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154:5.1 May 22 was an [[eventful]] day in the life of [[Jesus]]. On this Sunday morning, before [[Dawn|daybreak]], one of [[David Zebedee|David]]'s [[messengers]] arrived in great haste from [ Tiberias], bringing the [[word]] that [ Herod] had [[authorized]], or was about to authorize, the [[arrest]] of [[Jesus]] by the officers of the [[Sanhedrin]]. The receipt of the news of this impending [[danger]] caused [[David Zebedee]] to arouse his [[messengers]] and send them out to all the local [[groups]] of [[disciples]], summoning them for an [[emergency]] [[council]] at seven o'clock that morning. When the sister-in-law of Jude ([[Jesus]]' [[brother]]) heard this alarming report, she hastened [[word]] to all of [[Jesus]]' [[family]] who dwelt near by, summoning them forthwith to assemble at [ Zebedee]'s house. And in [[response]] to this hasty call, presently there were assembled [ Mary], James, Joseph, Jude, and Ruth.
154:5.1 May 22 was an [[eventful]] day in the life of [[Jesus]]. On this Sunday morning, before [[Dawn|daybreak]], one of [[David Zebedee|David]]'s [[messengers]] arrived in great haste from [ Tiberias], bringing the [[word]] that [ Herod] had [[authorized]], or was about to authorize, the [[arrest]] of [[Jesus]] by the officers of the [[Sanhedrin]]. The receipt of the news of this impending [[danger]] caused [[David Zebedee]] to arouse his [[messengers]] and send them out to all the local [[groups]] of [[disciples]], summoning them for an [[emergency]] [[council]] at seven o'clock that morning. When the sister-in-law of Jude ([[Jesus]]' [[brother]]) heard this alarming report, she hastened [[word]] to all of [[Jesus]]' [[family]] who dwelt near by, summoning them forthwith to assemble at [ Zebedee]'s house. And in [[response]] to this hasty call, presently there were assembled [ Mary], James, Joseph, Jude, and Ruth.
154:5.2 At this early morning [[meeting]] [[Jesus]] imparted his [[farewell]] instructions to the assembled [[disciples]]; that is, he bade them farewell for the [[time]] being, knowing well that they would soon be [[dispersed]] from [ Capernaum]. He directed them all to seek [[God]] for [[guidance]] and to carry on the [[work]] of [[the kingdom]] regardless of [[consequences]]. The [[evangelists]] were to [[labor]] as they saw fit until such time as they might be called. He selected twelve of the [[evangelists]] to accompany him; the [[twelve apostles]] he directed to remain with him no matter what happened. The [ twelve women] he instructed to remain at the [ Zebedee] house and at [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]]'s house until he should send for them.
154:5.2 At this early morning [[meeting]] [[Jesus]] imparted his [[farewell]] instructions to the assembled [[disciples]]; that is, he bade them farewell for the [[time]] being, knowing well that they would soon be [[dispersed]] from [ Capernaum]. He directed them all to seek [[God]] for [[guidance]] and to carry on the [[work]] of [[the kingdom]] regardless of [[consequences]]. The [[evangelists]] were to [[labor]] as they saw fit until such time as they might be called. He selected twelve of the [[evangelists]] to accompany him; the [[twelve apostles]] he directed to remain with him no matter what happened. The [ twelve women] he instructed to remain at the [ Zebedee] house and at [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]]'s house until he should send for them.
154:5.3 [[Jesus]] [[consented]] to [[David Zebedee]]'s continuing his countrywide [[messenger]] service, and in bidding [[the Master]] [[farewell]] presently, David said: " Go forth to your work, Master. Don't let the [[bigots]] catch you, and never [[doubt]] that the [[messengers]] will follow after you. My men will never lose [[contact]] with you, and through them you shall know of [[the kingdom]] in other parts, and by them we will all know about you. Nothing that might happen to me will [[interfere]] with this service, for I have appointed first and second [[leaders]], even a third. I am neither a [[teacher]] nor a [[preacher]], but it is in my [[heart]] to do this, and none can stop me. "
154:5.3 [[Jesus]] [[consented]] to [[David Zebedee]]'s continuing his countrywide [[messenger]] service, and in bidding [[the Master]] [[farewell]] presently, David said: " Go forth to your work, Master. Don't let the [[bigots]] catch you, and never [[doubt]] that the [[messengers]] will follow after you. My men will never lose [[contact]] with you, and through them you shall know of [[the kingdom]] in other parts, and by them we will all know about you. Nothing that might happen to me will [[interfere]] with this service, for I have appointed first and second [[leaders]], even a third. I am neither a [[teacher]] nor a [[preacher]], but it is in my [[heart]] to do this, and none can stop me. "
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154:5.4 About 7:30 this morning [[Jesus]] began his parting [[Speech|address]] to almost one hundred believers who had crowded indoors to hear him. This was a [[solemn]] occasion for all present, but [[Jesus]] seemed unusually [[cheerful]]; he was once more like his [[normal]] [[self]]. The seriousness of weeks had gone, and he [[inspired]] all of them with his [[words]] of [[faith]], [[hope]], and [[courage]].
154:5.4 About 7:30 this morning [[Jesus]] began his parting [[Speech|address]] to almost one hundred believers who had crowded indoors to hear him. This was a [[solemn]] occasion for all present, but [[Jesus]] seemed unusually [[cheerful]]; he was once more like his [[normal]] [[self]]. The seriousness of weeks had gone, and he [[inspired]] all of them with his [[words]] of [[faith]], [[hope]], and [[courage]].
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