
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 168:0.1 It was shortly after noon when [ Martha] started out to meet [[J...'

168:0.1 It was shortly after noon when [ Martha] started out to meet [[Jesus]] as he came over the brow of the hill near [ Bethany]. Her [[brother]], [ Lazarus], had been [[dead]] four days and had been laid away in their [[private]] [[tomb]] at the far end of the [[garden]] late on Sunday afternoon. The stone at the entrance of the [[tomb]] had been rolled in place on the [[morning]] of this day, Thursday.

168:0.2 When [ Martha] and [ Mary] sent [[word]] to [[Jesus]] concerning [ Lazarus]'s [[illness]], they were [[confident]] [[the Master]] would do something about it. They knew that their [[brother]] was desperately sick, and though they hardly [[dared]] [[hope]] that [[Jesus]] would leave his [[work]] of [[teaching]] and [[preaching]] to come to their [[assistance]], they had such [[confidence]] in his [[power]] to [[heal]] [[disease]] that they [[thought]] he would just [[speak]] the curative [[words]], and [ Lazarus] would [[immediately]] be made whole. And when [ Lazarus] died a few hours after the [[messenger]] left [ Bethany] for [ Philadelphia], they reasoned that it was because [[the Master]] did not [[learn]] of their brother's [[illness]] until it was too late, until he had already been [[dead]] for several hours.

168:0.3 But they, with all of their [[believing]] [[friends]], were greatly [[puzzled]] by the [[message]] which the [[Messenger|runner]] brought back Tuesday forenoon when he reached [ Bethany]. The [[messenger]] insisted that he heard [[Jesus]] say, "...this [[sickness]] is really not to the [[death]]. " Neither could they [[understand]] why he sent no [[word]] to them nor otherwise proffered [[assistance]].

168:0.4 Many [[friends]] from near-by hamlets and others from [[Jerusalem]] came over to [[comfort]] the [[sorrow]]-stricken sisters. [ Lazarus] and his sisters were the [[children]] of a [[well-to-do]] and [[honor]]able [ Jew], one who had been the [[leading]] resident of the little village of [ Bethany]. And notwithstanding that all [[three]] had long been ardent followers of [[Jesus]], they were highly [[respected]] by all who knew them. They had [[inherited]] extensive [ vineyards] and [ olive orchards] in this vicinity, and that they were [[wealthy]] was further attested by the [[fact]] that they could afford a [[private]] [[burial]] [[tomb]] on their own premises. Both of their [[parents]] had already been laid away in this [[tomb]].

168:0.5 [ Mary] had given up the [[thought]] of [[Jesus]]' coming and was abandoned to her [[grief]], but [ Martha] clung to the [[hope]] that [[Jesus]] would come, even up to the time on that very [[morning]] when they rolled the stone in front of the [[tomb]] and sealed the entrance. Even then she instructed a [[neighbor]] lad to keep watch down the [ Jericho] road from the brow of the hill to the east of [ Bethany]; and it was this lad who brought tidings to [ Martha] that [[Jesus]] and his [[friends]] were approaching.

168:0.6 When [ Martha] met [[Jesus]], she fell at his feet, exclaiming, " Master, if you had been here, my [[brother]] would not have died! " Many [[fears]] were passing through [ Martha]'s [[mind]], but she gave [[expression]] to no [[doubt]], nor did she venture to [[criticize]] or question [[the Master]]'s [[conduct]] as related to [ Lazarus]'s [[death]]. When she had [[spoken]], [[Jesus]] reached down and, lifting her upon her feet, said, " Only have [[faith]], [ Martha], and your [[brother]] shall rise again. " Then answered Martha: " I know that he will rise again in the [[resurrection]] of the last day; and even now I [[believe]] that whatever you shall ask of [[God]], [[our Father]] will give you. "[]

168:0.7 Then said [[Jesus]], looking straight into the eyes of [ Martha]: " I am the [[resurrection]] and the life; he who [[believes]] in me, though he dies, yet shall he live. In [[truth]], whosoever lives and believes in me shall never really die. [ Martha], do you [[believe]] this? " And Martha answered [[the Master]]: " Yes, I have long [[believed]] that you are the [ Deliverer], [[Divine Sons|the Son]] of the living God, even he who should come to this world. "[]

168:0.8 [[Jesus]] having [[inquired]] for [ Mary], [ Martha] went at once into the house and, [[whispering]] to her sister, said, " [[The Master]] is here and has asked for you. "[] And when [ Mary] heard this, she rose up quickly and hastened out to meet [[Jesus]], who still tarried at the place, some distance from the house, where [ Martha] had first met him. The [[friends]] who were with Mary, seeking to [[comfort]] her, when they saw that she rose up quickly and went out, followed her, supposing that she was going to the [[tomb]] to [[weep]].

168:0.9 Many of those present were [[Jesus]]' bitter [[enemies]]. That is why [ Martha] had come out to meet him [[alone]], and also why she went in [[secretly]] to inform [ Mary] that he had asked for her. Martha, while craving to see [[Jesus]], desired to avoid any possible unpleasantness which might be caused by his coming suddenly into the midst of a large [[group]] of his [[Jerusalem]] [[enemies]]. It had been [ Martha]'s [[intention]] to remain in the house with their [[friends]] while [ Mary] went to greet [[Jesus]], but in this she failed, for they all followed [ Mary] and so found themselves unexpectedly in the [[presence]] of [[the Master]].

168:0.10 [ Martha] led [ Mary] to [[Jesus]], and when she saw him, she fell at his feet, exclaiming, " If you had only been here, my brother would not have died! " And when [[Jesus]] saw how they all [[grieved]] over the [[death]] of [ Lazarus], his [[soul]] was moved with [[compassion]].

168:0.11 When the [[mourn]]ers saw that [ Mary] had gone to greet [[Jesus]], they withdrew for a short distance while both [ Martha] and Mary talked with [[the Master]] and [[received]] further [[words]] of [[comfort]] and [[exhortation]] to maintain [[strong]] [[faith]] in [[the Father]] and complete [[resignation]] to the [[divine]] [[Free will|will]].

168:0.12 The [[human]] [[mind]] of [[Jesus]] was mightily moved by the [[contention]] between his [[love]] for [ Lazarus] and the bereaved sisters and his disdain and [[contempt]] for the outward show of [[affection]] [[manifested]] by some of these unbelieving and [[murder]]ously [[intention]]ed [ Jews]. [[Jesus]] [[indignantly]] resented the show of [[Arbitrary|forced]] and outward [[mourning]] for [ Lazarus] by some of these professed [[friends]] inasmuch as such [[false]] [[sorrow]] was associated in their [[hearts]] with so much bitter [[enmity]] toward himself. Some of these Jews, however, were [[sincere]] in their [[mourning]], for they were real [[friends]] of the [[family]].

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