
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 163:5.1 Jesus and the twelve now prepared to establish their last headquarters in [http...'

163:5.1 [[Jesus]] and [[the twelve]] now [[prepared]] to [[establish]] their last [[headquarters]] in [ Perea], near [,_Jordan Pella], where [[the Master]] was [[baptized]] in the [ Jordan]. The last ten days of November were spent in [[council]] at [ Magadan], and on Tuesday, December 6, the entire company of almost three hundred started out at [[daybreak]] with all their effects to lodge that night near [,_Jordan Pella] by the river. This was the same site, by the [[spring]], that [[John the Baptist]] had occupied with his camp several years before.

163:5.2 After the breaking up of the [ Magadan Camp], [[David Zebedee]] returned to [ Bethsaida] and began [[immediately]] to curtail the [[messenger]] service. [[The kingdom]] was taking on a new [[phase]]. Daily, [[pilgrims]] arrived from all parts of [[Palestine]] and even from remote regions of the [ Roman Empire]. Believers occasionally came from [ Mesopotamia] and from the lands east of the [ Tigris]. Accordingly, on Sunday, December 18, [[David Zebedee|David]], with the help of his [[messenger]] corps, loaded on to the [ pack animals] the camp equipage, then stored in his [[father]]'s house, with which he had formerly conducted the camp of [ Bethsaida] by the lake. Bidding farewell to Bethsaida for the time being, he proceeded down the [ lake shore] and along the [ Jordan] to a point about one-half mile north of the apostolic camp; and in less than a week he was [[prepared]] to offer [[hospitality]] to almost fifteen hundred [[pilgrim]] [[visitors]]. The apostolic camp could accommodate about five hundred. This was the [ rainy season] in [[Palestine]], and these accommodations were required to take care of the ever-increasing number of [[inquirers]], mostly [[earnest]], who came into [ Perea] to see [[Jesus]] and to hear his teaching.

163:5.3 [[David Zebedee|David]] did all this on his own [[initiative]], though he had taken [[counsel]] with [[Philip, the Apostle|Philip]] and [[Matthew, the Apostle|Matthew]] at [ Magadan]. He employed the larger part of his former [[messenger]] corps as his helpers in conducting this camp; he now used less than twenty men on regular [[messenger]] [[duty]]. Near the end of December and before the return of the seventy, almost eight hundred [[visitors]] were gathered about [[the Master]], and they found lodging in [[David Zebedee|David]]'s camp.

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[[Category:Paper 163 - Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan]]