
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 165:0.1 On Tuesday, January 3, [ A.D. 30], Abner, the former [[chief]...'

165:0.1 On Tuesday, January 3, [ A.D. 30], [[Abner]], the former [[chief]] of the [[twelve]] [[apostles]] of [[John the Baptist]], a [ Nazarite] and onetime head of the Nazarite school at [ Engedi], now chief of [ the seventy] [[messengers]] of [[the kingdom]], called his [[associates]] [[together]] and gave them final instructions before sending them on a [[mission]] to all of the [[cities]] and villages of [ Perea]. This Perean [[mission]] continued for almost three months and was the last ministry of [[the Master]]. From these [[labors]] [[Jesus]] went directly to [[Jerusalem]] to pass through his final [[experiences]] in the [[flesh]]. [[The seventy]], supplemented by the periodic labors of [[Jesus]] and the [[twelve apostles]], worked in the following [[cities]] and towns and some fifty additional villages: [ Zaphon], [ Gadara], Macad, [ Arbela], [ Ramath], [ Edrei], Bosora, Caspin, Mispeh, [ Gerasa], Ragaba, [ Succoth], [ Amathus], [ Adam], [ Penuel], [ Capitolias], [,_Jordan Dion], Hatita, Gadda, [ Philadelphia], Jogbehah, [ Gilead], Beth-Nimrah, Tyrus, Elealah, Livias, [ Heshbon], [ Callirrhoe], [ Beth-Peor], [ Shittim], Sibmah, [ Medeba], [ Beth-Meon], [ Areopolis], and [ Aroer].

165:0.2 Throughout this [[tour]] of [ Perea] [ the women's corps], now numbering sixty-two, took over most of the [[work]] of ministration to the [[sick]]. This was the final period of the [[development]] of the higher [[spiritual]] aspects of the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], and there was, accordingly, an [[absence]] of [[miracle]] working. No other part of [[Palestine]] was so thoroughly worked by [[the apostles]] and [[disciples]] of [[Jesus]], and in no other region did the better classes of [[citizens]] so generally accept [[the Master]]'s teaching.

165:0.3 [ Perea] at this time was about [[equally]] [[gentile]] and [[Jewish]], the [ Jews] having been generally removed from these regions during the times of [ Judas Maccabeus]. [ Perea] was the most [[beautiful]] and picturesque province of all [[Palestine]]. It was generally referred to by the [ Jews] as " the land beyond the [ Jordan]. "

165:0.4 Throughout this period [[Jesus]] divided his [[time]] between the camp at [,_Jordan Pella] and trips with [[the twelve]] to assist [ the seventy] in the various [[cities]] where they taught and [[preached]]. Under [[Abner]]'s instructions the seventy [[baptized]] all [[believers]], although [[Jesus]] had not so charged them.

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