ponder]] well these [[words]] in your [[hearts]] while each of you finds out their true [[meaning]]. "
171:8.8 And then [[the apostles]] sought to know the [[difference]] between the meaning of this [[parable]] and that of the former parable of the talents, but [[Jesus]] would only say, in answer to their many questions: " [[Ponder]] well these [[words]] in your [[hearts]] while each of you finds out their true [[meaning]]. "
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*4. 171:8.13 He grants a like reward for like [[faithfulness]] when there is lesser [[opportunity]].
*4. 171:8.13 He grants a like reward for like [[faithfulness]] when there is lesser [[opportunity]].
171:8.14 When they had finished their lunch, and after [[the multitude]] of followers had gone on toward [[Jerusalem]], [[Jesus]], standing there before [[the apostles]] in the shade of an overhanging rock by the roadside, with cheerful [[dignity]] and a [[gracious]] [[majesty]] pointed his finger westward, saying: " Come, my brethren, let us go on into [[Jerusalem]], there to [[receive]] that which awaits us; thus shall we fulfill the will of the [[heavenly Father]] in [[all things]]. "[]
171:8.14 When they had finished their lunch, and after [[the multitude]] of followers had gone on toward [[Jerusalem]], [[Jesus]], standing there before [[the apostles]] in the shade of an overhanging rock by the roadside, with cheerful [[dignity]] and a [[gracious]] [[majesty]] pointed his finger westward, saying: " Come, my brethren, let us go on into [[Jerusalem]], there to [[receive]] that which awaits us; thus shall we fulfill the will of the [[heavenly Father]] in [[all things]]. "[]
171:8.15 And so [[Jesus]] and his [[apostles]] resumed this, [[the Master]]'s last [[journey]] to [[Jerusalem]] in the likeness of the [[flesh]] of [[mortal]] man.
171:8.15 And so [[Jesus]] and his [[apostles]] resumed this, [[the Master]]'s last [[journey]] to [[Jerusalem]] in the likeness of the [[flesh]] of [[mortal]] man.
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[[Category:Paper 171 - On the Way to Jerusalem]]
[[Category:Paper 171 - On the Way to Jerusalem]]
[[Category: Parables]]