
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 159:3.1 At [ Edrei], where Thomas and his [[assoc...'

159:3.1 At [ Edrei], where [[Thomas, the Apostle|Thomas]] and his [[associates]] labored, [[Jesus]] spent a day and a night and, in the [[course]] of the evening's [[discussion]], gave [[expression]] to the [[principles]] which should [[guide]] those who [[preach]] [[truth]], and which should activate all who [[teach]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. Summarized and restated in [[modern]] phraseology, [[Jesus]] taught:

159:3.2 Always [[respect]] the [[personality]] of man. Never should a [[righteous]] [[cause]] be [[promoted]] by [[force]]; [[spiritual]] [[victories]] can be won only by spiritual [[power]]. This [[injunction]] against the employment of [[material]] [[influences]] refers to [[psychic]] [[force]] as well as to [[physical]] force. Overpowering [[arguments]] and [[mental]] superiority are not to be employed to [[coerce]] [[men]] and [[women]] into [[the kingdom]]. Man's [[mind]] is not to be crushed by the mere [[weight]] of [[logic]] or overawed by shrewd [[eloquence]]. While [[emotion]] as a [[factor]] in human [[decisions]] cannot be wholly eliminated, it should not be directly [[appealed]] to in the [[teachings]] of those who would [[advance]] the [[cause]] of [[the kingdom]]. Make your [[appeals]] directly to the [[Thought Adjuster|divine spirit]] that dwells within the [[minds]] of men. Do not [[appeal]] to [[fear]], [[pity]], or mere sentiment. In [[appealing]] to men, be [[fair]]; [[exercise]] [[self]]-[[control]] and [[exhibit]] due [[restraint]]; show proper [[respect]] for the [[personalities]] of your [[pupils]]. Remember that I have said: " Behold, I stand at the door and knock, and if any man will open, I will come in. "[]

159:3.3 In bringing men into [[the kingdom]], do not lessen or destroy their [[self]]-[[respect]]. While overmuch self-respect may destroy proper [[humility]] and end in [[pride]], [[conceit]], and [[arrogance]], the loss of self-respect often ends in [[paralysis]] of the [[Free will|will]]. It is the [[purpose]] of this [[gospel]] to restore [[self]]-[[respect]] to those who have lost it and to restrain it in those who have it. Make not the mistake of only [[condemn]]ing the wrongs in the lives of your [[pupils]]; remember also to accord [[generous]] [[recognition]] for the most [[praise]][[worthy]] [[things]] in their lives. Forget not that I will stop at nothing to restore self-[[respect]] to those who have lost it, and who really [[desire]] to regain it.

159:3.4 Take care that you do not [[wound]] the [[self]]-[[respect]] of timid and [[fear]]ful [[souls]]. Do not indulge in [[sarcasm]] at the expense of my [[simple]]-[[minded]] brethren. Be not [[cynical]] with my [[fear]]-ridden children. [[Idleness]] is [[destructive]] of self-respect; therefore, [[admonish]] your brethren ever to keep [[busy]] at their chosen [[Work|tasks]], and put forth every [[effort]] to secure [[work]] for those who find themselves without employment.

159:3.5 Never be [[guilty]] of such unworthy [[tactics]] as endeavoring to [[frighten]] [[men]] and [[women]] into [[the kingdom]]. A loving [[father]] does not frighten his children into yielding [[obedience]] to his just requirements.

159:3.6 Sometime the [[children]] of [[the kingdom]] will [[realize]] that strong [[feelings]] of [[emotion]] are not [[equivalent]] to the [[leadings]] of the [[Thought Adjuster|divine spirit]]. To be strongly and strangely impressed to do something or to go to a certain place, does not necessarily mean that such [[impulses]] are the [[leadings]] of the [[indwelling spirit]].

