
Created page with 'File:lighterstill.jpgright|frame 158:5.1 As Jesus drew near, the nine apostles were more than relieved to welcome him, and they ...'

158:5.1 As [[Jesus]] drew near, the nine [[apostles]] were more than relieved to [[welcome]] him, and they were greatly [[encouraged]] to behold the [[Joy|good cheer]] and unusual [[enthusiasm]] which marked the [[countenance]]s of [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]], [[James, the Apostle|James]], and [[John, the Apostle|John]]. They all rushed forward to greet [[Jesus]] and their three brethren. As they exchanged greetings, the crowd came up, and [[Jesus]] asked, " What were you [[disputing]] about as we drew near? " But before the disconcerted and [[humiliated]] [[apostles]] could reply to [[the Master]]'s [[question]], the [[anxious]] [[father]] of the afflicted lad stepped forward and, kneeling at [[Jesus]]' feet, said: " Master, I have a son, an only [[child]], who is ''possessed'' by an evil spirit. Not only does he cry out in [[terror]], foam at the mouth, and fall like a [[dead]] [[person]] at the time of [ seizure], but oftentimes this evil spirit which possesses him rends him in [[convulsion]]s and sometimes has cast him into the [[water]] and even into the [[fire]]. With much grinding of teeth and as a result of many bruises, my child wastes away. His life is worse than [[death]]; his [[mother]] and I are of a [[sad]] [[heart]] and a broken spirit. About noon yesterday, seeking for you, I caught up with your [[disciples]], and while we were waiting, your [[apostles]] sought to cast out this [[demon]], but they could not do it. And now, Master, will you do this for us, will you [[heal]] my son? "

158:5.2 When [[Jesus]] had [[listened]] to this [[recital]], he [[touched]] the kneeling [[father]] and bade him rise while he gave the near-by [[apostles]] a searching [[survey]]. Then said [[Jesus]] to all those who stood before him: " O faithless and [[perverse]] [[generation]], how long shall I bear with you? How long shall I be with you? How long ere you [[learn]] that the [[works]] of [[faith]] come not forth at the bidding of [[doubt]]ing unbelief? " And then, pointing to the [[bewildered]] [[father]], [[Jesus]] said, " Bring hither your son. "[] And when [[James, the Apostle|James]] had brought the lad before [[Jesus]], he asked, " How long has the boy been afflicted in this way? " The [[father]] answered, " Since he was a very young [[child]]. " And as they talked, the [[youth]] was [ seized] with a [[violent]] attack and fell in their midst, gnashing his teeth and foaming at the mouth. After a [[succession]] of [[violent]] [[convulsion]]s he lay there before them as one [[dead]]. Now did the [[father]] again kneel at [[Jesus]]' feet while he implored [[the Master]], saying: " If you can [[cure]] him, I beseech you to have [[compassion]] on us and deliver us from this [[affliction]]. " And when [[Jesus]] heard these [[words]], he looked down into the [[father]]'s [[anxious]] face, saying: " Question not [[Universal Father|my Father]]'s [[power]] of [[love]], only the [[sincerity]] and reach of your [[faith]]. [[All things]] are [[possible]] to him who really [[believes]]. " And then James of [ Safed] [[spoke]] those long-to-be-[[remembered]] [[words]] of commingled [[faith]] and [[doubt]], " Lord, I [[believe]]. I pray you help my unbelief. "[]

158:5.3 When [[Jesus]] heard these [[words]], he stepped forward and, taking the lad by the hand, said: " I will do this in [[accordance]] with [[Universal Father|my Father]]'s will and in [[honor]] of living [[faith]]. My son, arise! Come out of him, [ disobedient spirit], and go not back into him. " And placing the hand of the lad in the hand of the [[father]], [[Jesus]] said: " Go your way. [[The Father]] has granted the [[desire]] of your [[soul]]. " And all who were present, even the [[enemies]] of [[Jesus]], were astonished at what they saw.[]

158:5.4 It was indeed a [[disillusionment]] for the [[three]] [[apostles]] who had so recently [[enjoyed]] the [[spiritual]] [[ecstasy]] of the scenes and [[experiences]] of the [[transfiguration]], so soon to return to this scene of the [[defeat]] and discomfiture of their fellow [[apostles]]. But it was ever so with these [[the Apostles|twelve ambassadors]] of [[the kingdom]]. They never [[failed]] to [[alternate]] between [[exaltation]] and [[humiliation]] in their life [[experiences]].

158:5.5 This was a true [[healing]] of a double [[affliction]], a [[physical]] ailment and a [[spirit]] malady. And the lad was permanently [[cured]] from that hour. When [[James, the Apostle|James]] had departed with his restored son, [[Jesus]] said: " We go now to [ Caesarea-Philippi]; make ready at once. " And they were a [[quiet]] [[group]] as they [[journeyed]] southward while the crowd followed on behind.

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