159:3.7 [[Forewarn]] all [[believers]] regarding the [[fringe]] of [[conflict]] which must be traversed by all who pass from the life as it is lived in the [[flesh]] to the higher life as it is lived in the [[spirit]]. To those who live quite wholly within either realm, there is little [[conflict]] or [[confusion]], but all are [[doomed]] to [[experience]] more or less uncertainty during the times of [[transition]] between the two [[levels]] of living. In entering [[the kingdom]], you cannot [[escape]] its [[responsibilities]] or avoid its [[obligations]], but remember: The [[gospel]] [[yoke]] is easy and the burden of [[truth]] is [[light]].[]

159:3.8 The world is filled with [[hungry]] [[souls]] who [[Hunger|famish]] in the very [[presence]] of the [ bread of life]; men die searching for the very [[God]] who lives within them. Men seek for the [[treasures]] of [[the kingdom]] with yearning [[hearts]] and weary feet when they are all within the [[immediate]] grasp of living [[faith]]. Faith is to [[religion]] what sails are to a ship; it is an addition of [[power]], not an added burden of life. There is but one [[struggle]] for those who enter [[the kingdom]], and that is to fight the [[good]] fight of [[faith]]. The [[believer]] has only one battle, and that is against [[doubt]]—unbelief.[]

159:3.9 In [[preaching]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], you are simply [[teaching]] [[friendship]] with [[God]]. And this fellowship will [[appeal]] alike to [[men]] and [[women]] in that both will find that which most truly [[satisfies]] their characteristic longings and [[ideals]]. Tell my [[children]] that I am not only tender of their [[feelings]] and [[patient]] with their frailties, but that I am also ruthless with [[sin]] and intolerant of [[iniquity]]. I am indeed [[meek]] and [[humble]] in the [[presence]] of [[Universal Father|my Father]], but I am [[equally]] and relentlessly inexorable where there is [[deliberate]] evildoing and sinful [[rebellion]] against [[Doing the will of God|the will of my Father]] in heaven.

159:3.10 You shall not portray your [[teacher]] as a man of [[sorrows]]. [[Future]] [[generations]] shall know also the [[radiance]] of our [[joy]], the [[buoyance]] of our good will, and the [[inspiration]] of our [[good]] [[humor]]. We [[proclaim]] a [[message]] of good news which is [[infectious]] in its [[transforming]] [[power]]. Our [[religion]] is throbbing with new life and new [[meanings]]. Those who [[accept]] this [[teaching]] are filled with [[joy]] and in their [[hearts]] are constrained to [[rejoice]] evermore. Increasing [[happiness]] is always the [[experience]] of all who are [[certain]] about [[God]].

159:3.11 [[Teach]] all [[believers]] to avoid leaning upon the insecure props of [[false]] [[sympathy]]. You cannot [[develop]] strong [[characters]] out of the indulgence of [[self]]-[[pity]]; [[honestly]] endeavor to avoid the [[deceptive]] [[influence]] of mere fellowship in [[misery]]. Extend [[sympathy]] to the [[brave]] and courageous while you withhold overmuch [[pity]] from those cowardly [[souls]] who only halfheartedly stand up before the [[trials]] of living. Offer not [[consolation]] to those who lie down before their troubles without a [[struggle]]. [[Sympathize]] not with your fellows merely that they may sympathize with you in return.

159:3.12 When my [[children]] once become [[self-conscious]] of the [[assurance]] of the [[Thought Adjuster|divine presence]], such a [[faith]] will expand the [[mind]], ennoble the [[soul]], reinforce the [[personality]], augment the [[happiness]], deepen the [[spirit]] [[perception]], and enhance the [[power]] to [[love]] and be loved.

159:3.13 [[Teach]] all [[believers]] that those who enter [[the kingdom]] are not thereby rendered [[immune]] to the [[accidents]] of time or to the ordinary [[catastrophes]] of [[nature]]. Believing the [[gospel]] will not prevent getting into [[trouble]], but it will insure that you shall be unafraid when trouble does overtake you. If you [[dare]] to believe in me and wholeheartedly [[proceed]] to follow after me, you shall most certainly by so [[doing]] enter upon the sure pathway to [[trouble]]. I do not [[promise]] to deliver you from the waters of [[adversity]], but I do [[promise]] to go with you through all of them.

159:3.14 And much more did [[Jesus]] teach this [[group]] of believers before they made ready for the night's [[sleep]]. And they who heard these sayings [[treasured]] them in their [[hearts]] and did often [[recite]] them for the edification of [[the apostles]] and [[disciples]] who were not present when they were [[spoken]].

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